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Syrian Army Resumes Military Operation In Duma As Jaysh al-Islam Breaks Ceasefire

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Syrian Army Resumes Military Operation In Duma As Jaysh al-Islam Breaks Ceasefire

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On April 6, Jaysh al-Islam broke the ceasefire agreement in Duma district and shelled the civilian areas in the al-Wafddien refugee camp and Dahiyat al-Assad district with rockets and mortars, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported.

The news agency reported that warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces had conducted a series of airstrikes on Jaysh al-Islam positions in the Duma district in response to the attack.

Earlier, SyAAF helicopters dropped thousands of leaflet over Duma, in which the government called on civilians there to stay in their houses and gave Jaysh al-Islam fighters the last chance to accept an evacuation or reconciliation agreement.

Syrian pro-government sources said that the SAA and the Tiger Forces are now preparing to launch a final assault to eliminate Jaysh al-Islam in the Duma district. According to the sources, the attack will be supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces.

During the last week, Jaysh al-Islam leadership repeatedly rejected proposals of a peaceful solution and vowed to fight “until death” in Duma. Some of its leaders even compared the besieged district to the Palestinian Gaza Strip and called the peaceful efforts “a devil’s dream”.

If the military solution happens, it will be implemented mostly because of the stubbornness of Jaysh al-Islam leadership, that appears to be separated from reality.

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Zainab Ali

let the zio satanic terrorists’ wish to end in perm hell come true – such total losers

You can call me Al

They all share the 1 x 72 year old virgin for a lifetime.




Memory of their ‘peaceful’ rule in dhuma conveniently forgotten and replaced with martyr victimhood. A lot like Israel truly.

You can call me Al

The vermin state they will “fight “until death”.

Well, Syria / Russia, for the sake of your souls and for God, let them have this one wish, but somehow withhold their Martyrdom.

Roger Snellman

Syria’s masters Hezbollah, Iran and Russia sending more Syrian Army fighters to certain death. How long will this civil war last… just as long as it takes to kill off the last member of the Syrian Army.


Civil war = Regime change. Syrian government have right to reclaim and enact it’s law and administration in it’s territory. Unlike other uninvited and supposedly uninvolved countries.

Roger Snellman

Wish it worked that way then Syria could invoke their rights today and force all foreigners to leave. Unfortunately that is not the way of the world.


Yes as well keep throwing money trying to solve the problem not the way of the world works. It’s a dose of reality that you can’t interfere if you meet your parity. Else you’ll get burned.


That’s fine. Syria’s friends are there to help. USA will be leaving soon.


You come across as a sad zionist loser, go fuck yourself,scumbag.


tien ahaha dixit the terrorist americano sionist!!

Boris Kazlov

@Smeilman, we’ll see how this ends. This is not a civil war, but an invasion of foreign powers with an agenda. Brave Syrian people will eliminate the invaders

Roger Snellman

Pray you are right. Does not look good at this point since most of the dying is being done by those born within the pre-civil war borders of Syria. Just look at history, when you let Russia, Hezbollah, Iran into your house they never leave. Instead they make it their house and bury you in the back yard.


Meh it’s Jews guilt projection.


Who’s houses did Hezbollah and Iran take? Iran gave back all the land it captured in the Iraq-Iran war. Hezbollah has never invaded anyone.

You are either a troll, or you’re on the payroll.


Good point.

Roger Snellman

Ever heard of Lebanon?


??Lebanon?? That is hezbollahs house. Lol and Iran is there benefactor and supporter. Theres nothing wrong with that when your fighting regional war mongering adversaries who are terrorist supporting spiritually poverted enemy who is invading sovereign countries with the sole super power of the world backing them with a hostile agenda of aggression ? Oh i didnt even mean or mention a European zionist colony yet that oppress and occupies muslim land while your so called sunni buddies do there bidding and fucked over thw palestinians smh


Do you want to teach us something ?

John Whitehot

“Just look at history, when you let Russia, Hezbollah, Iran into your house they never leave”

strange. the afghans say that the russians left but the yanks are still there after 17 years.

Roger Snellman

So you heard the Russians decided one fine day they had helped their Afghan brothers all they could, thanked them for their hospitality and wandered home. Maybe that is what happened. US press claims Afghans with lots of help from the US kicked the Russians out in body bags. Will have to agree to disagree. Not happy with US still there. Obama promised to get us out in 6 months if elected. 8 years later no progress. Trump is trying to get us out, I have faith.

John Whitehot

the us did so much good to afghanistan. also, so few americans came back in a box, or missing limbs.


Just for your education. During WWII, Russia defeated Japan in Manchuria, where Japan had most of its military industry there. It was not the atomic bombs in Nagasaky and Hirocshima which made Japan to surrender to USA. It was the fact that Russia taken over Manchuria, Japan lost all military production. After the WWII, Russia turned back Manchuria to its owner, China.

Roger Snellman

Russians are a very giving people. Remember when they gave Finland to Fins. Tanks to Czechoslovakia. East Germany back to Germans? Poland to the Pols? Russia gave Eastern Europe back to the people. Western press claims USSR-Russia collapsed and the people took their countries back. Ukraine to Hitler. Tanks to Czechoslovakia. Heard they plan to give Ukraine to Crimea next.

Boris Kazlov

Typical bravado before shaming defeat.

Roger Snellman

Defeat? Me? I am antiwar. All should end this unjust war. I have no part in this war and will not lose no matter what happens. At this point no matter who wins the Syrians lose

Jason H. Smith

You nobly claim to be anti-war, then why, on earth, make the following comment? “How long will this civil war last… just as long as it takes to kill off the last member of the Syrian Army.” It is quite obvious you have spent a lifetime with your snout in the MSM trough. Start doing some serious reading about the geopolitical rivalries that are embedded within the corporate/banking agenda, before you make anymore asinine comments.

Boris Kazlov

Al Assad said that all wars are bad, he is righteously defending his country form external aggression, are you positing that he should stop defending it?


Actually the Greater Israel project is taking a shit kicking and Qatar’s pipeline is now only a pipe dream. Syria will lose much thanks to USA led coalition bombing of its assets and cities, but there will be a pipeline. It will be an Iran, Iraq, Syria joint venture. Others, except for Russia and China will be left on the outside looking in. And, the USA can forget about ever regaining the ME influence they once had. Who will be the losers?


But you do know that your tax dollars and our nations ballooning national debt finance these PNAC neocon wars? You do know that our children and their children are saddled with over five trillion dollars of debt incurred in these wars for oil & Israel. I beg to differ, you lose, your children lose… It takes generations to pay off trillions. The Rothschilds and allied crime syndicates will do well, but unless you are part of the one percent of one percent you lose.


Care to join the Terrorists? 72 virgins await you compliments of SAA

Roger Snellman

Everyone with half of brain knows they promise 72 virgins. Then after you give your life they tell you the virgins are all men.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Hahahahahaha, that’s a good one!!!

Mo Richard

Another cave man

Hisham Saber

Its for national sacrifice. Duty calls. I’m sure the same in your country. By now , the Syrian Arab Army, Tiger Forces et al, HDF and Hezbollah, along with the Iraqi popular mobilization forces have a high degree of real life combat experience in urban and rural landscapes. They are distilled down to perhaps the best fighting forces in the world.

And I’m not even counting the IRGC and Iranian advisory role.

All this bodes very badly for Israel, its expamsionist dreams, Zionism as a sustainable entity and the U.S., France, NATO et al, the Brits, are not going to come to Israels rescue. They suck at being effective boots on the ground as Israel found out from Hezbollah in 2006, and the U.S. and lackeys found out in Iraq and still finding out in Afghanistan, the poorest country in the world, being beaten by a bunch of guys wearing beach sandals and bedsheets, armed with AK-47’s and a few IED’s.

How on earth is the U.S. and Israel going to pull off their regional war against a very angry, embittered, insulted and very determined Shia Crescent? Insanity, especially given that Russia has said they ‘are all in’ in Syria, and China is a major back-channel silent partner to Syria, Russia, Iran and all they are trying to achieve.

Roger Snellman

Had not heard Israel had troops on the ground in Syria. Tell me again how it gets any worse for them than it is now? Whoever controls Syria at the end of this war will be anti-Israel which is little to no change from the way it has been for over 50 years.

Boris Kazlov

The jihadists are Israel’s troops on the ground admittedly they prefer ISIS to Al-Assad, whom they perceived as backed by Iran, the sum of all evil.

Boris Kazlov

Not in the highly hypothetical scenario of a win by the terrorists, they are very chummy with Israel, as shown by the kurds waving the Jewish flag. May Jewish hospitals and morgues be their home, since they go there to heal and go back to battle. Huge trove of Israeli weapons uncovered by Syria, including chemical ones. does that tell you anything?


Israel has had troops on the ground in Syria since 1967.

Roger Snellman

Technically true but that land became part of Israel 50 years ago. We are discussing the current Civil War. Do we agree that whoever controls Syria at the end of this civil war will be antiIsrael? Exactly how does it get worse for Israel than it is now? Do we agree it will not get any better for Israel?


The Golan Heights did not become part of Israel and is still referred to as Israeli occupied territory. Whoever controls Syria will be anti-Israel, something that will be entrenched as fact as Israeli attacks on Syria continue. Before this conflict there might have been a chance at improved relations. Israel’s cowardly attacks on Syria from Lebanese airspace probably forestalls any chance at reconciliation. That’s where things get worse for Israel.

Roger Snellman

I understand you believe Israel is the root of all problems in Syria. You even want to exterminate all Jews from the face of the Earth. Is it possible that you are simply being manipulated by those who are stealing Syria while you are tricked into looking at Israel? If Syrians are so easily tricked then soon there will not be a Syria.


“You even want to exterminate all Jews from the face of the Earth”

Here we go. The anti-semetic card. Tell you what Roger. Try to have a conversation on the strength of your argument instead of invoking anti-semetism. I’m done with you.


When you say over 50 years, do you mean, perhaps… ever since the brutal ethnic cleansing committed by the Irgun and the Stern Gang in then British Palestine, in 1948-1949 time, before there was even a state of Israel. Or you one of those who selectively ignores history, when it doesn’t support your ideology?


Syria Israeli border was always quiet now they have to worry about hezbollah and Iran on their borders threatening to open another front .Thats how it worse hence getting a jet shotdown. Israel has a stake in this war as well with assets and funds and weapons poured into syria


You hear and see what your jew ear and eyes allow you to do. If you have an elephan in from of you, you will see only a wall. The noise of a lion you confuse with a motorcicle.


Are you blind? this is not a civil war it never was its a foreign backed insurgency comprising radicalised jihadis from all over the world. It was always about regime change at the hands of external powers.

Roger Snellman

Why did Assad allow this to happen?


So Assad the mighty who ‘allow’ this to happen ?

Roger Snellman

Assad was in charge. With great power comes great responsibility. History will say Assad loved power more than he loved his people.


History will remember him as a leader who never leave his own people even at the highest risk for himself and his relatives. Guess it. Assad never leave Damascus and Syria along with his wife and there are no attempt on his life from amongst his closest ally.


History will remember Arab gulf states and American fueld protests and insurgency and terrorism against a sovereign state that was secular peaceful and all ethnicity and religious peoples of syria lived in harmony once upon a time

Boris Kazlov

Now you show your true colors, you are with the U$AIPAC agenda of regime change.

Roger Snellman

Not familiar with the agenda you are talking about. I am certainly not in favor of regime change forced from outside Syria. I am all for peace in Syria. Why should I care who is leading Syria? Only Syrians should determine who leads Syria, I am the last one to listen to, listen only to Syrians.


It didn’t just happen Roger. The invasion of Syria was carefully planned, supported by a massive logistics effort (involving numerous nations, a coalition of the killing including in it the USA, UK, France, Israel, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia as well as other lessor actors) The invasion of Syria was planned, even as the US invasion of Iraq was in surge mode. ISIS did not come out of the blue its leaders came out of various US run prison/torture camps in Iraq. The Turks opened the gates to hordes of medieval minded salafist mercenary sex jihadists who were financed with hundreds of billions from the wahabi Gulf Arab kleptocracies. Israel has armed, protected, and succored these violent head choppers, and Al Qaeda terror leaders in Syria look to Israel for air cover. There is the matter of competing pipeline projects, and for those who study history the Yinon Plan. There are driving reasons behind this massive foreign directed & ferociously genocidal invasion of Syria (and much of Iraq at one point). I get the sense you are either not aware of them, or that you choose to ignore that which you do not want to bear witness to. Roger…. I am sure that Bashar al-Assad (he has a first name you know) kindly requested that all these foreign vultures not come and destroy his country. Why did the coalition of the killing initiate this bloody attempt to destroy Syria, to dismember it? That is a better question to ask.


Only one master in Syria, it is the Syrian people. The head chopper traitor’s masters are in Saudi Arabia and Israel. Sad comment from a Zionist.


Saying more stupidities ?


Time to erase these poopstains from the face of the earth

sharim khan

Jays AL Islam is not afraid of these satanic forces… They preferred to embrace martyrdom rather than surrendering.. Salute to your spirit Bros. .!!???

Man Dagang

Sunni syrian majority will defeat Assad & send him with putin to gulag in siberia

Boris Kazlov

Syrian Army is majority Sunni yet loyal to Syrian president Al-Assad. Regarding Putin Russian people have recently spoken.

sharim khan

They aren’t to the person who did massacre of their loved ones.. They have just compromised with the ongoing situation because they can’t fight your illegitimate father, the Putin..

Mo Richard



lol the sunni majority make up the army fighting for Assad in the first place. The sunni majority civilians still support the government. Wake up & smell the coffee

sharim khan

This is your misunderstanding… They have just compromised with the situation recently.. They will duck Bashar AL Assad, once they get chance

Tudor Miron

Someone call the doctor! This fella is in serious mental disorder and about to hurt himself.


Some people have passed the (mental) point of no return and are beyond salvation…..


Think twice before saying any stupidity. There is not religion fight here. What we have here is a planned destruction of Syria by USA-Israel-NATO (with Qatar, Saudis, Jordan, Turkey) with partial successful since Rusia-Hezbolah-Iran-Syria were be able to stop these ANIMALS.


tien the terrorist djihadist! zionist!!

Boris Kazlov

Jaish Al-ISlam has nowhere to go that is why they continue to fight out of desperation, sorry losers not martyrs.


Its likely they are still fighting because the SAA will not allow them to leave with the alleged 900m dollars they have amassed.

sharim khan

Call them losers when they leave battlefield … These brave menough will fight until death if they don’t get victory; no matter how strong the opponent is.. Be realistic and try to acknowledge the valour of your enemy. .


You go and join them

Sestra Lily Yankovski


matew ivanson

what about resolution 2401, where is now Haley and clown Trump, they sold Douma, hezbollah and iran will win, usa clowns fcuk you,


That resolution never applied to AQ, Nusra groups.

Tudor Miron

This creature doesn’t care what UN resolution is about, he just doesn’t want wahhabi “freedom” fighters to keep killing Syrians. He’s desperate and that’s a good thing.






No mercy.


I hear they were afraid of going to idlib and to jarabulus. They made too many enemies and will be attacked anywhere they go. Maybe israel would take them.


The Syrian government upholds truce in de-escalation zones. However, the rebels generally break the cease fire and attack first. For the Syrian government, staying quiet is no option, as innocent civilians would become victims. However, when the Syrian government strike back, a lot of Western governments and international MSMs condemn the Syrian government force as “committing genocide” or “committing war crime”. Thus, what should the Syrian government do? Apparently, these outsiders want the Syrian government to negotiate helplessly, in which the rebels would demand that the President should go and the government, the army, and the police should be disbanded. In other words, these outsiders want the Syrian government to surrender to regime change. It is still the old song from the broken player.


Yes, it is already time to get rid of these animals, fast, strong and without mercy.

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