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Syrian Army Repels Turkish-Backed Militants Attack In Northern Hasakah

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Syrian Army Repels Turkish-Backed Militants Attack In Northern Hasakah

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On October 24 afternoon, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled an attack by Turkish-backed militants on its newly-established positions in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.

“The SAA repelled an attack by Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries on the villages of al-Kozleya and Tell al-Laban in Tal Tamr countryside,” a short press release by the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reads.

The failed attack was likely launched by the so-called National Syrian Army (NSA). A few hours ago, the Turkish-backed group began a fresh offensive on the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern al-Hasakah.

Some pro-government activists claimed that several Syrian service members were killed or injured while repelling the attack. However, this is yet to be confirmed.

The SAA began deploying troops in northern al-Hasakah and other parts of the country’s northeast region a few weeks ago under an agreement with the SDF. The initial agreement is aimed at countering the growing Turkish threat.

The NSA’s attacks in northern al-Hasakah are a violation of the Turkish agreements with Russia and the US. If Turkish-backed militants continue to carry out such attacks, the region could enter a new round of escalation.

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Who would ever have thought that Turkey and her proxy terror gangs would abide by the treaty that Turkey signed yesterday :)

Ceasar Polar

Those terrorists proxy that Turkey has fostered, trained, and armed are out of control units. Even if Turkey might order them to stop, they might continue to attack because they are terrorists they are there for blood, looting, and chaos. The SAA should go ahead and wipe them all. If the Turks support them with air force, then Russia should buzz some SU35 and activate S400/S300 (move them closer to North of Syria), that would be enough to repel any tries from Turkish army to support their terrorist proxy units.


I would be certain that Russian air defence systems will be employed at the Tabqa airbase to protect the Russian helicopters now being deployed there.


The blowback from arming and training these assholes is going to haunt us the next 40 years. Turkey can’t control them, the FUKUS lost control of theirs the minute they released them into the wild. It takes months to train them but they’re going to be around for a lifetime. They’re like nuclear waste.

You can call me Al

You seem to think that, that was not the intention !!.


I don’t believe it was. These are the same people who gave up their manufacturing industry to China and invaded Iraq in 2003. They can’t think beyond the next quarter or election cycle. The blowback from giving up manufacturing is only just starting …. having 10 of millions of 20 and 30 somethings living hand to mouth with no prospect for the future is fertile ground for insurgency and radicalism …. once the economy turns and those gig jobs dry up there are going to be a lot of desperate people in the USA.

Harry Smith

You can’t explain their actions using the common sense. But it can easily be explained using the religion. Those guys are preparing the Pax Judaica. They don’t care of millions of your compatriots. https://youtu.be/sEuycYlsgNA

Ceasar Polar

That is the religion they want to cast on the world. That is why zionism is an attack on ALL abrahamic religions, it seek to replace them all with one religion encompassing all religions in one. That is the Anti-Christ’s religion, what the zionists in Occupied Palestine call the messiah.

Ceasar Polar

They switched their investment from manufacture to financial products. In the 60’s the US’s investment by corporation was at 45% in manufacture/industrie and 11% only for financial products, that is when the US had a strong manufacture industry. Then came the 80’s and 90’s, that switched to mostly financial products because they found out it was making them more money with little effort, manufacture/industry investments went down all the way to 11% today! And financial products rack up to 45% of today’s investment by corporation. That is how they transfered all the jobs to where the labour was cheaper, and securing them income from their financial investments (to boost GDP, more money was in). The vast majority of Americans lost many job opportunities, the rich got richer, and the poor took on more credits, making financial products even more interesting. One thing for sure tho, this speed of decline for manufacturing cant continue. With prospects of global conflicts arising, nations start to understand that they better produce things they need because one day we wont be able to freely import goods like today.


What if the 89% of US politicians in the Senate and Congress who are dual US/Israeli citizens actually want to loot the US, as these people have done to many other nations for millennia, including Russia in the 90’s?

Ceasar Polar

You see it happening in real time for the US. Truly doomed.


I think EVERYONE is trying to loot as much as possible before the crash. Look at the stock buy back schemes that are driving up stock prices of companies like Boeing and GE at the same time as hollowing them out. Apparently these are just the tip of the iceberg …. most blue chip companies are hollowed out and sucked dry. When the chickens come home to roost they’ll find the value of these companies is worth a fraction of the stock price ….. half the nations wealth disappears overnight.

I don’t think it’s a conspiracy by the jews to drive the USA into the ground but a conspiracy of the rich and a lot of jews happen to be rich.

I think the de-industrialization of the USA and the offshoring of manufacturing was driven by greed in taking advantage of Deng Xiaopings offer to become the worlds manufacturer in 1988 and politics in that offshoring crippled the unions which was the lefts only real political leverage. The old unionized left of the 1930 – 50’s could shut down the US economy …. todays left can barely stop traffic on a city street and only then if they get a permit.


This may interest you I think.


The major signs that have always signalled the end of a Word Reserve Currency.

Icarus Tanović

It was!!!

You can call me Al

Damn, it was. See converted, my bad. Cheers for now.


This is exactly the issue. These creatures are only capable of violence, terrorism and crime. There can’t be peace with them since their damaged brains are incapable of living peacefully. Turkey can sign a peace but what will they do with their hordes? Locking them up in a cage and throwing away the key would be a good solution, but Turklandia will not abandon their tools like that.

Icarus Tanović

Their tools…very well said.


Bomb the fuck off those turkish backed jihadi wahhabi motherfuckers.

Icarus Tanović


Icarus Tanović

Let’s just attack them, and destroy them.

World Wisdom

NSA are terrorists, all AQ affiliates. They shall be annihilated.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

these torki rats are no match for SAA, SAA will mop the floor with them and then some!


Actually, it is very good thing that these terrorists are out of control of Turkey. This provides Syria/Russia a excuse to attack the Turkish held areas and take control back into their hands.

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