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Syrian Army Rips Through Militants’ Defense, Liberates Five More Towns In Southeast Idlib

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued its advance in southeast Idlib, penetrating militants’ defenses and capturing several new towns late on January 24.

Pro-government sources said that the army captured the towns of Deir Gharbi, Tqana and Ma’ar Shimmareen following clashes with al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies. Syrian and Russian warplanes provided army troops with close air support.

In another direction, to the west of Abu Duhur Air Base, the army advanced, allegedly imposing control of the towns of Abu Jurif and Kursiyan.

Syrian Army Rips Through Militants’ Defense, Liberates Five More Towns In Southeast Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

A few hours ago, the SAA resumed its large-scale ground operation in southeast Idlib. In the first hours of the attack, the army captured Deir Sharqi.

HTS and its allies reportedly sustained heavy losses while attempting to stop army forces, which are spearheaded by the 25th Special Forces Division. The elite unit was previously known as the Tiger Forces.

Now, several local sources are reporting heavy clashes west of Aleppo’s city center. Government sources speculate that the SAA may kick off a ground operation in the region there.

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Predictable the HTS does these large offensives and then are eventually reversed and pressed on by the SAA. It’s a case of the salafist blowing their wad before the main thrust of the Syrian armed forces finishes them. Either way as long as these Wahhabi mercenaries are wiped out it’s fine by me.


Counter-attack is often more effective than attack.


I think we can expect plenty of counter-attacks by the rats and the SAA are ready and waiting to maximise the number of terrorist KIA when these happen. Thankfully HTS et al are blinded by martyrdom, drug-abuse, stupidity etc so we can expect the rodent eradication to be extensive.

Peter Jennings

I would hazard a guess that the best have already left.

Peter Jennings

The terrorists do not seem to have much in the way of tanks and armed personnel carriers, apart from those cobbled together by themselves. They either have a lack of heavy weapons or are keeping them back for a last stand. The terrorist ranks have also dwindled because the cause is now a dead duck, and there is more to be made in Libya.


Revenge is a dish best served cold

Gary Sellars

The pattern repeats. The foreign-backed Wahhabi filth terror-gangsters draw upon their reserves and throw their troops into an offensive and push against SAA lines, but they are held to minimal gains as they exhaust themselves and lose momentum. Then the Russians and the SAAF engage air strikes to weaken their rear support before the SAA moves in for a concerted offensive to wipe the jihadists and push them back and gain new ground.

When the jihadists have lost enough ground, the SAA calls a halt, consolidates their control (and hunts down and eradicates sleeper cells and Jihadists civilian supporters) , and prepares for the next cycle.

Rinse, Repeat, while the terror supporters like that stupid cunt Jacob Wohl (and his many alts) rage helplessly as they watch the Anglo-Turk-Zio terrorists get rolled back :-P

Happy days!

Jens Holm

Yes, thats the pattern. Jihadists defend themselves as well as it goes.

Gary Sellars

So says another of the forums terror-sympathisers…

Jihadis are defending” themselves????? By rocket attacks against Aleppo that target and kill civilians?????

Fuck off Jens.

Peter Jennings

Cut off the rear supply lines with air attacks, let the forward units shoot themselves out, and then boom!

Tudor Miron

Good observation and summing up what’s going on.


Keep on going Tigers! Destroy all of these terrorists, as a reminder to raise your morale in battle, remember that the one terrorist you kill means a huge loss to their supporters (Usrael & Co)! A lot of poor people’s taxes have been spent to support these terrorists. Training, equipment, weapons and all other logistical support are expensive. That was why they were so angry and agitated every time SAA began their attack. Kill all terrorists! Air support will be further enhanced this time! It seems we will see a simultaneous attack at several other points throughout Idlib and Aleppo. Hopefully this will be a major blow to the terrorists and their supporters and victory for SAA and its allies.


So does it mean for every IRGC proxy guy we kill in Syria then it’s a loss to their supporters too? aka Russia & co. No need to answer, it’s a rhetorical question. But tell me Joe, when Iran really gets on our nerves in Syria or Lebanon and we start a ground offensive, who will help them? I mean, only if Russian forces fight directly IDF troops.


IDF ground offensive! LOOOOOOOLLL! They’ll turn back as soon as someone shoots back! Better still, go tell them it’s a suicide mission without result, and they can go on drinking Haifa beer for a little longer! Lol! Be green! No need to litter the landscape with burnt Merkava hulks!


Suicide mission? well then you should be happy when we start it no? no worries, we will end it faster this time.

Liberal guy

U fool

MeMad Max

HTS and friends providing plenty of cannon fodder.

Gary Sellars

You mean proving plenty of fertiliser. Blood “n” bone is an effective organic lifter, and the Jihadis are a resource that should be properly utilised ;-)


With all peace talks now in the bin (where they belong), the SAA & allies have opened up a huge front line from Maarrat al Nu’man in southern Idlib to Khan Al-Asal in western Aleppo …. the rats are out-flanked and collapsing and the town elders are looking to surrender quickly to save what they can. The hegemon and their terrorist forces are now being routinely rejected and ejected and this can only be good for the long-suffering MENA.

Peter Jennings

The map does suggest the start of a massive pincer movement and hopefully take out a large chunk of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham goodness.


Hey!!! I’m looking for a man who’s charming, loyal, faithful and knows how to take good care and love me, as well. A person who can talk openly. A man who’s understanding, sweet, honest, loving, caring, and romantic. Someone who will accept the real me, as well. A man who can give me enough reason to live and will give me the exact meaning of love in our life. Go to my profile.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

5 towns recaptured in just a few short hours wow, it sounds like all the easy pickings are in the south, maybe we should just pick this carcass clean before we start taking down the bigger prey, pick these bones clean first and then we can do it all over again, pick another straggler and separate it from the herd, start circling our next victim and then pounce at the first opportunity. I’m a vegetarian so why did I use that analogy, is this what they mean when they someone’s suffering from bloodlust, hopefully the SAA are suffering the same symptoms I am, so rip into them SAA, tear their flesh from their bones, and then saviour the sweet taste of freshly killed terrorist, there’s nothing better, even for vegetarians like me. My girlfriend just read this and said I shouldn’t post it, she said it sounds really sick and makes me sound like a cannibal, oh well, now I know how bloodlust really effect you, because I’m posting it anyway.

Assad must stay

its ok, i know the feeling of bloodlust, many times, its only natural, especially when you are dealing with these shithadist rats

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And it’s not just us, the Russian backed elite Tigers are feeling it too, so hopefully it spreads to all the rest of the SAA divisions soon, SAA’s morale should be skyrocketing again as the Jihadists moral is being ripped to pieces. :]

Assad must stay

Yes the crushing of their morale is always good


It’s easy for those of us who Support whole the SAA and allies to cheer when the SAA begin another operation for the liberation of Syria from US Coalition of Terror .

However it is the SAA and her allies who are in the firing line. We are behind a keyboard far away from Syria.

I hope our global support of the Syrian people and the SAA+ allies is a small comfort for them, in the knowledge that Syria is not alone in their struggle for survival.

This is the tenth year now of a most cruel and brutal war that was planned and paid for by Western Nations.

Assad must stay

yes, they are the real heroes, the real MVPs, inshallah it ends soon

Pave Way IV

I’m with your girlfriend here, WC. You’re sounding kind of psycho. Get off the computer and take her somewhere nice for dinner. You have the luxury of being human right now – don’t squander it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Take her to dinner after making that comment, are you mad, she wouldn’t eat a bite after her cannibalism comparison, you should’ve suggested a romantic comedy instead. And I notice you didn’t have an answer for slurring Jens wrongfully, it seems even simple Jens is a little more knowledgeable than you are on certain matters, and if you’ve checked to see how valid his comment was [and not ridiculously irrelevant as usual], shouldn’t you apologize to him for it, after all it’s the human thing to do isn’t it.

Pave Way IV

“…slurring Jens wrongfully…” WTF?


Not possible to slur Jens.

Gary Sellars

Slurring Jens is like saying that shit stinks. Totally redundant.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Jens in his broken English said this, “Maybee the locals still being there should be asked”, and because Jens has already made it known to me he fully understands why the locals had to leave al-Mayadeen in the first place, he’s asking why the locals in the area the Iranians are now moving to aren’t being consulted about having the Iranians as their new neighbours, and I believe he said it because it didn’t work out to well for the Iranians last lot of neighbours. He mainly just speaks English backwards, so why did you say this to him, “Do Danes read English articles backwards, or just you?” and then this, “The step will also facilitate the return of locals to al-Mayadeen.” He’s obviously not talking about the locals in al-Mayadeen as your comment gives the impression he did, he must be talking about the locals in the new area the Iranians have moved to, the locals in the old location didn’t have a choice, that’s why they moved out and are moving back in as the Iranians leave, in other words it’s too late to consult them, Jens can only be referring to the new neighbours. I think you misunderstood what Jens was saying.


“Do Danes read English articles backwards, or just you?” Wait a dam second! You are quoting me !! So you know how to interpret the Danish troll? LOL

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“So you know how to interpret the Danish troll? LOL”.

Only when he makes sense on the very odd occasion, and also when it’s impossible to interpret his comment any other way [but you did], and sadly he’s making more sense than some of my fellow SF posters are lately, which doesn’t mean he’s clever, it means something else even more alarming. Though that isn’t a reference to you, I enjoy reading most of your posts. Have you apologized to him yet, I’m sure he’ll understand his bad English contributed to your confusion.

Peter Jennings

Take her a butchers shop?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You can come too, you’d look really juicy hanging up on a display hook.


what if … this is only tactical retreat?

Gary Sellars

LOL!!! You gotta be joking….

Liberal guy


Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s quite possible it is only a tactical retreat, the Terrorists didn’t have time to set up new defensive lines [trenches, mines, ect], so falling back to already well established defensive lines would be the wise thing for them to do, especially if they’re expecting an SAA ground assault to begin any time soon. But no matter what they do to prepare themselves and how many men the bring in to reinforce their positions, I think they’re about to get a really bad beating from the SAA. :]

Raptar Driver

This war would be over a long time ago if Russia were serious about its commitment .

John Wallace

Yes not sure what is going on there.

Assad must stay

putin just cant stop loving erdodog and his ceasefires

Mustafa Mehmet

as soon as assd make payment to Russia then Russia start bombing again till the next payment no cash no boom boom ? cost lots of money Mr arsold


SAA where just waiting for better ground conditions. And now you will cry for fallen HTS rats and territory lost. :)

Mustafa Mehmet

You can get rid of hts what ever you call them don’t give a s.. t.. do not forget idlib belong to turkman turks they did suffer under minority allawi assad family rules. so don’t think peace will come to idlib any time soon


they suffer 10x less them non-turks in turkia.

back constantinopol to europe!

Mustafa Mehmet

Try again


turkias future borders must be around ankara – 150 km distance. also if erDOGand will bark, we send all turks back fro the EU. you are bastard element is europe. so, back behind bosphorus!

Mustafa Mehmet

Now go back to school learn proper bit of manners.. When the time come you can try to send turks back to where you want.


Very good news, and I hope Putin does not make another cease fire agreement with NATO (Turnkey).

Assad must stay

truly excellent SAA :))))


As usual, nothing can ever be liberated without Tigers! It would be good if 4th division can make their contribution finally. This would be the first time simultaneous liberation on multiple fronts if they can only menage to do it. That would be extremely positive for overall situation.


So are they gonna kettle them again then?

Wolfgang Wolf

without Tiger forces, no progress. normal SAA units seem to be the usual arab idiots…

Gary Sellars

I smell a (frustrated) Zionist.


this is your odor

Gary Sellars

Weak comeback from a weak little man.

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