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Syrian Army Makes Gains In Aleppo Countryside Despite Militants’ Attacks

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On February 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies advanced further in the southwestern Aleppo countryside securing two new towns.

According to the Military Media, army units imposed its control of the town of Humayra‏ in the afternoon. Later, the army advanced further, capturing the town of Halisah, a stronghold of Turkish-backed militants.

Syrian Army Makes Gains In Aleppo Countryside Despite Militants' Attacks

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier today, the towns of al-Qarasi and Qal’ajiyah in the southwestern Aleppo countryside were liberated by the army and its allies, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

This new advance came amid a large-scale attack by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies on the northwestern part of Aleppo city. The attack is still ongoing, with heavy clashes being reported in the district of al-Zahra.

The SAA’s recent gains demonstrate that the power of militants’ attack in northwestern Aleppo is much lower than HTS supporters want to demonstrate.

During the past years, Greater Idlib groups suffered a series of painful military defeats that undermined their military capabilities. So, now they are suffering from the lack of highly motivated and trained manpower, as well as heavy military equipment.

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Daniel Martin

The terrorists in Idlib and their sponsors should be reminded of the ancient saying “those who choose to live their lives by the sword, will die by the sword”

Xoli Xoli

It should be heard by ISIS creator’s Israel,France,USA,Britain’s,Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Jens Holm

Live by the sword, die by the sword – Wikipedia

“Live by the sword, die by the sword” is a proverb in the form of a parallel phrase, derived from the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 26, 26:52): “Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with …

Xoli Xoli

Now what is your point Beause you make yourself confused. It is not about where it derived from but realistic truth of how to die if you risk playing dangerous life.Jens your coments are great but looses credibility sometimes.

Jens Holm

What a stupid remark. They have signed contracts havent they.


Roll up the east flank of M5, the rats are running. Their morale has been trashed. :)

Zionism = EVIL

The SAA is making good steady progress, however, I just received some photos showing the scale of Saudi and Emirati scums losses at Nihm pass south east of Sanaa where a whole Saudi and Emirati brigade was caught in pincer in a narrow pass by Yemeni special forces and Ansarallah with devastating ATGM fire, despite the Saudis trying to launch airstrikes which were repelled by mobile upgraded SA-6 batteries with new newer Iranian frequencies and anti-jamming systems. Two Apaches were also downed in the process. The whole Saudi armored column over 5 kms in length was decimated with over 3,000 casualties and prisoners and over 150 tanks and armored vehicles captured. I will post more in the Yemen update map when SF posts its. But this will give you and idea, how good the Ansarallah are:

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/20f9aa448477a39697286833e4e377ccc6c0341dd7943061906c5b336ef9c449.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/866e9d4c7ecb9086b68198c9648a0f916ccd4caa50981f3eeb9fb693f8379463.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/436cd9396f465643bc3b1d18343f2e5614b09a448bf1b72433db3b5d2a299c9d.jpg


Wow, Looks like another disaster for Saudi coalition again. Trapped on a road and too stupid to control the surrounding heights with at least some recon. :))

Zionism = EVIL

The Saudi idiots without adequate reconnaissance ran into a narrow mountain pass where the Yemeni special forces with 120mm anti-personnel mortars and ATGM were waiting for a week while the Ansarallah harassed the Saudis and goaded them into the pass. The Saudi morons are scared to fly their Apaches at lower than 7000 feet, making them totally ineffective for supporting ground forces, due to Misagh manpads of the Americunt E-11A fame. So the Saudis either missed the large Yemen ambush or simply did not want o fight.


Before moving a convoy of such size nowadays, one would expect drone reconnaisence gathered to be mandatory. It looks like Saudies do not know what is vitally necessary.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, I saw the best of the Saudi military in the 1990’s and they were worse than anything I had seen even in the remotest and poorest parts of Africa. The Saudis promote their “officers” based on Wahhabi tribal loyalty to the corrupt House of Saud. Most of their officers sent to the US, UK and NATO exchanges spend their time with whores, drinking and gambling. They have no military academy or educational infrastructure as mercenaries from Pakistan, Egypt and the west do all the work and they have no interest in dying for the Saudi scum, so that just leaves illiterate corrupt cowardly Wahhabi madrassa cannon fodder and now with declining financial resources even they are not willing to die. Oil prices once again are heading below $40 a barrel and the cost of the Yemen disaster is now $5 billion a month. In this ambush alone expensive best of western weaponry over $2 billion was lost or captured. No army in the world can afford such losses forever. In essence the Saudis are truly fucked.

Zionism = EVIL

Ansarallah and Yemeni special forces show the captured Saudi 120 mm mortars they used to ambush the regular Saudi 8th brigade with devastating consequences. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/272f62825db908aba7d932a5ca2f748105121f0bfc36122d128fb437ad397972.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8253471e9dc3af779188009a575793ed92552d6cea51335422b6bfd7a8140d1a.jpg


Nice to see. Do you got any info regarding their rocket attack on the oil terminal some days ago?

Zionism = EVIL

They launched a medium range missile at at Aramco facility as a warning and are really not doing it in force as it would rattle the oil markets already reeling from the China caronavirus. The Saudis are sending peace feelers to Iran and even rejected the orange moron Trump’s “deal of the century” BS, which was quite unexpected. So I believe the Ansarallah won’t attack for a few weeks to see how the Saudis untangle from Yemen, if they don’t then a massive missile and drone barrage is coming. The young unflappable special forces articulate Yemeni general Yahya Sari alluded to the behind the scenes talks with Saudis to leave Yemen and pay compensation.



I cross my fingers that this works out.

Simon Ndiritu

The Khat-chewing gentlemen of Yemen have proven to be geniuses in special operations. They are literally rewriting the rule books. Saudis and their NATO masters have ‘nowhere to hide’ in Yemen


The Houthi liberation of their historic lands has been a truly monumental achievement.

I look forward to the day that the SAA and allies will emulate the Houthi advances in the coming days and weeks.


Erdogan will be quite irate, if not irked.

Xoli Xoli

He is already and so disparate. Trump is launching at him.Just because he ignored Washington’s orders.

Wolfgang Wolf

bomb those fuckers night and day. zero tolerance.

Zionism = EVIL

That is the only option. The area under terrorist control is very small and and about 100 sorties a day with cluster and precision munitions would do it. Russia will have to ramp up its aerospace forces in Syria and also move Pantsir and BUK batteries closer to SAA advancing positions just to make sure the Turkeys don’t fly. A bombing “accidental” bombing runs on the Turkey OPs would also be helpful. The idiots Erdogan’s delusional plan to create a 40 kms wide puppet state in Syria has bit the dust like the fat old fool Trump’s “deal of the century”. Erdogan is a disgusting arsehole who is just killing Syrians for spite, same as his Zionist masters.


When their massive attack fails, the entire terrorist defense line in western Aleppo will collapse, because they have used a lot of troops and equipment for this attack, then that’s when the counterattack will begin.

Gary Sellars

Just like when the rats counter-attacked in the south of the pocket before the SAA pushed them back and then advanced to take Maarat Numan and the M5.

Stupid Wahhabi rat scum are doomed.

Zionism = EVIL

The Saudi arseholes are taking the worst hiding in Yemen, a battle at Nihm pass has just ended in a one sided Ansarallah victory. There is literally a highway of death in which over 3,000 Saudis perished, wounded or were captured, including many African mercenaries. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/94dd428ff1e26f302bd36d10d1e7b96aea131c423d9233119b83fc936e1baabe.jpg



They care for prisoners well

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, that is why the Saudi surrender rather than fight. Another interesting fact that emerged after this battle is how the Saudis simply handed over brand new truck loads of ammunition to the Zaidis, without even making an effort to destroy it, which is normal practice in defeated militaries.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df836dcf4610b5bb55e73bf1f38e29681b14beadfe15c44e90c0d27100bc27a1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b66e65cc5bf721d854ed333bcde9bc1b644b6aaa7ce76e80a882adf61eaf2b4e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4385c849f4641ff9df9bcdceb829809389eff791e93fd385f63b1b755145dad1.jpg


The Houthis always have. There is nothing to be gained really by mistreating anyone when they are helpless. In war and civilian life.


It must be hard to keep fighting for a doomed cause like these HTS terrorists do, they keep losing again and again but somehow still think they have a chance? I’m guessing their recruits must be either A) ignorant of reality B) looking to be ‘martyred’ and go to heaven or C) Both.

good american

Or D)- really, really frickin’ stupid.




Uneducated, indoctrinated and not able to think by their own. Their mind was made up by people not telling the full story with all possible implications or potential alternatives. When I had projects to run in Iraq when the US CPA was in charge after US invaded Iraq, security levels were degrading, hence skilled foreign labour got more and more expensive. Any candidate I interviewed to check, if they understand the risk they were taking, and to make sure they were fir for the job.

Most of them did not even had a clear understanding, what might be the worst case scenario. They talked about getting killed as worst case, which came from US propaganda seen everywhere in movies and TV series, Us understanding of heroism as presented in Hollywood movies etc. When I told them, that worst case is surviving an attack and living with e.g. disablement, head injuries, missing limps or totally disabled, some started thinking. They told that noone ever told them something like this. When I showed pictures of victims of IED attack, which I had to evacuate, they lost their color in the faces. The majority of these gold diggers refrained from taking the jobs after that. For the projects, they wouldn’t be fit anyway, as they were not aware of the dangers, not prepared for the harsh environment, and did not foster the needed conciouseness and carefullness.


If I was Assad, I’d drop flyers all over the militant held areas stating they got safe escort to a big raft with an outboard motor, life jackets, booze, cigarettes, porn mags and one way ticket to a Europe. This war would be over in a week.

Zionism = EVIL

or drop free airline tickets to Europe :)

Jens Holm

Same “Me no understand” from You. Something total misguiding is permnent livig in Your head.

The ones leaving by gifts like that will be the real refugees and maybee non fighting viwes and children of the Jihadists.

plus might be it will be easier to bombarde the fighting ones but two will be they dont have those escapers to protect and partly feed.

You not even know who is there and why. You are just like some parrot in this.

Zionism = EVIL

Mental patients should not be posting dissected sentences in gibberish as it accelerates dementia and also adds pressure on the anal sphincter where their brain recedes to. Now take your pills and go to bed, you Danish ranting lunatic :)

Jens Holm

At least 4 people here are ignorants even for civilians living there. They only in their peimitive mind says: Enemies KIL KIL KILL.

No reflexions fpr civilians at all. 1000s dies and by bad people, which should be nothing themselves long time ago.

Thare should be no Assads left in the artificial state mistakenly named as “Syria” by the Neocolonialists mainly France and GB.

But OH NO. France and GB incl. Turkey didvided the land and that has to be kept to any price, which is paid every day. It makes no sense for the normal ones.

10 million Syrians seemes to be the normal ones not killing each other. Defining killing as normal everyday is what should not be reprodused.


In Boeing aircraft :)

Jens Holm

After years You still not even know Your enemies.

Those users of that – where You have forgotten drugs and chocalate – will be the non fighting ones.



James Kira

Imam Ali(as) always led his battles, unlike todays cowardly leaders, so Joulani is a good example of leadership.

In japan we have freedom of speech unlike in americunt or kikerael or russia or iran.

And southfront is following the footsteps of hypocrisy. (big blow to assheadist morale)

“hypocrisy is the biggest morale killer”

Rebels have zero hypocrisy, because Rebels actively make sure of it. And this is why Rebels never lose morale. (This is how we crushed isis)


Put down the crackpipe

James Kira

Symbollically I did when left both ShiaChat and Iran more than 10 years ago.

Ive never come across a crack user in my life until I went to iran.

Zionism = EVIL

Obviously have not been to Denmark either :)

James Kira

Yes, so obviously iran and denmark are crackheads, and wrongly accusing is as bad as the accusation itself.

assheadism < zionism = evil

Zionism = EVIL

Junior arsehole, is the best you can come up with :) I have hide made of titanium so don’t give a fuck what some retard posts cutie pie, sugar honey bun faggot. When is the next Jew mardi gras? make sure a Chinese sticks his corona up your dumbarse. BTW, Kira means shitty in many languages, so your family is named appropriately. No kidding poofter :)

James Kira

assheadism is phaggotry between iran and russia and arsehead triple xxx phaggot play.

No Shia would allow it including Imam Khomeini(rh).

assheadists are traitors to Imam Ali(as), Imam AlMahdi(as), Isa(as), Prophet Muhammad(saw), and Allah(swt).

No alliances with russia, it has become your downfall.

Luke Hemmming

USA is full of crackheads. Australia has ice addicts.


Or the UK :)

James Kira

I did symbolically by leaving north america and iran and shiachat, and vowing to never go back.

Jens Holm

Your free speech certainly are limited here and there very much too. In companies so many Leaders ro down the level only and its not allowed to comment. Women so many places are second class citicens too.

James Kira

Yes, free speech and silence is actually a free choice, except that speech and silence isnt geniune unless backed by action and willingness to face either of its consequences.

For example encouraging russias carpet bombing of Idlib is the same as bombing Idlib itself.

And silence about russias actions is also the same as condoning it.

Luke Hemmming

Collateral damage is part and parcel of war. The US are experts in providing collateral damage. Just ask the citizens of Raqaa where the US airforce has done a fine job of flattening the city with bombs from 2016 to 2018.

James Kira

I dont claim your sins with anothers, nor do I americas with russias or isis.

I do claim as you do about kikearael and americunts crimes as I so kikesis.

In fact just because they do it, doesnt excuse me nor yourself.

Thats why I can no longer support iran nor hezbollah because they share their sins with russia.

Turkey nor Rebels arent targeting entire cvivilian areas with aerial weapons.

We can ask our Creator(swt) to Judge between us on this matter.


James, you are really getting boring now. Please do me a favour and neutralise yourself. Very soon.

Thank you.

James Kira

Just stay off my threads then or block me, FlorianGhey you ugly troll


Japan is still under US occupation, so is best for you to liberate your own country before you spout your nonsense here, james Kira.

J Roderet

The clock is ticking down on these terrorist bastards. It is only a matter of time before the survivors will all be living in exile in the West.

Jens Holm

Next time You cross a street dont be runned over by a car:)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Unfortunately syrialivemaps shows Humayra back in opposition hands so we had a bit of a setback since this article was published. Last year Assad had a very capable light armoured but highly mobile strike force stationed at Hader, which is just south if where the SAA and opposition are fighting now, and if they’re still stationed there they could be used to assist the 4th division with devastating effect. Hopefully they are still there and they do join the fight soon, I want to see just how well they perform, I’m not 100% sure but I think I recall they were a mechanized brigade attached to the 7th infantry division, and apart from being highly mobile they were also armed to the teeth with all sorts of goodies, even anti air capabilities, so I’m hoping they put on a really good show, that’s if they’re still there. They could possibly attack the rebels from 2 fronts in a pincer action, it’s only 10 km from Humayra to Hader.

Jens Holm

Rhansk for Your reeflections. Yes, light armed troops like that should be made. They also could be better cleaning the leftovers in the deserts.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No deserts here Jens, just farmland and towns.


During the liberation of aleppo once the terrorists were sure to be defeated, they did this same thing.. He even made a preach about how the warriors will attack SAA not on their weakness but their strength and sent thousands of fools to the strongest defense lines and got them slaughtered.. Anyone else remember this?

Jens Holm

Its normal speak before fighting in any camp.

I am sure he didnt say any of them are fools:)

Zionism = EVIL

You never speakee normal or even remotely lucid you idiotic Danish fruitcake crackhead, only thing missing is hemp icing:)

James Kira

1. Rebels take part of Aleppo City.

2. saa takes the countryside? Ah ok.

The only explanation is that groundforce for groundforce, Rebels are much stronger, especially in the City.

And also the saa mercenary versus Rebel resistance ratio of damage to the environment, buildings, and civilians is much higher for saa russia and iran, just like it is higher for americunt, and kikerael.

asheadist treatment of Humans is as bad as if not worse than of kikesis, especially by sheer number.

isis are murderers, and asshead is twice the murderer, because he professes to be Sunni himself.

asshead has become the Shia sufyani, from the tribe of kalb (southfront) and R1 Roman Nationalist Haplos (R1a&R1b).


Assad is not Sunni he is Alawite which is an offshoot of Shia Islam. If Assad was worse than the militants it seems strange that his majority Sunni army is still fighting for him & people have returned to government liberated areas

Zionism = EVIL

The guy if real is a hasbara bot and illiterate. There is a report than all Zionists are being encouraged to post BS and distracting propaganda as the moronic “deal of the century” bites the dust.

James Kira

1. My understanding is that he claimed to be Sunni as well that his publicly cucked wife is also Sunni (Right hand over left hand). And I would never say he was Sunni unless I had my facts right. Otherwise I would say he is Alawite.

2. My understanding is that asshead is always low on human resources despite ties with russia hazara hezbollah and iran. All the missiles and tanks cant control the will of Believing People.

And sects aside its apostacy to ally with putin or nato under Shia Sunni Sufi or Alawaite Law. (And Turkey is a nato ally under ataturk the zionist which Erdogan inherited with the intention of breaking such an unlawful alliance, he had previously signed treaties that he was obligated to follow without allying with nato against Muslims including Shia).


My cat has more understanding of Syrian events than you , James Kira.


good news!!

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