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Syrian Army Liberated Saraqib And Turkish Observation Posts From Militants

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has liberated the city of Saraqib in southeast Idlib, achieving one of the main targets of its ongoing military operation.

The army launched a large ground assault on the city late on February 5 and besieged the remaining militants inside within a few hours. On February 6 morning, army units advanced further, securing the city’s vicinity before clearing its center.

Syrian Army Liberated Saraqib And Turkish Observation Posts From Militants

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Saraqib is one of the biggest urban centers in southeast Idlib. The city is located on the strategic M5 highway which links the capital, Damascus, with the northern city of Aleppo.

Last week, the Turkish Armed Forces established four “observation posts” around Saraqib in an expected move to contain the SAA advance on the town.

Now, these posts are liberated from al-Qaeda-affiliated militants. So, if Turkish troops remain there, they can be sure that there is no more threat from al-Qaeda-linked terrorists.

The SAA will likely continue its advance along the M5 highway. The army’s next major target is the town of al-Eis and its hilltop in southwestern Aleppo.

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jhon malakiat

Allahumma sholli ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad.

SAA and Assadist has written a big history not for all syria but for all us too.

God bless syrian arab army. warm greeting for Indonesia.

we have follow this year for 9 years and my pray always for Syrians.

northerntruthseeker .

Absolutely… I have been following this war since 2011 when that heinous bitch, Hillary Clinton, created the entire “civil war” in the first place when she and her cohorts injected CIA operatives into Syria to start the trouble in the first place!

A great success for Assad and a great victory for freedom over evil!

James Kira

Indonesia supports HayatTahrirAlSham you traitor.

Toni Liu

What a dipshit, do you think all indonesian support their atrocity, you need to be killed along side that HTS bastard to make sure your mental psycopath not spreaded to peaceful communities

James Kira

Have you been to iran?

Zionism = EVIL

I have arsehole many times :) Great place and one the world’s oldest civilizations.

James Kira

southfront boot this phag or you harbor phags.

kikes harbored trannies that would troll their groups also.

Zionism = EVIL

Post in English dickwad :)

James Kira

youre an asodomist, and southfront harbors you. It was probably you trolling for ziostan but you were an ugly tranny so they booted you and gew switched sides because thats how retarded asheadists are.

(one more similarity between kikes and f7ckheadists)


Sounds familiar



What happened to all our hasbara posters? Is it possible for the quality to be further diminished, or have we finally reached something like the bottom?

James Kira

Theyve become assheadists because assheadists hate Muslims and AlQuran, and will ally with russian jews.


So hasbara oppose the new Saudi-Israeli allience? What an odd thing for them to reject!

James Kira

I mistook your quote and took you for a phag.

But in general iranians are basically phags, and iranian nationalism is as ghey as garbage, and you should leave Prophet Muhammad(saw) commanded, and I did also.

I walked 10 days for the Turkish border.

Toni Liu

The fuck Iran did, dont blame your sickness to other country, just kill yourself radical terorrist

James Kira

Prophet Muhammad(saw) said that nationalism is garbage and to leave it.

And nationalists always kill themselves eventually anyways.


I see… i think you are indonesian who were brainwashed by radical . they always hate IRAN for being shia for no reason . plus they believe the communist party is about to rise and planning a revolt . after that anyone who has different mind will be considered shia or communist

James Kira

Im canadian japanese, and Ive lived in iran for almost two years and studied Shia AHadith on my own but in AlMustafah Madrasseh, and based on The Five Definite Signs by Imam Baqir(as), believe Sheik Osama(rh) is AlYamani. Im 44, and putin recently removed anyone who was not former soviet.

Ive supported Axis for longer than you, almost 20 years. But still it is illegal for iran to ally with russia that even Imam Khomeini(rh) forbid it.

Zionism = EVIL

No moron, only a few madrassa fuckwits do :)

James Kira

That be you

jhon malakiat

wahhabist and Moslem brotherhood can try to ruin Indonesia.

And I guarantee, 90 million follower’s Nahdlatul Ulama (the biggest moslim organization in the world) ready to slaughter them.

try us.

James Kira

Are they allied with russia?

jhon malakiat

Moslim indonesia have zero enemy policy, including to Russia.

we dont have a problem with Russia. even our goverment try to buy fighter plan fron russia. do research please.

fyi, wahhabist and Mosleim brotherhood idelogy is head to head with Nahdlotul Ulama (NU) ideology.

thats answer why many Indonesia moslem support SAA and Assad. because follower NU always head to head against wahhabist and co.

James Kira

interesting, thats why most indonesians are useless in the ME.

Then what about Shia Ahadith?

jhon malakiat

go fuck your self, wahhabist.

James Kira

Ahaha, truth hurts. Shami are the best of Believers, and asshead cant ally with kufar or even christians.

James Kira

do you let phags into your biggest useless group in the entire world, because your hypocritical group with a zero enemy policy, is enemies with Muslim Brotherhood.

Even AlQaeda is not enemies with Muslim Brotherhood.

So your zero enemy policy is just your excuse to be phags with russian phags.

InShahAllah(swt), Allah(swt) will question your hypocritical zero enemy policy with phags.

James Kira

Whats your policy on Uighurs in china?

James Kira

I studied Shia Fiqh, and Believe Sheik Osama(rh) is Al-Yamani.

Zionism = EVIL

Indonesians are good moderate people and need to stay away from Wahhabi extremism pushed by the corrupt Saudi perverts and their Jew masters.


We got some wahhabi extremism here on indonesia too , but their leader run away to saudis “as expected for head chopper country who protect terrorist” after hunted down by police

Zionism = EVIL

Wahhabis are not Muslims and were created by the British imperialists to sow mayhem in the Muslim and Arab world. The Saudis are an extension of Zionism.

James Kira

All I have to say is that Man for Man, your group must be the biggest most useless group in the world.

jhon malakiat


90 million follower’s Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia ready to wipe off wahhabist and Moslem Brotherhood if they dare to ruin Indonesia.

Our ideology is syafii, maturidiyyah asyaariyah, and follow Imam Gozhali in tassawuf branch. We opposed wahhabist ideology.

The birth of NU is to opposed wahhabist.

where there is wahhabist, then followers NU ready to fight them.

try us.


As soon as you say anything against the Wahhabists, the Hasbara Trolls show up :)

James Kira

Yes, westerners like you.

James Kira

You have a zero enemy policy, whereas Prophet Muhammad(saw) had many enemies.

I follow Ithna Ashari Usooli Twelver, the same as Imam Khomeini(rh) and Dr Ahmadinejad.


Looks someone triggered here

James Kira

Yes about 6 people on this thread.

James Kira

And Seyed Qutb(rh) Ideology is closest to Ithna Ashari Usooli.

Even khamenei the geezer studied and respected Seyed Qutb(rh).

There is no Qutb in our time except Seyed Qutb(rh).

And Turkey defends Morsi just like Ahmadinejad does.


There are people in the west that are stupid enough to assume that all Muslims are Salafist or Wahhabist. They could learn from Indonesia


Hey BABI !!! Any indonesian & the family involved in ISIS & HTS cannot go back to INDONESIA ! the govt. have decided that . Indonesia despise that kind of people!

The family that still in indonesia will be under surveilance by police . Indonesia support HTS ? kiss my ass

Toni Liu

Yes I already follow this from bitter beginning to this day, love to see after huge struggle SAA can be a victory in happy end

Zionism = EVIL

President Assad is the popular and legitimate leader of Syria, the Americunt arseholes and Jew fucks don’t like anyone who stands up to Zionist evil and illegal occupation of Palestine. Now Iran and Russia are on the same page and all of Syria, including the Golan will be liberated.

Xoli Xoli

Humahola shalimar chali zapir saki Muhammad fuck you too how can you insult us like that.Hower you .


yesss! i follow this war too since 2014 .

i follow southfront , amn news ,syria liveuamap & syrian civil war map This war is so systemathic . before the war start there’s sudden mass propaganda of hatred about IRAN & shia & the rise of communism in indonesia (PKI) . i just realize that after the war broke the propaganda give Assad Shia & communist label . hundreds of indonesian go to syria because of that .

greeting from Indonesia

Joe Doe

Latest Turkey aggression against SAA from those Turkey has shown those posts are threat to SAA. SAA should prevent any resupply and force Erdogan withdraw Turkey soldiers from those posts. If not let Erdogan starve own soldiers. In addition, Syria should prepare legal team sue Turkey for war crimes and for destroying Syria and Syria economy. Russia should also supply SYria with more modern weapons such as S-400, MIG 29, SU-30


SU-34 would be a great choice.


Better to keep them as now, just as Pantagruel suggested, in case Erdogan attacks the Syrian Army. The soldiers in the Turkish occupation posts are completely surrounded and isolated, making very easy targets or easily capturing their soldiers, officers and spies as PoWs.

Tudor Miron

Yup. Keep’em there.


I’m sure those Turkish troops are pleased that they no longer have to deal with those headchoppers. That sack of shit Erdogan (no insult to shit implied) may love his headchoppers, he doesn’t have to camp amongst them. And I reckon he has no desire whatsoever to have them come across the Turkish border either. Sitting behind Syrian army lines eating kebabs and playing Call of Duty all day is probably pretty sweet for those Turkish conscripts.


Those surrounded “observation posts” represent a great negotiation capital in hands of the SAA. Just keep them surrounded. Sell them food, water and whatever they want. But if Erdogan tries a military intervention anywhere in Syria against the legitimate Syrian Army, then burn thhose surrounded turkish units with TOS-1A Buratino and make him responsible for their fate. His own citizens will punish him on next elections in Turkey.


What a wonderful day !

Now I would like to see a little more action up west and north of Aleppo, we do know better than to leave that exposed to desperado’s.


Now, these posts are liberated from al-Qaeda-affiliated militants by the army. So, if Turkish troops remain there, they can be sure that there is no more threat from al-Qaeda-linked terrorists. Lol!

Joe Doe

SDF should go to action against Turkey This will put more pressure on Turkey, fight on multiple fronts.


marvellous news glory for heroes SAA saraquib liberered!!!

Tudor Miron

“So, if Turkish troops remain there, they can be sure that there is no more threat from al-Qaeda-linked terrorists.” (c) Lol.


Yeah I thought that was quite funny


Alhamdolilah the syrian killer will lose soon . Now russians will be under an increasing pressure and continuous from Turkey like USA were before them until they go out or give up assad. Two choices no third

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