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Syrian Army Liberates Another Town Near Ma`arat al-Nu`man, Reportedly Blocks M5 Highway

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Late on January 25, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued its advance in the outskirt of the city of Ma`arat al-Nu`man. SAA units liberated the town of Ma’ar Shoreen from al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies.

Army troops stormed the town under the cover of intense Syria and Russian airstrikes. Militants didn’t show any serious resistance.

Pro-government sources claimed that the SAA advanced further, capturing the nearby town of Alza’lanah and blocking the M5 highway. The strategic highway, which passes through Ma`arat al-Nu`man, links the Syrian capital, Damascus, with the northern city of Aleppo.

Syrian Army Liberates Another Town Near Ma`arat al-Nu`man, Reportedly Blocks M5 Highway

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier today, the SAA imposed control of the town of Ghadqah, to the east of Ma’ar Shoreen, in an unusual day-time attack.

The SAA reached the outskirt of Ma`arat al-Nu`man on January 25 after liberating the towns of Ma’ar Shamshah and Talmenes. Now the army appears to be working to encircle the city, which is the main target of its ongoing military operation in southeast Idlib.

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John Wallace

Good to see they are still making progress and by the looks of it clsoing off or controlling the M5 to the north. This leaves the rats in Ma’rat Nu’man with the choice of fight and die or run to the west. Also hoping their operations in Aleppo go well .


Looks like they are advancing to Khan Touman in Aleppo. If they manage to liberate it that would be a major success. I am waiting for that for years now.


Breaking news on Sputnik. Three small grad type missiles have HIT the US embassy in Baghdad, and the funniest part is that the restaurant was hit. :)


Lol yeah i saw it bro. Nice menu today ??


Was it a McDonalds? If so, there will be many coalition casualties :)


I understand that the cry from the Embassy restaurant customers was ‘We have been McFucked’ and are there fries with that.

The Marine guards left for a Safe Place in a McFlurry. :)

Assad must stay



I even amused my self :)

Zionism = EVIL

Three 122mm grad rockets have directly taken out the 2nd floor of the Americunt occupation forces “embassy” in Baghdad and local media is reporting many casualties, which the Americunt liars and losers will hide but the TRUTH with brain damage BS, the real TRUTH will come out in smart phone videos. The kitchen and cafeteria were hit at dinner time and many helicopters and ambulances seen taking out the dead and wounded.


Oh, Frabjous Joy :)

Karen Bartlett

Well, I feel mean, but this is a victory. Maybe the US forces will actually leave now.

The Man

Especially if nigger soldiers eating ‘chiggun’!!! ha ha

Zionism = EVIL

Gives new meaning to finger lickin good.

Jimmy Jim


Zionism = EVIL


Zionism = EVIL

Some serious damage has been done from initial reports.


That is very good news. :)

The Man

Precision struck! Get as many yanks as possible and where would one find these filthy scum retard invaders? Stuffing their bastard greedy mouths with junk food! Excellent tactics by the Iraqis!

Zionism = EVIL


Arch Bungle

I bet they missed the kosher section …


When the SAA controls Khan Touman, they have many options possible about where they can advance to next.

Dylan Madden



LIVEUAMAP IS CONFIRMING! M5 has been crossed north of Marat Numan. Go Tigers Go! :))) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg


Thanks to both of you guys for the BEST NEWS for quite a long time!!

Go Tigers !


Its going fast now. Revenge of Wadi Deif is near

Zionism = EVIL

The area is terrorist hands is shrinking very rapidly and they are scattered in small pockets hiding behind their Turkey masters OPs. Sooner than later the Turkeys will have to be roasted before Thanksgiving.

Zionism = EVIL


Syria’s cumbersome conventional army has been weakened by years of war and defections.

Meanwhile the Quds Force, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s extraterritorial military and intelligence force, and their all volunteer Shia Fatemiyoun brigades have a fearsome reputation gained in previous battles around Damascus, Aleppo and Deir Ezzor in the east.

“Iranians are usually needed as holding forces to stiffen the resolve of the Syrian army,” said Dareen Khalifa, senior Syria analyst at the International Crisis Group. “They are better at pushing forward, they are better motivated and much better at guerrilla warfare tactics honed over years of conflict dating back to Lebanon conflicts

“Syrian government forces are nowhere near as strong or organised, particularly now they have to rely on opposition fighters who have ‘reconciled’ with the regime.”

Commander Kirnazi added: “They are involved in the fighting but they are also providing military assistance and training tothe local fighters. They also bring in Iranian and Lebanese Shia preachers to give religious guidance to highly motivated fighters on the front lines.”

The radio communications are full of sectarian language. The Iranian and Afghan militias are made up of Shia Muslim fighters, while the majority in Idlib and those defending it are Sunni.

“Ya, Ali, Ya, Ali,” the Shia battle cry dating back to the martyrdom of Imam Husain now resonates in Syria as troops are heard saying to one other, asking for help from Imam Ali, considered to be the rightful successor of the Prophet Mohammad in Shia Islam. The Shia credo of fighting injustice and oppression for the righteous cause has made them ferocious fighters over the centuries in a region dominated by fragmented Sunnis.

“Inshallah [God willing] we will have victory over them,” they say.

Iran has successfully led a resistance campaign in Syria to support its Alawite Shia brethren in the pursuit of controlling an arc of territory known as the “Shia Crescent” from Tehran all the way to Beirut in Lebanon.

“You can tell from the recordings why the terrorists in Idlib might be afraid,” said Elizabeth Tsurkov, a fellow in the Middle East Programme at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, an American think tank based in Philadelphia.

What’s contained in them is not only a threat to the terrorist lives, but also the Shia historical quest for justice, and the haunting battle cry of “Ya Ali” is literally putting the fear of God in the Salafist terrorists last shrinking enclave in Syria as the Iranians and their fearsome allies roll in.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

All true but the only problem is they’re usually more loyal to Iran than they are Syria, even the SAA’s 4th division is a concern, not to mention the Syrian Shia dominated militias, and as for Hezbollah and all the other foreign Shia militias, we already know where their loyalties lay. The Russian alternative seems a better way to reorganize the SAA, the 25th division aren’t quite as good as the 4th are yet that’s true, but I think the Russians are going to prove their worth during the Idlib campaign, we’ll have a good comparison of abilities and tactics soon, the 4th in Aleppo and the 25th in Idlib, and so far the 25th are way out in front, but since the 25th are fighting a much easier battle, we may have to adjust our comparison criteria to compare the two fairly.

Zionism = EVIL

The Alawite Shia, Orthodox Christians and moderate Sunnis now constitute the majority of Syrian population as thescum headchoppers have either fled to Turkey and Europe, so Iranian influence in Syria like in Iraq,Lebanon and Yemen is eternal. I think the Russians now also understand that are grudgingly accepting the more aggressive Iranian tactics. Syrians and Iranians are linked by blood ties, religion and culture, Russia is not. The mystification of General Qassem Soleimani has had the opposite impact of what the dumbass Americunts and Zionist shitheads expected.

The diplomat statesman general, who headed the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC),was an important figure not only in driving the Islamic Republic’s power projection abroad but also in shaping its domestic narrative and political dynamics. He is now being quickly replaced by a newer and younger generation of Iranians, even more committed to historical Persian domination of the region.

Even before his death, Soleimanihad assumed an almost mythical status for both the Iranian public and Iranian sympathizers abroad. In the eyes of religious people, he was theprotector of the shrine of Sayeda Zainab, venerated by the Shia, andthe hero who stood up to arrogant murderous Zionist regime in Occupied Palestine and Gaza and supported the Palestinian resistance. In the eyes of nationalists and those who do not believe in the Islamic Republic at all, he was the brave decent commander who fought terrorists and foreign enemies trying to destroy Iran.

He was never named in any corruption allegations, internal political squabbles or crackdown on protests and dissent, as other IRGC commanders were. He spoke Arabic and had spent a long time in the Arab world; hehad good relations with Hezbollah,Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. This made him the appropriate face for Iran’s campaign to expand its influence in the region in the aftermath of the 2003 United States invasion of Iraq.

The mythical status of Soleimani was necessary to build an image of a powerful Iran internally and externally, to cover up thereality of a besieged nation. Inside Iran, even young people, who are far removed from the first and second generations of the revolution and its ideals, still believe in Iranian supremacy. The image of praying humble Soleimani, like Imam Husain, nourishes this belief and will leave a lasting imprint of the region that will haunt the US invaders and their Zionist puppeteers.


the iranian influenca abroad is the same evil as american influence abroad.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“even more committed to historical Persian domination of the region.”

And that itself is the problem, not everyone feels the same way, and the Russians are doing the exact opposite of what you think they are. Here’s what a Russian government institution that makes recommendations to the Russian government thinks about Iran’s continued involvement in Syria, they actually want to replace the Iranians with the Israelis, do you think I’m joking, I hope you don’t. Read this to see what the Russians really think should happen, but read it all, the last part is the part that will blow a big whole in your false belief that Russia is going to tolerate the Iranians influence for much longer. And please don’t say that’s just a Russian government institution policy recommendation it doesn’t mean a thing, I’ll provide another link so you know what their job really is, this is what the Russian government pays them to do, they analyse current events, some to conclusions, and then make recommendation


The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) – is a non-profit academic and diplomatic think tank established by the presidential decree dated 2 February 2010.[1][2] The founders of the RIAC are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Academy of Science, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Russian news agency Interfax. The Russian International Affairs Council was founded on orders of then-President Dmitry Medvedev to contribute to Russia’s soft power efforts.[3] The RIAC activities are aimed at strengthening peace, friendship and solidarity between peoples, preventing international conflicts and promoting conflict resolution and crisis settlement.[4] It operates as a link between the state, scholar community, business, and civil society in an effort to find foreign policy solutions to current international issues.[5] The RIAC is one of Russia’s public diplomacy tools. The RIAC mission is to facilitate Russia’s peaceful integration into the global community, partly through greater cooperation between Russian scientific institutions and foreign think tanks/scholars on major international issues. The council’s strategic mission is to facilitate communication between government officials and the expert, business and civil communities when elaborating foreign policy decisions.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_International_Affairs_Council ….

When people ask why do the Russians continually allow the the Israelis to get away with bombing Iranian assets in Syria, I tell them this, it’s because the Russians actually want the Israelis to blow up Iranian assets in Syria, it’s in Russia’s best interests now. And you do know that sections of the Russian backed SAA 25th division have had numerous battles with sections of the Iranian backed SAA 4th division don’t you, they may be in the same SAA army but that isn’t stopping them from coming to blows.

Karen Bartlett

The first article you cite is over a year old, thus not reflecting conditions in Syria at the present time. It characterizes the war in Syria as a “civil war”, which it isn’t and never was. This is the author’s opinion, not necessarily the Russian government’s opinion. It is written by a Russian Ph.D. candidate (student) at the University of Minnesota, not by the Russian government..It may be a recommendation, but it seems more of a “take” on the military situation in Syria according to the author. And no one author of a summary of the military situation in Syria is going to influence Russia’s policy, rather, many authors with different “takes” will be considered.

It is talking only about the Syrian military. It says that the reason Iran’s presence in Syria is an irritant to Russia is that they have different methods of building up the army in Syria. Iran’s method is to build up and train “militias” which are non-state, although working on behalf of the Syria state against terrorists. Russia’s method is to build up and train the state army. It says Russia is concerned that militias (mostly Shia) will lead to sectarianism. (That doesn’t mean this opinion is a foregone conclusion, since Syria has always been a secular society and different people in Syria with different religious beliefs have always gotten along, before the invasion by foreign terrorists. If left alone, Syria’s people will continue to get along. This is my opinion and is not mentioned in the article.).

The article says nothing about Israel except that the US and Israel could help rebuild Syria after the war (which Syria will not now allow). It does not say that Russia wants to replace Iranians with Israelis. NOR does it say that Russia “wants the Israelis to blow up Syrian assets” or anything of the kind.It says Russia hopes that Israel and the US will help rebuild Syria, that’s all.

Using this article to back up your unfounded claim that Russia is more loyal to Israel than to Syria and doesn’t mind Israel bombing Syria cities is, to say the least, unethical.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The first article you cite is over a year old, thus not reflecting conditions in Syria at the present time.”

You’re absolutely right, it doesn’t accurately reflect the present conditions, they’ve actually become 100 times worse over the last 12 months. ….. You said this,

“It is written by a Russian Ph.D. candidate (student) at the University of Minnesota”,

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL, And this Guy Alexey Khlebnikov does works tor the RIAC, you just can’t read properly because you’re too biased.

Alexey Khlebnikov is an expert on the Middle East at the Russian International Affairs Council. He also used to work as a consultant to various think tanks and institutions in the U.S., Middle East, and Russia. During his Master’s and Ph.D. studies, he has made several research trips working and studying in Syria, Israel, Egypt, and Hungary. He has been published on international relations topics in particular on the Middle East in academic journals and media sources in Russia, Europe, U.S., and the Middle East. He received his Master’s degree in Global Public Policy from the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota as an Edmund S. Muskie Scholar and both Bachelor’s and Master’s in Middle East studies from Lobachevsky State University in Nizhni Novgorod. His theses were devoted to the “Arab Spring” failure in Egypt and Syria. Currently he is a Ph.D. candidate. https://www.mei.edu/experts/alexey-khlebnikov

You can’t read properly can you, or did your own bigotry make you misread what I posted, reread it again if you didn’t understand it, you’re nearly as bad as Richard when it comes to recognising the truth, how the hell could you say what you did. He does work for the RIAC 100%, and it’s the RIAC’s job job is to analyze info, make conclusions, and then make recommendations to the Russian government. They are the smartest people the Russian government can find and employ to be a think tank for the Russian government. And Alexey is a part of that organization, and he’s actually attached to the media wing, you know the one that relays all that important info that they’ve already provided to the Russian government for us to see too, but only if we’re allowed to. You’ve done another Richard and only posted the most irrelevant parts and ignored the most important. He was a student at the University of Minnesota once, yeah so what, look at all the other places he got degrees in, many Russian students get their degrees in the best universities available, is that something sinister is it, LOL, half of Russia’s greatest minds would be in the same boat he is.

And here’s what the RIAC actually does and who employs them,

The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) – is a non-profit academic and diplomatic think tank established by the presidential decree dated 2 February 2010.[1][2] The founders of the RIAC are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Academy of Science, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Russian news agency Interfax. The Russian International Affairs Council was founded on orders of then-President Dmitry Medvedev to contribute to Russia’s soft power efforts.[3] The RIAC activities are aimed at strengthening peace, friendship and solidarity between peoples, preventing international conflicts and promoting conflict resolution and crisis settlement.[4] It operates as a link between the state, scholar community, business, and civil society in an effort to find foreign policy solutions to current international issues.[5] The RIAC is one of Russia’s public diplomacy tools. The RIAC mission is to facilitate Russia’s peaceful integration into the global community, partly through greater cooperation between Russian scientific institutions and foreign think tanks/scholars on major international issues. The council’s strategic mission is to facilitate communication between government officials and the expert, business and civil communities when elaborating foreign policy decisions.


I can’t get be any more honest than that can I, I didn’t say that’s what the Russian government said, I said this is what the RIAC is recommending to the Russian government, and this is who the RIAC are. ……

You said this,

“And no one author of a summary of the military situation in Syria is going to influence Russia’s foreign policy, rather, many authors with different “takes” will be considered.”

This is a Russian government institution specifically tasked to influence ‘Russia’s foreign policy’, that’s what there name, title, job description, and mandate say they do, influence the Russian government, LOL. And the Russian government pays them to do it too, so do you think the Russians are dumb doing that do you, I don’t, they’ve all kept their jobs for the last 10 years now, the expert scientists, expert economists, expert foreign analysts, the expert foreign political analysts, and the the expert foreign policy experts, so the geniuses the Russian government hand picked to tell them what they should be doing, must be doing a pretty good job, but you disagree, you think the Russians pay their hand picked geniuses just so they can ignore their expert advice most of the time, LOL. If the Russian government was going to totally ignore the RIAC recommendations that this journos actually relayed to the public, we wouldn’t have read about it in his article, we would have read a totally different article, and you obviously didn’t read it properly, just like Richard you reposted the least relevant parts of the whole article which should only be read in full to totally understand. Here are the bits you should’ve reposted,

“Since the beginning of the war, the state and its armed forces have been heavily relying on the support of non-state pro-government armed groups which contribute to the erosion of the country’s central military command. Such situation did lead to further fragmentation of the Syrian Arab Army and the state losing its monopoly on using the force. During almost eight years of the civil war, non-state armed groups fighting on the side of the Syrian government have grown in size, numbers and influence which naturally poses a threat to the state sovereignty and integrity. This is why, in the long run, Damascus will be forced to come up with a formula which will incorporate militia commanders and their interests into the new military system. In this context, Iran’s heavy involvement in creation and sponsoring pro-government militia in Syria exacerbates the complexity of the issue even further. n addition, some of the most efficient pro-government militia groups enjoy sponsorship from abroad, particularly from Iran. It creates quite big risk of becoming over-reliant on the foreign patron that pursues its own interests which might not always coincide with those of the client. At the same time, it creates a number of quite big obstacles for moving forward with the political process and reforms in Syria. Excessive Iranian presence in Syria irritates Israel, the US, Turkey, Russia, and even Damascus itself. Being weak and with no foreign alternative to rely on regarding the funds for reconstruction, Syrian government is pushed closer to Iran. As a result, progress in political process, reconstruction, and return of the refugees seems highly impossible, as all of it requires broad international involvement. Who will sponsor restoration of the Syrian military? First, in the last seven years Iran has heavily invested in Syria creating sophisticated multi-layered presence and it is extremely unlikely that Tehran will leave the country without return on its investments. It has already struck a deal with Damascus which grants Tehran exclusive right to assist in rebuilding Syrian military industry and infrastructure. The situation creates additional risks for the Syrian state. Excessive Iranian presence in Syria will be the major irritant for Israel and the US that almost certainly excludes any lift of Syria sanctions which are necessary for the successful reconstruction and economic restoration of the country. Second, Iran’s presence irritates Moscow which has its own military infrastructure in Syria. Excessive Iranian presence in the country is counter-productive for Russia’s long-term Syria policy which eventually envisages political transition, reforms and reconciliation with the regional powers and the West. On the other hand, Russia’s military deployment to Syria sent a signal to Israel and the West that Iran would not be left unchecked. Moscow is seen as a force which is able to keep Iranian presence in the country in check to a certain degree. The recent deal on south Syria between Russia, Israel and the US, which envisaged Iranian forces pull out from the Syria-Israeli border, is a good evidence. Damascus understands that and might use this issue as a bargaining chip in its talks with the West and GCC states to eventually attract their money into Syria. Third, in the course of its involvement in Syria Russia planned to reorganize the Syrian army in order to enhance its command and control functions and to make it more professional and autonomous. Since 2015 Moscow has been trying to minimize the influence of various non-state armed groups and militias fighting for the government, as quite often their own interests did dominate over that of the country. Only under strong and effective state central command armed forces can effectively fulfil their tasks which is now not the case in Syria.”

[They’re talking about Iran and only Iran, despite using the term varius state actors.]

“In 2015, Moscow initiated formation of the 4 th corps which consisted of different militia and armed groups operating in Latakia and was under direct command of the SAA. Later in 2016, Russia created and trained 5th Corps which unites different NDF groups and former Syrian army defectors who decided to realign. In 2015, Russian military helped to restructure Tiger Forces and since then has been providing weapons, advisors and air support. This was an important step to break the trend promoted by Iran — creating and developing parallel non-state military structures which have no direct subordination to the Syrian state (e.g. Iran took part in formation and training of NDF) and more loyal to Tehran than to Damascus. However, the task is still unfulfilled and it remains unclear if Moscow manages to reform and restore Syrian army structure. At the same time, Russia applied quite innovative approach in reforming disintegrated military creating 4th and later 5 th corps of the SAA. This move, in fact, made other military groups willing to re-engage with the Syrian army to become a part of those new corps. This is to say, Moscow launched the process which could possibly become a pattern for the highly-fragmented military “reconstruction. Today Syrian armed forces lack discipline, centralization, technical and organizational modernization, prestige, and authority and could hardly be called a real army. With excessive number of pro-government non-state armed groups and without strong state army Syria will be unable to regain its full sovereignty and provide secure environment for the political transition and reforms. Hence, the reform of the military sector is inevitable and central.

One of Moscow’s main tasks in Syria is to rebuild country’s armed forces almost from scratch, which is going to be extremely difficult. First, the army must have control over entire country’s territory and to have monopoly on using force which is not the case now and is highly unlikely in the near future. Second, during the last seven years Iran has been creating extensive network of military structures in Syria, which are loyal to Tehran and are unlikely to either disband themselves and leave, or to become part of the state armed forces. This problem might become a major stumbling rock between Russia and Iran in the coming months and years. And third, Russia lacks sufficient resources to accomplish this task alone.

In such context, there is an opportunity to attract foreign sources to restore Syrian army and to reconstruct the country. The GCC and Israel should be very much interested in rebuilding Syria with lesser Iranian presence. By helping out Russia to accomplish this task regional players impose indirect limits on Iran’s presence in Syria. With no foreign assistance Tehran receives more room to grow its influence in the country further. This might well help Moscow to make sure the new Syrian army is free from Iranian influence or is at least not dominated. The stronger the army and the central government — the lesser it needs foreign partner to rely on. Moreover, in the MENA region armies also play a role of state-building element — which makes successful military reform crucial for a country’s restoration. Otherwise, Iran has quite good prospects of increasing its influence in Syria and stimulating further rise of sectarianism in the country.

Thus, Russia should exploit this opportunity to counter balance Iranian influence in Syria’s military with the help of the foreign donors whose funds will assist in restoring and reforming country’s military and central command system. Although this task sounds very ambitious it remains achievable: Russia has already proved its ability to strike deals with regional actors, including cash-rich GCC states, despite many differences and disagreements. Such approach will help not only to find a compromise on Syria but also to restore cross-regional economic ties ruined during the war.” ……


“If left alone, Syria’s people will continue to get along. This is my opinion and is not mentioned in the article.).”

But that’s not what all the smartest geniuses Russia could employ say about Syria, they actually say this in this article,

“Moreover, in the MENA region armies also play a role of state-building element — which makes successful military reform crucial for a country’s restoration. Otherwise, Iran has quite good prospects of increasing its influence in Syria and stimulating further rise of sectarianism in the country.” … “The article says nothing about Israel except that the US and Israel could help rebuild Syria after the war (which Syria will not now allow). It does not say that Russia wants to replace Iranians with Israelis.

But the article says this,

“Thus, Russia should exploit this opportunity to counter balance Iranian influence in Syria’s military with the help of the foreign donors whose funds will assist in restoring and reforming country’s military and central command system. Although this task sounds very ambitious it remains achievable: Russia has already proved its ability to strike deals with regional actors, including cash-rich GCC states, despite many differences and disagreements. Such approach will help not only to find a compromise on Syria but also to restore cross-regional economic ties ruined during the war.” “In such context, there is an opportunity to attract foreign sources to restore Syrian army and to reconstruct the country. The GCC and Israel should be very much interested in rebuilding Syria with lesser Iranian presence. By helping out Russia to accomplish this task regional players impose indirect limits on Iran’s presence in Syria.” …. “NOR does it say that Russia “wants the Israelis to blow up Syrian assets” or anything of the kind.It says Russia hopes that Israel and the US will help rebuild Syria, that’s all. Using this article to back up your unfounded claim that Russia is more loyal to Israel than to Syria and doesn’t mind Israel bombing Syria cities is at worse disingenuous and unethical, and at best shows a lack of reading comprehension.

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Reread my comment Richard, er I mean Karen, I didn’t say the article corroborated any of my own assertions,

“Russia wants the Israelis to blow up Syrian assets”,

That has nothing to do with the article and was added at the end to make a point, there was no reference to the article whatsoever, it was my own assertion, I actually said this,

“When people ask why do the Russians continually allow the the Israelis to get away with bombing Iranian assets in Syria, I tell them this, it’s because the Russians actually want the Israelis to blow up Iranian assets in Syria, it’s in Russia’s best interests now.”

So how do you think I associated that comment/observation/ assertion of mine with the article I linked, I fail to see any justification for your accusation, how did I give you the impression the two were somehow connected in some way? The real reason you said that was because subconsciencly you began thinking the same thing I’ve been thinking for the last few months, and you yourself made the connection, I didn’t, I just made a comment that explained why I thought the Israelis seem to have complete impunity from Russian retribution/consequences whenever the they hit Iranian assets in Syria, I never used this article or any other Russian government or government institution article to corroborate my claims that the Russians are happy to see Iranian assets in Syria destroyed by Israeli airstrikes, I believe it and I’ve said it on numerous occasions, but I’ve never used Russian or Iranian articles to back those claims, opposition, independent, and Israeli sites are the only place you can link that sort of information from.

And I’ve never ever said this, NEVER,

“Russia is more loyal to Israel than to Syria”,

Where did you get that from, your arse. Using Israel as a tool to help minimise Iranian influence has nothing to do with Russian loyalty to Israel anyway, nothing at all, NOTHING, but it has a lot to do with preserving Syria’s internal and foreign interests though, which is the exact opposite of what you’re implying. Allow a little Israeli influence to help minimise Iranian influence so the end results are both parties have very little influence in the end, so it sounds like the RIAC is doing a good job to me, I don’t think you’d ever want to apply for a position there, I don’t think you’d make it. But I don’t agree with this part of the RIAC assessment, I think the US should be used to minimise Iranian influence instead, AND NOT MILITARILY, diplomatically, Trump’s bent over to accommodate the Iranians and the Iranian’s are not even making and effort, Russia won’t tolerate that sort of belligerence for much longer, they want world peace and prosperity, not WW3.

And it’s you who shows a real lack of reading comprehension, you not only misquote me, you slander an official Russian institute and one of it’s most respected media representatives, because that’s what he is as well as a journo, the smartest people in Russia tell him what he should be saying, he just tells it in a way he thinks we the public will best accept it, that’s his job, and you’re trying to tell me the exact opposite of what they say in this official Russian institution article published on their own website with Russian government approval.

The Iranians are bad for Syria and Russia, their presence prevents the rest of the world community re establishing diplomatic, economic, political ties with both Syria and Russia, not only that, half the SAA and militias in Syria are more pro Iran than they are pro Syria, and as the Russians are pointing out, you can’t effectively run a countries army if their loyalties are divided between Syria and Iran. You bitch about the US and Turkey carving up Syria for their own benefit but don’t say a word about the Iranians who are doing exactly the same thing, this article tells us the reason why Assad’s allowing that to happen, he doesn’t have a choice, but the Russians want to give him a choice, and the Israelis seem to be their tool of choice, you really need to learn how to read.

Alberto Garza

the syrian army was on the verge of collapse before the russian arrived its going to take time to get a good army .

Zionism = EVIL

I agree, the SAA had not seen combat since 1982 and was a large mostly conscript based conventional force. It takes a decade or so to turn an organization into a mean, lean fighting machine. But with Russian and Iranian help it come out as the best Arab military with extensive real combat experience against the whole NATO arseholes for all practical purposes. One still has to credit the SAA for not really falling apart despite the best Americunt and NATO efforts. The Republican guard divisions stayed intact and so did the officer corps. Syrians have always been the best of the Arab world.


islam is shit as is

Arch Bungle

All Abrahamic religion is shit. Judaism. Christianity. Islam. All obsolete spiritual technology.


cauldron coming

John Wallace

Thanks , that is a different type map but effectively showing what is happening.

Zionism = EVIL

The terrorist enclave is shape shifting fast as we are talking about a very small area now perhaps less than 1500 sq kms and a few towns left. The SAA and its allies are using hedgehog flanking tactics and isolating the weaker terrorist areas. If Russia continues pounding from the air, this won’t last long.

Karen Bartlett

I think you must have been in the military.

Zionism = EVIL

As I have said before, unless the Americunt arseholes and their Turkeys intervene directly to support the dying headchoppers, the terrorists are fini. Iran is directing this latest offensive with some very motivated units and hand picked SAA 4th Division led by Bashar’s brother Mahar al Assad.

This is the translation of an Iranian unit with high morale communicating with each other in Farsi, which the Jew fucks have translated using Iranian Jews who had fled to Occupied Northern Palestine Haifa after the Shah fled:

This intercepted radio chatter according to Zionist media was found to come from a makeshift base in Tamanah, Maaret al-Numan district, kilometres from their known bases in government territory in Aleppo and Homs. On one recording, an Iranian officer speaking Persian is heard using animals as code words for targets. He says to another: “Let’s go together toward their position tonight to see whether it is a bird or fox.”

Another one jokes: “They can’t defend it, even with the whole battalion. We will go in secret and we will hit and then take it – it’ll be no big deal.” The recording show high morale and intelligence capabilities of tightly knit Persian speaking units whose secrecy is difficult to penetrate.

The commanders of various Turkish and US supported terrorist groups fighting in the area told western media they estimated the presence of at least 400 Iranian officers and advisers directing the Syrian ground offensive, but others said the number could be as high as 800 and units are being strengthened as the Idlib offensive rolls on.

Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Jew owned Americunts will rue the day they assassinated General Soleimani as the Persians have very long memories and are still mourning Imam Husein 1400 years since sacrifice, so they are hardly going to forgive such a blatant and cowardly act. As I posted earlier, Iran has redoubled its assistance to Syria and now has regular units dispersed all over the region for a century long fight against Americunt morons and Zionist parasites if necessary.

Beirut: Militias loyal to the martyred diplomat soldier General Qassem Soleimani, the are now openly fighting in Syria’s final terrorist stronghold, leaked radio communications in Farsi show, according to the London Telegraph.

The rare recordings reveal how Iranian soldiers and Afghan and Pakistani militias officered by Iranian officers are directing military operations in Idlib, north-west Syria, in a battle they had stayed away from during peace talks.Russian and Syrian airforce is providing air cover for these advancing forces, which are better motivated and more aggressive.

The commander of the battle hardened Fatemiyoun Division, an Afghan Shia militia fighting under the Quds Force umbrella, said last week that before his death Soleimani had given instructions for the paramilitary group’s strategy for the next five years, and that his assassination would not cause any “disruptions”. The claim suggests that the militias in Idlib are thereon Soleimani’s command and acting out his plans Western military analysts acknowledge that Iranians and their allies have increased their footprint in Syria and are taking a more aggressive stance.

Jimmy Jim



Very good, keep on going, none stop at all, no more cease fire to Turkey terrorists.


The tiger forces work in turns, they don’t stop. SSA real heroes. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9db571f6de93ccac3758cf52796f35beb61f45654261babd5824db3125d1e15e.jpg

Toni Liu

Sad, I remember him died 2 years ago in deir ez zor

Xoli Xoli

No ceasefire always result in military gainst.Eventually M5 road block good news. USA,France,Britain,Germany and Turkey training of proxies without Legitimate Syrian government approval is cross insubordination, violence and terrorism in Syria. UN if it really exist should call on it signatories to refrain and stop training.In all NATO destroyed countries training by this particular countries should be boycotted.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“In all NATO destroyed countries training by this particular countries should be boycotted.”

They already do, and it’s Turkeys paying the price for it, US and EU sanctions.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks but still Germany,Britain and France are training proxies in Afghanistan,Iraq,Libya,Yogoslawia,Syria,Sudan and Boko Haram in Nigeria.


Bullshit! France is the toughest beatr of Boko Haram! Also the other ideas are big BS.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks NATO brainwashed Sunni headchoper.Thanks also for being a opponent to the reality which transpired on ground.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SAA are fooding in like a deluge after a storm, and I say it because just using the old saying “slicing them like a hot knife cuts through butter” is no longer good enough to describe what the SAA are doing, they’ve gone way beyond that.

cechas vodobenikov

cease fires r needed in order to to allow civilians to to relocate; they may prolong war, but they often reduce human suffering

Karen Bartlett

The SAA and the Russians had three humanitarian corridors operating before this offensive but the terrorists stopped letting any civilians out. I think they know that if they tried to open more humanitarian corridors now the terrorists would simply prevent civilians from leaving and that the time for that is over.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s a bold faced lie, the truth is most of the civilian population didn’t want to use the corridors anyway, they want to go to Turkey, and even most of the pro Assad civilian population didn’t want to use them either, they’ve had reconciliation agreements with Assad since may last year [at least the ones in the south], and they’re quite happy to just sit and wait for liberation when it comes, and a lot of them won’t even have to leave their own homes to be liberated, so you go use the corridors. The truth for you only comes with a one focus lens doesn’t it, if you can’t see it it can’t possibly exist. So you use the least upsetting answer to explain why, despite the fact it’s not the best explanation, why do you think people do that, why did you do that, is it because the truth hurts sometimes, be a big girl and grow up, the truth never really hurts you, it just makes you stronger. Why would the Russians and Syrians want to open up humanitarian corridors now, it’s not only because the terrorists will stop them using them if they can, it’s because hardly any one wants to use them, and the people who did need them don’t anymore, and they never really did, it was just a part of a deal to keep the UN happy and to get further UN aid to Idlib stopped, humanitarian corridors, LOL. You can live in a fantasy world very easily can’t you, and you just recently accused me of distorting the facts, I’m afraid you don’t even know what the facts are. Maybe you should’ve read my posts concerning the matter, the what, why, and how the corridors would work or wouldn’t, and I also explained what the Russians and Chinese got in return for opening up those token corridors, and WHAT THE TURKS LOST, LOL, that was a great deal for Assad, in 6 months the UN will end all aid to Idlib, so say thankyou Russia, thankyou China, those humanitarian corridors were the best thing you ever agreed to, they did exactly the job they were meant to, PERFECTLY. That’s the real answer you should’ve given him if you want to tell the truth, and what did you tell him, just one percent of it, the part you liked, it’s hard to recognise your own bigotry isn’t it, especially when it’s so subtle and all the facts are unknown.

Karen Bartlett

Go, Tigers, go, SAA, and God go with you!

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