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Syrian Army Secures ICARDA Center And Two Towns Along M5 Highway

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Late on February 8, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced further along the strategic M5 highway, securing several new areas.

According to pro-government sources, the army imposed control of the towns of Buwaybiyah and al-Kusaybiyah as well as the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).

Syrian Army Secures ICARDA Center And Two Towns Along M5 Highway

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier today, the SAA liberated the town of al-Eis and its hilltop in the southwestern Aleppo countryside. Later, the army began advancing along the M5 highway, one of the main targets of the ongoing military operation.

The highway, which runs through Homs, Hama and Idlib, links the country’s capital, Damascus, with the northern city of Aleppo.

Syrian and Russian warplanes are now targeting the remaining militants’ positions north of the M5. The SAA will likely secure more areas along the road in the upcoming few hours.

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Tim Williams

AZ ZARBAH was leveled as the SAA was dealing with suicide bombers, sniper fire … SAA pulled back … called in the RAF ,,, DOZEN THERMOBARICS rearranged the furniture in the town … SAA now 2 KM north of of the former RATS nest … SAA NOW headed towards ALEPPO

Lazy Gamer

I hope there were no civilians there when it happened

Tim Williams

I hope that as well … however if you are left behind on KAMIKAZE mission .. the retribution will happen

Toni Liu

Nah they already left long time ago, only terrorist family or their human shield are left in there, no sane person want to live in their isis like future civilization

Lazy Gamer

Seems like all urban operations necessitate flattening everything. Weve seen this also in Raqqa. UN should devise ways into start of war evacuations rather than cease fires and humanitarian aid which only freezes the conflict. Transferring populations should be a given solution at the start because it cannot be used anymore while a war is raging.

Toni Liu

We already seen long time ago since WWII no one care about that, people move by thinking their live in danger or going to be human shield for the parties that they support, so UN useless in this kind of war especially if there is the side that supported by US or enemy by US side


Why should they care? German cities were carpet bombed continuously, and millions of civilians were killed in a clear breach of the Hague agreement of warfare. Was there ever any culprit sentenced beside the Germans for their mistake bombing Coventry? Not at all. Bomber Harris got a memorial statue, but no war crime sentence.


26 million Soviets lost their lives fighting the Nazis and winning the war single handedly and not even movie made by Hollywood for all the Russian and Soviet sacrifices.


I like Mosfilm movies… you should try.


In asymmetrical warfare the weaker side hides among the civilian population and uses them as meatshields, because they know dead civilians will mean bad PR for the stronger side. They will NEVER allow any evacuation because without that meatshield they would be toast within hours.


Link to back that.

J Roderet

Great job, Syrian army! The end is near for the Neocons’ terrorist rats in Idlib. They may as well start packing their bags to head into exile. Their reign of terror will very, very soon be over and justice shall prevail.

no_one _one

Syrian Army, you joke :-) nothing as a group of bandits, dirty, drunk, killing and destroying civilians with no mercy, shooting at kids on the streets, bombing everywhere regardles who or what is it, … please stop to joke and call Terrorists to be a Army :-D lol

Assad must stay

You just described terrorists, not Syrian army, moron

no_one _one

this is only SAA, satanic army…

Assad must stay

they are a heavenly army, torki rats are satanic


Troll idiot


That sadly sounds like the history of Turkey.

Ice Icegold

Totally correct!

Concrete Mike

You just described the IDF and US army perfectly well done!

Your ignorance is pathetic.

Ice Icegold

It really hurts you eee? Go get drown in you blood.

Luke Hemmming

What are you doing commenting on SF Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani? Trying to raise moral because your motivational video that you published was a complete and utter failure? Better luck next time hey? Thats IF there is a next time. Bwahahahaha


shut up headchopper!!

Alejandro Bonifacio

yes, you’re no one


This push north by SAA can easily flank the Jihadist lines along west Aleppo city. :)) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg

Toni Liu

Yes if they cut the area between idlib and afrin, it will be death for terrorist in idlib


It’s not like they could move Jihadis and supplies through Turkey. Because that would never EVER happen. Right?

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Rocking along to the wonderful scenario you paint,

Black Sabbath – Virtual Death! (not only physical)



Russia needs to intensify the successful air campaign and also put Turkey on notice to withdraw from Syrian territory.

no_one _one

Or we should send some Chechen fighters, so there is no russian terrorist any more… even vodka will not help, … lol

Tudor Miron

Takfiri rats in panic mode. Good.


I still want to see a real combat test of ‘The Father of all Bombs’ in the Russian arsenal.

Perhaps the Turks will be the guinea pigs :)

Ricky Miller

You do know that Chechen fighters got their asses kicked, right? The Republic today has been rebuilt and is safely part of Russia. The stray Chechen fighters roaming around the Islamic insurgencies of the World have no magic kryptonite magic skin to shield their bodies from Russian aerospace bombs. L O L…

Aleks Chernyy

Recent developments have been awesome to watch. The SAA is made steady

Zionism = EVIL

Things are going quite well for the resistance forces in Afghanistan and Yemen as well. Now the pace needs to pick up in Iraq.

Zionism = EVIL

BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6 Americunt occupation arseholes confirmed dead in Afghanistan, the real number could be 10

Taliban ambush claims multiple US soldiers dead after gun battle in Afghanistan

US military spokesman Col. Sonny Leggett said in a statement that both Afghan and US personnel were “engaged by direct firing” by the Taliban and other hostile forces resulting in several casualties. More details will be released soon.

Officials in Afghanistan did not comment on the number of casualties.

“We are assessing the situation and will provide further updates as they become available,” he said.

Mubariz Khadem, a senior security official in Nangarhar, said the clashes took place between U.S. and Afghan forces and heavy casualties were feared.

Insider attacks, often known as “green-on-blue” attacks, have been a regular feature of the conflict in Afghanistan, although their frequency has diminished in recent years as US and NATO forces have isolated themselves from the ANA.

Tim Williams

link to this story

Zionism = EVIL

Read the newspapers and all news agencies.


It is widely reported news, however the real casualty figures are in dispute and the US is censoring MSM as usual. The Taliban claim , like the Iranian version of the missile strike is more credible. It was an insider attack and cost the US occupation forces several fatalities.

Wolfgang Wolf

let Iran supply the Taliban with some little neat air-defenses and the war in Afghanistan will be over soon,same like Yemen.


This appears to be an insider attack and the US losses have been very high. It also shows that the ANA is completely compromised and the average Afghan is now totally hostile to the brutal occupation forces that have violated the basic rights of conservative tribal people, especially mistreating women and children. It would be prudent for Russia to supply modern weaponry to the Afghan resistance as Russians are widely respected in Afghanistan as brave soldiers who fought with honor.

Peter Jennings

Deep rooted Afghan resistance is a well known fact since the days of the British empire. Lessons haven’t been learned, but it seems US/nato military training of Afghans obviously has. It’s possible that US/nato soldiers are being killed by US and nato equipment.

The Karma.


I suspect that once the M5 is completely secured, there may be (unfortunately) another ceasefire/pause to allow Russia to try to talk some sense into Turkey. There are also a large number of civilians in Idlib so this pause could be used to organise ‘safe’ evacuation corridors for them.


Afraid that you are right and this time hopefully Syria says no and continues with the elimination of terrorists and regain their territory.


Toni Liu

They can delay that m5 operation a bit to got many city under m4 so they already upperhand when negotiated for idlib fate, to make every negotiation against idlib is pointless

Bilal Abdul Kareem

bashar esed will pay for his crimes against the people of syria and the free territory of idlib!!! the people of idlib are packing their belongings and heading to the turkish border as refugees. WE NEED HELP ERDOGAN!

Rafik Chauhan

shut up sick jihadi idiot .those syrian civilian is hijack by Turkish thugs an al-Qaida to fight for them . those all civilian wants to go back to SAA held area but u sick people are taking them human shield with the help of Turkey thugs .Erdogon is Zionist slave working for US Israel to kill Muslim come to you sense you dumb

no_one _one

lol, this is why Asad has killed 700 prisoners in few days, this is why all hopitals are bombed, this is why milions are fleeing, … cant believe what kind of stupid thougths you are writing down, this is nothing but garbage.Wahabi idiots are finished, well i am happy, but Sunni Muslims are dying, Sunnis are the biggest partin Syria, … easy try to mix up for people they dont understand, to mix up Sunni Muslims with Wahabiyyah, so called “Islamic State”. SAA are Shia and Allawiyyah, … so go ahead Erdogan, don’t let the true Syrians be homeless, Syria to become Iran, let Syrian get back the country, go back to their homes, to could simply live. And of cours this is USA, Israel and Russia beeing destroying the country. Only the question about oil pipeline project by Russia. World is playing game with Arab Countries, like our Prophet ^alyhis-salam has announced. But there are still dumb people with Muslim Names thinking Asad is god and Erdogan is bad, because of fake news and brain wash wash wash….


You arseholes always use Identity Politics to stir up racial hatred. The US, Israel and UK do this all the time, even in their own countries. Israel was stolen from the Palestinians as we all know.

The SAA is a majority Sunni army.

The terrorists are not true Muslims. In fact they insult the Muslim religion.

The terrorists are under the banner of the Wahabi cult of thieves, rapists, murderers and scumbags of the worst kind. All supported by the USA,Israel and the UK.

Doom Sternz

Never forget that it was Turkey that sold you out. You should go back home to Turkey and overthrow Erdogan. ERDOGAN MUST GO.

John Wallace

Seen that photo before with a group of terrorists so that one is probably dead and this dickhead is using it to make out he is a man.

John Wallace

Matches your other bullshit comments. Bilal Abdul Kareem preparing defenses at maarat al-numan. regime will not capture the city. That worked out well. .. Bilal Abdul Kareem this is completely fake news. assad thugs are running… Yeah running after your dickhead mates running for their lives.

..// WE NEED AIR SUPPORT NOW. WE ARE UNDER CONSTANT BARRAGES BY ASSAD REGIME WARPLANES. PLEASE SEND TOMAHAWK NOW . Looks like the US told you to fuk off tuff shit . please send in IDF air support to help us . They told you to fuk off as well. Looks like you better go suck Erdogans dick and next time can we see a pic of your goat . dead or alive. Assad the butcher is giving free pork chops to Jihardists. Want me to cook yours for you on the BBQ with you . Best you get a suicide belt and try it out on your headquaters to see if it works. Nice to meet you but goodbye..

no_one _one

would you please be so kind and request medical help @disqus_KJWwoXrKN7:disqus.

John Wallace

Thank you for your concern , I am touched.


i hear a shout ” are you not entertained” and i reply yes im entertained watching this : https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f34f13ccecf0b6a05b513c5181a42e60032b49d24eaf17a2e35d5368009fbaf0.png


HaHa the free territory of Idlib controlled by HTS/Al Qaeda lunatics who use civilians as human shields. If you love Turkey so much go live there forever & leave Syria to peaceful folk


You are knocking on the wrong door. Erdogan himself desperately needs help !

Concrete Mike

Hahaha cry some more goat fucker!


Go away and take a handful of captagon tablets you moron. You are only making a complete fool of yourself here.


This is an interesting article. I’d wondered what it would be like in Assad’s army, and this gives some idea. This is why the FSA is losing https://nationalinterest.org/feature/why-assads-army-has-not-defected-15190


Interesting article, thank you for posting.


I share your comment.


I have saved the article. Thank you ,Vitex


Brave fighters of the Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies must push forward until they reach the Turkish border; and eliminate any human obstruction that impedes their progress moving forward. They must remove Turkey from their real estate.

TURKISH INSANITY OVERLOAD>>>> The Turks have lost all integrity; and the world is looking upon them as terrorist gangsters. I supported their Peace Spring thinking that the Turks in their actions would cause part of Syria to become liberated; and it did until they moved in those terrorist gangster rebels to replace the previous (other) terrorist gangsters that were removed from the area.

Russia is having demanding meetings with Turkey now; and I hope that Russia gives Turkey a lobotomy of the brain; and forces the Turks to leave Syria’s real estate alive, instead delivered to Turkey dead in a body bag.


…I send more “conqueror” prayers.

SANA News – Saraqeb town after its liberation from terrorism – PHOTOS https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=184721

SANA News – Army units advancing from Aleppo countryside meet units advancing from Idlib southeastern countryside at al-Eiss hill – PHOTOS https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=184742



no_one _one

Dream dream, Turkey is the best country in the world, standing for justice an not fearing any one. We are proud of Turcs, go ahead Erdogan, and wipe syrian terorists and russian terroists and Iran terrorists away. By deploying word “terrorist” you mean to have right to accpet lastly 700 killed in one prison of Asad, to move half milion people away from their homes, to bomb the hospitals, whole cities reagardles of civilian population, and shame on you all here calling your self humans! You are nothing than last level of human can become, worthless, stupid and ignorant. If your countries doesn’t like turkey, who matters, Turkey is not in need of anyone, go ahead Turkey and Syrian true Military (not so called SAA terrorists)! And yes, turkey could wipe Asad in 6 months it they want really, and take over the whole country. Hm, would be the best, because everybody knows from history books, there were no one system as good to live in as it was ottoman empire. Osmanli Merhaba!

Wolfgang Wolf

go home and eat kebab)

no_one _one

lol, yes we will do it, and hopfully soon in damascus ;-)

Assad must stay

Turkey is one of the shittiest shitholes in the world and its economy is in horrible shape, get off the drugs buddy


History has a history of savagery against all its neighbors. The Armenian holocaust is the worst real crime against humanity in the 20th century. However, no Hollywood Jews made any movies about it either.

no_one _one

you mean palestinian holocaust, is still there, you should better speak about that. Ataturk was a pro-western non-muslim and an atteist, and you see what happens when somebody come to the power with this shit in mind. Sultans of ottoman empire have done great job! And don’t forget, this is not an excuse for what ataturk has done, but Armenian, after all liberty they had, just waited for greeks and english man’s to turn their back to Turcs and kill and violate their families. After this it happend what happend, again: under control of ateist commander and after pushing out all believers from the army control,… because they would never do such things, … may God save all innocent people on the world. But the 95% of the blood on the hands is on the hands of western, russia and far asian countries (China). If we would speak about that we would never get time to get to some “incidents” which happend with othes, belive me ;-)


Turkey is certainly NOT the best country in the world.

no_one _one

yes, yes, wait some days, and you will see, when brothers come together, turcs and syrians sunni brother. We saw it in Bosnia War, how from ruins and asch, mans stepped out, with Tekbir overruning serbian positions, … as they fhought to have won. We saw chechen, fighting big russian bear, stepping out of ruins, causing the bear to lose feets and pulled russian terrorists yeras long back from Grozny. Just wait, until brothers come together, but then… Asad should move more west, because they could soon be at his dor ;-)

Assad must stay

Keep dreaming punk dirt rat, it’ll never happen, instead you and your rats will be six feet under and SAA will be partying their asses off above you

no_one _one

haha, lol


You will see only TOS 1 A Buratino and thermobarric missiles.

no_one _one

Who are terrorists: take a look at that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2pCvF9LeJU

Xoli Xoli

That hospital and all make shift hospitals were taken over by terrorists under Israel,France,Britain and Turkey supports. All those medical supplies comes from Turkey and Israel for the terrorists. Civilians are force to stuff by terrorists wifes,children and supporters. So please be informed that all terrorists Hospitals will be bomb and all hideouts wither in mosques or schools to liberate Syria once and for all.Nice opportunity to make a story with hospital destructions.Bloody fake corrupt news presenter.

no_one _one

What you wrote down is enough to show, how ill mankind can become… and blind before all…

Xoli Xoli

What can mankind do if world most previously respected country’s continuously attack fellow human beings and feel what their do is always right.Tell your Turkey and Israel mankind to stop ignore Syrian suffering and stop supply medical supplies to terrorists which are not legitimate. Currently all previously government own hospitals are only there for terrorists treatment while civilians are left out by terrorists to die.Because Terrorist regard civilians is puppets and government informers.

Concrete Mike

Shut up goat fucker, al.nusrah is dying, get over it.

Fix your own damn country, all your doing is working for israel and the anglos.

Nothing but stupid tools, all ofnyou.


Not again “the last hospital….” stories ! There were many of them from Aleppo 4 years ago almost one every week, mostly originated from the White Helmet creeps.

By the way, it seems to me that your training as a troll no good, I would say 3rd rate or grade C therefore go back to your school. ?

James Kira

Allying with nonMuslims against Muslims is death.

no_one _one

Who are SAA, this shows why people are fleeing, they do not even tolerate dead people, what about living ones: https://www.trtworld.com/video/social-videos/assad-regime-forces-desecrate-graves/5e3fc310b53db80017186005

no_one _one

“Bashar al-Assad’s place in the future … is not the presidential palace but the International Court of Justice at The Hague,”


Actually, Nobel Prize is the appropriate award for Dr. Assad and his contribution of keeping Syria, Europe and the world safe from CIA sponsored Salafist terrorism.

no_one _one

so called “Salafist” are idiots, but 95% of Syrian Muslims, are not supporting them, they were sent from EU and western countries as “corona virus” to destroy a beautiful country. And only because Asad terrorists are fighting other terrorists we will forget they are terrorists?! And forgive them “all slaughter, killing over children, civilians, and true syrian people”? Bad bad bad… I see you are typical western civilian, having no clue what is going on… sorry for you but go better playing gulf or taking fresh air, than telling your stupidities to the world.


So, Erdogan “the democrat” is going to save you from “evil Assad”? He does not kill, does not arrest, does not violate human rights? Or Saudi crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman, does not kill political opponents, so he is perfectly suitable to defend civil rights in Syria? Keep your stories for retards. We are not going not buy them.


You are a Zionist shill squealing about the end of the Greater Israel Project… face it, its over… hahahahah


It is laughable. SAA is within sight of Idlib city and suddenly all the jihadi sympathisers appear here on SF discussion! It is a good sign – although their moronic comments are very tedious.


excellente news goe for alep west and destroyed the saillant djihadist of hattan!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f304e83c0aa5577dd6bb7667f3fe8ddbbce239142a003512b8b2754708ac535.jpg


ISWNews Analysis Group: From hours ago, Syrian Army and Resistance forces completely cleared the Al-Eis region in southern Aleppo from presence of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorists and its allies.

Thus, the areas and villages of Tal Hadiyah, Talihiyah, Bawabiah, Kusaibiyah, ICARDA, Hadbat al-Khadra, Barqum and al-Zarba have been liberated in southern Aleppo since last night. It should be noted that with these advances, the Turkish observation post in Hadbat al-Khadra was completely besieged by the Syrian army.https://english.iswnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/27-Southwest-Aleppo-9feb20-20bah98.jpg

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