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Syrian Army Offensive In Greater Idlib: Results Of February 20-24, 2020

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Syrian Army Offensive In Greater Idlib: Results Of February 20-24, 2020

Late on February 23, the Israeli Air Force conducted a new strike on Damascus claiming that the target was positions of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). The Israeli airstrikes on the Syrian capital coincided with similar strikes on PIJ positions in the Gaza Strip. A few hours earlier, Palestinian forces launched a barrage of rockets at Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip. The rocket attack came in response to the killing of a PIJ fighter by the Israeli military.

Despite Turkish threats, the Syrian Army continued offensive operations against terrorists in Greater Idlib. During the past 24 hours, government forces took control of the villages of Hantutin, Shekh Damis, Kafr Sajna and Naqir. Some sources link these developments with the possible push to shorten the frontline south of the M4 highway.

As to the Turkish side, it continued paying the price for the Idlib gamble. On February 23, a series of Russian airstrikes targeted the surroundings of the Turkish observation posts near the town of Shir Mughar. Pro-militant sources reported casualties among Turkish personnel and Turkish-backed groups. However, these reports have yet to be confirmed by photo or video evidence.

A day earlier, on February 22, the Turkish Defense Ministry announced that one of its soldiers was killed by Syrian Army artillery strikes. According to the Turkish side, Ankara targeted 21 positions of Syrian forces in response.

On February 21, the Syrian media released footage showing intense Russian and Syrian strikes on Turkish forces during the February 20 battle for the village of Nayrab, which turned into a disaster for Ankara’s forces. The video clearly shows strikes on four M60 Sabra MK II tanks of the Turkish Armed Forces, as well as several vehicles, including ACV-15 and M113 armored personnel carriers, some of which may have been operated by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other militant groups. These videos, contrary to Turkish twitter victory announcements, are a real confirmation of the Syrian actions. It also casts doubts as to the Turkish claims that only 2 soldiers were killed and 5 others were injured in the incident.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the US State Department, Morgan Ortagus condemned the resumption of civilian flights from Aleppo calling them “blood flights” and describing the move as “shameless”. US top officials live in its own parallel world and without a shadow of doubt are blocking efforts to restore the peaceful life in the war-torn country on the highest level.

As to the peaceful al-Qaeda members at the Turkish table that Ms Ortagus bravely defends on Twitter, she can use her post to propose to the American society a brand new humanitarian idea – to resettle tens of thousands of members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Turkistan Islamic Party and other al-Qaeda groups from Idlib to Washington.

That way, the peaceful Idlib activists will have an opportunity to build their ISIS-style ‘democracy’ close to their most vocal supporters and do so far away from the constant threats from the brutal Assad regime. The issue is that this move will barely find support among US citizens, most of whom do not share in the delusions and hypocrisy of their top leadership. The Turkish problem with the possible influx of migrants from Idlib is the same double-faced policy. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is wagging his moustache and making loud threats against Syria claiming that his country is concerned with the fate of Idlib people.

In reality, Ankara is quite scared that tens of thousands of battle-hardened and well-armed al-Qaeda members will be fully defeated and flee to Turkey. This will turn the province of Hatay into a new hotbed of al-Qaeda in the region and will quickly become a critical security threat to the Turkish state. Aknara has played a major role in funding, training and arming these groups and their supporters. For years, Turkey has been conducting diplomatic, economic, military and clandestine efforts to undermine Syrian statehood. Now, Turkey is reaping the consequences of this behavior. It has already deployed up to 7,000 troops and over 3,000 pieces of military equipment in Idlib, suffered direct casualties from the confrontation with the Syrian Army and the cost of this effort is growing. Therefore a full-scale military operation against Syria is unlikely at this time with the currently deployed forces.

So, Ankara apparently wants to keep control over Idlib city and its surroundings in order to prevent the migration of al-Qaeda from the area. However, the terrorist threat will not disappear if Erdogan and his inner circle do not change their approach towards the issue. The terrorists should be neutralized, prosecuted and, if they resist to these actions, eliminated. Iran and Russia repeatedly proposed to Turkey to carry out joint actions in the Idlib area in order to put an end to the al-Qaeda presence there and carry out an independent enquiry of all terror-related incidents. Nonetheless, any such enquiry will further destroy the myth about the so-called freedom fighters and point at states supporting terrorism in Idlib. So, the Erdogan government remains cornered between its ambitions and their consenquences.

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Its going well. Still lets not forget a lot of young Syrians looses their lives or limbsfightingthe Turk terrorists in effort to liberate the country from jihad scum. They pay a high price.


The time will come when Syria will counter attack inside the Turkish borders and hit the evil at it’s heart!


You can call me Al



The Erdogan Jihadist can carve out the Turkish province of Hatay and establish their caliphate and implement Sharia Law.


That is going back to Syria as compensation, sorry.


Excellent Analysis.

Karen Bartlett

God is with Syria and her allies.


WOW! I didn’t know Turkey is fearing their dear rabid terrorist scum to come home into Hatay to roost!


Who’s that dumb skank,next to pompeo,condeming syrian economic reform,what a vile utter evil skank! Liars have no power,no matter what,dealt with sht like that,all fallen flat on its faces,piece of dogsht,pfft!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Wow, that’s a hell of a lot of Turkish equipment, they only have a total of less than 14,500 combat vehicles, and 3,000 of them are deployed in Idlib alone, and that’s not even counting what’s on the Turkish side of the border. So Turkeys deployed nearly a quarter of its ground vehicles to Syria and has even more stationed on their border, that’s one expensive bluff if it is one, and since Erdogan very rarely bluffs, who knows what’s going to happen if these all start firing at the SAA, nothing good. Now I know they won’t all be combat vehicles so perhaps the numbers aren’t quite as bad as I just asserted, but they’ll be close, and possibly even accurate, after all there was already a fair bit of stuff already stationed in Idlib before the convoys started arriving. I hope Putin’s flying in heaps more combat aircraft for himself and a lot more top notch artillery units for the SAA, we might need then in 4 days time.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Erdogan rarely bluffs!

Only you bluff more than Erdogan ffs.

Your friends in the moderate Idlib section of the US proxy forces appreciate your efforts

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What’s the matter wrongisright, are you upset I called you a faggot, then maybe you shouldn’t keep acting like one.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Just because I ducked your wife, is no reason to self project you ducking as shole.

Your wife told me all about how you are ducking useless in that department, also.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

v 1 32 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

S st stu sutte stutte stuttering again, just like your wife, stuck on big words blocking the back of your throat.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Don’t talk while your mouth is full, finish doing what you’re doing to your boyfriend and then I might understand you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Breastfeeding I was, with your wife.

She’s a cracker.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, she’s a cancer survivor so there’s nothing left, wtf were you really sucking on.

My God, it’s over 45 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, so bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

There’s nothing left, lol.

Is that what she told you, no wonder you are such a w anker.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, that was the pet goats tits you were sucking on, and you enjoyed it so much because her teets are shaped more like the things you normally suck on. The male goat must have been asleep, he gets really jealous when you go near billy, so you were really lucky he didn’t catch you, he weighed in at 105 kg a few months ago at the vets, and he’s also got the biggest horns of any goat I’ve ever seen, you were really lucky.

More than 52 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Nah, it was your wife.

Ask the @USMC.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You really need a wife too, isn’t it a pity none of them want you, they’ve already seen what you do with other boys.

More than 64 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re really starting to frighten me, LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your wife is called Very Willing2, priceless bunch you gathered around you.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

v 2 32 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

P p p ic pic pic pick up a pen pen pen guin.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Don’t talk while your mouth is full, finish doing what you’re doing to your boyfriend and then I might understand you, oh hang on, come to think of it I couldn’t care less what you say anyway, so just keep going, I’ll leave you two alone now.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your wife says that as you are in such a good humour, would you mind ducking off to the park with her kids until after lunch tomorrow!

There’s another dozen customers to go before your shift ends.

Cheers, and thanks for being so good with her kids.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

My God, it’s over 46 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, so bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

But you will stay away till lunch, yeah?

FFS, I’m only here for a ride.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 65 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re really starting to frighten me, LOL.


It would be a laugh if their fuel went up in smoke…. Memo to Spetznaz.


I like the ironic expression of “freedom fighters” when it comes to the beheaders and rapers with barbaric performance. And no one can say any more that Erdogan is something less than a terrorist supporter. Since the beginning of the Syria conflict. Obviously they expected to get several 1000 square miles from a totally destroyed Syrian system… And the US politics on this is shameless too and played their role in the dirty game alongside with Saudis and Israelis. Hopefully at least the Kurds will realize that they were abandoned at a certain point of “lack of usefulness”. I still wait for a clear sign from the Kurds to make a deal with Assad about some autonomy for the Kurd people in exchange with 100 % of political and military alliance with the true and legal owners of Syria to keep it united. And then – Inshallah – together they might get rid of the beheaders and Turkeys for once and for ever. With a little help from their friends: Russia and Iran forces….

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