On October 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies recaptured the entire al-Sukhnah-Deir Ezzor highway, and fully repelled an ISIS attack in the eastern Homs countryside, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.
Syrian pro-government sources said that the SAA recaptured all positions east of al-Sukhnah town, and both Bir Ghabaghib and al-Shula villages on the al-Sukhnah-Deir Ezzor highway.
On October 6, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq released photos of ISIS attack east of al-Sukhnah town. The photos showed that ISIS fighters captured a tank and a BMP-1 vehicle of the SAA east of the town.
ISIS likely ended its attack in the eastern Homs countryside due to the SAA attack on its stronghold of Mayadin in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside. The SAA didn’t only successful reach the city within few days, put also captured the artillery base, grain silos, Mayadin Old Airport and al-Rahba Castle west of it.
The rapid advance of the SAA towards Mayadin city confirmed that ISIS used most of its remaining units against the SAA in the eastern Homs countryside. The fail of ISIS attack will likely have catastrophic effect on it because the terrorist group lost a notable part of its elite units during the attack.
Muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! ??????✌
more feathers in the cap superheroes … well done
So does this mean the ISIS where crushed NE of Al Sukhna? This would be great news. :) Or they had to run home to their dead caliphate? HAHA https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfb02fa32d9814038af6c41e03d60869ae1d35ea1594c74b8368b793b1bcc7f2.jpg
I was thinking the same thing PZ1VJ. IF ISIS was able to retreat towards the Euphrates , I would hope that Russian and Syrian air assets harried them along the way.
Well done them Syrians.
Good, while working Mayadeen, SAA and allies now can put more pressure all around Al-Tanf “swamp”. Some aditional butthurt per US/Israel warmongers is always welcomed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoqDYcCDOTg
This is the result of US strategic thought in trying to disrupt Russian SAA and allies advance in Deir Ezzor province by attacking specific points along M-20 with with minimal ISIS forces using critical US intelligence data. It was as annoying as mosquito bites, the impetus of Russian, Syrian and allied forces defeated the ineffective ISIS units and depleted any reserves left for the last ISIS defenses in the province.
This shows the extent of US strategic thought and their delusional thinking that they can win in Syria using entry level strategic understanding and execution, against a seasoned peer adversary.
Soon US will claim its major contribution in DAESH defeat – “We provided ISIS with inteligence that made them loose sooner”.
..and weapons that were past their prime and therefore failed them in combat….
Rubbish. Old weapons are fine, if they are kept well. You also dont give advanced weapons to soldiers, which cant handle them.
You can see the YPG part of SDF has got some modern riffels for Raqqa. They were needed in a long time, but those has to be handled after education, else they are the same.
One big mistake is giving SAA tanks and semilar. They still cant handle warfare with it. But we have seen they can handle artillery better. So they should get more artillery of different kind giving them much more firepower as well as flexibility.
Artillery is much cheeper as long as they are not so big and only can shoot, where the enemy actually is.
Actually, the only place were armoured war fare has proven useful in Syria is urban fighting. When almost every vehicle available has more speed and greater range than a tank, the tank winds up being the biggest enemy against efficiency and movement of military units. Even the Russian militaryis starting to deploy fast, flexible vehicle units while they deemphasize tanks.
15 sheep again. Old stuff and the US support there wasnt a stand alone either. But of course we again has 15 x Memorylack.
Sure thing :) There was lots of others (Israel, UK, SA, Qatar etc.) but only US establishment is stupid enough. Others will prefer to keep quiet.
You are an Imam or Mullah?
Don’t worry ISIS the US/Israel intelligence network will always provide you help how, what & where to attack the SAA until the last one of you is dead. I am really sure of that.
How very true.woops nearly forgot I’m not likely to be killed what would Allah do without me ?.
You are a strange man, Rodney.
Most men love women, that’s all I do, but my question was, what would Allah do without me, He could do lots of things but none of them using Jesus Christ, the new Jesus would have to come from Christianity as I did and then be tortured for at least 67 years and counting by useless women otherwise the new boy would have no credibility compared to me, thanks for your comment much appreciated.
What can I say to that?
I always have the last say, I’ve never been bested yet, I’m Terry Loder on Quora and I’m really good at answering questions, but my operation is serious business, I have green light from Egyptian Salafist Call to commence but Assad is blocking, he doubts I can manifest another extraterrestrial event at my request he probably doesn’t know about, arr, sorry that’s a secret between me and a certain young lady.
I’m flabbergasted!!
The jews were too, but that doesn’t matter much, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuH) is the seal of the Prophets not (P) Nehemiah destiny is not vivid in the Qur’an that makes sense because Allah is impartial except for who he wants to work with, destiny is in the hands of Fate, same as the destiny of my conversations they only end after what I said last, I think that’s because beginning was a reversal of nothing acting on Rudiments that become Residues like at at the end of a conversation it’s, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the song ” cab driver onset more round the block past my babys house, cab driver” , I thought my chances were outside of possibility but I have assurance from Heaven that she’s interested, so I’m going ahead with it.
I’m not sure if you’re for real or not.
Does this sound real to you, there is another reason I want a young woman and that is because I’m getting fed up doing all the jobs on my property, it’s not hard work for me I’m very strong and fit but if only I could be reignited in the fields I would be much happier, I’ve posted pictures of myself and my property on Quora as well as my address, Mossad can’t touch me but Allah is saying my Salafist Brothers can if they so choose, there will be no need for loaded vests I’ll be in the open, I can’t lose I can only win but Allah will never again hoast a Messiah Event if my love life goes cold.
Ooooookay. I’ll just say this: You should have invested in some sons.
I did Kira Binkley, I have my second oldest son whose in the Navy he was a Corporal in the Army but the powers that be wanted him shifted away from me so he moved to WA and joined the Navy, he has four children one is a girl, my oldest son I had when married to Sandra I never have seen him, I took Sue around to meet him and her but was refused entry he did say hellow Sandra probablly told him to, and my last son with Sue I’m sure he is mine as he has a same tooth impediment, it’s a bit hard knowing who is the father of which when you walk on the wild side, I think that’s why Allah asked me to be a Salafist, I also had four daughters wit Sue, but I want to go to Syria and come back to perchance start making babies with the Partisan Girl, I guess I’m not alone in that regard, Assad is a lucky fellow.
Big plans, Rod.
I’d love to go Syria, myself. Actually have some friends there. Closest we have in Colorado Springs is the “Arabian NIghts” restaurant. Time for me to go back.
I don’t go out, but it sounds great, “Arabian Knights” I have a hard back “Black Tents of Arabia” it’s a bit like Arabian Knights, I know some of the stories in Arabian Knights, like the King who found out about his wife fooling around and killed her, then he married an new girl every day and killed her at the end of it, in the end there was no one left for him to marry except his mentors daughters but the oldest one was very clever from talking to her father so she told the king a story every day but never ended one, the King was always wanting to hear the what happened next so he couldn’t kill her and after a while he forgot about killing the wives. Have you heard that story.?.
Yes, Rodney, I have. The entire world knows the story. And my “Knight in Shining Armor”—
If you have time while you’re drinking your wine at this restaurant think about, what if, anything you like, one what if, you might like to try is, what if the anti-romantic standpoint was still tenable, is it you would be your husband’s favourite fool, no, I’m glad to hear it, then you really should have pity on me, and sip away quietly, it’s better than metho mixed with cordial, or so I’m told.
Actually, I have Turkish coffee at the “Arabian Nights” Restuarant, but my knight in shining armor may not approve.
Perhaps I shouldn’t mention it Kira Brinkley but that’s such an old trick and I’m afraid you might not be aware of so I will, Kira he might be against you having Turkish coffee on the off-chance that you might sudstite coffee for in my case with my X wives it would be metho and cordial but it often did allow me to purloin a kiss.
You crack me up!
It’s just coffee. But what coffee!!!
Kira we Muslims don’t take drugs, but I did once, my old hippy friends who all turned out to be some kind of radical Evangelicals or R. Catholics used to say used to say, “you wouldn’t be able to be Jesus Christ if you didn’t do all that heavy tripping”, and its true enough because only being outside of my self did I learn how to survive in the extraterrestrial. I remember in New Zealand the walls and floor of the corridor to my pad started leaking profusely blood thickened with crushed and broken glass, the old Caretaker was watching events and he put an axe in my hand to incriminate me when drug squad narcs arrived to take me to hospital, but instead of giving me a downer they watched if pan out and stationed a Cuntstable by my bunk, the sheet that was covering me turned in tiny diamonds and it started to rise I got close to the ceiling and looked down at the copper who was looking up with a strange expression on his face. The same narcs that picked me up gave me a lift home and escorted me in where the Caretaker was waiting to greet me, he as acting afraid when they took me away, my girlfriend then named Diane Patterson now married damm it met us at our door, I thought I’d impress her and ran at the Caretaker he and the narcs started to laugh,and I felt embarrassed, but she didn’t laugh, and was no Evangel of Catholic sod.
Sounds like a bad trip on acid. Who is The Caretaker?
Native Americans use peyote buttons to get themselves into the”spirit” of things. Not exactly my cup of tea. Or coffee. I believe the Noble Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said drinking alcohol would not help you be successful. And I think the punishment in the afterlife is quite miserable!! At any rate, coffee wasn’t discovered until I think the 10th century, possibly in Ethiopia. The Noble Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) wouldn’t have known about it. I did read that Pope Clement VIII in the 16th century blessed coffee: “The Pope was brought a steaming mug of java and he took a sip. He was immediately delighted, and according to legend, he declared, “This devil’s drink is delicious. We should cheat the devil by baptizing it.” For myself, I believe the coffee bean was one of God’s (Allah’s) gifts to mankind.
Here is a link: http://www.catholicgentleman.net/2014/04/blessed-beans-how-the-pope-baptized-coffee/
He was just an old man rent collector, we all pay the piper before he leads us over the cliff, too late after, but how could it be a bad trip when I bested walking an water ?. We used to go picking magic mushrooms at the Commune Turntable Falls Ninbin, that’s where I presented my resume as Jesus, the Christians knocked it back that was over 40 years ago, now they would walk on hot coles to accept it, but I don’t want to walk with them, here’s something I bet you don’t know about, the hallucinogenic drug in marygold seeds if you can stomach it makes peyote seem like green cheese but only I that I know about could keep it down, I’m glad you’re a Muslim, did you know that Ahmad b. Handal prevented the philosophical interpretations of Mu’tazila who were clueless from taking over Islam, they were on top but Hanbal impressed Allah so much that soon after they tortured him all silly interpretations disappeared, only a Prophet such as myself can apply reason to the law and dogma of Islam, although I, alas, am a failure when it comes to applying it to women.
I am not a Muslim, Rodney, but I can see you have a real “in” with Allah.
That does it you deceived me, now as punishment you have to sing my praises, here’s how they go, – Oh Lord won’t you give Rodney a thousand nights with Maram, I’m counting on you Lord please don’t let him down, he worked hard all his lifetime with no help from his friends, so Lord won’t you give him a thousand nights with Maram.- And your husband has to stand on the opposite side of the room and say amen.
Should I ask for staying power too?
I don’t know, I haven’t put it out there since Sue, they tried to get me tied in to being a thing that only reacts to symbolic gesturing, and came close when I sent my son to the Philippines to get married it was set up by the Bohol Boxing Stable, let me say about Dido all the fighters he brought over were properly housed and looked after, I witnessed that over a few years if I could of helped him in Court I would have, however when Damian was in the Phillipines the Christians laid it on thick so I threw them a few crumbs an when out a bit, but when he was safe again I cut it quick, I don’t think Maram could love me I only love Islam, but I might be deceiving you to give Maram a break, the Muslims have to give me a go but no Nation will host the show just yet it’s only between us Salafists, Maram could give Islam a tender light some of my Brothers will go for, Pakistan is closest maybe even closer than Assad.
Okay. Good luck, then.
I hope we meet again.
We probably will.
OK, since I’m a gentleman I’ll let you have the last word.
And the last word is: thank you.
Perhaps the Noble Prophet’s (Peace Be Upon Him) admonishment against drugs can be taken as one of degree.
Are you trolling Rodney? He loves that ! :D
Do not.
I happen to like Rodney. He’s a very interesting person. Can’t get any more interesting.
Are you flabergasted at the superiority of his intelect or flabergasted that mental institutions allow their patients free access to the computor to enable them to live out their fantasies in the real world? Myself i just think hes a crackpot and needs stronger medication,but thats just me!.
I have just asked. Allah say, there is no space for Christians as well as other non muslims there. Besides that, they have have their own.
When its low in the muslim one, some come and get wellfare in the Christian one. Thats why the Christians only have 1 shirt and has to run naked waskingdays.
Tortured for 67 years by useless women? That sounds like an addiction you could or did not wish to break?
The Qur’an is very clear about people who are mislead, they can’t us that as an excuse for acceptance into Paradise, my two wives believe I would eventually support israel it was inevitable they thought because I acted like a dumb arse, but I had nowhere to go because my Communist Comrades sold me down the river, the Christians were Talmudic creeps from day one, they promised the Communists friendship. Sue Loder had countless court cases against me all supported by my Government, however perjury is a crime and one that can no longer remain common knowledge justified as a discreet persuasion to engage my cooperation, although the mental abuse I suffered due to their connivance was much worse the the legal, and the physical abuse at the hands of doctors abandoning their Hippocratic oath caused me years of needless pain due to unnecessary medications for diseases I didn’t have, even the Veterinary Surgeon got in on the act and blinded my dog, Sue Loder is now living in Sydney, she was complicit in all of this criminal activity and much more, her only hope of salvation is through my intercession, she will back me up because of it , she like Sandra the other useless one were missled, but I’m after a younger woman now.
Professional victims, are so pathetic. They only know how to blame others for their own weaknesses and faults.
They never blamed me at all, it was always a question of being on the winning side, I don’t think that the A.Communist P. ever knew the difference between Christian and Talmudic belief, one size fits all as far as they were concerned, they figured the same as the wives which was that outcome was inevitable, israel was going to be sanctioned by Divinity as in by me they all were were professional victims because they made a wrong bet. Too had for them they accepted the deal and were hard bitten committed before getting into bed with me, I think Sue got a bit jack of it when Emma Loder who now lives in Sydney was going to kill herself when the wife took off on one occasion, that was in Tasmania, it was always a Christian contrivance Sue would take off for a few weeks or a couple of months get set up by telling stories to Welfare then come back when I refused to get any born again conviction and I would complained bitterly, she’d come back and have another baby, other otherwise I would have stopped having Children at three Sue pushed the envelope to seven then I put my foot down, I think it was affecting her health, fortunately she got tied so that was the end of pregnancy after that she started on to AVO’s, one fact is when we sold the Blacktown house she didn’t blink an eye giving me twenty seven thousand of her share so I could buy a Cronulla Unit and she went Welfare, the last baby we had together was father unknown, he’s in the Army now, I don’t want to see anyone till I launch my operation, thanks for your concern, I can make it work, the Muslims have to give me my opportunity, if I can run a love story concurrent with with it, then my chosen audience will expand, but I don’t know if Mimi will be able to cop the hard word, I’m very young for my age and I could save many more her people with her help, I can’t help loving her anyway.
Some people are such legends in their own egos. As the world moves on.
Seems too good to be true but telepathic experience is that, which is why it was used to not only recreate israel without the Children of Israel and a Prophet to lead the Children back, it was also used to end Social Market Economy, the Samaritans are the real keepers of their Faith but like you, they didn’t move on although they still do have their High Priests genome such as it is only only a very few about 700 still holding Services on the Blessed Mt. Gerizim, had I not rallied to the aid of Assad he’d be holding his meetings in a telephone box. Don’t post me any more or someone will die with AM Hants name spoken over him.
I said it :)
There is always plan as everyone should have noticed they had no worries in dealing with ISIS and HTS and FSA forces. Why does everyone get worried they needed to take pressure off of the Euphrates valley,Iraq has been waiting to get their offensive started as soon as they clear Hawija they will shift more troops to attack Al Qaim. Tell the US they need some more New ISIS Army trained in Amman Jordan now.
Well it seems is true that Syrians and Russians use this strategy to decimate ISIS before US moves them some other place. They show a weakness, US spots it, ISIS + US attacks, and in a matter of days all militans are dead – either bombed by RuAF, either killed by SAA and allies.
These Isis fighters are not just using homemade technicals and SVBIEDS. They are utilizing mobile command centers fed by battlefield airborne command node on a global hawk drone. Only the us or Israel could be providing them with this.
No, You forget Saudis. Saudis got nr 1 priority allowed to by anything from USA of first class. Im sure they have supported ISIS agains the will of USA. The stuff is also used in Yemen agains the USA.
Thats why UN condem at least the terrible Yemen part of it.
You might say Isral too. Tempting, but I can only see Israel in most advanced matters only havea little more then for own use. You are right, it can be possible they only fly in and out not giving ISIS the equipment but only information. Well, why not. Thats a normal procedure since ancient time.
What do You espect. Syria and Israel are enemies as long as they have Golan and Israel is not wiped out. No change there. Nothing strange in Israel dont like Hesbollah as well.
I can tell Denmark have 3 suspected or more for trying to send private advanced long range. Those are the ones, which has the seize of the ones we have seen ISIS are dropping small bombs with. Those easy can cary very advanced equipment in stead.
We produce them ourselves and invent them for many purposes. But actually many countries in the world can do that as well.
That might not be the level, You talk about, but Im sure they are very long range and can see everything well in light and darks as well as infrared and the videos are direct transmission.
They can be carried by one person too.
The SAA didn’t only successful reach the city within few days, put also captured the artillery base, grain silos, Mayadin Old Airport and al-Rahba Castle west of it.
Another nice hit by the SAA.