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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Secures Large Part Of Mughr al-Mir In Western Ghouta. Militants Request Negotiations (Map, Videos)

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Syrian Army Secures Large Part Of Mughr al-Mir In Western Ghouta. Militants Request Negotiations (Map, Videos)

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On December 22, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) secured a major part of the village of Mughr al-Mir north of the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) stronghold of Beit Jinn in the Western Ghouta region, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

Earlier, local sources said that the SAA imposed a fire control over Mughr al-Mir after successfully besieging the village from the northern, eastern and western directions.

The SAA killed two HTS fighters and destroyed two HTS vehicles armed with heavy guns during the clashes around Mughr al-Mir, according to local sources.

An SAA officer who is taking part in the ongoing military operation in Western Ghouta told South Front that the SAA is currently negotiating with HTS to expel its fighters to the northern Idlib governorate.

The SAA officer also revealed that most HTS fighters and commanders support a deal with the SAA. However, many foreign fighters who are stationed in Beit Jinn are against such a deal, according to the officer.

HTS will likely accept the deal once the SAA fully captures Mughr al-Mir and attacks Beit Jinn. Till then HTS commanders in Western Ghouta will push their foreign fighters to the front lines to get rid of them, as they did in many other regions before.

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“… Till then HTS commanders in Western Ghouta will push their foreign fighters to the front lines to get rid of them …” This made me laugh, and sounds very effective, too! :-) Hope, there are many “foreign fighters” from Germany amongst them, because otherwise our stupid government takes them back.


Nothing more dangerous and fanatical as a convert I guess. And those foreign fighters are basically all converts.

Baltic Partisan

Not all I guess. There is some percentage among those who were born to immigrant parents in Germany or other European countries. But yes, ethnic European converts are the most dangerous among all and need to be destroyed physically.


I think that any 3rd generation Euro Muslim who rediscovers ‘true Islam’ is basically a convert. These guys grew up in the West and its culture and are barely considered as Moroccan or Turkish when they visit those countries. In a way its because they lost contact with their roots and native forms of Islam that they are so vulnerable for radical Salafist and Wahabist preachers.

Shy Talk

“HTS commanders in Western Ghouta will push their foreign fighters to the front lines to get rid of them, as they did in many other regions before”.why not invite them to a meeting, then blow them up, simple,everybody’s happy :)


That’s probably a little too obvious. Gotta maintain plausible deniabilty after all.

Icarus Tanović

We burn them, okay? ?

Icarus Tanović

And then bomb them with a just a bit of Napalm.

Toni Liu

Just invite them, then give cordinate the meeting place to saa, that will be win win situation


If Assad convince his whole nation that hold gun and get ride of foreign fighters. Then see that this war is ending or not within one week but after proper military training and screening because health and safety is must in war.


Trump must ask from Assad that can I keep my army there in your country Syria.

Trump should not meddle in Syria or to intrude into other people’s affairs or business.


he should pullout completely from syria!!!

Icarus Tanović

He supposed to. Maybe that will happwn after some leverage on some other part of the World, or at, least in the say, Afganistan. And of course diplomatic pressure from other countries. Or if too many Americans loose their lives, after internal pressure administration will have to withdraw troops.


Well with daesh pretty much finished I don’t see how a lot more american troops can die, unless SDF or FSA turns on them or something


America giving morphine’s injection to SDF and YPG as dollars. When that morphine’s injection stopped to SDF then their eyes will opened.


I wonder when that will happen, unfortunately don’t see it happening soon :/ until Kurds stop feeling like they always need another country to support them I guess lol

Icarus Tanović

I really hope not, because those boys didn’t deserve tha. As you know wahabie, daesh, etc. didn’t shoot at Americans.


They deserve something for being illegally in syria


If we are three brothers and one of our brother takes money from our enemy and give him room in our family home then our that brother is traitor like SDF na.


Yes absolutely

Icarus Tanović

Well said.


That I mean. America is enemy number one of every single country in the world.

Icarus Tanović

They’re enemies of human souls, humanity, reason, logic, human kind. See for example Pinochet, he was and everyone knows that a Fascist Dictator, but they’ve never addressed him as such…


very nice :))) SAA should slice up the rest of this big pocket

Icarus Tanović

It’s very small, but very well fortified, because its proximity to the Golan hights, and Israel. From there SAA can attack with long range artillery very soil of Israel. They have kinda entire maze, system of deep underground tunnels that they builded with all those mining machinery, such are those undrground drills on tracks, just like one seen in film ‘Total Recall’, back in the days, when such a machine attacks Schwarzenegger. Just, check that out, and you’ll get proper idea what they use. Those tunnel are so high that two tracks can pass by each other in the ground. They’ve had such system in almost every location. Every building was interweaved to next one with those tunnels. And every wall on every building have had several entrances and exits, as well as sniper positions. In a single concrete building one would have to face with approximately few dozen of those holes in walls armorex with tows, long range snipers, coil less guns etc. I hope this help you understand why it is so hatd to break, thru their lines of attack/defense. Actuality, it was hard. And they were high on Israeli meth snackbars, and have had illusion that no one can defeat them. Nowadays all of us can see that that’s not the case, and it is way easier, because they’re low on moral and much more afraid.


Wow thank you for detailed explanation! Where did they get those machinery to build the tunnels? Israel?


Assad needs to have at least one million that is 1,000,000 active army strength and one million that is 1,000,000 volunteer forces strength, other wise Syrian nation will be suffered a lot. It will increase the moral of whole nation.

Assad needs to make it possible for government institutions to work independently with full power that is Syrian courts, Syrian army and NAB.

Assad needs to have an independent national accountability bureau NAB to track the wealth of any government worker including ministers, army generals etc that they have not made extra money through corruption or they are not part of any foreign agenda.

This is 4th generation war in which enemy US economically weak the country. Then country cannot survive.

John Whitehot

“This is 4th generation war in which enemy US economically weak the country. Then country cannot survive”

in a little while the nations of the world will realize that they don’t actually need much from the US. The only thing they have is green papers – debt.

Langaniso Mhlobo

There is no special rule for terrorists just only to surrender or die.But in UN fake one sided criminal own policy there is agendas to protect terrorist. Which their favorite USA/Nato uses to terrorist and sabotaged the the infrastructures of countries which USA wants to annexes.

USA can’t even negotiate with legitimate North Korea or Iran.But just come with threat war and threats are on the table.

USA uses terrorism on ethnic lines to devide countries which their want to annexes.Then their built bases in this countries under faults pretence to interferes in legitimate countries affairs.USA occupy countries by force and threatens neighbouring countries.

USA/NATO just do as their like surrounding Russia,China occupied Iraq,Syria,Libya,Yemen,Yugoslavia provide weapons to ISIS, Ukraine,Georgia to attack and kill Russian speaking and pro Russian people.Same practice is happening in Syria,Estonia,Latvia,Moldova and Poland.

USA never fights terrorist their support s them. All the world wars which Russia won including Syrian war is Changed by Whitehouse of world terrorist centre as USA had won them.Why is the mighty USA/NATO not wining terrorism in Yemen,Afganistan,Iraq,Libya and Sudan, juat becauseUSA/NATO fight original citizens of this particular countries and USA/NATO wants this countries to stay destabilize for their own interest which is oil and gas and weapons testing grounds in other people’s country.

USA/Nato is the aggressors and World biggest threat and UN Security Council knows this.But their must remain silence or else their won’t get finances.

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