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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Liberated 180km2 In Western Aleppo (Map Update)

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Syrian Army Liberated 180km2 In Western Aleppo (Map Update)

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Syrian government forces have liberated 180km2 from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other Turkish-backed militant groups in western Aleppo. This advance became a major blow to Idlib radicals and created conditions for further offensive operations in the region.


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Robert Guttierez

Now take the M4 all the way to Latakia and clean out that southern pocket. Taking Sarmada just south of the Turkey border would also be a huge blow. It would slow Turkey’s supply to the terrorists to a trickle.


Why stop at Sarmada? Drive all the way to the Bab Hawa border crossing and make it even harder for the Turks to supply their headchopper friends and their own ‘observation posts’.

Robert Guttierez

I think Sarmada is as far as Syria could get before Turkey starts acting more stupid. Maybe after securing all new gains, a push towards the borders would be acceptable, but I think right now it’s too soon.


Sarmada would cut off access to anything around there. I agree with you about going the border. But, without Sarmada, the border crossing is useless in my opinion Papa.


Hi LR. My opinion about SF is it is a central area to the information war going on now, especially since the Syrian conflict went bad for those who fomented and supported the movements against the Syrian government. If you at the comment total, they are dwarfed by the actual number of visits to the articles. If you post here, you are under surveillance. It is my opinion that almost every type of intel outfit has people keeping an eye on this site and who goes here.

That given, very few of them come out of the woodwork. Sometimes you get US types, sometimes Israeli types and very rarely Jihadists pop up, along with a sprinkling of people siding with other groups. I don’t trust any of them. Anybody removed, argumentatively, from reality is not somebody to be sharing with. I give my opinions here, in the open, anybody and everybody can know what I am thinking.

The basic rule of the jungle is, do not threaten anybody. You can tell it straight and it may not be favored in the least but, it is respected. I wish well to you LR.

Zionism = EVIL

Abandoned Turkish M-60 Zionist upgraded Sabra near Aleppo. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d35b49306d849521286879f78bd008cc8131079e2283034c17ea424f8e3bdfb4.png


Again…retard.You do realize you can just search google for the pictures you post? Hahahaha Try it out ;)

Zionism = EVIL

hahhaahhaa good one Turkey :) Mustafa….


He is right.. That pictures of yours are fake – no point in denying that..

Zionism = EVIL

They are not fake at all. The Turkeys are embarrassed, that is all. I always stand by my comments as I did with the Iran missile strike and now it has all been verified. There are lots of excitable kids here and prone to DENIAL and it ain’t a river in Egypt LOL


:)) ok .. its your reputation on stake – not mine.. If you want to bury all your credibility over such a blatant fake – your choice…


What reputation?! He is followed by flock of gullible sheeple (that are huge majority of the people here). This is not the 1st time that LIAR and SNAKE is caught in falsehood. He does that all the time!! Except nobody ever questions this lying son of bitch ! Or if cornered he tries to make fun out of it and just carry on with the same propaganda and falsehood like nothing ever happened!

He was saying that “Putin was in bed with Erdogan” hundred times already in different way . Do you see anybody asking him about that or him saying that he was wrong maybe? That will NEVER HAPPEN!


i didnt follow comments here that much.. mostly i come here for the news – so i have/had no clear picture of his posts..


But the truth ist, that you lied about this picture. You lied to the people in this forum. That Turkey is supporing the rebells anyway is true, but not the theme. Tell the truth ore nothing. You should apologize for your lie. You should not attack the right honorable poster who uncovered your lie.


Picture from 2016…


Zionism = EVIL

Nope, still a dead Turkey LOL


Stop posting fake shit.


he, himself is a ” fake shit” … he is a personification of what ” fake shit” is all about.

Zionism = EVIL



May I ask how do you know that it is 2016 exactly?


Just click on the picture..




So he is denying obvious on 2016?! What else as proof is needed that shows this guy as LIAR?


You can rightclick on the image and google search for it.If it was posted before somewhere you get a hit there.The ones in question here where posted by Hamza Brigades in 2016 on twitter first.


Thanks I really appreciate this.

Zionism = EVIL

BS at its best LOL


How can it be bullshit if the tweet is on the net from December 2016 – and it clearly show the same tank you have posted??? You are denying undeniable ffs!!

Zionism = EVIL

The reality is that the Turkeys and their terrorists are pretty much hen pecked in Idlib and Aleppo and have suffered some horrendous losses. In one ambush Hezbollah and the SAA captured a whole Turkeys platoon with three senior officers who really did not put up a fight and handed over 2 M-60 and three APC. It also shows a demoralization of the Turkeys.

Syrian Arab Army captures several Turkish military personal during hostilities in Idlib and Aleppo along with tanks and APC



If you were sent into Idlib to help and protect Jihadi crazies wouldn’t you be demoralized too? The MSM can claim the Idlib headchoppers are ‘moderate rebels’, because its audience doesn’t know any better. A Turkish soldier sent into Idlib quickly gets to see these ‘moderate rebels’ for what they really are.

Zionism = EVIL

One of them is a Colonel and most seem happy to surrender, Hezbollah TV has shown two Zionist upgraded M-60 “Sabra” that the Turkeys just handed over without a fight with three MRAPS.


Got a link to that article? I’d love to read it as it would make me very…….., happy?


There is one article on:


They were first to report it.

Try also :


They have a special about it there and the whole interwiev.


Wow is that real? Awesome!

Zionism = EVIL

These captured officers are from the 5th Armored Brigade and I saw their interview and they seemed very relieved to have surrendered and had no fight left in them. As I said earlier, Erdogan is a illiterate street thug and has totally misread the situation.

Doom Sternz

Erdogan is expecting NATO/US to step in, they wont.

Zionism = EVIL

No European is going to die for the Turkeys, who are not that well liked anyway and secondly it is a blatant act of aggression on a peaceful Arab neighbor and not a NATO European security issue. NATO primarily is now focused on Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. A conflict with Syria will simply weaken NATO and cause massive casualties which no EU nation can afford.


Hahahaha…this is hillarious!

Zionism = EVIL

HAHHAA indeed :)


Which one of the three was interviewed? You a medium talking with the death?



You can call me Al

Nice pic, I hope to see more of them soon. Thanks.


Happened in Khomeini-unicorn paralel reality…Hahahaha


WTF! Explain urself Z=E!


He chewed to much khat again…Hahaha

Zionism = EVIL

No ate too much TURKEY :)


You could habe used some other picture you retard.That one is well known. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bd908ee935cffc12f2800fda317dfe71974a208ec715d248544dc2bfb0b08a0.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

There are so many now as the Turkeys keep getting slaughtered :) I can post a book if that makes you happy ROFLMAO.


Nah…just post one please,but a real one this time.

Zionism = EVIL

hahahaha you loser Turkeys are more sensitive than most faggots, now go to the local Turkey faggots hammam, I am on to you liars and cowards. I was posted in the shithole of Ankara in the 80’s. En iğrenç Türk “erkekler” eşcinseller, korkaklar ve en kötü yalancılar.


@Zionism = EVIL. You homophobic arsehole.

Zionism = EVIL

Thank you :) hang the faggots high.


@Zionism = EVIL. You are still a homophobic arsehole.


Another proof that Putin is “in bed” with Erdogan and Bibi huh? Like many of badmouthed peaces of shit would claim here


So? As long as the SAA is on the winning side, who cares? I love the fact that jihadis and Turks are getting killed. No chance of them fathering more degenerate terrorist children.


You are probably new to this forum and don’t know much about incessant anti-Russian and anti-Putin propaganda here.

The point is that they didn’t even give right to Russia to be junior partner to the forces that COULD NOT RESIST assault before Russia came to their help! Instead they were permanently badmouthing and attacking Russia and Putin. They have called Putin traitor and have ridiculed and denigrated Russia instead shoving gratitude ! And by doing that they were spitting on all Russians killed in Syria and having showed only disdain to Russian contribution.


Well said.


To be honest I didn’t expect even single up vote. I am honestly surprised ! You have my respect. In all these time spent here I didn’t see many people with character and ba**s to state their opinion differently from the crowd. Majority of “opinion” is always parroting the same here (so there is not much “opinion” since they agree all the time about the same meme, mantra) This place is “Assad cult of personality cheering club” Assad is supreme being never to be questioned or else… actually nobody can be questioned or attacked except Russians. Anybody going even slightly in other direction will be attacked. Again, apart from usual enemies of Syria only Putin and Russia are permitted be attacked, smeared, ridiculed. When Iran is negotiating with Turks nobody ever attacks them for “being in bed with Turkey” and similar. They forget Russian killed pilots by Turkey and Turk terrorists and they accuse Russia of betrayal and desecration of their own hero soldiers who died in Syria! Like they love those Russians more than Russians themselves! Russia always has no merits in SAA victories even though it was Russians that even have trained their best fighters the” Tigers”. Not to mention that without Russian protection even now Syria would be defeated quickly

WHY is Russia helping their liberation when in Donbass there is already 10 000 killed ethnic Russians?!? WHY are to Putin and Russia more precious lives of Syrians while Russians getting killed?! These people have no gratitude and they do not deserve Russian help .while Russian’s in Ukraine are getting killed.


Blaming Russia and Putin for “not being good enough” is official western propaganda narrative pressed already for several years.. Apart from usual trolls pushing the propaganda – also many people have fallen for this manipulation.. unfortunately..


I know all that . And I am literally exalted that there is somebody else to know that as well! The problem is that there are not only “usual trolls pushing the propaganda…and”people have fallen for this manipulation”. There are also Shia Islamist who have hidden agenda in Russia starting war against Turkey and Israel for interests of Iran and Hezbollah ! There are also neo-NAZI club who are pushing in the same direction because they hate Turks and even much more Isreal . They all are ready to fight to the last Russian for their own objectives. They represent HUGE MAJORITY on this forum when joined by gullible Westerners who fall for romantic notion of “noble fight for the freedom”(actually spreading Shia influence above all) The absurd is that whenever I was opposed to this anti Russian propaganda that was always pushing Russia in CONFRONTING NATO I would be labeled to be a Jew !!!


I have studied maths at the uni therefore I am rather inclined to deduce logically. It is not so difficult to see that without the spectacular and comprehensive help of Russia , and Putin as a decision maker, since 2015 there would be no Syria as it is today. Does Israel likes it? I do not think so. Same goes for Erdogan. Since 2+2 = 4 , therefore I would like to declare that Putin a good friend of Syria, in fact a very good one, life saver. I wish you a good evening.


Thank you for existing! Can’t believe my eyes that I have truly intelligent person in front of me, for change. I have been too long in this “ZOO” with all kinds of insane people and all kinds of “experts”. You are more than refreshing change.

Alex Cabrera

it is time for Turks to oust Erdogan from power

this is the time for a coup

Zionism = EVIL

SAA and Hezbollah advance units close in on the Taftanaz airbase which is about to fall. 5 Turkeys killed in latest battle and 8 captured including 3 officers.

Footage filmed on Sunday shows soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advancing towards a Turkish-controlled airfield as military vehicles reportedly belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces are spotted fleeing near Taftanaz Air Base, south of Taftanaz, Idlib province.

Five Turkish soldiers were killed in an ambush by the SAA and Hezbollah advance units at the same airbase on early Monday.

“It is the closest point to the airport in Taftanaz where the Turkish regime is located, as you see vehicles, monitoring and communication devices, as well as artillery that supports the militants against us during the past two days,” said one of the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA)officers at one of the checkpoints in the town of Taoum, less than 5kilometres (3,1 miles) from Taftanaz.



Oh is this really latest news? I thought SAA announces humanitarian cease fire yesterday? Erdog is gonna go maad hearing this!

Zionism = EVIL

Syrian TV & RT has just shown the Taftanaz airbase in visual range and totally surrounded


Zionism = EVIL






Zionism = EVIL

No you moron. Putin is kissing Jew arse and you are no Russian arsehole, now fuck off :)


You have said that Putin was “kissing Erdogan’s arse” also you bastard!! So why are you not saying it now?! You filthy LIAR!!!

You FILTHY Islamist PIG!


Zionism = EVIL

Idiot, you are just a punk with third graders English and not worth responding to.


You have said that Putin was “the Erdogan arselicker” also ! So WHY ARE YOU NOT ALSO SAYING THAT NOW?!! You filthy Islamist snake you and your armies are HUGE NOTHING without MIGHTY RUSSIA !

Zionism = EVIL

You are no Russian dumbass PUNK. You are just an inferior arselicker and a kid seeking attention. NOW FUCK OFF shithead ROFLMAO.


I would give anything just to have possibility to put my hands on you and brake you in half you cowardly Islamist peace of excrement !


Fine, some good news in the morning, despite of the complete shitshow and panopticum of insanity on the world stage, just to read a little piece of good news.

Doom Sternz

I wonder what Turkey would do if Syria after retaking Idlib then took Hatay? Just as a cost for Turkeys invasion. Once there is no international law then its survival of the strongest and right now Russia and Syria are stronger. Same applies to Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc etc etc. Maybe Iran and Iraq can take a chunk of Turkey too, international law no longer exists so why not?

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkeys military is very demoralized and totally inept as I had mentioned from get go. They are scattered in small penny packets and very vulnerable and that is why individual units are surrendering rather than commit suicide. The Hezbollah, SAA elite and Iranian units that are advancing are battle hardened, highly motivated and have local population support. Erdgan is a complete fuckwit. He had purged most of the professional officers, stacked them with politically loyal Islamists and underestimated the resolve of SAA, Iranians and Hezbollah.

Doom Sternz

I think Turkey needs to be carved up. Maybe even Greece can take a chunk. Return Cyprus to the Cypriots, even give Georgia a chunk.

Zionism = EVIL

In all strategic and tactical reality, the idiot Erdogan has really exposed their weak Turkeys, their economy is up the creek, their military is demoralized and incompetent and they have committed 6,000 ill-trained men for Syria against some of the most battle hardened coalition of the Axis of Resistance. From a purely military point of view, it was simply unsustainable. The Turkeys are spread thin from Syria to Libya and have massive internal problems. Another coup is a good possibility as the cost this disaster comes home to the Anatolian poor villages that supply the cannon fodder. I was just watching one of the captured Turkeys and he sounded relieved to have surrendered.


Not only Constantinople (=unarmed Istanbul after the Turkish Invasion) belongs to Greece, but also most of mainland Turkey = ancient Byzantium, which the Turks (coming from Mongolia) invaded and stole.

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey is a fake entity and should have been carved up after WW1. The eastern part belongs to Iran and Armenia and the rest should have reverted back to Greece, Syria and Iraq. Cyprus should also be reunified under Greek control. Turkey has been a complete nuisance like the Zionist scum.

Doom Sternz

Anzacs died to save Turkey, we wont repeat that mistake again.


Oh yes you will. You will go into every war, even the most stupid one, US tells you to go. Just like UK told you to go, to get slaughtered in Turkey for nothing.. and left you stranded on that effing beach. So many young Australians died for nothing really…Far away from home. If US orders you to, you will even attack China together with them UK and other US stooges. Your politicians are US servants. Always were and always will be.

Doom Sternz

Unfortunately i know you are correct. All Western governments are corrupt to the core.


This “Zionism = EVIL” is Shia Islamist (I know that snake well) and he will applaud to anything that is in his interest. Right now destruction of Turkey would be huge boost for Iran’s regional dominance. So be careful whom you are supporting… I am Orthodox and (Australia’s) potential enemy..true. But still, at least as Christian I have no hidden agenda (like he does) and I do have respect for Aussies much more than for Americans or UK.

Zionism = EVIL

As if Putin is so clean LOL, he is a front puppet for the Jew oligarchs and very unpopular in Russia as even Southfront occasionally points out.


Those claims of “unpopularity” and 5 billion is just as fake as yours pictures..

Doom Sternz

And thats where you loose me, im not saying Putin is a Saint but the evidence in Syria goes against what you have posted. Id Putin is all in for Jew Oligarchs then why is he in Syria at all? Russia is not at war with Israel nor will they start one.


Good ole Winston Churchill. He was a shit soldier


Hatay actually belongs to Syria and contains historically very important ancient Christian cities like Antioch. When Syria was a French colonial protectorat, the French governement, instead of protecting Syria, offered Hatay to Turkey (in exchange of neutrality during WW2). The Syrian population had to flee to free parts of Syria to avoid a genocide like the one committed on the Armenians.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, I was about to point that out. You have a good grasp of history. Turkey is a fraying patch work of stolen lands and repressed ethnic groups.


Hatay,it was granted autonomy by France after World War II. After autonomy, the people of hatay went to connect to Turkey by making elections.


Hmmm, I think you may have something there.


History has tried this many times and it has ended in failure.


This is such wonderful news and I hope Aleppo is finally safe from headchopper shelling.


http://syria.liveuamap.com/ is down and the latest SAA gains were not shown on the map when it was last up. The site admin is so depressed at the recent news he can’t keep his site going.


Works for me.They always wait to confirm teritorial gains from different sources before changing the map.


When the headchoppers were advancing around Palmyra the map was updated as each pace forward was taken. The map is updated when he has no choice in the case of the SAA and updated like lightning if the headchoppers advance 1m. Still it is useful to see where things are happening as long as the propaganda is ignored.

Joe Doe

While ilitans are on the run, SAA should continue West and liberate Darat Izza, Termanin, Atarib, Kafr Nuran Than go west along M4, create packets and clean packet. This will shorten front line and free many infantry and military hardware. Than SAA should rest and rearm and try negotiate, get Idlib back to Syria. SHort front line will give SAA better position and stronger fight militans and Turkey,if need to. M4 will also speed delivery of military hardware.


wouaaahhh !!! bravo SAA!!!

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