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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Prepares To Launch New Operation In Northern Lattakia

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Syrian Army Prepares To Launch New Operation In Northern Lattakia

Suheil al-Hassan, Commander Of The Syrian Army’s Tiger Forces

On August 5, a source in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) told SouthFront that the SAA and the Tiger Forces redeployed several units and heavy weapons from southern Syria to the northern Lattakia countryside.

While the source declined to provide further information, a report of the al-Masdar News outlet claimed that the SAA and its allies are preparing to launch a larg-scale military operation to secure the northern Lattakia countryside and capture the strategic city of Jisr al-Shughur in the northwestern Idlib countryside.

According to the pro-government news outlet, the Tiger Forces and units of the SAA’s 4th Division will participate in the military operation, which is set to begin in the upcoming weeks.

The northern Lattakia countryside and Jisr al-Shughur are considered strongholds of several al-Qaeda-affiliated groups, such as the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and Horas al-Din. Furthermore, the Ministry of Defense of Russia believe that the attacks on its Hmeimim airbase were launched from these areas.

Earlier this year, Turkey established two observation posts in the northern Lattakia countryside and near Jisr al-Shughur. While some local observers believe that these posts will stop any operation of the SAA, others believe that Russia may pressure Turkey to withdraw them.

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Expo Marker

God bless the Syrian Arab Army!

Wipe out those terrorists and their ilk!

Promitheas Apollonious

this will be very interesting to watch.

Smith Ricky

Just bomb the observation points.


Turkey has options to slap own sanctions on Trump and Netanyahu by closing their all military bases in Turkey.

Turkey joining Syria could be a ‘serious shock’ for US, Israel and EU, analyst.

With joining hands with Assad, Rouhani, Putin, Xi and Kim could make a strong team of political, defence, steel, agricultural, aviation, space and petrochemical industries.

Turkey is developing its own heavy 5th Gen fighter jet, ICBM, SLV and commercial jet together with Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

if turkey wants to join syria it needs to give up all support for its shithadists in idlib


What do you think if these rebels join SAA and become good force of SAA against US and Israel and their proxies.

When Syrian and Turkish forces take control of these rebels from US and Israel then they are useful force of Syria.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Yes that would be good


Iranian interior minister: Trump is not trustworthy for talks.


I think it was said months ago that Turkey had accepted that a limited SAA offensive into Idlib was allowed, in this exact same region, for this exact same region, to stop the Jihadis from launching their drone attacks against the Russian air base. And now it seems to be about to materialize. I predict that if it happens Turkey will huff and puff a lot, but as long as it does not progress beyond Jisr al-Shughur they won’t do much.

Of course if it were go beyond even that that would be pure awesome sauce! But sadly I don’t think it will happen.


Hummm…I don’t know if you’ll be sad or not…

Some deteails: isn’t “that the SAA and the Tiger Forces’, it’s the SAA including their Tiger Forces (1 division + some unities, I think). By the way, a division has 3 or 4 brigades, and each brigade 2,000 men


On paper you would be right about that table of inventory, but Syrian army divisions are divisions in name only. We don’t know the strength and inventory of either the Tiger Forces or the 4th armored division. Both bear more similarities to WWII German adhoc battle groups, or kampfgruppen then actual divisions or brigades. And these are SAA elite units, so most other ‘divisions’ are even bigger mysteries. My estimate is that the Tigers are between a reinforced battalion and below a brigade in strength and the 4th armored division is about a reinforced brigade in strength. Both units will probably be augmented with lower tier SAA units that are currently manning this front, which could be the Syrian Marines, which is not a low tier unit at all, and of course the NDF.


Remember seeing 14/15 minute video of Tiger Forces and the 4th Armoured Division deploying to E-Ghouta. At the time I was hoping the Yanki/Zionist AF would not “accidentally” bomb it by mistake as it would have smashed up this combined elite force. Assuming the video was as advertised then it was much larger than a division; probably closer to 2….


We have to assume that the video showed way more strength then actually existed. Which could be a deliberate ploy to demoralize the enemy into thinking that overwhelming force was being deployed against him. Not to mention that the Tigers have gained mythical status in the war in Syria. Jihadis have literally given up when learning that the Tigers were deploying against them. The art of misdirection is something that the Russians have always mastered skillfully, and since they more or less run the show in Syria I wouldn’t be surprised if they played up the Tigers’ strength way more then actually existed. Showing NDF auxiliaries and units from other SAA units as part of the Tigers.

It wouldn’t be the first time this happened in history. In Normandy Allied tankers shat bricks at the sight of nearly every German tank, thinking they were facing a Tiger tank. There’s even a name for it, Tiger psychosis. When actually only a single battalion of a handful of Tiger tanks were active on the entire Western Front.


I did consider that at the time and it is of course a possibility but not close to a probability. We must really consider that the SAA have been growing the Tiger Forces over these past 5 years. Suheil al Hassan, the man tasked with the creation of this special assault group was a colonel at the onset and has quickly advanced along the chain of command to Major General. MGs usually command a division or more. It would make sense that the initial 1,000 of this specialist assault group, under the command of SaH, would have in place a 4/5 year plan to reach Division Status and capability. When we look at the assault on Ghouta, from the initial smashing of the front line through to the systematic destruction and isolation of the militants AaS, HTS & FaR we see a full army division or more rotating its troops, achieving objectives, securing and mopping-up captured gains. The Republican Guards did play a significant role in securing the the north-eastern perimeter of Harasta which made possible the Tigers driving through the initial wedge to sever its connection from Douma. Signaling to FaR and AaS all was lost. It is all speculation here and we will not know for sometime who’s closest the truth. Not that it matters so long as the most elite force of the elite forces keeps smashing its way to Victory. IsraHell take note your day will come and a lot sooner than you might think…..


Methinks that Suheil al Hassan’s role is maybe less and less as commanding the Tiger Forces themselves, and more and more as the fireman of the Syrian army, going to those hotspots where his skill is needed and assuming overall command of the operation. With the Tiger Forces being present there as his own personal guard/force. Maybe them even taking over local units.

After all, the effectiveness of a small unit centered around personal loyalties and skill cannot be expanded to a division size unit without there being considerable growing pains and loss of all those things that brought original success in the first place. Especially in such a short time. A big corporation is usually never as effective and efficient as a small start up business. And the small Tiger Forces taking over command of other units and together smashing the enemy seems to be more in line of how it has operated sofar then them being expanded to a larger division size and not losing its effectiveness. Notice how the reports always talk about Tiger Forces AND the 4th Armored division in tandem. Or how during the drive to Deir Ezzor the Tiger Forces operated with ‘local tribal fighters’. And there were even reports of Suheil al Hassan appearing in other front sectors to take over and plan operations without the Tiger Forces. So I reckon that in order to command larger division and even corps sized formations in addition to his own Suheil al Hassan needs to be a major general and no longer a colonel. But it does not automatically follow that the Tiger Forces have expanded that dramatically.


Impossible below a brigade (the Tigers), Barba, too much fire power on tanks, artillery and rockets for that. Only on heavy arms surely they have more than a brigade (two or three regiments). I think your numbers are too low. Maybe you were right in 2015, now no.


I don’t know, I’ve yet to see any real figures regarding the TOE of the Tigers. The lowest I’ve seen is reinforced battalion strength. I’ve never seen a bigger upper level. I’d love to see a current table of inventory.


Me too. I remember that I read somewere that the Tiger forces were about 10,000 men.


Uhm… Turkey doesn’t need to accept anything concerning Russia and Syria. Russia and Syria will go ahead with any operations they want regardless of whether Turdey accept them or not.


Maybe in the ideal world, but in the real world Turkey has massive influence on what the SAA can do in this part of Syria, and not just because Turkish troops are in this area, but because Turkey is one of the three countries together with Russia and Iran that are guarantors of the Astana peace process. And Russia wants to keep Ankara a friend way way more then it wants Damascus to kick the Turks and their Jihadi buddies out of Idlib.

Not a perfect solution, and I don’t like it one bit as I think Erdogan is a worthless piece of shit, but I understand why Russia and Iran have to play nice to him


Lets say Russia wants Turkey out of syria, in the military field, but without too much blood. Never the less, after the turn of the Israelis, now it’s the turn of the Turks, and Erdogan nows it.


Different circumstances apply. To think of a few Russia”s relationship with Israel is different. It cannot turn or woo Israel away from the US (why should it? It owns the US), but Israel does want something from Russia, to keep the big bad scary Iranians at bay. Turkey’s loyalty towards the US on the other hand is up for grabs, and Russia would very much like to throw a monkey wrench into that relationship. But the one thing that Turkey fears, the big bad scary Kurds, Russia has very little influence over. So it can’t offer to keep the Kurds at bay in exchange for Turkey abandoning the Jihadis in Idlib. Ironically Russia’s hand with Turkey to abandon the Idlib crazies is not as strong as it was with Israel to abandon the Daraa crazies.


Soo we will see.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

how do you think russia can get influence over the kurds? im sure assad would like to see that as well


I reckon by continuing to maintain good relations with the Kurds as best as possible, by playing the Turks against the Kurds, forcing the Americans to chose between them, and by positioning themselves to be there to pick up the pieces? After all, unlike the Americans still know the original art of diplomacy and can do more then just issue threats and ultimatums.

Jens Holm

You have no memory. Russia did all the pressure to Afrins, they could, but they denied to go back to Damaskus and Russia let them go – to Turks.

You and otherers forget Russia has its own agenda. It doesnt matter for them Afrin being with Assad or not.

More many of You more then pretend Assads is commader og ther Russian army.

You should learn to see they look at it from Moscow and not Damaskus.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i was asking how russia could get influence over kurds, not when or if they have already

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

turn to do what?


To go home.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Yes all foreign bums besides ru iran and iraqi need to leave syria


Turkish troops mean nothing. Turkey is not on the same military level as Russia.

The Russian soldier has far more geopolitical influence and deterrence value than the Turkish soldier. If Russia decides to send infantry support embedded within the Syrian army for an operation in Idlib and Adrian then Turkey will have no choice but to abandon their posts and tuck tail back from where they came from.


I don’t think you’ve read what I’ve said. Here’s another attempt: It’s not about not being able to take on the Turkish army or not, it’s about not trying to antagonize the Turks while Russia wants to befriend Turkey. Because it senses an opportunity to drive a giant wedge between Turkey and the US. And going after Turkey’s Jihadi buddies in Idlib and kicking Turkish troops out of Idlib runs completely counter to that strategy. And frankly, if Russia has to choice between befriending Turkey as part of that strategy and tell Damascus to fuck off when it comes Idlib and Turkish occupied Northern Syria then Putin will tell Assad to fuck off. After all, antagonize the Turks and Erdogan will become bestest buds with America again. Antagonize Assad what’s he going to do? Sulk in his palace in Damascus? Assad is completely dependent on Russia. Russia is basically running the war for him. He rules by Russia’s largess. If Russia says jump to him, all he can say is how high.

Don’t get me wrong, Russia wants Syrian territorial integrity to be fully restored to the 1974 borders. They want the Turks out, Turkey’s Jihadi buddies dead and gone, America gone and the Kurds brought to heel as well. But this opportunity to drive a giant wedge between Turkey and the US is too good a chance to miss. And if that means that Assad will have to wait a few more years before the Turks leave northern Syria, so be it. And I fully agree with that strategy.

Jens Holm

Thats total unrealisme of the highest caliber. The most stupid part of Your is, that Russia should send troops through Bosperus to attack Turks.

More likely they take a bridge out there and if needed one more and the tunnel.

Jens Holm

You dont know that. I am sure some agreements are made, and I only see parts of them.

William Warren Conkright

who give a F what turkey thinks or does , Smash all invaders and keep going, take no prisoners. why play touchy feely, this is war, and it has only one objective, especially when dealing with lying backstabbing treacherous turks. Look at their history. All the way to the border, in war if you are afraid you will be dead real quick.

Cedric Hunter

I disagree with any offensive in the North. The rebels are caught on a glue trap in Idlib. They cannot move away nor can they maintain themselves there without massive outside help. The Turks neither want them nor will they risk any real power or material to help them. Idlib is a dead zone period. Thus, I predict President Assad will waste no time with an offensive there as long as the Hims desert is still in play. To do otherwise risks a stab in the back from the mobile rebel forces of the South into Palmyra or the T2 pumping station. No. Concentrate South and deal with the rebels down there. Then, and only then should the SAA turn its attention to the dead zone of Idlib.

leon mc pilibin

This looks like we could be having a very good Christmas. Nutandyahoo will need a new Binoculars as its reported he smashed his while watching his Isis getting slaughtered along the occupied Golan,lol

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Death to Al-Qaeda https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif

Len Zegelink

kick the turks out .tigers

Mustafa Mehmet

tigers or pandas ? army. don’t even try zibidik


It looks like the SAA and company aren’t wasting any time on transitioning from the Israeli border to the Turkish border to resume border clearing operations. Soon only the state actor issue will be left to resolve. With the Syrian government coalition having plenty of offensive capability available to help with the negotiating process and any military operations deemed necessary.

Hammering the IDF in the Golan gave the baby rapers a heads up that they better not push their luck. It wouldn’t surprise me to see more of that in other areas of Syria.

Cedric Hunter

No concerted attacks it’s a trap, a distraction. The militants in the Southern desert are key. Liquidate them, since they are closer to the American resupply line, then worry about the north. The SAA needs only to hold the line in the north. Trade fire with the Northern rebels only. When they shell, shell back harder, with some air power to add to it. My the south the priority.

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