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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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On February 26 afternoon, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL) launched a new attack on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions around Saraqib city with direct Turkish support.

Within a few hours, Turkish-backed militants imposed control of the towns of Salihiya and Afis to the north of Saraqib. SAA troops were pushed back to the vicinity of the city.

Militants reportedly captured three battle tanks, including a Russian-supplied T-90, in the course of the attack. Other military vehicles were destroyed.

Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

A few day ago, a similar attack backed, and possibly planned, by Turkey allowed HTS and the NFL to capture the town of al-Nayrab, northwest of Saraqib. The SAA withdrew from the town, leaving behind loads of weapons.

SAA troops around Saraqib city appear to be facing some serious issues, including a poor coordination and a weak decision making among field commanders. The morale of Syrian service members there also appear to be low, for no clear reason.

Turkish-backed militants will likely develop their offensive around Saraqib, taking advantage of absence of the SAA’s elite units. These units, including the 25th Special Forces Division and the 4th Division, are now advancing in southern Idlib, dozens of kilometers away from the city.


Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Loses More Positions Around Saraqib Following New Turkish-led Attack (Photos, Map)

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I think only the 4th and 25th divisions are capable of withstanding a serious counter-attack… Losing a T90? Wow… I think SAA made a premature rush to take south idlib and left east totally unattended and exposed…

Christian S

Beside tigers and 4th , 5th corps uses t-90, theyve been send as reinforcements but fail in controlin this section of frontline.


I can hear the soundtrack of ‘ Cry of the Valkyries ‘ in the background as the Russian Aerospace Force , Syrian Airforce and that would be the end of the little advance.

Russian and Syrian and Iranian strategists will handle things. Stay calm.


There must be a good reason why they focused on the south. I’m not familiar with the region at all, but securing a mountain top that seems to be unparalleld in height in the region, not so far from Idlib city seems like a pretty good strategic victory. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8bab727a8ec7868804a8800a039e9f6ce534cf7ff27137e47e9b91f5db684ff7.png I kind of agree with you, getting the M5 cut is pretty bad but it probablly won’t last long like that and once SAA retakes it, it Will be in a much much better strategic situation


Yes,thats why the Turks put their posts on the top few days ago.

Bill Wilson

The SAA went to work in the south because the HTS would be defending an area where there’s little room to maneuver, due to the mountainous terrain. Their only avenue for escape is to the north and northwest towards the M4.


The issue will be re-taking the town again as now the Turks are directly supporting the battles.Last time they just watched.I dont think Saraqib will hold as they already cut the M5 few hours ago nord towards Allepo.

Wolfgang Wolf



I dont have any that you would belive in yet.But there are many reports from various sides.




I was sure at least one retard will downvote the article because he hates the truth

S Melanson

Unfortunately the truth is going to get more painful. I paste my post above and see if I get downvotes… ——————

SF articles were dismissive of Turkish backed rebels and Turkish military to slow down let alone stop SAA and allies in Idlib. I wrote some satirical comments as well but still did not underestimate Erdogan’s resolve and military resources at his disposal.

Hasbara Hunter pointed out correctly that we should keep in mind Turkey has millions of Syrian refugees and does not want more. Yes, Turkeys has itself to blame in creating this fiasco but it does not change the reality that factors heavily in Erdogan’s decision making.

I opposed the Astana process practically from the get go and commented extensively why and that it would probably end badly for everyone. Well here we are. By now I think people can see the Russian military have had enough and at least can be admired for honouring their true allies.

Putin was trying to pull Turkey away from US orbit and certainly emergence of multipolar world and US alliance with Kurds opened the door. But in the end, to satisfy Turkish ambitions would require to much sacrifice leading to Russian moral bankruptcy in the international field. I warned Russia of this road being taken given the Astana process seemed a betrayal of Syria much like the deconfliction agreement with Israel was a betrayal of Iran. My criticism came from the heart and out of respect for Russia as a great nation and great people.

Erdogan is going to make good on his ultimatum and the SAA will not have the numbers or depth of quality to win this. Russia can make Turkey pay dearly but will unlikely change the outcome. The consequences of poor choices are coming home to roost and Russia’s project in Syria may come undone, but at least Russian honour may be restored by truly honouring the alliances that bind.

The Russian military have my support and know that the cost in the short term, such setbacks pale in comparison to the harm to Russia as a nation and proud people if the alliances forged should be dishonoured once again.

It is unfortunate it came to this, but a valuable lesson to be learned here. If you cannot be true to your friends, how can you expect your enemies to be true to you. You cannot.


I remember back in 2015 Russia looked like just trying to protect its military bases and Latakia but they achieved much more since then, it’s still quite possible for Russia to give up a small portion of Syria to Erdogan but I hope not.

Assad must stay

The hell is going on?



Assad must stay


Андреј Милојески

He says “war” in some Slavic language.

Mustafa Mehmet


Hanny Benny

elhamduFacka !!

calipHell is coming ;) :)


Nayrab from the jihadi point of view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6n1-ZUiZv0


Very painful to watch. SAA took heavy casualties here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr7sQB_9MoU


i can’t see that many casualties.. but i can see clear turkish support.. turkish equipment moving around idlib should be fair game.

Lone Ranger

Somebody tell me how do you capture a T-90 intact? Was the crew asleep?

Legis Legis Juscius

its just propaganda

Lone Ranger

I hope so.



Lone Ranger

Doesnt look like a T-90. Maybe a T-72. It doesnt even have reactive armor plating.


Upgraded T72


After have seen what happen some time ago in Palmira, I am not sure this is propaganda.

David Parker

Probably the engine or transmission is worn out.

Ivan Freely

The only way to acquire one would be to raid a maintenance depot.


M5 is closed

Wolfgang Wolf





SAA troops around Saraqib city appear to be facing some serious issue, including poor condition…

They actually showing very good condition…Lol…they run like Ussein Bolts!



Care to explain this picture?


Here from a better angle.



Thanks man


they will fight another day for sure..


Ah,fuck off with your “tactical retreat” shit again!


I am sure they will…Lol

Karen Bartlett

Uh oh. God, help the SAA!


I don’t understand the Syrian. Turkey sends one column after another, consisting of tanks, ManPads, troop carriers and various other things to support the Islamic terrorists, and the Syrian watches like a couple of stupid boys in terror. Have you lost your air force? They do not even bomb the Turks when they are rocketed by them. Did you think the terrorists would sell the weapons at the flea market? How stupid can you be?

klove and light

Putin is ordering not to bomb TAF colums of Military…..were the fuck is the surprise dude…..this has been Happening ever since Putin that Zionist pig gave the green light to Turkey to invade and occupy afrin……….Putin is a treachrous Zionist pig.and it is really simple to understand once you see the big Picture and not like the 90% Donkeys Focus on the small Arenas of battle, a Village here and there…

Only a madman who has lost all his senses or a treacherous Zionist pig could have the idea and come to the conclusion, that a turkish Invasion and occupation of syrian soil would Benefit the legitimate Government of assad.——-PERIOD!!!!

all this bs that we all are discussing in regards to Turkey and syria has ONE starting Point, one GATEWAY………….PUTINS green light to erdogan for the Invasion and occupation of afrin! Putins Agreement allowing Turkey to invade and occupy Idlib with 12 Military Posts is just ridiculous. and lastly Putins Agreement with Turkey for the latest Invasion and occupation of North east syria.

ridiculous pathetic treacherous!




Could have done with a few expletives less, but yes this is a piece of the puzzle that many here on SF (particularly our patriotic Russian brothers) don’t like to hear. And it’s not just the content of the agreements, but how they are concluded, by Putin presuming to speak for Syria as if he owns it already. The meetings concerning the fate of Syria should be held in Damascus, chaired by Assad–unless of course your aim is to undermine his legitimacy.

At this rate, how long will it be before Russian pilots will be targeted by Russia’s own S-400. Should lead to interesting discussions in Moscow when that comes to pass.

Josiah Isaboke

It’s pathetic really…Now you understand why the Syrians are in low morale…I saw the video the jihadis put up…AN SAA TANK AGAINST A JIHADI APC. What was that? And the way the SAA ran away leaving all their heavy weapons behind without even trying to fire at the enemy. Something is really wrong with SAA and unless they resolve the issue they are not going to hold for long.

Pave Way IV

Bullshit. The RuAF just wiped out the main Turkish Army distribution hub in Taftanaz Airbase yesterday, killing hundreds of head-choppers and Turkish Army soldiers. You just didn’t hear any casualty reports yet. Except for the orphaned kitten hospital in the middle of the airbase – that got smoked.

Josiah Isaboke

That’s why the SAA has low morale….You have an enemy inf front and behind you attacking but you are muzzled…You can’t attack them because you will anger someone. The Syrians can see the enemy

Alberto Garza

have you forgotten 2013 ? 2014? the syrian army wa son the verge of collapse all putin had to do was well..nothing… things have changed a lot … and its because of putin .

Me&Myself None

Russia waited on the fence and intervened at the last moment. Had it intervened earlier when things started they could have resolved this problem from the start.

Me&Myself None

I was a propagandist for Russia all over Youtube following Russia’s intervention in Syria, I stopped doing that following Russia’s response or lack of after the drowning of the IL-xx plane that caused the death of 15 Russian brave-men. I started seeing a pattern where there is no proportional response for any action against Russia.

1. US keep applying sanctions after sanctions on Russia, yet not a single proportional reaction from Russia. 2. Erdogan ordered the drowning of the su-24, Putin rewarded Erdogan with a piece of Syria. 3. Israel caused the death of 16 Russia brave soldiers, Putin quickly jumped to defend Israel action by contradicting the words of his own officers. He rewarded Netanyahu by giving him a front raw seat at Russia’s military parade


“Front raw seat” — yes it became a raw experience when Bibi bombed the crap out of Syria against the stated wishes of his host as that parade was ongoing. Do our kosher friends even deserve their sneaky reputation when they show who is whose bitch in full daylight.

The Kremlin deals in realpolitik. Most of the time it defers to Israel as a power greater than itself, because that’s the way the balance works out once you include the former’s American colony.

Also, while I don’t literally believe in the soul, afterlife and all that, I may now be at an age where it seems to me that you can’t leave spiritual/metaphysical questions out of the equation. As long as you continue to pray to the God of Israel, and worship the King of the Jews, you start the worldly discussion from a subordinate position. It’s why I think Europeans should restore their own, civilized Gods of the Olympus to their former glory instead of continue to wallow in this desert tribalism.

Simplekindof Man

Yea at this point it just seems like everything is set up and just a pass time game for Putin and Erdog. Probably the troops have figured so too,hence the low morale-run while you can…

Me&Myself None

As expected, Russia’s lack of any decisive response was predictable. I am not even a military person or politician, yet I am able to predict Russia’s behavior toward a particular development with pinpoint accuracy. I predicted they will remain passive to Turkey’s advance, here it is.

David Parker

MANPADS can eliminate the Syrian Air Force in one day. They have to bomb low enough to hit something, and that puts them right in range of Stingers.

Wolfgang Wolf

this can be anywhere. no proof of this and that location. usual camelfucker bullshit, and bravely reported and supported by SF. are you getting paid for promoting this shit propaganda?




Incredible….Russia saw all these terrorists motion since its intelligence systems (satellites, drons, planes, radars) and DID NOTHING or SO LITTLE to sop these attacks.


HTS use this vehicles as kamikaze, that captagon works wonders

Robert M

Call the QSD, they will clean all the rats till Idlib


If you mean the SDF, they got mangled by the the weak divisions of jihadists in the east. Also the SDF can only do guerilla warfare. Those ISIS they cleaned up, just magically surrendered and got bribed. There were a lot of betrayals in their ranks.

klove and light

say thank you to treacherous Zionist pig Putin……

told u so…….and it all started with Putins green light to erdogan for the Invasion and occupation of afrin.

dont underestimate the wickness and evilness of them satanic zionists, were treachery has Always played a important role in their Evil doings.

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig!

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews-the houthi Slogan, the bravest of the brave


Chewed too much khat again today?

Joe Doe

4th and 25th divisions are SAA units capable defend SYria. The rest are only capable to run. Therefore, SAA is not very strong. About military tactic, SAA learn very little during the 8 years war. I think they will not learn anything else


Nice PR from the terrorists and Turks. Reality in the ground is different. The Terrorist gain 5 square kilometers (sqm) while the SAA gains 110 to 200 sqm/day Run that for two weeks and see who’s victorious at that time. in 2 weeks with a rate of 150 sqm/day average is 2100 sqm vs 75 sqm. By the way there is only 2100 sqm left in Idlib to be fully liberated. You do the math. Who’s going to win.


Tell that to those men that died taking those cities in first place that incompetent idiots cant hold for couple days by having an armored battalion at their disposal.


Have you considered that the Syrian withdrawal is deliberate. Syrian army would have evacuated citizens and leaving behind weapons and equipment was to create an illusion that the Syrian army has weakened. Those terrorists which includes Turkey will occupy in mass that city; the Syrians will surround them and they either surrender or die. It is a honey pot trap.


Bingo ………. and that is after they cut off M4 as a resupply route.

Ray Douglas

That is a possibility all right. A few big bombs would sort out that problem, end of terrorism in Syria.


… and “deliberately” leave all that hardware behind so the moderates could use it against them? LOL


Have a good look at the hardware; trash. Ever heard of a honeypot?

MeMad Max

mmmm. No. The SAA does this back n forth stuff all the time in areas that they dont deem as important as others. In the end, when they set their mind on something, they win. Look at aleppo and deir ezzoir as a prime example. Everything around those areas shifted hands back n forth so many times I lost count. But now… Its all back in Syrian hands…


War is not perfect. There is no perfect plan that makes win every battle. Winning the war is about getting the right ratio of wins and losses. If you compare yesterday vs today, the SAA improved their overall position . Don’t live in the short term. The SAA is still winning.


They need to have some troops behind their back like Stalin had on the russian front.Then go and try to run.

Simplekindof Man

Poor coordination and a weak decision making among field commanders. The morale of Syrian service members there also appear to be low, for no clear reason….”” You answered your question and yet you finish with for “no clear reason”

Xoli Xoli

Damascus and Putin agrement was all captured town will be under Russian military Police and Syrian forces control due to lack of manpower. There 8s one action of Syria which i dont understand.Why would Turkey attack Syrian forces from their post.But threaten Syrian forces not to attack their post.


Russia does not allow SAA to destroy Turkey posts.

Bill Wilson

To ignore and bypass the OP’s is a first class political move to show the Turks how stupid Erdogan really is.

S Melanson

SF articles were dismissive of Turkish backed rebels and Turkish military to slow down let alone stop SAA and allies in Idlib. I wrote some satirical comments as well but still did not underestimate Erdogan’s resolve and military resources at his disposal.

Hasbara Hunter pointed out correctly that we should keep in mind Turkey has millions of Syrian refugees and does not want more. Yes, Turkeys has itself to blame in creating this fiasco but it does not change the reality that factors heavily in Erdogan’s decision making.

I opposed the Astana process practically from the get go and commented extensively why and that it would probably end badly for everyone. Well here we are. By now I think people can see the Russian military have had enough and at least can be admired for honouring their true allies.

Putin was trying to pull Turkey away from US orbit and certainly emergence of multipolar world and US alliance with Kurds opened the door. But in the end, to satisfy Turkish ambitions would require to much sacrifice leading to Russian moral bankruptcy in the international field. I warned Russia of this road being taken given the Astana process seemed a betrayal of Syria much like the deconfliction agreement with Israel was a betrayal of Iran. My criticism came from the heart and out of respect for Russia as a great nation and great people.

Erdogan is going to make good on his ultimatum and the SAA will not have the numbers or depth of quality to win this. Russia can make Turkey pay dearly but will unlikely change the outcome. The consequences of poor choices are coming home to roost and Russia’s project in Syria may come undone, but at least Russian honour may be restored by truly honouring the alliances that bind.

The Russian military have my support and know that the cost in the short term, such setbacks pale in comparison to the harm to Russia as a nation and proud people if the alliances forged should be dishonoured once again.

It is unfortunate it came to this, but a valuable lesson to be learned here. If you cannot be true to your friends, how can you expect your enemies to be true to you. You cannot. Do not forget this.


Astana reduced SAA frontlines alot and gave them time to clear the rest.

S Melanson

It had some benefits no doubt but the problems it created outweigh the benefits and we are seeing this now.


Now that you say this, all the surrounded turkish posts start to make some sense for me. If a shooting war starts and SAA take all of those soldiers prisoners, it could be used in Turkey as a morale booster for the population

S Melanson

They also present a problem as fire control, spotting, intel and a thorn in rear tying up SAA forces.

Christian S

All those observation post can be neutralised within 1 hour, they are sitnn ducks and turks know this, theyve evacuated some already . as soon turks would use their airforce against saa these turks could get smoked.


Cogent poast…


Turkey’s army isn’t the best, especially after the officer purges. Then people tend to dismiss it completely (incl. on SouthFront as you say); but already the Afrin Kurds found out this is a grave mistake. Yes the Turkish army may be a bit shabby; but there’s a lot of it, and Erdogan is a crafty bastard in playing Russia and the US off each other.

Russia’s desire to talk to all players is commendable in itself, but you risk losing your way unless you have a strong moral compass. Sometimes the Kremlin just seems to do convoluted stuff for the heck of it, mistaking it for true cleverness that actually gets results.

S Melanson

Yes indeed. Ironically, Stalin was quoted as saying quantity has a quality of its own…


Putin is an Israeli holop


People need to calm down! Yes, the SAA has most likely made the decision to give up Saraqib and not put up a fight. In the meantime, the entire southern Idlib will be liberated and then focus will shift towards Saraqib. Calm down!

Xoli Xoli

USA finished Iraqi convoys,Libya convoys and Yugoslavia convoys which were more deadly then Turkey convoys in days. Why cant Syria and allies do the same.


because RuAF is not USAF ;)


total fuc*ing mess i don’t think they can hold saraqib much longer … the problem here is turkish artillery it needs to be eliminated asap the saa and allies need to put all their focus on the saraqib front now forget about the south pocket …they need to secure back neirab and from their capture saramin and qaminas it’s the only way they can protect saraqib …. also man the turks they need to get a major blow in their forces i don’t know why the allies are shying away from that the turks need to be hurt in a very bad way in idlib … russia needs to bring up the big guns it’s do or die now !!!

Josiah Isaboke

+-I have said that many times but i think there seems to be an order not to target the Turks which i think they are utilizing to the max. I can’t understand how a well equipped army can just run away without even putting up a fight. I saw the video the jihadis posted or the artillery attack which was well coordinated and the SAA running hiding behind building with no weapons in their hands and i was like WTF? Something just doesn’t add up!! Are the SAA that crippled without Russian airforce attack or are these guys coordinating witht the Jihadi groups? I am beginning to suspect the later. AND SOMEBODY PLEASE PUT THOSE TURKISH ARTILLERY SYSTEMS OUT OF ORDER.

Xoli Xoli

We really need cool heads.Bullets dont discriminate.


It’s all nice and well to rage about Turkey’s betrayal of the Sochi accords–and make snarky kebab jokes about it. But it was clear before the ink was dry that Ankara had no intention to live up to Sochi, that they only promised what they had to in order to get their paws on Idlib. Not only has Turkey been on the jihadists’ side throughout the Syrian war, Erdogan has been on the side of islam throughout his career–it’s his entire brand.

So what’s going on here? After inviting the Americans into East Syria (and ask the Wagner widows how well that one worked out), what state of mind does it take to next invite the Turks into Idlib? Still by far the most plausible explanation is that it’s deliberate Russian (or at least Putin) policy to keep Syria weak and dependent.


Maybe Erdogan knows that Russia can’t afford more economic sanctions from NATO/EU members and his bluf works against Putin. I mean you can’t fully blow up few hundred NATO soldiers in a raid and expect to get away without at least some economic sanctions.


Some of that, yeah, plus Russia doesn’t want to weaken Erdogan to the point that he’d be replaced with a NATO toady in a coup. So the sultan-in-his-own mind can threaten Moscow with his own failure–the Karzai play.

Safe to assume that all sides are bluffing, but maybe we haven’t found out yet who’s bluffing best. All as it should be in high-stakes poker.

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