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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Liberates Another Town In Heart Of Eastern Ghouta, Evacuates 12,500 Civilians (Map, Video)

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Syrian Army Liberates Another Town In Heart Of Eastern Ghouta, Evacuates 12,500 Civilians (Map, Video)

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On March 15, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces backed up by the Russian Aerospace Forces captured the town of Hammuriyah in the center of the Eastern Ghouta region from US-backed Faylaq al-Rahman, according to pro-government sources.

Syrian Army Liberates Another Town In Heart Of Eastern Ghouta, Evacuates 12,500 Civilians (Map, Video)

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Earlier, Riam Dalati, a BBC journalist, revealed that militants had started withdrawing from the towns of Hammuriyah and Saqba.

Following the liberation of positions in the eastern part of Hammuriyah, the SAA opened a safe route allowing civilians to left the combat area. Thousands of families were immediately evacuated by the SAA through the route.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the SAA evacuated over 12,500 civilians from Hammuriyah and neighboring areas during the last few hours only. More civilians are expected to leave the pocket in the upcoming hours.

Meanwhile, a new humanitarian aid convoy of the UN entered the Jaysh al-Islam-held district pf Duma in the northern part of Eastern Ghouta in coordination with the SAA, according to SOHR. The district is currently witnessing calmness as Jaysh al-Islam appears to be respecting the humanitarian ceasefire.

The upcoming hours will likely witness further collapse of Faylaq al-Rahman’s defense in the western part of Eastern Ghouta. If the SAA continues its rapid advance there while evacuating the civilians, the battle for Eastern Ghouta may end in favour of the SAA soon.

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Yeah good news – liberate as much as possible before flaky Trump does something stupid

leon mc pilibin

They wont dare do anything stupid,,that is why they set up the phoney poison spy scam,to punish Russia because they are too scared to attack Syria.

You can call me Al

They are American and you are far too optimistic that they will show any diplomacy or intelligence.


What utter DRIBBLE. The GAS false flag, believed by 95% of all Humans on our planet, was GAS to show that Putin uses poison gas everywhere. It actually serves as a CONVINCER that claims of Russian and Assad gas attacks in Syria are TRUE.

I mean you’d need an IQ below double figures not to get this.

Britain, France and America has the greatest strike force assembled in Human History ready and waiting to hit Syria. It waits for an excuse. So TERRIFIED is Russia about this that Russia, for the first time in post-Soviet history, directly promised to attack America’s military in response. As if the Deep State isn’t aware that hitting Russia stands a real chance of triggering WW3.

The Human Race dangles by a thread. That thread is a layer of people the Deep State needs to convince to go along with a strike on Russia in Syria. Certain leading members of the West who aren’t the Deep State but are the societal layer immediately below. Key generals, clergy, businessmen, politicians. Such people are fools and not fools all at the same time. They are reluctant to jump onto a bandwagon in the first instance, but once a critical number are convinced to jump on board, the rest rapidly follow.

Take Hitler. The top people went from being absolute sceptics to hitler-lovers when the tipping point in germany was finally reached. And not because anything hitler said ever made sense. Hitler just needed to find the right CONVINCERS.

The false flag is a CONVINCER. It proves the utter hopelessness of Putin, for lies or not, it puts him on the ropes where all he can do is shield his head agaisnt the blows. The technocrats have ZERO respect for any leader hopeless enough to always find himself on the ropes, even if that leader has the ‘muscles’ to easily clobber his opponent into paste.


“Britain, France and America has the greatest strike force assembled in Human History”

Lol lol lol Military deployment in the european theater is very low compared to the Cold War.

The dribble is yours. There is no such thing, actually during the Cold War the US had 5 times the number of troops it has now deployed in Europe.

During the Cold war the US, France and Britain had far bigger armies than today. The US had far more nukes than today.

The US army and the EU armies are declining, half of US planes can not fly. The UK army is dying due to thousand cuts. French army chief has resigned due to large army cuts. German army is a joke, underfinanced, most tanks do not work.

No one is going to massively attack Russia because everyone knows that this will be the end of the West. The West is not so stupid. They want to rule the world, and you can not rule the world if the West is destroyed. Everyone knows how the USSR was defeated – it was via the Cold War, so they are going to try to repeat that again, there is no need for a world war, dumbo. Just the strategy of tension, proxies, sanctions, encirclement and constant pretensions that they will nuke you.

The russians can now defeat the US in conventional war in the european theater, hence the hysteria in the US. Thats why the US is forced to invest in new tactical nuclear weapons and to lower the treshold for the use of nuclear weapons. You don’t go that way unless you are weak conventionally and your conventional BS no longer works even against medium powers.

No one cares about this propaganda BS about chem. weapons because the world no longer cares about what the declining West wants. Everyone knows that the West is declining and will matter less and less with every day. Therefore why should they care about western hysterics? Do you thing that the rest of the world cares about that? And the rest of the world is growing faster than the West.

You are either too worried (and makes no sense to be), or a concern troll. Concern trolls are sent by various propaganda forces in order to infiltrate and confuse or derail threads. I hope you are the first and not the second.


He is a troll, and a very inept one at that. Imagine living and wasting your life in such stupidity–and worse– there is no cure for him. “it” is to be pitied . . .

Richard M

I hope you are right, but “You can call me Al” is probably correct.


The US of ISIS may impulsively strike and trigger chain-reaction doomsday war to end all wars watch out people


The US and UK are certainly hysterical now and maddened by their own hubris.


Hubris- repeating the words of that zionist horror I see. PNAC made it utterly clear this was the plan all along- can’t you READ?

Britain has the Human race just where it needs them. Slavering over atrocity propaganda. The laziest form of propaganda and the easiest to defeat if only the target has even one working braincell (clue- Putin does not).

The Deep State is now pushing against an open door. When Putin voted for the most evil sanctions imaginable against the innocent people of N Korea at the UNSC, in the midst of sanctions against Russia being ramped up by the West, the demon laughter could be heard the other side of the Milky Way. That is when the Deep State knew Putin had gone “full retard”.

Putin’s only foreign policy is how hard he can lick the backside of the USA. America kicks him in the face and he only licks harder. Only a few days ago Putin was singing the praises of Trump -for REAL.


“Putin’s only foreign policy is how hard he can lick the backside of the USA. America kicks him in the face and he only licks harder. Only a few days ago Putin was singing the praises of Trump”

You don’t know much about the real situation, this is why you think like this.


And I hear that there is no cure for that kind of thing . . . and each day they are becoming more deranged . . .


“impulsively”? Britain, France and America have been preparing for this strike for ages now- its a side project of the astonishing military facilities built over the last five years in readiness for the Iran War.

When the strike starts, Putin will have exactly TWO choices.

1) cut-n-run, ending all concept of Russian military projection in th future.

2) destroying the attacking West forces (trivial). But then Russia is one hour from having to take out all major NATO facilities in Europe before they begin to strike Russia proper (trivial), which leads to an automatic nuclear strike on Russia by the USA, which leads to Russia showing the full might of its nuclear weapon systems. Within a day the Deep State wins, and Humanity is finished.

If the West attacks, I honestly think Putin will finally understand what a moron he has been, and choose no.2. Not out of spite, but in an understanding that his utter stupidity has left Humanity with no other choice. And yet all the demons crave is for Humanity to commit global suicide. That is the actually nature of true evil- anti-life.


You sound just as hysterical as the West. Darling, the russians are quite certain about certain things, do not worry about them. It apprears that you do not know enough about the situation, which makes you go hysterical. Its funny to watch how you call others morons since it looks that you have been the moron instead.

Moursal Admaj

and where they will go after that . I think Iran plan to reigenner the syrian is working


Once East Ghouta has been liberated and cleared of Jihadis and their booby traps I’m sure all those civilians can go home again.


Yes, as they have done on other SAA liberated areas. There will be many US Terrorist booby traps to remove first .


The Russian sappers will help with mines

leon mc pilibin

They will have plenty of employment rebuilding their communities.

Moursal Admaj

it is sad to pretending facing a superpower Russia is killing civilians

Concrete Mike

Cry some more goatfucker


As in intentionally? Nonsense! It would also be a waste of Russian and Syrian air power.

Accidentally? Yeah that is pretty much inevitable when you try to defeat an enemy that is well entrenched among a civilian population. The best strategy to avoid civilian casualties is to get it over with as quickly as possible.


Your US narrative is rather old Moursai. Time to get a new one I think :)


Nope – the Syrian army is taking back an enclave within its own capital city currently occupied by foriegn backed terrorists.


Do you seriously believe any country in the world would tolerate their capital being shelled by fanatics holed up in a district, keeping civilians prisoner, using them as human shields!


Americans killing civilians also, in an incomparably larger number, but I can not see you commenting on them. If you do not choose a party in the war, and only civilian casualties are your concern – show. Otherwise, you are holding the side of those who massively kill civilians, so you’re not at all above others.


You are confused because when US do that they don’t call it “killing civilians” they do call it “democratizing civilians”.

Politolog Externista

callateral damage

George King

“Militants launch large attack in Hama”, your response was “At least this will ease the situation at goutha”. Just what planet or where are you from? You need to put a pie in that pie hole, better to listen and learn than be a goy.


Stop watching CNN, CBS, FOX NEWS, BBC, you have not idea what your are saying. “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”.


And the noose tightens further. Well done, SAA and allies!


After Hammuriyah today or tomorrow the next number is of Saqba and Kafr Batna. The Washington regime have wasted trillions on creating terrorism. Those regimes that have no kind and humanity will be loser everywhere.


Trump regime is so evil that he is targeting Syrian unity.


Yes, but his aim is very poor and his mouth is full of bad breath,and his mind swims in vulgarity–no cure for this one, too.


Right, cos the conquest of East Ghouta, once Putin gave the greenlight (many many many years late) wasn’t a foregone conclusion?


The sooner both Yankee proxies the al rahman tunnel-rats and the hts sand-rats are rotting rats the better


marvellous news yes!!!

Igor Dano

Nice to see ziostoges, the islamists and NATO in troubles


Riiiighhttt… you ‘think’ that thought they could hold East Ghouta if Putin decided to take it? No wonder our side is losing on the world stage.


Putin: We support a democratic Palestine, Syria and Iraq free from the influence of any other party or power.


Meanwhile, a crescendo of doom, dismay and despair sets in over the regional power Russia as news of the British ‘royal’ boycott of World Cup slowly sets-in…..

leon mc pilibin

Football will never be the same again,lol.

Promitheas Apollonious

It be a good lesson for the brits, to expiriense what the Russian athletes experienced, in SK.


But Russia is popular in Slovakia!!!

Politolog Externista

južna korea

northerntruthseeker .

Really? The UK is now boycotting the World Cup?

I do not know if Putin is now shaking in his boots, or laughing and rolling on the floor…. I am banking on the latter


Just the ‘royal’ family as such, FA has announced it is still prepared to go.

Icarus Tanović

Fuccking old hag, Elizabeth.

Icarus Tanović

Me too.


The militants did the classic ‘Maginot Line’ thing focusing on building fortified entrenchments on western boundaries of the pocket – while the SAA opted to attack from the east. Good stuff.


I think it is in bad taste focusing on the microcosm of the fall of East Ghouta. Assad is to blame for the situation in the first place, when as a happy member of the “war on terror” after the false flag of 9/11, he allowed Saudi wahhabi scum to flood working class districts in Syria and work on brainwashing a generation.

Now these kids are grown, many are the ‘rebels’, and they are dying like flies for Syria has no other choice. But this isn’t a ‘good’ thing even though it is neccesary.

I knew people who fought in WW2. They were GOOD people. How do I know? They REFUSED to talk about the war. They knew why they fought, but not for one second did they want to glory in the murder and destruction. The veterans who still march in their uniforms and medals today were the psychos who LOVED to murder.

All that matters about East Ghouta is our side is 100% certain of a rapid victory.


I respect your input here but you are wrong about the Veterans of WW2, they are all psychos? Even if they were they saved our skins back then and we should respect and admire their deeds


Note: ‘Starlight’ is diversionary troll – always spouts anti-Assad and anti-Putin rhetoric.


It was the Russians who saved us from the Nazi jackboot across the globe. If it were not for them, we would be living in a completely different world. The Americans did a bit, so did the French, and others. But it was the Russians who saved us, just like the Russians will save Syria and other threatened nations by cancerous Israel. The tide is turning rapidly–and Israel is going to drown in it. Every inch of Syria will be taken back– just a matter of a short time and a little more patience. The trolls can troll all they want but their bait stinks so badly that not even a starving crab will contaminate itself with it. And while this is happening, Nikki Haley should apply for a bull-shit vendor licence, because that is really the only qualifications she has, if that. She is pretty, though, isn’t she?–pretty stupid.

Icarus Tanović

Good one.

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