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Syrian Army, Locals Block Another U.S. Patrol In Northern Al-Hasakah (Photos, Video)

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On March 8, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and locals blocked a U.S. convoy that was attempting to conduct a patrol in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.

The convoy was reportedly about to enter the town of al-Kuzaliyah when it was confronted by a group of angry locals and Syrian service members. The locals attacked U.S. forces with stones, while the service members refused to open the road. This forced the convoy to retreat.

Syrian Army, Locals Block Another U.S. Patrol In Northern Al-Hasakah (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army, Locals Block Another U.S. Patrol In Northern Al-Hasakah (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army, Locals Block Another U.S. Patrol In Northern Al-Hasakah (Photos, Video)

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In another incident, locals in the town of Rmelan al-Basha in northeast al-Haskah attacked a U.S. convoy near the oil-rich area of Rmelan with stones.

The last few months witnessed several similar confrontations between U.S. forces and the locals in northeast Syria, especially in northern and northeast al-Hasakaah.

The most dangerous incident took place on February 12, when U.S. forces shot and killed a local who was protesting against the passage of one of their patrol in his town, Khribat Amu, in northern al-Hasakah. Back then, local gunmen responded by opening fire at the U.S. patrol. However, the Russian Military Police and the SAA quickly de-escalated the situation.

Around 500 U.S. service members are still stationed in northeast Syria. The troops are tasked with “guarding” key oil fields in the region and supposedly countering ISIS remnants. The US military presence is among the key sources of tensions in the region.


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Al Balog

This is how ass-backwards American foreign policy is ?


johnny rotten

yankee go home!!!


Then who’s gonna die for and act as the corporate Ziojew’s proxy invaders?

Al Balog

This is the face of the “real” American deep state. Evil personified, hehe ?



it isn’t just the Jews. The British elite are just as much too blame. Brits and Jews are joined at the hip. Why do you think Brits larp as Israelites (British Israelism) and Queen Elizabeth II says that she is a descendant of King David? Why do the royal family have the males circumcised by a rabbi? Why does England have an unofficial anthem all about Jerusalem?

Britain is at the root of the problem. You should read the book “The Secret Origins of WW1” by Docherty and co. You’ll see that the British imperial (read world elites) project to destroy Germany started in the early 1900s and it concluded in 1945, but continues even today with Germany which is an American vassal state with no independence. An American general even stated that the purpose of NATO is to “keep Germany down and Russia out!” Without the original project there would have not been a Hitler! It is also indisputable that the allies started both WWs.


The two world wars were designed by the British-American-Zionist ruling class (yes, with Jewish elite complicity) to prevent and destroy industrious Germany and its planned alliance with Russia. We can’t forget that until a sudden and seemingly inexplicable turnabout in the media attitudes towards Germany prior to WW1, everybody in the English world loved Germany!

Both Hitler and Goebbels regarded Houston Chamberlain, member of the British Gentry, as their spiritual father.

You’ll find the Judeo-British elite behind a lot of problems in history. Look at their culture, they were always a project for the bankers, look into the city of London corporation, the British empire, the British crown and East India Company always belonged to international oligarchy, they still do. The bank of England within the City of London was the worlds first established central bank. It became the first banknotes-issuing regulator in just a year. Britain is the NWO HQ. The Brit’s have been the greatest asset for the J’s, where would they be without them?

All America is now is the military arm of the cabal, just like the British empire was. Its just another colony of Britain. America is new JerUSAlem and was established to get the old JerUSAlem back. This masonic script is all all about fulfilling the prophecy of biblical Israel and the coming of the third temple and the jewish messiah. America and Israel wouldn’t exist without Britain.

“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.” –General George Cornwallis 1781

The same Brits later supported Wahhabism to overthrow the Ottoman Empire (to get Jerusalem) along side the crypto-Jewish, Masonic Young Turks and later again, continued supporting Islamic fundamentalism to thwart the spread of Soviet influence in the region. The Masonic Muslim Brotherhood was created for the same purpose: serve the British interests in muslim nations.

The UK have been housing white helmet terrorists. The UK is a terrorist state which is actively sponsoring terrorism. Do you remember when the British founder of the White Helmets was found dead in Istanbul last year?

In the below video that appears to be published in 2010, is said to be from leaked notes from a Master Mason Meeting in the City of London in 2005. In the video, the man speaking talks about the Freemason plans to provoke war in the middle east, release a biological weapon in China that will spread throughout Western Countries, and implement the Martial Law Lockdown systems that we see today forming in regards to the Coronavirus. Then the Gog and Magog war (WW3) begins and it is all a plan to not only reduce the population of the world but to birth the New World Order (Revelation 13-14) out of chaos.



Looks like the child of a Trump, Biden threesome with Hildabeast.


If Biden gets elected (and since he is the chosen for the deep state he ll probably will) he is going to have Hitlery Clinton for vice president !


You can clearly see Hillary’s Blessed Genes in this Most Hopeful Son of Deep State.




More ignorant cunts being slaves for the terrorist corporate Ziojews’ schemes in someone else’s country, this time the US “volunteer army” terrorist filth, the foot soldier terrorists of Pentagon/IDF are no more than the liberal LGBTJEW-friendly “democratic” version of ISIS/al-Qaeda. The other day, a former USAF terrorist, who realised he was being used for the Ziocorporate war-profiteering machine’s schemes, called out Biden for his support for the “Iraqi WMD” invasion, and Biden’s best response was his own son went to Iraq, as if being a merc for ISISrael, the Ziobanks, the Pentagon contractors and oil lords were some kind of achievement for a man’s life.


I think a lot of us troops know what is going on and don’t like what is going on but cant say or do anything about it because it would result in them being murdered look at what happened to pat Tillman and i know the Aussie military were disgusted with what they were being asked to do in Syria they even got a member of parliament Jacquie Lambie to call a press conference and say the Australian military is not happy with what they are being asked to do in the middle east but the media spun it as they are just tired of fighting and they think they’ve been there too long blaa blaa when no she meant they didn’t like the fact they were fighting for Isis and when it got a chance to talk to some military guys i said to them you guys have got to come out and say something about these bullshit wars and this government situation and they said flat out we can’t because they will get murdered or worse


Then there’s that as well, because the Zioterrorist corporate US thug regime will certainly have no qualms killing their own people even if they worked as pawns for the war machine, must be one of the reasons suicide rates are so high among US vets.


Oh yea these gangs that run the world kill their own people all the time look at those hollywood actors and rock stars they don’t die of drug overdoses or suicides as reported in the msm theyre murdered by the illuminati. but i gotta say don’t be so hard on the troops that fight in these wars of aggression they don’t make the decisions to go to war and they suffer too it’s the politicians (and the people behind them)you should aim your fire at also although i have never met an American soldier the aussie soldiers I’ve talked to seemed to be really good people with good ethics and honour


There’s also the odd cases of former ISIS types breaking the the dogmas of indoctrination, which is, to a point, admirable but beside the point. Still, there can only be so many of them that are actually redeemable. One can’t fool oneself to think I shouldn’t kill one’s neighbour if a civil war ever broke out, only because the neighbour seemed to be good people before pull came to shove. Imagine how many Syrians had had good neighbours until they day they realised the neighbours joined ISIS/al-Qaeda because some foreign-backed forces with money and weapons managed to use any social or religious grievances to turn them into terrorists.

So Syrians themselves can’t afford to succumb to such sweet sensibilities when their country is invaded by US army terrorists at the service of a completely corrupt, war criminal and genocidal Ziocorporate empire regardless of whether the US terrorist foot soldiers are aware or not of what they are. For those aware, it must feel like shit to give ISIS SDF uniforms to change into and then call those ISIS-turned-SDF terrorists “allies” to comply with orders from above to facilitate the conquering of Syria’s land but that’s the reality of the US-led “war on terror”.


The US terrorists in question in this news do have the world’s largest airforce to bakc them up, and that fact is as much consideration as the SAA should have when dealing with them.


I hear you western militaries have caused chaos all around the world but should all the Australian military personnel resign (its the politicians that should be forced to resign) that would leave us completely undefended and it’s a shit world full of heavily armed people so it really isn’t practical to do that and don’t think western countries like australia are immune to having war on our soil did you know Australia is the second biggest buyer of military hardware in the world at the moment which begs the question what the fuck are we gearing up for like you don’t buy billions of dollars worth of weopons unless you expect to use them somewhere along the line


Also it does feel like shit to help jihadists that’s one of the reasons morale is so low amongst American troops


And another thing are you aware that coalition soldiers that were in Syria were often deliberately breaking the weopons they were ordered to hand over to the rebels and pilots would often deliberately miss government targets to avoid helping the rebels


I am asking myself when the US troops realise that they are not welcome in Syria, and how they feel about it – if at all.


They have to have a brain first, before realising that they’re the pawns of the corporate Ziojew. Terrorism and intervention is 100% of US foreign policy and unfortunately, not many US soldiers have the brain capacity to see this evident fact. That’s why the Pentagon hire them in the first place.

ivan cohen

this is why many veterans thinks finally with their brain. in fact a lot of them are the only voice that tells the truth for what concern the american wars (afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, and all the crimes they committing in africa in last years). We will see soon american soldiers reject to follow criminal orders, I hope! orders that are a lot, seen disaster they creating all over the world, see how many ships are involved in incidents…..


They are brainwashed, soulless idiots. None of them suffered brain damage from Iranian missiles either. Their brain injuries were pre-existant condition.


Some correctly understand the situation, but I reckon that among active-duty personnel the number is very low.

Once they muster out of the service is when they start to realize things….

Jaime Galarza

That’s correct, I think. When in the military, it is like being under a spell. They are told day and night how terrible their “enemies” are, and how good the invaders are since they bring “freedom and democracy”. Most soldiers do realize -consciously or not- that they are the real criminals, the murderers, the plunderers there. That’s why when they are released, many take their lives.


US troops are basically just mercenaries. It’s an all-volunteer force and they’ll happily do the bidding of whichever master is giving the orders, as long as it doesn’t entail too much danger.

US military is extremely powerful but the weak link is the individual soldier, or to be more specific, the cowardice of the individual soldier. They will only fight against a vastly inferior foe that cannot hit back. Kill a few US troops and the rest will be pulled out soon enough.


What makes you believe American soldiers are cowards have you seen them fight first hand or something and to say they will only fight a vastly inferior foe is a bit rough on them considering they are not the ones who choose who they fight that’s the thing about being a soldier in any military you have to follow orders.


Actually America has a long history of shameful battlefield performances. Korea and Vietnam both come to mind, although even in WWII there were plenty episodes of units collapsing in conditions where other armies kept fighting, broke and ran, etc. What always saves the US is massively superior firepower, logistics, and sheer numbers of equipment. Basically America beats you by outspending and out-producing you to death. In the modern era we mainly just outspend you, because we rely more on technology than numbers, although make no mistake – we have both (superior #’s AND superior tech). Imagine if we ever actually faced something approaching a peer adversary. Imagine if Russia had even half the US budget.

We sure as don’t win our modern wars with courage, bombing helpless targets from 40,000ft, pummeling weak opponents w/cruise missiles, etc.


I see what your saying but i do think anyone who has run into a line of fire shouldn’t really be called a coward and do you really have superior tech as your air defence systems don’t seem to work against Iranian missiles and you guys fired 100 tomahawk missiles at Syria and none of them hit the target they were either intercepted by old Soviet era air defences or the guidance systems were jammed by Russian ew also Russia definately has hypersonic weopons yet we have seen no evidence the Americans have them also I’ve talked to a military guy and he reckons Russian rockets are spot on in fact NASA still buys it’s rockets for its space ships from the Russians


USA does not care if people like it or not. This is a demonstration of power.


this is the only way you’ll get them out. It needs to be the locals, not the army. Keep at it


In Eastern Deir Ezzor, far from Hasakah, the US and ISIS, in SDF/Kurd uniforms, patrol Syria’s largest oilfields completely uncontested because SAA presence is very far from there. Hopefully Russia’s actions to send oil prices into a downward spiral last a long time and not just a few days before resuming talks with OPEC.

Nara ??

As an American I hate the fact that the military is involved in Syria.


I hate the fact that ANY US troops are outside the borders of the USA. :)


No country’s, nobody’s army should be outside their own country.


There would need to be a few exceptions to that I think.

I agree with you in principle though.


I am one too, and have opposed US interventionism since the USSR was around.

It always benefits You Know Who, and not our country as a whole.

Assad must stay

the ghost of the USSR is getting revenge on the US from beyond the grave lol


History is coming full circle I suppose. The USA is beginning to resemble the USSR in many ways. It will probably dissolve in a similar manner as the USSR as well.

Assad must stay

yes, the ghost of the USSR is doing to USA what USA did to USSR


As you now Syria almost shares a border with the US, Syria is so close to the US that the US must maintain a military presence to prevent Syrian people jumping over the Great Syrian-US Border Fence and illegally sneak into the US.


What the faq these war criminals are doing there? Would jewSA or ISISrahell tolerate foreign uninvited military convoys on their territory? And they call themself “normal” state, as opposed to Russia! Faqing unbelievable!!

Stinky Man

The US sends their kids to fight and Die in countries surrounding Israel while Israeli kids sleep safely in their own beds….. Trump says that US service members are occupying Syria for the Syrian Oil but I think the US mission is to still man Israels front line with expendable US service members so that Israels kids can sleep safe.

ivan cohen

american soldiers are expendables because many of them are voluntary and expect to receive american citizenship when come home (if are so lucky to come home….)

Stinky Man

US doesn’t have a foreign legion. The poor tend towards military career positions not combat roles at least that had been my experience.

ivan cohen

it’s true they haven’t “legion etrangere” but they have a lot of immigrates (mestizes) awaiting for citizenship which NEVER will arrives, but when they finish militar service they can ask and have positive reply. so, stinky your ignorant knowledge of what happen in america, where zionists can make happen whatever they wants, included the fall of towers by tactical israeHellian nukes and the finding of 19 flawless idcard of saudi allies . . . . are the exact measure of the whole world goes

Stinky Man

Ivan your’e a dip-shit. I might know a bit about those that serve because I did. GFY you douche bag

ivan cohen

so there is only one explanation: you are addict with lsd, which is in your nation almost a free drug used very often by many “services”


kick them out

Saif Imam

US is on its top tear of the History of the modern times…like any Colonial / Imperial power in the History, the’ll go down the drain. Symptoms are there. The Mighty Greeks, The Roman, The Brits, all are now just bunch of Sissies, bitch’en around .(No offence to the current citizens of those respective places)


Well … I do take offence you include Greeks in your ‘sissies’ characterisation there pal.

Greeks weren’t even the ‘colonial power’ with the bad meaning the word has today, mostly given by the old British empire and today’s muricunts.

Alexander the Great in all his conquest to India only raised to the ground Persepolis, the capital of Persia, as an act of symbolic revenge for the raising of Athens by Xerxes. Apart from that the Greeks lived in harmony with the locals, there were even mixed marriages. And that continued after the death of Alexander too.

Saif Imam

I apologize…nothing meant towards to Generous Honorable People of those Places. I was Just referring to the Military Might and ruling the areas they’ve conquered. Again I’m very sorry If I’ve offended you or the good people of Greece. I apologize. I’m editing my comment.

Saif Imam

We are all in the same side here except few Terrorist Turks & Zionist. No way I’ll let any misunderstanding take place , I deeply regret for my comment & hope you could forgive me,


No worries. Water under the bridge.


Saif Imam

Thanks man.. Have couple of beers on my tab. Cheers mate.? ?

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

It is my understanding that the Greeks gave the Nazis hell when defending their country from them (also they lost the most people per capita outside of maybe USSR). I’m part Greek on my mom’s side (she was born in Queens, NY. Her dad was Greek. He got shot dead sometime later when they moved to near Chicago, SE side so I never got to meet him, sadly. Don’t remember my dad’s dad either as he died when I was young and wasn’t really around when alive.) My mom’s foster mom was born in Germany, and dad was Dutch (loved his women haha, had a Playboy sub. Gentle, also religious, volunteered at his church every week just about, fellow was he.)


Yes my fellow Greek. The Greeks did give, the Italians first, hell, and then the Germans that were invading through Bulgaria hell as well. And then the battle of Crete was another little bit of hell for the Germans and their paratroopers … Greeks were and still are the bravest fighters through the ages. Even the Pharaohs of Egypt used to employ Greeks for their battles against Persians and others… If you don’t know a lot about the history of Greece from ancient times till today you should definitely try to find some books or look online, you ll be fascinated !



It’s too bad Greece is locked into the evil NATO alliance and therefore now subservient to the Jew-dominated West. I would love to see Greece, Russia, Syria, Iran and the Kurds all beating up on Turkey and their headchoppers at once. Makes me kind of sad it will never happen.


Well, NATO it self looks to be heading towards the end of its criminal life… If the European Union doesn’t break down but goes ahead and creates it’s own army …I don’t think NATO can survive.


Civil war 1945-49,pretty nasty stuff:



They ousted the nazis in 221 days,but of course the cia/nazis never had the balls to admit beaten by better fighters (without the bullsht) Stalin praised the warriors:



Exactly, the British empire is a whole different story.

You’ll find the Judeo-British elite behind a lot of problems in history. Look at their culture, they were always a project for the bankers, look into the city of London corporation, the British empire, the British crown and East India Company always belonged to international oligarchy, they still do. The bank of England within the City of London was the worlds first established central bank. It became the first banknotes-issuing regulator in just a year. Britain is the NWO HQ. The Brit’s have been the greatest asset for the J’s, where would they be without them?

All America is now is the military arm of the cabal, just like the British empire was. Its just another colony of Britain. America is new JerUSAlem and was established to get the old JerUSAlem back. This masonic script is all all about fulfilling the prophecy of biblical Israel and the coming of the third temple and the jewish messiah. America and Israel wouldn’t exist without Britain.

WNs often retort that non-Western states have also practiced colonialism in the past. This is a lie. States throughout history have practiced imperialism (ie. expansion of territorial domain), but not colonialism. The ancient empires (including Rome) integrated conquered peoples as citizens. The Western colonial empires, in contrast, were historically unique in their practice of segregating conquered peoples as “non-whites”, and thus subjects but not citizens – Goys in effect.


Yes the fact that the Rothschild’s chose Britain as their base says a lot also a lot of people don’t seem to realise how violent and evil the British have been look at what they did to the Australian Aboriginals they deliberately fucked them up as much as possible they killed their leaders and people of knowledge deliberately gave them hidious diseases which wiped out a huge proportion of their population and the main reason they did this wasn’t really about colonialism or a land grab it was the knowledge aboriginals possessed thousands of years of human history handed down from generation to generation like those Dreamtime stories made them a threat to people like the British royal Family and they’re allies so they had to be destroyed and what better way to do that than ship in a shitload of drunken Irish criminals to the place


Hey can i ask you if groups like the illuminati and the zionists are under the umbrella of Freemasonry because it can’t really work out how the power structure works all i know it all seems to lead back to Babylon and those ancient gods and demons also what amazes me is the way they must have held together a highly secretive belief system and power structure for about 5000 years without letting the masses know anything about them that shows a huge amount of discipline and organisation which begs the question what the fuck are we up against


Of course. I think the bankers are freemasons themselves. Check out the Masonic US ONE dollar bill symbolism. Check out the masonic symbolism in Israel.

“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.” –General George Cornwallis 1781

Chequers “a reference to the freemasonic checkerboard floor” has been the country home of the Prime Minister since 1921 because the head of UK politics are Freemasons. The first masonic grand lodge was established in London in 1717. Its no surprise that the British police where the checkerboard pattern on their hats and uniforms.

Watch this video;



Thanks for clarifying that for me it can be very confusing all this cabalist shit as it’s all so hidden well it’s hidden but they hide in plain sight like you said they’re symbolism is everywhere and every decent size town has a masonic Lodge i used to know a mason quite well he’s dead now but he didn’t really talk about any of that stuff in fact he would sort of deflect the question if you asked him what they got up to be would just say we just help people or something like that but he did tell me things like no one makes mistakes if you do something you meant to do it and there is no such thing as an accident if something happens someone or something meant that to happen

ivan cohen

seeing what there isn’t is an allucination. then masonic world is a very mess, put with zionism are two faces of same coin….. The whole world must be freed from the totality of the masters which we had from centuries. hanging them immediately when found.

Liberal guy

Firstly the are not so powerfully as they want the world to think that how powerful they are and they can even control all’s life’s.secondly not 5000yrs but nearly last 300years they became so powerful especially last 250 yrs and in 1818 they controlled what we called world domination and there power reached its peak in the 60s and since start of 1970 became to decline.they lost there decicive battle in 2013 in the the battle of Al qauser in syria.since then they keep declining in their power.syria and Al sham area the Palestine so called Israel Lebanon Jordan and modern day Syria and Iraq are most strategic area in the world or so called the near East created by them there is nothing called the near East by the way.thats why they put all their efforts in Syria and Iraq.


I didn’t mean freemasons Zionists and illuminati have been around for 5000 years i meant the Babylonian ideology and the knowledge of Babylon and their gods which all the above mentioned groups subscribe to have been going for 5000 years like i don’t think 300 years ago someone found a manuscript with ancient knowledge on it and started up groups like Freemasonry i think this knowledge has been continuously held by different groups throughout the ages and passed on to only selected people whilst keeping it all secret from the general public and they do seem to have full control of western governments which does give them a fair amount of power but some people say they are like frill necked lizards who when they want to scare away a potential predator the pop out a large frill around their neck which makes them look big and scary but really they are quiet weak and vulnerable like i know one of their ways is to just kill one or two people then everyone else toes the line the story of Pat tillman springs to mind after they murdered him no one else in the military has attempted to publicly speak the truth about the afganistan war or 911 i have actually had some dealings with the illuminati i won’t go into the details but im telling you they are really vicious Bastards and i can see why noone fucks with them like the biggest Bikie boss or mafia guy would shit himself if the illuminati looked at him the wrong way

Liberal guy

K but they are powerful around 300to 250 yrs and since 1818 the world domination and since 1970 declining.i know even u look the video games the assassin’s Creed which i played much ofcourse they told the Creed passes throughout various areas and generations.from video games to films to Simpsons and cartoons they show themselves that even they control all’s life which is so untrue.all is the opposite the matrix the film they said in it is true it’s the mind which is the matrix and the world. The world has became so materialistic and believe s and lives in myth as exactly they told in the matrix.


Now we are we are going deep but your right who knows what’s right and what’s wrong

Liberal guy

Pal one thing is for sure the seen yet unseen yet seen empire of babil is losing that’s good news

Liberal guy

It’s a conglomerate of babil.thats it.babil to Rome to britan or I should say Albion and Celtic.am not a conspiracy theorist but it’s true.and there is just one conspiracy that is zion.their unseen leader the dajjal (l.a) is there for real people laugh at conspiracy theorist but of course they are overlogical.not all things told by the theorist are true but most of them almost all of them are.america or new Babylon is their military capital.new York their diplomatic.london their financial and Rome their religious.and most importantly Babylon or Babil is everything for them.every road does not leads to Rome but it leads to Babylon of course.

Assad must stay

its the ghost of the soviet union getting revenge on them from beyond the grave lol

Tim Williams

USA will leave Syria after the USA election in November … they are there for political reasons only

Saif Imam

Tim, I don’t think they will leave like that at least not after the election. Trump will get re-elected.

Tim Williams

TRUMP will win … but he will also pull them out ..


Trump is a piece of shit who could have pulled them out at any time but he hasn’t has he what makes you think anything will change

Tim Williams

USA Congress went haywire when he initially wanted to pull everyone out … he appeased enough of them to leave a token force …. after the election he will be able to do as he pleases …

Syria is lucky the hag Hillary did not win in 2016 … Syria would have 200,000 USA troops in the country blowing everything up.


He blatantly told everyone he would steal Syria’s oil during his election campaign and he is doing just that now and Hillary Clinton was not meant to win that election it’s a selection not an election if trump was a decent man he would never have been allowed to be the president of the United states

Tim Williams

It’s political rhetoric … TRUMP does it a lot … facts are that the SDF are running the handful that are operating and they have signed a contract with Syrian government to supply them with that oil ..USA has no truck tankers and no where to put the oil in Syria …



What trump is really doing is witholding Syria’s oil from the Syrian government to slow the process of rebuilding the country and in that article you put a link up to it said the SDF will get the oil and who controls the SDF – they answer to America for fucks sake the article also said trump was trying to get American oil company’s in on the deal and where did you hear they’ve signed a contract with the Syrian government if that is true then the Syrian government must be getting a pretty raw deal – having to buy oil thats been stolen from them the only reason the Americans have stopped a lot of the support for these rebels was by the time trump got in the SAA and the Russians had broken the back of the rebels and there was no point supporting these groups that were clearly going to lose and trump is still providing manpads and other weopons to the remaining rebels as well as standing by turkey in its invasion of syria

Tim Williams

you keep changing your fairy tale .. give it up



And what fairy tale is that


Thanks for the link i hope it’s a correct report but i have to say you trump supporters are the ones living in the fairy tale if you think that Trump is fighting the deep state as they have had tight control over the us presidency for a long time at least since the Kennedy assasination do you think they would allow trump to walk in the door and start smashing them really dude think about it and why pray tell did trump assasinate the most accomplished fighter the world had against the deep state – Soleimani and can’t you see that the deep state is traveling along unhindered false flag attacks are still occuring regularly as well as the program of sanctions on countries the deep state doesn’t control and you guys often point out that Trump hasn’t started another war but that is only due to the fact the American public have no appetite for war so it would be political suicide and any way he has been waging economic wars all over the place which cause a lot of misery to those countries affected

Tim Williams

Village idiots …


cechas vodobenikov

many amerikans realize they r despised in all other nations except Canada….the us military and govt reflects its people…polls in the US consistently show that the most admired institutions r the military and police

Saif Imam

Guys something happening between the Jordanians & the Syrians. They want start enhancing business & economic ties between the two countries.

Tim Williams

I know Syria wants to reestablish the rail line between the two countries that has been down for a decade and start the repatriation of Syrian citizens stuck in the border camps … USA had been blocking the efforts

Tim Williams

Civilians wipe out ISIS gang


Saif Imam

Fucked them up man. Years terrorizing the people…now payback time.

Tim Williams

yes they did … no food for you

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Or did they wipe out driving too fast? Were they retreating from live fire from the villagers perhaps and wiped out that way? Wonder if they killed the survivors?


No gunshot wounds,looks like an road accident.

AM Hants

That’s the way to do it and they were nice enough to leave organs intact and heads attached to heads. U like the Is Is mob, our Governments support.

Assad must stay

hahahaha they look dead as shit

Dick Von Dast'Ard


Christian S

It takes ages for them to turn on road side, no wonder why they havent left yet, they should practice more on turning


American muscle cars are infamous for having poor turning circles.

Saif Imam


Joe Doe

SAA better start put some heavy military hardware at those check point. As US driving heavy military vehicles. One day maybe Yankee lose control and starts shutting at SAA

Al Balog

Trump when he’s thinking about whether to withdraw from Syria or not ?


Assad must stay

Lol that is so weird


Road side bombers this week Inshallah.


FSB needs to recruit some local jihadists to stage attacks on US troops. It doesn’t have to be something impressive like Beirut ’83; just a few modest suicide bombings would be enough. Don’t Kurds or Shias do suicide bombings on occasion? It’s mostly a Sunni thing but I would think any good muslim can be sold on the idea.

The US public is fine with raping and pillaging Syria until the bodybags start coming home. Just kill a few and public pressure will get the US out of there.

Tim Williams

you are a very special kind of stupid

Tim Williams

appears to be a massive build up forces brewing



Shia man

Sounds like turkey is up to no good.

Tim Williams

have they ever been otherwise ?

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