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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Repels HTS Offensive In Southeastern Idlib, Despite SVBIED Attack (Photos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled in the late hours of August 10 a counter- attack by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) on Sukayk hill in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

Despite the failure of the counter-attack, a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) managed to strike a gathering of Syrian troops near Sukayk. HTS released photos of the attack.

Syrian Army Repels HTS Offensive In Southeastern Idlib, Despite SVBIED Attack (Photos)

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Syrian Army Repels HTS Offensive In Southeastern Idlib, Despite SVBIED Attack (Photos)

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Syrian Army Repels HTS Offensive In Southeastern Idlib, Despite SVBIED Attack (Photos)

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SAA units captured the key hilltop earlier today with direct support from the Russian Aerospace Forces. The army also advanced towards the town of Sukayk. However, it is yet to be secured.

While repelling the attack on Sukayk hill, the SAA was able to capture the villages of Maghar al-Hamam and Maghar al-Hantah in southwestern Idlib. The army also began storming militants’ positions inside the town of Hobait.

The recent clashes in northern Hama and southern Idlib proved that the SAA is capable of conducting defensive and offensive operations on several fronts at once. In the last few months, the army suffered from serious problems in coordination, which have been addressed apparently.

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SAA is finally learning it seems! Good job!


Training the new recruits.

Toronto Tonto

The time has come for Russians to take back what belongs to them , RED SQUARE MAIDAN. Putin and pals don’t give a shitt about YOU .


Don’t be a coward hiding in Canada Tonto. You should go back to Ukraine and die for the “cause”. :D


yeah or just die ??

Black Waters



Nobody gives a shit about YOU loner. Ukraine is Russian

Gary Sellars

Poor insane little bandera-worshipping orc…. Don’t it just suck when you choose the wrong side? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alejandro Bonifacio

please, take your pills!!!!!!!!!

Hasbara Hunter

Eat Pig-Shit & Die Filthy Treacherous Khazarian Sabbatean AshkeZioNazi Bolshevik Parasite..You are a Traitor to the Jews….

ZIONAZIS: ZioNazism was founded by Atheistic/Satanic jews in 1897, an ideology originally supported by the Antisemitic British ZioNazi-government of the early 1900’s who wanted to push European Jews out of the UK and Europe and send them to the middle east. Of course many European jews were against being sent to the middle east and saw ZioNazism as an Antisemitic movement but after WWII they were Herded to Rothschild’s Balfour-Criminal Freehaven-Beachhead-Steppingstone into the Middle East & Illegal Occupation of Palestine….Which it was, because ZioNazis Exterminate Semitic Palestinians…

Unfortunately there is a growing number of Christian ZioNazis who are Antisemitic and want to take over Israel. They believe the Messiah will wipe out 2/3’rds of the jewish population and the remainder will have to convert to Christianity if they want to go to heaven during the rapture; if they don’t they will go to hell. ZioNazis are responsible for the occupation, war crimes and apartheid in Israel.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i love this “The recent clashes in northern Hama and southern Idlib proved that the SAA is capable of conducting defensive and offensive operations on several fronts at once. In the last few months, the army suffered from serious problems in coordination, which have been addressed apparently”

You can call me Al

How many vermin do you think are left alive ?…. for me it must be around 10,000 max (down from 15,000) a month or so ago.

They will turn on each other soon.


Hope that they turn on each other. Did you see pix of some of the trash vehicles the rats are now using?

Icarus Tanović

They already did it in Yemen.

You can call me Al

Yes. But turning on each other (like they have in the Yemen) sounds good to me.

As for vehicles you mention, yes I did spot that once or twice, the backers are running away like rats I hope.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes probably, from your mouth to Gods ears :)))

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s only HTS forces, and I think they’re probably down form a 10,000 max to maybe 7 or 8,000 now, due to deaths and defections. But we have 20,000 Al Nusra forces as well, and even though they’re not so well equipped they’re reasonably well trained and utterly fanatical, and then the SAA also have to contend with the Turkish backed rebels, the FSA and NFL, supposedly 50,000 and 70,000 respectively, and a few other groups that might number 10,000 in total, and that’s just in Idlib, but Erdogan also has another 30 to 35,000 fighters in the Euphrates shield rebels groups, so the total rebel numbers are really big on paper. Luckily I don’t believe that BS paperwork, that’s just propaganda released by the rebels and not the true numbers at all, both the FSA and NFL numbers can at least be halved, perhaps even divided by a third, and Al Nusra no longer has that many fighters either, so instead of the propaganda promoted numbers of upwards of 190,000+, there’s probably no more than 90 to 100,000 rebels in total, but I’m not including SDF numbers in that total, that would be an extra 60 to 65,000. The SAA has close to 200,000 soldier now, pro Assad militias maybe another 100,000 or more, and Hezbollah 20,000, and we also have the Russians, that’s real big numbers with no propaganda added. They’ve supposedly already turned on each other, remember when HTS took control of more than 60% of Idlib and booted out the NFL and FSA, but now after just a few months of fighting between themselves, the FSA and NFL have come back to help HTS repel the SAA, that’s if you believe the propaganda. For me that little spat between them was just Erdogan’s way of repositioning bad rebels into bad groups and the not so bad rebels into his Turkish backed groups. The truth is the SAA could easily overwhelm not just HTS and Al Nusra, they could easily overwhelm all the Turkish backed rebels as well, but only if the Turks get out of the way first and the Russians fully cooperate and coordinate with the SAA, and it’s starting to look like they are finally cooperating at last.

Tudor Miron

HTS released pictures of some nice looking eplosions. But how one knows that it happened where they claim it did? May be they simply took those pictures from a holywood movie?

SAA is doing great job. Erdogan must be fuming :)


More work for so-called White Helmets.


The same logic can be applied both ways since SAA is trying to take Idlib for 2 years

Icarus Tanović

Death to all Wahhabi vermin, no matter where they are!

klove and light

In the last few months, the army suffered from serious problems in coordination, which have been addressed apparently.

my wording..only i wasnt sure if such “stupid” and deligent moves were not caused on Purpose……the Videos from the last 2 months when SAA stormed villages were pathetic to say the least(also posted here at Sf) .. ..total chaos….soldiers asking “should i stay on the left side or the Right side?” beiing replied ” just go ahead with These men” and some dude on a tank yelling “no no , let us move in first” again beiing replied by some other dude ” should now we go or they, and stay left or Right?” all posted here at SF.

hopefully they really sorted Things out………in an army…. command structures and discipline are the most important…more than weaponry!!!

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews death to england


Well done Syria Russia keep marching until borders of Turkey and if Turkey play stupid go beyond borders to learn the Turks a lesson

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