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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Launches New Operation Against Jaysh al-Islam In Eastern Ghouta (Map)

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Syrian Army Launches New Operation Against Jaysh al-Islam In Eastern Ghouta (Map)

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On January 14, an officer of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) told SouthFront that the SAA had launched a new limited military operation against the Saudi-backed militant group Jaysh al-Islam in the southern part of the Eastern Ghouta region. So far, the SAA had managed to capture Tell Farzat Hhill west of the strategic town of al-Nashabiyah, according to the source.

From its side, Jaysh al-Islam confirmed that the SAA launched the new attack against its positions in the Hazrama and Hush al-Duahra villages around al-Nashabiyah town. The Saudi-backed group said that is fighters are currently repelling the SAA attack and didn’t provide any further details.

The SAA launched a similar limited attack against Jaysh al-Islam in the towns of al-Nashabiyah and al-Bilaliyah in the southern part of the Eastern Ghouta region on December 30, 2017. However, Jaysh al-Islam fighters were able to repel the attack and recapture all the positions they lost within few days.

According to the SAA officer, these limited attacks against Jaysh al-Islam are only aimed at pressuring the militants in the Eastern Ghouta region in order to prevent them from supporting the Ahrar al-Sham Movement’s attack on the Armored Vehicles Base.

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Go SAA!!!


Yesterday there was talks about an alleged chemical attack in the eastern Ghouta (Douma city), 6 am, using Chlorine. They said 5 women and 1 child had mild problems which treated and discharged, but it didn’t stop the “experts” and media from jumping to conclusion that it was SAA who attacked the besieged and suffering people. Perhaps it was just a warning to the Syrian government, meaning if they increase their pressure on the terror groups there will be yet another false flag chemical attack and hell to pay.

God save the Syrians, god save us all.

Promitheas Apollonious

perhaps is time the Syrians stop worrying about what the scum of the earth is saying and their patrons and get it over with by any means possible.


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Solomon Krupacek

you should enroll yourself as volunteer in irgc and go to fight in syria :)

anyway, the saa should take hormone therapy, let grow balls and defet finally that little pocket.

Gary Sellars

That little pocket is full of civilians that the SAA would rather not kill…. but of course Shlomoman knows this….

Solomon Krupacek

for this reason exist snipers. 50 snipers, each kill daily 1 jihadist. how long can resist?

Travis Kelso

how could you let a armed group sit there cutoff by your capitol for 7 years. pathetic its taken you guys this long

Man Dagang

Good just wake up, Assadist and iranians already lost the war even with airpower if mightiest russian airpower not interfered

Carol Davidek-Waller

The result would have been an oil rich terrorist state centrally located to threaten Europe as well as the ME and Asia. Be careful what you wish for.


That’s indeed his wet dream.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do you cry you little Islamist about your terrorist buddies, you go ” Wahhh waahhh Assadist and Iranians Waahhh Waaahh already lost the war even with airpower if mightiest Russia airpower interfered.” Well there are no Assadist just Syrians everything you said is unintelligible in that sentence. With you being a butthurt Barbarian whose Jihadi terrorist Barbarian friends are losing and dying. Look if they hadn’t been supported by Filthy barbaric Politicians in the west, they would have been wiped off the face of the Earth long ago!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US government puts pressure on at times not to attack and wipe out their terrorists, now that is pathetic since of the US. Well it’s easier to keep your enemies closer at times than far away.

Travis Kelso

everyone on this website gives the US and Israel way to much credit. Maybe Assad sucks and that is why it takes 7 years to eradicate.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You seem to understand less than I think about this , let’s look who pushed for the sanctions against Syria? Oh wait , it’s Israel then the US first starting these ideas and tell me why they gained traction? Well since I know you won’t give an honest answer let me tell you due to considerable and massive lobbying did this gain traction by Israeli Govt and the US Govt lobbying their allies.

Now explain your snide answer to me again and be honest about you being a troll.

Travis Kelso

I troll because Syria is a dictatorship and doesn’t deserve the time of day. Period!


Jaysh al-Islam are Saudi Arabian proxy jihadists – they have long been directly recruited, employed and armed by the most repressive theocratic dictatorship of the middle east – KSA. Period!

Gary Sellars

You’re wasting your time trying to educate this dumb cunt… His head is full of lies, hate and BS, and there is no room for common sense or clear thinking.

Gary Sellars

A “dictatorship” that has had several elections during the attempted Wahabbi terror takeover… and whose parliament is ~70% Sunni, thereby being representative of the Syrian population as a whole?

Tell me, how many elections has Wahabbi Arabia had in that time?

Fucking moron…

Travis Kelso

Haha, well first of all i’m not on here defending the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia. But yes displacing half of your population and killing over 10% of it is what I call Democracy.


Stupid reply. Who started and supported all these killings?

Real dumb


The ‘civil war’ in Syria is a fallacy – it is a foreign sponsored war – NATO and the Gulf States have recruited, transited, monthly wage-paid and heavily armed jihadists ( monthly orders shipped from Bulgaria) to fight the secular Syrian state. This is a massive combined foreign logistic and budget exercise – the intelligence agencies of these countries run control rooms to coordinate the militants strategy from southern Turkey and northern Jordan. Do ypu have any idea of how many US military and intelligence personal have been rotated in and out of these rooms…?


At least they have taken some other pockets around Damascus, now only few are left and the eastern Damascus pocket is much smaller than before. So it’s not like they aren’t making any progress.


There seems no idea on K’s part about the scale of forces, and the large number of imported heavy weapons at the disposal of ‘rebels’. In Sept. 15, total antiSyrian forces from ISIS to Nusra totaled about 400,000 and had access to many advanced weapons, more advanced than SAA’s, before Russia came, it was a David and Goliath operation, and the poor rebels were Goliath.

Astar Roth

Do you know how deep they digged thwm selves and well protected them selves and fortified them selves there with heavy machinery? But put that aside what SAA is doing, they low pressure them, on several fronts, without much logic to you. But they’re just killing them there and gaining time for operations in Aleppo. It’s a bait. Do you get it now?

Travis Kelso

Or maybe its because Assad isn’t interested in peace whether he had the entire country or not. The chaos is the only reason Assad survives. Pretty obvious he isn’t interested in ending this war.


Real dumb answer. He stood against the entire Nato and all the Arabs countries and still win .

Your dumb country can’t even defeat him biggest joke of the century

John Whitehot

what a load of idiocies


There are probably still civilians in this area that the terrorists are using for human shields. And while there’s a lot of damage to the area. There is probably also a lot that is still relatively undamaged. So these may be factors in why it hasn’t been cleared yet. And with the Syrian government having so much success with negotiated withdrawals, that’s also a factor that is undoubtedly being taken into consideration. Though with Ildib being cleared at the rate that it is, it may make negotiated withdrawals more difficult.

Gary Sellars

Syrian strategy has always been to contain and de-escalate where possible, and to use limited offensives to coerce acquiescence by jihadi terror groups to the cease-fire.

Once Idlib has been dealt with, the government can redeploy the hammer as needed. E.Ghouta is contained and is not the priority.


Yes, once Idlib is cleared they’l have a surplus in man power for the first time in the war.

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