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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Reached Deir Ezzor City And Reportedly Broke ISIS Siege (Videos, Maps)

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On Sunday, units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces reached the 137 Regiment in the western part of Deir Ezzor city, according to pro-government sources.

A 3 years old ISIS siege of the city was broken by the SAA and its allies.

Alleged progress by the SAA:

Syrian Army Reached Deir Ezzor City And Reportedly Broke ISIS Siege (Videos, Maps)

Click to see the full-size map

The SAA has not officially confirmed reaching Deir Ezzor city yet. However, the SAA media department released a video of the SAA last push towards Deir Ezzor. However, the report didn’t specify witch areas had been captured by the SAA.

Meanwhile, pro-government sources reported that civilians and the SAA soldiers in Dier Ezzor city are now celebrating. A video published online showed a vehicle of the SAA announcing to the civilians that ISIS siege has been broken.

Local sources from Deir Ezzor claimed that heavy clashes between the SAA and ISIS are now taking place in all fronts in Deir Ezzor. However, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq didn’t report anything from its side.

Confirmed progress by the SAA:

Syrian Army Reached Deir Ezzor City And Reportedly Broke ISIS Siege (Videos, Maps)

Click to see the full-size map

If the reports about the breaking the siege are confirmed, the SAA next goal will be to liberate the entire city. Right now many parts of Deir Ezzor including strategic areas like the cemetery and the Sakar island are under the ISIS control.

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i hope SAA liberates the whole city so fast :))))))))))))))))

John Wallace

Best news in years especially for those that had been trapped for so long with what looked like forlorn hope before Russia added their aerial might. Just proves without air support you can not win a war against those that do,

Richard M


John Wallace

Yes agree too a point but Nth Viet Nam had an airforce of Chinese/ Russian fighters , choppers /transport and trainers. The South was jungle so much harder too find enemies than in open (mostly) desert. plus the VC were almost eliminated after Tet and the North sent their troops across the border to carry on. Without the airforce the US/ Sth V would most likely been over run by the VC / NVA. Ho Chi Minh said in the beginning they will lose many men but the US will eventually give up so even though they lost 3 million people they refused too give up and America went home. In hindsight many years later America would have been better off siding with Ho Chi Minh rather than the despotic corrupt South leaders. The Vietnamese had a long history of hating China and took aid from China too support their long term goal . Remember , Viet Nam and China had a border war after the end of the Viet Nam war.

Richard M

Agree with almost everything. Just would point out that NVAF was used for home defense, not offensives in the south. One surprising statistic I looked up recently is that USAF and other branches lost over 10,000 aircraft in combat! That might be including copters?

John Wallace

Yes sorry I didn’t clarify that with the Nth’s airforce which was also small in comparison, They did lose 1.000’s of choppers , there was something about that on a doco , maybe Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States. The loss of choppers / aircraft . equipment . muntions was what the war was about. Money in supplying by the war corporations was why they pushed for the war and possibly part of the reason Kennedy was removed as he was going too stop the war. Didn’t Cheney have a big part of Halliburton which apart from the private army also provided the catering for Iraq which alone was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Wonder why he pushed Bush too go to war ?. I just looked it up and he/ Halliburton were awarded 39.5 Billion dollars in contracts for Iraq.He / they were the biggest private winners of 138 billion dollars for contractors in Iraq. For that sort of money I am sure he would have been happy to pay someone to remove Bush if he didn’t agree to go to war. Yeah , war is such fun..

Brother Ma

Yes.Serbia prevented invasion but could not win as it had no planes in the air that could take out Nato Us ones.

Lone Wolf

Bloody Awesome news since the WAR man !!! God Bless Syrian Arab Army, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah !!!

Volker Burkert

That is wonderful news for the citizens of Deir Ezzor and all decent people in the world!

Obscure Shadow

SAA and their allies=greatest heroes of this century, never to be forgotten by the sane world!! Congratulations heroes!!!

Rüdiger Preiss

I think I need to pop a champagne!! This is the best news since the liberation of Aleppo!!


We ARE the new mainstream media.

Rüdiger Preiss

Would be nice if this would reflect also financially …;)

Graeme Rymill

Not entirely true: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-deir-alzor/syrian-army-allies-race-to-relieve-deir-al-zor-idUSKCN1BE0W4?il=0


These are western unreliable sources, do not put attention to them.

Graeme Rymill

You misunderstand gustavo…Rüdiger Preiss stated above that the Western press (“mainstream media”) was totally ignoring this news (“not a dot” was his expression). I am simply pointing out that there is in fact some news coverage though not a lot. So you cannot say “not a dot”.


Yes, your right, I misunderstood, sorry, your observations is ok.

Red Tick Alert

I really hoped to prove you wrong, but nope; what I got was – http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/849649/US-Europe-Russian-invasion-Army-inadequately-equipped


I have a fresh spring in my step after this magnificent news. I know you will do as well. Be positive my friend, the US Empire of Chaos is failing and again threatens a nuclear conflict with North Korea that will likely ignite WW3 and the total destruction of the US. :)

The US would be just the latest of evil fallen empires that died and rotted through its own hubris and greed.

Red Tick Alert

PS The states as in the states of the United States have started fighting. We have Chicago and Illinois slagging off Texas now…. sweet.

I am with you, I feel young again !!!…. cool, where’s that bird with a good pair ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The history of empires is always short they last no more than 2 centuries before they decay into themselves ,can’t use the same formula all the time it’s doomed to fail.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well , find it curious why the media never mentioned the 173rd airborne and Academi and Dyncorp they’re both actually funded by the CIA in Ukraine before any allegations of Russian troops appeared. My guess is the US was caught in the media and made up the lie of Russian troops, but also seen videos of SOF operators and Academi and Dyncorp taking part in the US backed coup.

They have been trying to create a new Khazarian empire in Ukraine even that has been failing on bigger scale, would hate to see the Jews get control there. They were the bolsheviks who ruled that region with an Iron claw and destroyed millions, they were responsible for the famine the was throughout the Soviet Union.

Red Tick Alert

I did respond to you, but as I was finishing, it literally vanished before my eyes. I shall try again.

Red Tick Alert

I did use the J-word, actually I used the Y word.

Anyway, interesting that you brought up Ukraine and them. There is something of a different picture to Ukraine that we are being told and maybe you could be correct (however serious you were).

They have a long history and where better to hide the criminals – a so called Nazi run Country !!.

I could be wrong, but I think you have the wrong 173rd airborne.

My view only.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The 173rd out of Italy 4000 strong was the first US forces on the ground and deployed also in Iraq 2003. They were in Ukraine when it all began and didn’t respond because of Russian aggression, because there were no Russian little green men that was a blind by the US to cover for the US deployment of troops and prevent any Russian intervention in the US backed and stage managed coup.

Red Tick Alert

So the “173rd airborne” are indeed American ?

Christ almighty, if so, how many times am I going to be wrong today ?.

Right, lets see how they fight against men as opposed to rag heads.

Apologies for the confusion.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are the same ones that also took down Saddam’s statue and think they were arresting people in Fallujah for Md Dog Mattis. The NATO experts put these guys in the woefully outclassed and easily beaten category.

Red Tick Alert

I knew I had heard of them before; thanks for the response.

I read about this “Mad Dog Mattis” last night …. he comes across as well strong, admired, but sort of insane….. but I am not a military man, so maybe they are the qualities required – https://www.businessinsider.nl/general-mattiss-best-quotes-2016-11-2/?international=true&r=US

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This man is an a–hole number one and one of those nutjobs who should never serve in the military.None of those qualities are wanted or needed he was a Jrotc not your regular military academy trained. Their have been far better Generals in the military but they don’t play ball well.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Ukraine was mix of Communism Jews and Nazi Jews which during WW2 they fought each other in Ukraine the small area it was at the time. Most of the territory was added from several countries to protect the small Jewish population there. They have been for decades to turn this into the New Khazarian Empire , many Jews have been moving there recently.

Red Tick Alert

I have heard a lot of talk about Jews moving to Ukraine, but to be honest, it is all outside of my understanding at the moment. Is it for the new European Israel ?, another Israel ? or an alternative to Israel ?.

I get fed up about hearing of them and I certainly have no negativity or even positivity over them.


This is it! THIS IS IT!!! The greatest day since the full liberation of Aleppo finally arrived! Welcome to Deir Ezzor! WELCOME TO DEIR EZZOR!!! ALLAH, SURIYA, BASHAR W BASS! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df0881cdf3a1b8f8d10d1ddb4914e58120fc4acfb0cc0b0ffceecb628673f765.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8236582a325fe174e5127ed400de1e3eeb32542f4dd19e6466c20e2802f1e0bf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c7e50c3533751866531a99de70c5fcd4371409fda15da61b227ec8fcdcc8ba00.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQp92o1intM


Fantastic news! Now watch your flanks, for God’s sake!

Jan Tjarks

I guess that this might still be a little premature, but nice news nevertheless!

Confirming, Assad making Syria great again. =)


So fast! Pushing so hard! ISIS just being Decimated! This will give the SAA at least a month to cut off the SDF from stealing all those Gas and Oil wells on the Eastern Side of the Euphrates!

Brother Ma

I hope so but i cannot see Us nato letting syria get that regions resources back.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have no choice in the matter and generally US always implies more in deals than what exists and ignored ones that existed, like the one which actually prohibited the US from firing on any Syrian jet on any matter.


U may be correct! They just announced that they will start bombing DeZ so the SDF can move into the region! RATS!


Hip Hip Hurrah (x3) for the SAA

Red Tick Alert

and 3 from me as well.


Very well done! The South Eastern part of Deir Ezzor is still under siege according to the map though.

jason sixx

Dude give it time lol they just got there and the flanks worry me …. it was too easy!!!


It will take not more that 2 days to eliminate totally the siege, do not worry. After this, SAA will need to move north and south along the Euphrates river to create two pockets easy to destroy them, and move east to stop kurds (new USA-puppets) to stop moving to south and stop arm supply to terrorists by USA.

That Guy

Superb, now these gains should be secured.

Praba Karan

All the best SAA and SAA from southern india.




And from the UK

Richard M

And from USA!

jason sixx

Hope the uqayribat pocket is closed soon cuz those flanks worry me and it seemed too easy … isis had many fighters in raqqa and dez / homs desert still and if saa and ndf get overconfident and keep going in str8 lines and overstretching … its dangerous. Although they linked up with the dez garrison i guess …. how much soldiers are there again under general zahreddine??

Red Tick Alert

I agree; eliminate, consolidate, advance. The trouble is that human nature may take over as they are so close and can see light at the end of the tunnel.

My thoughts and prayers are with them and they must eliminate every murdering swine on sight.

jason sixx

Agreed mate well said

Richard M

Zahreddine had around 5,000 troops six weeks ago. Efforts to reinforce have been ongoing. You notice that HTS (Green Daesh) haven’t been mouthing off about saving their Grey Daesh brothers in Uqayribat anymore? Uqayribat Cauldron is a lost cause for Daesh, just like the pocket further east. Pro-terrorist media (most of them) will ballyhoo insignificant SVBIED attacks as “Great Daesh Offensives”. Pro-terrorist map makers will continue trying to obfuscate SAA advances whenever possible.

It is all over now though. Sherman burned Atlanta, then took Savannah, then went north through the Carolinas. Daesh capability to resist is minimal. The time is ripe to cut them apart and rip out their guts.


If things continue as they are. This is the beginning of the end of the Syria war. The Syria government coalition will push east to secure the Iraq border in the same manner that the Lebanon border was secured. And with the interior of the country secured, the remaining pockets that are surrounded and contained will be cleared and the border areas as well, with the exception of the Golan.

This is clearly a nail in the coffin of the evil vampire Jews who are the ones who are primarily responsible for this war. It wouldn’t have happened without their machinations. With a conventional and nuclear superior military alliance on their northern border capable of annihilating Israel in 15 minutes. The region and humanity will be in a much stronger position to implement the 100+ UN and other resolutions that scofflaw Israel is in chronic and flagrant violation of.

The Jew mass rapes of innocent children should be stopped and their evil racist supremacist cult which has brought so much unnecessary war and deprivation to humanity outlawed.


Golan is Syria. Without it the job is not finished. Shebaa farms are Lebanon. I understand they are looking at that matter too.


The big problem is US Jews. Most Americans support full UN membership for Palestine. But the Jews are a parasitical disease that gravitate to control positions in society and take control of the host to it’s detriment. Which is part of why they’ve been expelled and or exterminated by victim states for thousands of years. Their evil cult should be outlawed.


The UN has ordered their return to Syria. International law demands their return. They are sitting on vast reserves of oil/gas whatever. That resource will be needed to help fund the reconstruction of the country. Let us hope that once Syria has been liberated the Israelis will see sense and fairness and negotiate their return. Like the Kosovo problem time cannot validate an illegal seizure of another nation’s territory. As it is I think that there is a growing feeling that maybe Ukraine is the future for the Jewish state. Its is one of the things it has been largely about. The new Khazaria. Sadly its birth pangs have been little different from the formation of the Israeli state in Palestine. We are looking at a new global dynamic – US power is waning and with it pressure groups. We face planetary destruction as it does. Lets all hope that matters will be sorted out in the next few years without recourse to nuclear war. This from one of the foremost independent journalists. https://consortiumnews.com/2017/09/01/the-reasons-for-netanyahus-panic/


An interesting article by Mr. Cook. My take on how to proceed is with UNSC Chapter 7 enforcement resolutions for the UNSC Chapter 6 Resolution 2334 and all of the other resolutions that Israel is violating. And to extinguish the exemption that Jews have for mass raping many of their children at birth, 3,600 a year in New York City and 65,000 a year in Israel, and infecting, brain damaging and killing some of them with venereal and other disease in the process. And to outlaw their pedophile rape cult that condones and has these vile blood sucking ceremonies as an ingrained and official part of it’s practices. Anyone else doing this would be prosecuted for multiple felony and misdemeanor crimes. The Jews should as well.


Sorry I gave the wrong author. I always associate that surperb site with Robert Parry. You only had to look at the e mails released by Julian Assange re Pizzagate – to see there is a shocking and hideous problem with paedophilia in the elite US ranks. However to me that is a seperate issue to Syria. Horrible, with overtones of satanism, and I am sure you are correct in all you write – but it must be dealt with as an important issue on its own. Meanwhile let us hope the good news from Deir Ez Zor continues to pour in.


If the main force has secured a land transportation route into the western side of the city, there may not be any roads and it may be over open desert. That’s what it looks like from the maps that I’ve looked at. They can move supplies in with all wheel drive high ground clearance vehicles at 5 to 10 miles per hour over open ground. I’m sure that they’re working on securing paved roads and possibly putting in some dirt roads as an intermediary step.

What they can do under those circumstances, and probably are doing, is moving motorized rifle companies and heavy weapons into the part of the city that they control. And are beginning clear and hold operations to expand that and to capture adjacent important locations that aren’t contiguous, but are important to the overall success of the mission. And that can be made contiguous over time as the enemy is driven out.

Wikileaks has to be a front for an intel agency or agencies. Mossad, CIA and MI6 are likely candidates. Some of what’s being released may be and probably is true. But it’s also politically motivated to serve the purposes of the agencies running the operations.

Elements of Judaism and Satanism reportedly have a nexus that goes back thousands of years. Public “legal” mass rape of infants is probably Judaism “light”, Kabbalah black rituals involving ceremonial cannibalism, the worst forms of pedophilia, and human sacrifice torture murders is reportedly Judaism dark. There is so much evil that the Jews are involved in, that I’m assuming that there’s quite a bit of truth to some of the satanism and pedophilia information released by Wikileaks.


Thanks for that. I have rather more faith in JUlian Assange than you. Hope to God I am right. But anyone who has any faith at all in most US and British intel is in la la land. The only God they do not appear to serve – is the christian one.


I don’t see how a lot of the information that Wikileaks is publishing could have all been obtained by hacking. It’s clearly being deliberately leaked by people in government in my opinion. If that’s the case, then Wikileaks is either working directly with intel agencies, is part of an intel agency itself, or is an independent organization simply publishing what it’s receiving anomalously with no interaction with the source of the leaks. If you agree with these observations, then you have to make your own determination exactly what type of organization Wikileaks actually is.

Another thing that’s clear to me, is that somebody in government positions is running cover for Wikileaks to keep it operational. The last thing that Wikileaks and Julian Assange is and are from my perspective. Is an independent organization receiving highly classified and political information anonymously that it is then publishing as it sees fit. So if your faith in Mr. Assange is based on that premise, you might want to reevaluate it.

There also the issue of funding, who is paying for all of this? Again is it all independent, or is there government funding involved?

“The Wau Holland Foundation helps to process donations to WikiLeaks. In July 2010, the Foundation stated that WikiLeaks was not receiving any money for personnel costs, only for hardware, travelling and bandwidth.[116] An article in TechEye stated: As a charity accountable under German law, donations for WikiLeaks can be made to the foundation. Funds are held in escrow and are given to WikiLeaks after the whistleblower website files an application containing a statement with proof of payment. The foundation does not pay any sort of salary nor give any renumeration [sic] to WikiLeaks’ personnel, corroborating the statement of the site’s former German representative Daniel Schmitt [real name Daniel Domscheit-Berg][117] on national television that all personnel works voluntarily, even its speakers.[116] However, in December 2010 the Wau Holland Foundation stated that 4 permanent employees, including Julian Assange, had begun to receive salaries.”


How is it that a government licensed organization is funneling cash into an organization involved in highly illegal activity, yet no one is being prosecuted or held accountable for the myriad of laws being violated? It doesn’t make sense. The only plausible explanation in my opinion is that Wikileaks is operating with government permission and control. Which makes Mr. Assange and his organization, if it even is his, a government operation by any practical definition of the term. And the primary part of the government that deals in the type of information that Mr. Assange is a purveyor of, is the intel agencies. And the ones that I’d start looking at first are the CIA, Mossad and MI6.


Wikileaks has more info than hackers. It has many brave and courageous people putting their lives on the line and the threat of life imprisonment – to leak out the info that we the people need to know. Edward Snowden – one of the heroes of the modern world. Chelsea Manning…. Sybil Edmonds And many others.


The difference is that everyone on your list as far as I know, with the exception of Wikileaks, actually is someone acting independently of government. I don’t think that any of them were providing the information in collaboration with government.

Wikileaks looks to be much different. The scope and volume of information being provided to the public could only occur with the active, ongoing and collaborative participation of people in government at very high levels with a lot of security clearance and administrative responsibility. I don’t see any way that it could be anything other than a high level intel operation.

Any independent organization releasing the type and volume of information that Wikileaks is, without government sanction, would be quickly shut down, it’s revenue source cut off, and the people involved prosecuted. None of that is happening with Wikileaks that I’m aware of. With the exception of Mr. Assange. And his legal troubles are for rape, not violating national security laws.


They were acting for the government. The rape charges have been dropped. They were always bogus. He can’t get out because the UK government is wanting to arrest him on a completely scurrilous charge – in order to deport him to the USA where he will face life imprisonment. Julian Assange is a courageous and hunted man.


You have a different take on it than I do then. I don’t think that Manning, Edmonds and Snowden were working with intel agencies to release information. From what I’ve seen they were acting on their own as independent whistle blowers to expose what they thought the public should know.

Assange and Wikileaks on the other hand, is deeply involved with intel agencies doing their bidding from what I can see. Whether they’re employees, independent contractors or collaborators I don’t know. But I think that for all practical purposes the net effect is that Wikileaks is an intel front for disseminating information that they feel furthers their objectives.

Governments aren’t monoliths and there can be factional infighting. I think that’s the cause of Assange’s problems. He’s an expendable fall guy that was jettisoned when the heat got turned up to much, or he wasn’t cooperating, or probably a combination of both. He may believe in what he’s doing. But he’s also deeply involved in intel work and is doing the agencies bidding for them. Or Wikileaks would have never reached the level of development that it has.


Yes of course they were. Whistleblowers. So is Assange in a big big way. In fact he could be called the whistle – he provides the platform.


Yes they’re all whistle blowers, Assange included. If you have information showing that Edmonds, Snowden and Manning were working with intel agencies to get the information out, I’d like to see it. Because so far I haven’t. Assange on the other hand looks to be clearly working with intel agencies doing their bidding. His platform wouldn’t exist without substantial government complicity. I don’t think that there was government complicity with Manning, Edmonds and Snowden. With Assange there is.

He’s providing information that the government, or elements of it, wants out. No element of government wanted or helped facilitate the release of information from Snowden, Manning or Edmonds. They’re real whistle blowers, not intel fronts. Assange is substantially an intel front made to look like an independent whistle blower, when he’s not. At best he’s a combination of both. Releasing what the intel agencies want out, while releasing other material in the process that the he wants out that the intel agencies may not want out. Which is probably part of the reason why he’s having the trouble that he is.


All of them were working FOR intel agencies. The agencies themselves are beyond the pale. Collective treasonous scum.


It looks like Snowden, Manning and Edmonds broke with the agencies to get the information out against what the agencies wanted. Assange on the other hand is working closely with or for them to get the information that they want out out while still providing a shield of plausible deniability for the people leaking it. The people running the agencies didn’t sanction what Snowden, Edmonds and Manning did. They’re running much or all of what Assange is doing. That’s the difference. Which is why I don’t put as much credibility in the Wikileaks material. Because a lot of it or all of it is deliberately staged by elements of the government itself for public consumption. It’s a con job, and the material may be or is compromised.


I don’t think Assange is working with any agencies – he gets his stuff from whistleblowers. Where you got the idea he works with intel agencies I am not sure. Could you tell us?


Because I don’t think that he’d be allowed to do what he’s doing without government complicity. If the government wasn’t running interference for him, he’d have been shut down long ago.


He is loathed by governments. The USA is passing a bill through Congress naming him basically an enemy intel agency. He is being categorised as an ‘Enemy of the State’.

They have every intent to get him to the USA, try him and imprison him for life. That is why he is holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy. It has just been suggested that the attack on the Russian diplomatic premises is a softener up for them to raid the Ecuadorean Embassy and drag him out. Never underestimate the destructive force, violence and illegality of the US government.


He’s funded at least in part by a German government licensed entity. He uses the Rothchild’s law firm. Wikileaks would have never gotten to the stage that it’s at without government support. No charges have ever been filed for a single crime. When there’s a long paper and money trail to follow. That doesn’t happen without government complicity.


Allegations such as these they use to smear people like Assange. How true they are I cannot say – I am sure you are very genuine in your concerns. However – there is no question that he is not doing governments any favours. And I have to judge from what he does rather than covert suggestions which may or may not be true. I am with Edward Snowden and Julian Assange and what they have done to expose the shocking state of affairs …. To me they are modern day heroes.


You’re ignoring a lot with Assange that I’m not willing to ignore. Maybe he’s being thrown under the bus now that he’s become to much of a problem. But for Wikileaks to have operated at the level that it has with impunity for as long as it has can only be because of government complicity. And Assange ran the organisation for years. He was clearly feed leaks by insiders. 99% of whom have never been prosecuted. Do you honestly believe that the government doesn’t know who these people are? I don’t.


He has not operated with impunity. He has been hounded, falsely accused and virtually imprisoned for years. He is in fear of his life. He has been holed up in a small embassy. If that is what you get fronting up for governments and their intel services – heavens help a real whistleblower. I think you you are wrong about Assange but time will tell. We must agree to differ.


Sure, they’re going after him now, no disagreement there. But what about Wikileaks? It keeps churning out massive stolen and leaked material on an almost daily basis. That doesn’t happen without government complicity. I don’t know how anyone could ignore that, it’s so obvious that elements of the government are doing it.

Brother Ma

I think we are all right.There is a little con job on us,there is alittle factional infighting,there are some honest brave individuals and maybe assange is a tool of some intelligence agency.who cares? As long as some truth comes our way for whatever reason , i am happy.let the reader beware and make their own minds up.After all that is why we are all on this site commenting to the world,right?


Yes, that’s right. For me I never took much of an interest in the Wikileaks material. Because it was clear that it was a front for intel and not an independent whistle blower operation. Not much different than the msm. Just with no official rubber stamp on it. The Manning, Edmonds and Snowden stuff looks genuine. The Wikileaks stuff, I’m not so sure. Some I’m sure is, but some is questionable and may be a fabrication or diversion. So I use my time on other matters.

Brother Ma

Too right Emily.I remember when it first happened a group called ” women against rape” came out screaming and marching in the streets demonstrating on his behalf! They knew it was unfair and untrue and as obviously brave and intelligent women did not want their organisation besmirched with this frame job.

Of the two rape victims ,one was proven to be a cia plant in the circles Assange moves and the other had a complete breakdown due to guilt and said she was pressured into making those statements.

Have you ever seen women against rape ever supporting an alleged rapist before? I never did until then.I knew then that i wasnt being easy on Assange.

Brother Ma

Yes ,certainly brave at great cost to themselves.The pen is certainly mightier than the sword.As the famous author HG wells once said,in dark times it is those who tell the truth who are hunted and persecuted or something like that.

Brother Ma

They do need the oil but Israel wont release it in a time soon.I remember something about Israel formally annexing it a few years ago? Also US Big oil including Genie energy / Noble energy have bought lots of rights to it.Murdoch owns alot of those shares and I think kissinger ?and cheney? Also Golan is seen as strategic by Israel.Being on the heights they do not want to give up this military advantage.

Israel has never cared what UN has to say about anything for a very long time and as long as US NATO is big friend it wont change soon .


Might is not always right. Certainly in this instance. I get your point, thanks. But things are changing in the Middle East. With Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon – all well armed and fighting fit and pretty furious about things – maybe Israel would be wise to respect international law and surrender what is clearly and legally part of Syria and parts of Lebanon too.. See the article I posted just before. It looks like Israel is getting the picture. https://consortiumnews.com/2017/09/01/the-reasons-for-netanyahus-panic/

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Heard the US has to start making concessions in regards to Israel if they want to keep NATO allies from leaving and every demand by the UN will be met. They are working on the Two state solution but with Israel all of those territories they claimed will be ceded back to all the original owners and all Settlements will be turned over to the Palestinians. This is for the continued support in the Middle East and Financial support to the US ,but like Israel the US can’t be trusted.

The company Cheney and all of them are involved in ,is AFEK HQ in New York City, CEO positions and board positions for this illustrious group.

Brother Ma

Too true.

Praba Karan

If USA have genuine interest on exterminating ISIS, they should help SAA to achieve total victory. Many have started feel that ISIS is the brainchild of USA.


Ziocons are up to their eyeballs in terror operations:

Iran’s Supreme Leader Says the U.S. Created the Islamic State Group … https://www.usnews.com/…/irans-supreme-leader-says-the-us-created-the-islamic-state…

‘CIA created ISIS’, says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases Carter … http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/737430/CIA-ISIS-Wikileaks-Carter-Cables-III-Julian-Assange

US contributed to creation of ISIS – Iraq leader’s astonishing attack … http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/831858/Iraq-ISIS-US-Mosul-Nouri-al-Makiki-United-States

ISIS Formed By US, UK, Israel Intelligence Apparatus, NSA Document http://www.disclose.tv/news/NSA_Document_Reveals_the_ISIS_Formed_by_US_UK_Israel_Intelligence_Apparatus/114390

Talking Heads: How the US Created the Islamic State – VICE https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/xd534z/talking-heads-how-the-us-created-the-islamic-state-815

America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group – Global Research http://www.globalresearch.ca/america-created-al-qaeda-and-the-isis-terror-group/5402881


Many have started feel that ISIS is the brainchild of USA.

It has been established beyond any possible doubt. It is.

Richard M

Brainchild of The Obama/Hillzebub regime, along with Neo-Con cannibals like McCain and Graham. Most Americans despise those loathsome traitors.

Brother Ma

Yes ,too true. I think that has been established now.To believe otherwise means you are either very stupid/ gullible or very ill- informed.


It is not started feel, this is a fact ¿ are you ignoring McCain declartions and meeting with terrorists ? ¿ are you ignoring Obama declarations about supporting terrorists ? ¿ are you ignoring Pentago declaration on training terrorists ? ¿ are you ignoring CIA declarations on financing terrrorists in Syria ? ¿ arew you ignoring Israel support and help to terrorirsts ? Yes, you are really ignoring A LOT of EVIDENCES. ¿ Qhy USA is bombing its own creation ….? Ask them, they are psyco.


This is exciting news. God bless the SAA and her allies


Bravo! Cheers to the SAA and all of its allies in their fight against Islamist and Western imperialist terrorism!


It looks like a large phallus penetrating ISIS controlled territory. It works perfectly i the metaphorical sense, since ISIS is bing fucked and hard.


“The SAA has not officially confirmed reaching Deir Ezzor city yet.” “….reportedly broke Daesh siege”

Unsure whether to celebrate, as firstly its not officially confirmed, secondly there is the second besieged area involving the Deir Ezzor airbase that is still surrounded. At least I won’t have to wait for more than 24 hours for confirmation.

Wish it was confirmed true, then I could have put one of them videos I put to celebrate the occasion in this comment.

mehboob gani

Seige not broken yet. ISIS are regrouping and may take a few more days.

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