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Syrian Army Resumes Strikes On Greater Idlib Despite Declared Ceasefire (Videos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has resumed its strikes on the so-called Greater Idlib region in the country’s northwestern part despite the ceasefire recently declared by Russia.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the army’s artillery pounded on January 10 the towns of Ma’ar Shamshah, Talmenes, Ma’saran, Ma’ar Shoreen, al-Deir al-Gharbi, al-Deir al-Sharqi as well as the city of Ma`arat al-Nu`man in southeast Idlib.

Warplanes and attack helicopters of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) also carried out several strikes on Ma`arat al-Nu`man, Hantoteen, Ain Qr’a and Ma’ar Shoreen as well as the towns of Humayra and Khalsah in southwestern Aleppo.

A day earlier, the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria announced that Russian and Turkey reached a new ceasefire on Idlib de-escalation zone.

Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has not accepted the ceasefire. This apparently pushed the Syrian military to resume its strikes on Greater Idlib in order to prevent the terrorist groups from taking advantage of the Russian announcement.

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klove and light

hopefully SAA woke up AGAINST These ridiculous treacherous Zionist Putin agreements

ps, and how does Zionist Putin “behave” in Libya??? the Islamist Moslem brotherhood is nearly beaten, and Putin asks for a ceasefire……..

Moslem brotherhood = Zionist controll numerous ceasefires in syria and now in Libya by PUTIN with the Islamist Moslem brotherhood = Zionist procedure

Putin u treacherous Zionist pig!!!

PS. and for all the Zionist Putin Lovers…….explain why in the southern russian governets ie. chechen ,Dagestan or Ingushetia etc.. ANYBODY who would dare to speak or think About ceasefires with islamists in Russia is called brain dead , and there would be no difference in europe or North america.…… so a different set of rules applies for Russia and the rest??????? would Putin sign a ceasefirwe Agreement with the islamists in chechia??in Dagestan??in Ingushetia???? would uk or Germany sign a ceasefire Agreement with al nusra/al qaida????

let the ACTIONS speak for themselves………..ps. the S-300 that Russia “supposedly” gave SAA ….typical Zionist Modus Operandi….. yes the s-300 is in syria…..BUT but but—– Russia servicemen Control 100% of the s-300 System…the syrian Government has Zero Control over it!!!!

that should answer the hundreds of Questions regarding the s-300 in syria and WHY it is never used although IDF and NATO planes bomb the syrian arab republic on a DAILY Basis.They cant use it, because Control of the s-300 System lies in the hands of Russia!!!

northerntruthseeker .

tiime to say fuck these fraud “ceasefires” and finish the job in retaking Idlib!


SAA can’t do that without the Ruskies. Putin has more interests then liberating Idlib (and Afrin and Northern Aleppo etc) alone like gaspipeline through Turkey, free access through Bosporus, having influence on important NATO member Turkey and so on. Never forget Syria would now be wahabistan if the Ruskies did not came to help in 2015. Look what already is liberated since then. Perhaps we should be a littebit more patient

good american

Maybe it will get to the point where Syriacan ‘ignore’ Russian ceasefires and wipe out whom they need to wipe out. Then Syria can get their land back from Turkish encroachment, Russia can shrug their shoulders saying it’s not their fault the Syrians are not listening to them and Putin can still be friends with Erdogan. Kind like how Erdogan does with his own proxies in northern Syria.


Good point but SAA needs Russian airpower don’t you think?

good american

100 percent. They aren’t there yet, but maybe one day soon.

Gabriel Hollows

Not really. The Russian contingent is very small, doesn’t have that big an impact.


Ha ha ha ha! Oh you more than pathetic clown! Every bomb Syria drops is Russian bomb while fly on their very old Russian jets that if they are modernized are modernized again by the Russians. And if engines can’t be repaired then they are given and installed new by the Russians!

Every fucking important armament in Syrian Army is FROM RUSSIA and depends on RUSSIAN spare parts, ammunition and overhauls since Syria does only small repairs!


The Russian airpower is way more effective than the Syrians’ so yes they need it.


Russians came for 3 reasons : To keep Tartous ( only port in Mediter.) To keep Heimim to protect Tartous To protect Israel. They have nothing to do with Syrians.


Wow, NATO Italian MONKEY has discovered that Russians are not Syrians! Bravo monkey! They are maybe NATO Italians like you? Russians were already in Tartous before they have arrived in numbers and with airplanes to fight against TERRORISTS on Syrian demand!

And those military bases are RUSSIAN in exchange for RUSSIAN HELP against NATO terrorists like you monkey! Russia has regular contracts for them you stupid retarded peace of shit!

No Italian NATO cowards will “protect” IsraHell since your US Master tells you to do that and since their Master is IsraHell !!! So eat shit you NATO MONKEY, TESTA DI CAZZO !!!


The Russians came to Syria to protect an ally and to prevent scumbags like you from the US and Israel from fermenting the same chaos on the Southern borders of Russia.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

4 reasons, the Saudi/Qatari gas/oil to the EU, 30% of Russia’s gross export revenue would’ve been lost if Assad was replaced by a pro western puppet.


Yes. Although it is naturel to want a quick end to the war, it’s necessary to have a strategy that considers all the elements of the conflict.

This conflict has been one of the most complicated in history, in my opinion and this is due to the interconnected relationships between all of the many combatants.

Couple this with the multitude of proxy warlord forces who also argue violently amongst each other and we have a melange of pure chaos.

Russia, Iran and Syria have managed to wrest much of Syria from the bloody clutches of the USA. This is a feat of great ability in itself, as the REAL record of history will show.

Xoli Xoli

Putin is just a Trump,Erdogan and Satanyahu infected floppy drive.He is hindering Russian army operation in critical moments.

Gabriel Hollows

He’s always been a gatekeeper.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I agree with quite a lot of things you said but have to say I don’t think the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] is even slightly affiliated with Zionist Israel anymore, the exact opposite in fact. My equation goes like this, Erdogan + the Muslim Brotherhood = Isis. If you look at which countries the MB is most active against, it’s mostly pro Israel countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. I know the Israelis started off thinking they could use the MB for their own advantage, but after Isis erupted in Syria the Israelis changed their minds, now they help Egypt get rid of the Isis/MB supporters. And I don’t think Putin’s a Zionist pig, just a treacherous pig. And he’s having his own mini war against Iran in Syria right now, so I’m sure he doesn’t mind the Israelis doing some of his dirty work for him, it saves him doing it and upsetting the Iranians.

Wolfgang Wolf

yalla yalla idiots


It means fast, fast. What’s so bad about it?

Xoli Xoli

Syria needs USA airpower but we have seen the explosive reliable superpower of Iran missiles which has pinpoint accuracy.USA and Israel knows but ignore just to made us believe that Iran doesn’t have reliable army and only terrorists.

Xoli Xoli

If Idl8b is fully recaptured then Syria can easily monitor Israel terrorism.

Peter Jennings

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham has not accepted the ceasefire, so there is no ceasefire. The SOHR cannot seem to get anything right. The SAA should get busy pounding and give the SOHR something to report from their buddies in Idlib.


After Idlib, At-Tanf and the Homs desert are next.

You can call me Al

it is not ceasefire time yet is it, there is 1/2 hours to go.


Thousands more flee Idlib City as Russian bombardment intensifies Thousands more Syrians have been forced to leave their homes in Idlib city, as a Russian-led bombardment of the provincial capital intensifies.

At least 20,000 civilians have fled Idlib City towards the Turkish border in recent days, the Response Coordination Group told Anadolu news agency on Tuesday, as a major humanitarian crisis unfolds in the besieged opposition province. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/1/9/thousands-more-flee-idlib-city-as-russian-bombardment-intensifies

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Poor little Turkish troll, look at what nasty Putin is doing, he’s helping the SAA and SAAF drive those refugees to the Turkish border, don’t you like that, I do. :] Get off SF you stupid paid for Turkish troll.



Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, I’m Australian with Croatian and Italian heritage, though who knows I might have some Arab DNA in me somewhere, though most people say I don’t even look Italian, so maybe not. You Turks really need to smarten up, you’re forgetting to use all those Jewish Avatars to post with now your using these new ones, people will start becoming suspicious now that they’ve all disappeared, coincidentally just as your posting has become much more prolific. Erdogan will hang, Turkey will amend the laws for his exception, and they’ll throw his body in the rubbish tip where it belongs, and then they’ll start locking up all his stooges. The moderate opposition are being slaughtered and the refugees are bolting, break out the popcorn. Happy times ahead for everyone, except for Erdogan, LOL LOL LOL.


Willing Conscience Turd Croatian and Italian heritage? NOTHING good can come out of that shit combination! Catholic neo-NAZI racist PIG + pro NATO everything and Russophobe on the top! Perfect target in the future war. I hope that fire in Australia will never stop and that you all will burn there till kingdom comes.

Fuck off pig!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m very proud of my Roman ancestry, and my Croatian bad temper though a hindrance sometimes, on the odd occasion serves me well, especially when I correspond with people like you, so I like the combination myself. :] Everytime you slur someone racially you’re putting that persons whole Nationality offside, do you think all Australians, Croatians and Italians think like me and deserve to be bundled in with me just because of my comments, you’re definitely the most racist piece of shit I’ve ever come across, I suspect you only like other Turks, no one else would be good enough, though there can’t be too many orthodox Christian Turks around. You like seeing a billion animal burnt to death do you? that says a lot about your personality. I’m still pro Russian [Lavrov for president], and used to be pro Putin but not anymore, Totally anti NATO and UN [except for the new UN deal with Assad], I’m not Catholic anymore, my own conscience is my religion, I don’t need anybody else to tell me what God wants me to do, God already tells me what not to do, though sadly sometimes I don’t listen to God and ignore Gods wishes, for instance every time I call you a moronic piece of shit as an example.


Rusuming Strikes does not mean at all resuming offensive. Once again, Putin has stopped SAA-Russia-Iran-Hazbolah offensive on Idlib to please Erdogan.


Thousands more flee Idlib City as Russian bombardment intensifies Thousands more Syrians have been forced to leave their homes in Idlib city, as a Russian-led bombardment of the provincial capital intensifies.

At least 20,000 civilians have fled Idlib City towards the Turkish border in recent days, the Response Coordination Group told Anadolu news agency on Tuesday, as a major humanitarian crisis unfolds in the besieged opposition province. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/1/9/thousands-more-flee-idlib-city-as-russian-bombardment-intensifies You are NATO TERRORIST Italian PIG!!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And you’re proving me 100% right, you’re not a pro Putin or Russian supporter at all, just look at what you wrote, that’s pure terrorist/rebel speak, you’re giving yourself away and making it obvious to everyone that you’re just another Turkish troll on Erdogan’s payroll. Reread what you wrote halfwit and then try and tell me you’re not a paid for Turkish troll.

You don’t realize it but the Turkish media article you reposted is heavenly music to us pro Assad supporters ears, we relish in that statement, it means our sides plan is working. I hope the SAA drives those refugees to the Turkish border like a herd of stampeding cattle, and the only crisis will be in Turkey, so who gives a f–k about that, not Assad and the SAA that’s for sure, and neither do the EU or NATO either, since they’ve done absolutely nothing at all to help Erdogan over the last few months, and that’s despite the fact Erdogan’s been begging and blackmailing them to do something to help him. I read 2 Turkish media sources every day, and the news for Assad just keeps getting better and better, LOL, Turkey’s going to lose.


Allahu Akbar! Exterminate the ISIS roaches!!

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