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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Loses Almost Entire Al-Qaim Area In Southern Damascus To ISIS

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) have lost almost entire area of al-Qaim in southern Damascus to ISIS terrorists, according to local sources.

The SAA and the NDF entered al-Qaim earlier this month after the Syrian government had reached a withdrawal agreement with local members of militant groups rival to ISIS.

ISIS used the withdrawal of its competitors to launch own attack in the area exploting the SAA’s lack of time to secure the area. Following almost a week of fierce clashes, the terrorist group has established control of a major part of al-Qaim.

According to pro-ISIS sources, the SAA and  the NDF have lost almost 100 fighters in these clashes. However, this number still has to be confirmed.

Syrian Army Loses Almost Entire Al-Qaim Area In Southern Damascus To ISIS

Click to see the full-size map

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MD Ranix

temp win by zio satanic slaves will be rewarded with perm hell stay … no escape

Zainab Ali

zio satanic slaves and masters and lapdogs are total losers when they win, they go deeper into hell – and soon to be reunited with lucifer

jerry hamilton

America are not giving up.


No. And the IS lot seem to be like the immortals in The Highlander. But chopping off their heads will stop them from rising from the dead again.

jerry hamilton

Are you sure? I think America would quite like a zombie army.


Zombies are also killed permanently by decapitation. Any major head trauma basically. ;-)

jerry hamilton

Thanks. I wasn’t up to date on them.


Back in the old days, the Arabs would mount the heads of British generals on poles?


And brits used to cauterize the eyes of thousands of surrendered arabs and turks in WW1.


Not that it served them well though as the British ended up ruling all their lands.


The US military intentionally profiles individuals, looking for psychopathic tendencies for entry level officers and higher ranking enlisted personnel for advancement.

888mladen .

Nicely put together.


Exactly, you destroy totally the terrorists or they revive again thanks to USA-Israel-NATO help. Russia must understand this, and forget about pacts with evil.

John Whitehot

it’s evil that had to come at pacts with Russia, not the other way around.


I think you misunderstand the Russian strategy, the Americans are probably spending $50 million a day, and Russia one million a day. It would be too risky to have a big confrontation with the USA, so let them hang themselves with their foolish pride and their profligate ways.

888mladen .

US has money printing machine and RU doesn’t. That’s the difference. RU strategy is not by choice but rather by circumstances.

Tom-Einar Nikolaisen

Well, that machine is running so hot it might overheat soon…

Are the Chinese going to buy the bonds to fund a trade-war with the US?

Russia is hoarding Gold for a reason. Keep an eye on the US 10-YR rate.

888mladen .

Gold standard will never come back. There are many reasons why.


A return to the gold standard is truly impossible, I agree. But about your view on China, I have to disagree. For now, US might be China’s greater trade partner. But in the following decades, the center of human commercial activity will move back to its usual center of gravity, aka Eurasia. The growing economies and populations of Asia will devour the west’s financial superiority. Look at India, Pakistan, Vietnam, China etc prospects. Russia will remain super relevant due to oil/gas remaining of utmost importance for the industry/transportation at least till 2040. If Europe is clever, it will join the Eurasian team. US is striving not to lose its role as the indispensable, irreplaceable nation, which will lead to a de facto isolation. Remember, the world functioned even before America was discovered!

Tom-Einar Nikolaisen

Why are you bringing up the gold standard? Totally off point, and not in my thoughts whatsoever.

You contradict yourself, true china is truly self serving, as any other competent government. The miracle in China is due to the capitalist zones, and the sacrifice of millions of people, producing currency income. It’s not due to a street in New York.

China is obviously preparing for it coming a time when the US might not be their biggest market anymore. The new Silk Road does not go to New York. Their Naval plans are not pro-US.

Russia and China are hoarding gold because they see winter coming…

888mladen .

“Why are you bringing up the gold standard?” Because of this: “Russia is hoarding Gold for a reason”

Tom-Einar Nikolaisen

The reason is that they see war coming…

888mladen .

The New Silk Road is a pure wet dream. It’s not going to happen.

Tom-Einar Nikolaisen

Where will they fail`? It’s almost here already…


Once it goes above 3% it will quickly climb to 5%. A year later US treasury rates will be pushing 15%, and the US will not be able to pay the interest on the loans.


The American money printing machine only works as long as the rest of the world is prepared to accept American IOU’s. The US is already at the stage where it has to intimidate other countries to accept American IOU’s. Sooner or later the dam will break, pretty soon I think.


Exactly. It’s a basic principle of war that the aggressor must maintain superiority of force if he wants to achieve his goals. Defending, on the other hand is much cheaper in terms of material and physical needs. Soon the US’s huge, coveted financial issues will unravel. Maintaining pressure on Syria will become unprofitable and unaffordable. A few body bags might seal the deal for US.

But generally I think a war of attrition is a bad outcome for all sides involved. As US diverts more capital on military operations, its antagonists also have to divert more resources from their internal development to the military. This trend does slow down the pace of progress for humanity, no matter how some will say that the technological advances derive from the ongoing power struggle. The disadvantages of this are obvious in societies all over the world, where political and economical crises fuel more and more dissent, while the world as we know it begins to slowly crumble down to its more primitive forms. This is especially profound in western “democracies”, where the system is unable to reproduce itself anymore, leading to inequality and disruption of the societies.

Nigel Maund

This is something of a catastrophe for the SAA and will cost them much in blood and treasure to win it back. Looks like they left the back door open!

Tudor Miron

Nigel, I can’t understand the reason of panic? Same amount of daesh rats is now spred in a slightly larger area. How can that be a catastrophe? This is not the first time when rats are having local success and gains but so far it always proved to be short term. What makes you think that this one will be different? Yes, there are losses but a la guerre comme a la guerre.

Concrete Mike

Your absolutly correct. Let the orcs advance a little. Use your equipment come closer to me 230mm mortars… like you said these gains are minor in the big picture. Cheers

Nigel Maund

Tudor, if so it were like you say I would be feeling a little easier. Fact is this; watch what now happens over the coming weeks. The US Deep State nevr gives up that easily and they’re smarting from their plans being stuffed by Syria, Iran’s and Russia’s success to date. This is actually more worrying than you think. As Boris Kazlov says below the new base the US has built near Dier Azor is a game changer.


Tactical defeat amidst a pleniture of operational success and strategic triumph.

Nigel Maund

The problem is centred on their retaking ground within a major urban centre where the SAA had the initiative. Not a good sign if they can do this regardless of the other more optimistic comments on this page.

Boris Kazlov

The real problem is the new USAIPAC military base in DeZ, no wonder Daesh has new equipment.

Nigel Maund



It depends on the circumstances; a tactical reverse this small is hardly significant.


Source of this news? May be amaq?

Dagwood Bumstead

Who cares – the last sentence in the story covers this. You did read it, riight?


He he he. I read the first sentence (according to local sources.) and the last sentence:”According to pro-ISIS sources, the SAA and the NDF have lost almost 100 fighters in these clashes. However, this number still has to be confirmed.” and everything in between and it is enough to convince me that this is another piece of propaganda, wishful thinking, wet dreams, you name it from the side supporting the rats. No credibility whatsoever.


It’s good that Southfront reports claims by the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers and slavers and distinguishes between fact, assertion and fiction.

Dagwood Bumstead

Maybe, maybe not – The journalist still has a duty to report it. We want the truth, warts and all. It it’s wrong it will be rebutted soon enough.

Dagwood Bumstead

Well, well, turns out to be true, whatta know ….



Dagwood Bumstead

Do your own research, read something other than Southfront for a change!


Is I gave you 5 shekels will you do the job for me?

Dagwood Bumstead

I’m not cheap nor am I lazy …


It is not worth reading terrorist’s propaganda.

Dagwood Bumstead

Well since you like Southfront try watching this: https://youtu.be/ttiEI3PVA-Q?t=2m39s If you listen it’s mentioned how now the SAA can focus on ISIS in the southern Damascus area. Same area this article we’re commenting on was talking about. Don’t give up your day job fella, because military intelligence isn’t your forte!

Dagwood Bumstead

You’re a stoopid goof.

Dagwood Bumstead

Posted this morning for you. You’re welcome!

Dagwood Bumstead

http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/islamic-state-group-takes-damascus-area-after-rebels-pull-out-1628482185 You’re welcome, awaiting your apology.


This story shows two or three things. ISIS has competent leaders, an excellent intelligence service and very motivated fighters. They shouldn’t be considered done with. Reasons to think they’re discreetly supported by the US exist too but they’re beyond my capacities to grasp it.

Tudor Miron

This is very interesting “they’re discreetly supported by the US exist too but they’re beyond my capacities to grasp it.”(c) – what exactly is hard to grasp about something that’s in the open?


you hate west. why do you use western cars instead of lada???

Tudor Miron

Hate is your realm, don’t mix me into your sick fantasies.


Ignore him. He is not worthy. He feeds on your replies. Let him talk to himself.

Boris Kazlov

Right, they are paid for disrupting a pro-Russian site.


I know. Most of the times I ignore them but sometimes I get itchy to stand up to the bullies. They don’t deserve good manners.


This sites comment section has a block option for a reason..As to why everyone hasn’t blocked the “velocirapist” is beyond me..

Tudor Miron

I guess that I should fallow your suggestion. Solomon was funny at times but this one is just miserable.


I might be wrong but I think it is “good” ol’ solomon in a bad mood. Can you blame him- losing on all fronts. I have started blocking some of his partners.


you are fanatic believer in soviet pardomn russian superiority in technics. why do you have then western cars and not lada? answer THIS question!

putin, the hater in critic of west. aaaaaaand, summer olympic games: x gold medals, present: x BMW5. NOT LADA-NIVA!!! y silver medals, present: y BMW3. NOT LADA!!! why not, if you are such brave, bestest, nicest, etc.? HA?!

John Whitehot

talking about cars is the only thing you’re able to do.

that pretty much shows how low is the league you play in.


i can also about russian personal computers. but this would be sci-fi category :P

or maybe pharmaceutical industry. the 6-7-8 bombastic original russian medicaments, which are needed in the whole world.

oh, soooo many fields are there …

he is living from western cars. therefore for him i will always show his hypocracy in field of cars.

John Whitehot

“the 6-7-8 bombastic original russian medicaments”

What you perceive as bombastik, it is because you hate.

you put hate in every single phrase, if not word, you write.

and you don’t even realize it.

Boris Kazlov

Why does NASA use Russian rocket engines instead of murikan shit?


becuse yiu are enough fools to sell under its price. americans have good rockets. but they found a stupid ox, who gives him extremly cheaper, so the saved money invest in the development of new generation of engines. you, ruskies pay the development of yankee rockets :DD

you are so fool, that you are proud that you are misused slowed down. ;)

Richard M

He means that his “unit” is very small, so he has difficulty grasping it! :D

Tudor Miron

I would not go that far. May be he is just poorly informed and unable to see past MSM’s kaleidoscope of lies.

Lazy Gamer

im thinking some private contractors or perhaps spec ops are embedded. Then when they get trapped, they are airlifted.

Assad Is a War Criminal

Please tell me how they are airlifted into and out of Damascus. Through the hundreds of miles of government airspace, which the Russians also monitor.

Lazy Gamer

The russians know when the airlifts occur in other parts. But as for the damascus area, these could come from the surrounding borders, pockets, etc.

John Whitehot

they aren’t airlifted, the only way is using tunnels, mingling with civilians and so on.



Richard M


John Whitehot

^^ “Kunduz airlift”.

It was Afghanistan and there was no control over the airspace by third parties, there wasn’t even a real national airspace of Afghanistan.

So, do yanks airlift ragheads out of danger zones and give them shelter and protection ? YES.

Do yanks airlift ragheads out of Damascus? NO.

Richard M

Stealth copters flew right into Pakistan’s military HQ to do the Bin Laden raid. Ordinary grunts will have to get out on Green Bus but high value assets will certainly have air transport provided. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Saigon#/media/File:Saigon-hubert-van-es.jpg

John Whitehot

stealth copters exist only in copters manufacturers pamphlets.

there are no stealth copters, especially in an airspace patrolled by awacs and modern fighters.

Modern airborne doppler radar include at least one mode of operation able to lock on the turning rotor blades of an helicopter, which are in itself an object that CANNOT be made “Low Observable”.

Richard M

Maybe. Or it could be with just a few AWACS platforms in Syria RuAF is focused on protecting Tartus and Hmeiymim along with watching Israel and the Ottomans.

John Whitehot

Damascus isn’t a low priority area to protect, someone (Israel) possibly even tried to test Russians and Syrians ADs to see if they could get at Assad – and their assumption is that they can’t.

If the US has been warned not to strike the area, the only way they are going to extract jihadists from ghouta is by asking permission to do so (i’m being ironic).

There is a factor of uncertainty that the US simply cannot afford to ignore.

What if they try such a move, and then lose helicopters or planes over the area? Following day vids appear with shot down US helis with dead jihadists scattered all over them?

Richard M

Don’t underestimate the US Deep State propaganda apparatus. When video of US copters escorting ISIS convoys were released on youtube they just made up a bee ess story about the vid being from Libya, and the ISIS Orcs being some US puppet Libyan Jihadis. US Deep State are masters of the Big Lie technique. JFK assassination, Waco, OKC, TWA 800 etc, etc, etc.


assads officers are the biggest smugglers

Brad Isherwood

https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/un-chief-demands-hezbollah-withdraw-from-syria-condemns-group/ IRGC presence in Syria reduced. .. Iraq Gov dissolving PMU militias. Moqtada al Sadr denounce Assad, and Iraq PMU, The trash Shia leader go party with Lunatic MBS of Saudi Arabia. Sadr offshore Bank account larger I’d wager.

Syria will have to motivate it’s citizens to join the military, That military needs logistic support big time….heavy losses in tanks 2017/2018 https://m.imgur.com/a/CEC6e Turn around time….vs write offs to badly damaged from ATGM hits.

Syrian people have to step up. ..

Tudor Miron

That’s not for long. Within a month they will be dealt with – mark my words.


i am happy. 20th april 2018 tudor miron will hang up himself.

Tudor Miron

And you say that this is me “hate west” :) Sorry creature, your aint gonna be happy.

Boris Kazlov

The prehistoric creature strikes again filthy zionist your empire of degenerates already lost, get fucked LGBTQ.

John Whitehot

Lol, you fucking rattlesnake.




This particular Isis niche exists solely so Israel can get it’s anti- Isis cap feathered.

Richard M

Suddenly the Orcs in Yarmouk, DeZ and Tasil are well armed, resupplied, reinforced and on the offensive. Just a coincidence, right?


Whte elf man, I m sure, now you are proud of your child xD

Richard M

Saruman, you are drunk on your power. Your victory in Afrin is like /dolf’s victory in France. Now you believe no power on Earth can stand against the Ottoman Wehrmacht. So send your Orcs to Manbij. I’m sure USA will quickly surrender to Ottoman Wehrmacht! :-}


Of couse big brother, you will keep watching your second child to…


Speaking of history, u reminded me the western underestimation of turks in Dardanelles

Richard M

Seriously? You won one battle (with huge German support) but you lost the war and Istanbul was occupied by UK, France Italy for 5 years…..Oh but you managed to hold Anatolia as a Rump State of the Ottoman Empire, like modern Austria is a Rump State of the pre WW1 Austro-Hungarian Empire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_S%C3%A8vres#/media/File:Treaty_of_S%C3%A8vres_map_partitioning_Anatolia.png


I m not talking about history, what is your point ? past is past. We all know who is behind all of this mess. İts you dump ass so stop blaming other and look yourself and look your murderer government. I will look my idiot goverment to.

Thank the god in my history dont have any hirosima…. We didint kill even lands, tree or waters. You are worse then nazis…

Richard M

LOL. You’re the one that brought up Canakkale. As for “Dump Ass” how could he possibly be the cause? He has been in office 1 year and this war has begun in 2011.


I didint brought Canakkale please read again.

Richard M

So you admit that Canakkale was the beginning of the end for the Ottoman Empire?


Not Çanakkale, We lose the ww1 so yes I admit why not ? There is no Ottoman Empire now, like Roman Empire, just illusion for some kind people in Turkey and m. east. Our(turkey) goal in Syria must be elliminate pkk members, I will not push further then this goal.

Richard M

One day Erdogan is President, one day Erdogan is PM. The reality is that Erdogan is Sultan. Same with Putin. Putin is Czar. Same with Xi Jinping. Xi is Emperor. Only in US is the current leader not from the same crime cabal as his predecessor.

Promitheas Apollonious

we are head on to a very serious war that will make the Syrian war look like a child’s play.


very true! Its sad, but I’m glad to see that other people also realize that this war is just the beginning of a major conflict in the Middle East. Like a whirlwind that starts small but expands and destroys everything, unfortunately it will evolve and bring all the surronding nations to war.

Promitheas Apollonious

it will not only be middle east my friend, it be the whole of the Balkan area as well and then Europe and then it will go global. So is not only middle east ME was just the beginning lets say the fuse.

It will not be localized, much longer.

You can call me Al

They are also ramping up against North Korea and China….

Maria Hillhouse

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A false flag attack? if Saudi Arabia was to attack Iran? Iran could close the Persian Gulf, no Saudi oil, no petrodollars, the Americans would soil themselves.

Nigel Maund

well said PA!……..and dead right!

Richard M

Unless one of the Big Bulls (Trump/Putin) pawing and snorting backs down, even then the Baby Bulls (Erdogan/Netanyahu/KSA’s Salman) continue ripping at and goring Syria’s people. So it’s like WW1. The systems of alliances will drag the entire world into the fire.

Nigel Maund

No and you’re absolutely right. The Syrian war is entering a new and much more dangerous phase as the US, Israel and KSA up the ante substantially. Thye’re simply not going to accept defeat.

HighLord Gaz

Get serious… The Syrian gov has liberated Aleppo, taken back a good 30% of Idlib pocket, drove ISIS to the fringes of the SE desert, contained the Hama/Homs pocket and Qalamoun, eradicated the jihadi nests along the Lebanese border, and are now finishing of the East Ghouta headchoppers.

Sure, the war isn’t over yet (still need to take Idlib and deal with the rats in the South), but a “new and much more dangerous phase”? Seriously? The jihadists are on the wane, and the SAA are getting stronger with each passing month and new victory.

Icarus Tanović

Thats right, gaz.

888mladen .

What about Turkey in the North and US NATO in the East?


I wonder when the Dajjal will show up?


This is what zionists want, however it will be their end. They don’t have the right version of the story. There must be miss prints at the end of their book.


Washington should stop rubbing nations and countries. Washington should stop their evil and wicked practices. ————————————————————–

888mladen .

It was a trap and SAA has caught itself in. Sad.

Tom Tom

CIA had nothing to do with it. They uh, well, they robbed a bank and sold some girl scout cookies.


Damn ISISrael


I’m sure the hairiest ones speak Hebrew too


To REPEAT what I have said many times: The House of Rothschild, has virtually unlimited funds to HIRE virtually UNLIMITED Mercenaries from MILLIONS of unemployed men, FOR Israel, to keep the WAR against Humanity going until those Zionist Ashkenazi FAKE Jews win.

There is only ONE WAY to stop the WAR – Deal with Tel Aviv and the House of Rothschild and all the chess pieces will fall into place and then CHECKMATE

When key members of that family are in Prison or gone from this planet, their partners at the TOP of he Pyramid, House of Windsor and Vatican, will surrender or go into hiding, fearing for their lives, like the cowards and sewer rats they are, and we will be on the road to having PEACE

Richard M

If the Globalist sw1ne were so all powerful we could not even converse on a website. Don’t make the story worse than it is.


THAT is impossible to do.

Денис Черкасов

Yeah… that was definitely tactical mistake by SAA. It would be much smarter to let ISIS fight with other islamists as long as they could. Now SAA hasnt got territory nor local terrorists to get ISIS busy.


Does the SAA not have any reconnaissance or military intelligence around Damascus? Such kind of mistakes, not considering that there is an enemy left willing to strike, let an army look really stupid.


SAA has it, but they are really………


And people thought Daesh were finished!!!


no, they know the truth.

microlord putin thought this.

Boris Kazlov

Daesh is now the occupation forces of USAIPAC


never was.

Richard M

Bull. Under Obama’s Phony War, ISIS was growing by leaps and bounds. Only when Russia exposed the miles long ISIS convoys under USAF air protection did things change.


They used the situation. But not created. Simply let them fight SAA. ISIS on iraq was explicitely against american interests.


btw., assads troops similarly used isis in idlib. are they creators and protectors of isis?

Richard M

There are temporary truces in any conflict. I’m talking about a sustained functioning long term relationship.


Usa still working in Syria…

Richard M

Ottoman Empire still invading Syria!


There is no invasion, Just Astana Deal. Turkey, İran, Russia and Syria will rise this time.

Richard M

Yes, and /dolf’s Operation Barbarossa was not an invasion either, just a Scouting trip to Minsk, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Odessa and Moscow!


What ? Do you even know, what is astana deal ?

Richard M

Of course I know. It is the Munich Agreement all over again. Erdogan has his Anschluss with Turkmen tribes. Now he is demanding the Kurdish Sudetenland. In those days, Stalin couldn’t be awakened and colluded with /dolf every time. World leaders need to smell the coffee about Sultan/Fuhrer Erdogan and the Anatolian Knazi Partei!


Come on brother lets talking about today. Rusia, Turkey and İran will meet again soon. Plan still working. Erdoğan cant make such thing whit his power, he can even take our support if want war whit Syria. Killing pkk members will be best choice for him.

Richard M

We will see. Hopefully agreement can be made and this war can be ended with less death. Turkey needs to stop their aggression though.


You are %100 rigt, I cant speak for Edo but I m whit my syrian brother…

John Brown

It was a planned stab in the back in the surrender. There is no ISIS Israeli resurgence, the SAA will take the entire area very soon

Feudalism Victory

I bet it makes assad wish he could just douse the whole area in nerve agent. Wasnt this a palestinean refugee camp? Talk about ingrates.

Boris Kazlov

Al-Asssad doesn’t heve any nerve agents, it is USAIPAC who is getting nervous because of scuccesses of SAA and RuAF so they have to stage ridiculous accusations to intervene directly.

Bill Wilson

It was a Pali refugee camp that’s been controlled by different factions since the fighting broke out. One would leave and another would take it’s place.

Feudalism Victory

Should make pali militia clear it out get to run it

Eskandar Black

Once Ghouta is over, the SAA should skin these orcs alive.


They will, a slip up on the take over is due to local knowledge, ISIS know the tunnel systems, SAA will learn. Still there are fewer orcs and they are looking for virgins.

Eskandar Black

The reason the Orcs are active is they know that they will be out by Cinco de mayo

Mo Richard

Striking coincidence. But I can smell the western hands in it.


AMN has revised this: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/confirmed-syrian-army-troops-got-trapped-behind-isis-lines-in-south-damascus-key-district-has-not-fallen-to-terrorist-group/


Can someone help me with the map? Which factions are which color? Also, hopefully Syrian forces will push ISIS back quickly, once they have time to regroup.

Richard M

Red is Syria’s legitimate government. Grey is ISIS terrorists. Green is Qaida and other Jihadi terrorists. Turks are a different shade of Green as they are allied with Qaida and other Jihadists.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

not good, need TF to gain the upper hand here again!!!

Bill Wilson

The SAA can’t do much of anything without the help of professional forces. That’s why Assad allowed ISIS to remain surrounded in that pocket for so long.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

they can and they will


damn…victory at Gouta….here great loses….

Joe Dirt

withdrawal agreement?! You mean SAA had to advert forces elsewhere because they are LOSING a seven year war!

War has no “withdrawal agreement” only retreat or surrender!

Steve Bell

The only ones losing are the head-loppers and their Israeli/Saudi/U.S. sponsors.


They keep coming back from the dead. Surely someone is resurrecting them. The financiers need to be publicly exposed. This is outrageous.


What if the people/media/politicians suppose to expose them, are actually somewhat involved in this theatre.

Icarus Tanović

Why do you guys tripping on this? You know what its a trap set up for ISIS. After this they are done and done. Wahhabi swines.

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