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Syrian Army Secures Several Urban Areas In Aleppo City Outskirt

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On February 15 afternoon, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies secured several urban areas in the western and northwestern outskirts of Aleppo city.

The areas secured by the army are the district of al-Rashidin 1, the Scientific Research Center, al-Kahraba Housing Complex, the Police Academy and the al-Sham Housing Complex.

According to pro-government sources, the SAA is now advancing in the districts of al-Rashidin 2 and 3, amid heavy clashes with al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and Turkish-backed factions.

Syrian Army Secures Several Urban Areas In Aleppo City Outskirt

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier, the army liberated the town of Kafranah in western Aleppo. Army units also resumed their advance in eastern Idlib, capturing the town of Maaret Elnaasan.

Syrian Army Secures Several Urban Areas In Aleppo City Outskirt

Click to see full-size map

The remaining militants’ positions around Aleppo city appear to be collapsing, despite the support from Turkey. In the last few weeks, Ankara reportedly provided the militants with loads of anti-tank missiles and even anti-aircraft weapons.

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Tim Williams

Mansoura was liberated 4 hours ago … SAA forces still pushing west


The Turkish issue of US Manpads will likely make civilian air travel a risky experience in all of Western Europe and Turkey herself.

Money can ensure the movement of these weapons that are now in the hands of US Coalition of Terror mercenary jihadis with the morals of a slug. NATO countries beware that you could easily beget what you have paid for.

A few could easily end up with the PKK in Turkey as well.

Tim Williams

dangerous worldwide


Yes. I detest flying and have refused to experience that miserable experience for about 18 years now. And my last flight was a Russian Aeroflot adventure.

In my younger days it used to ba an adventure , but sadly no more.


If you think about it, what will be more valuable to Jihadis? Shooting down another SyAF helicopter or aircraft? They’ve done that many times already, and what has it gotten down? They’ve lost 3/5 of the Idlib terrorist reservation already. Russia has shitloads of old Mig-23’s and SU-22 in storage it could give to the SyAF. Unless the Turkish army comes in actively starts fighting the SAA in full force Idlib will fall to Assad.

Now, on the other hand, if they bring down a Western airliner, that will be as shocking to the Western public as 9-11 was. It will bring them fame, fortune, sponsors for many years to come.

Cheryl Brandon

well done SAA patriots.

Tim Williams

RUSSIA again reiterates, there will no ceasefire until the Turks remove their observation posts in SAA controlled territory … the clock is ticking

Pave Way IV

I can almost smell the burning kebabs now. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/077c248099c562cd66ae4e3d1cd4db804f47d0a8aa9cd76738e87ee37f90ba5d.png

Tim Williams

3 more communities liberated


Tim Williams

where the fighting took on overnight … orange dotted areas


Tim Williams


Tim Williams



The disturbing reality OPCW scandal is slowly seeping into the Western conscience :)

Tim Williams

FOX news in the USA has mentioned it, but no depth report on it … they promise it is coming


Not a redacted version, I trust

Tim Williams

battle map from 6 hours ago



excellente news SAA is a limit the city rash el bodo!

Joe Doe

SAA should prepare strong defence line in or around Al Atarib and Kafr Nuran inorder for SAA able cut Turkey supply line, if Turkey starts offensive. In addition, SAA should quarantine all Turkey posts under SAA control. In case Turkey offensive those post should be the first target for SAA and the same time cust the supply line(s). If Turkey will get huge damage in the first week, Erdogan will soften. SAA need also shorten their front lines.

Tim Williams


Bill Wilson

Mexican would be reinforced cinder block construction with rebar sticking up past the roofline to signal it was still under construction in order to avoid higher property taxes.

Tim Williams


Alejandro Bonifacio

jajajajja true story


beautifull espace :)

Tim Williams



excellente news bravo SAA!! :)

Tim Williams

where the fighting is going on .. right now


Tim Williams

from last night


Tim Williams

everyone recall last weekend …. will the SAA be able to clear and hold the M 5 HIGHWAY ?

Bill Wilson

This night fighting is paying off for the SAA.

Tim Williams

Thanks to the revamped T 72’S with thermal and night vision … now a true fighting force .. 24/7 X 365 … long overdue and the ultimate nightmare for the rats

Tim Williams



Well it looks like the plan is to continue north and north-west in order to cut off the salafist of Idlib from their buddies and Turk backers in Afrin.

Tim Williams

envelope the rats in small quick pockets, snuff them out , and do it again, and again, and again …

Tim Williams


Al Balog

Really? Did Turkey actually order the “opposition” to flee West Aleppo? Or is that some sort of online sarcasm?

Tim Williams

they did … time to bomb them into oblivion now as they scurry back

Al Balog

Nice, SAA should start squashing ’em like bugs ??

Tim Williams

both TU 160’s that came in last night took off 3 hours ago … circling over the rat retreat routes ….


Why heavy bombers needed to attack retreating foot soldiers? Also Tu 160 doesn’t really do ‘loiter’ missions, so why circle around?

Tim Williams

they can carpet bomb a wide grid with thermos .. just like a B 52 does


Isnt artillery more efficient? Last time TU’s turned up it was for the Aleppo operation to counter heavy armor but also to stand up against the US Aircraft carrier 40mi off the coast.. Why the bears out for this?

Tim Williams

this is a TU 160


USA isn’t going to do anything except watch the carnage


Yeh my point is…back then it was needed but now why bring heavy bombers instead of use artillery?

Tim Williams

can’t reach them 50 kilometers away with artillery

Bill Wilson

The bombers can crater the narrow roads that wind around the mountains to force HTS vehicles onto roads they rather avoid.

Tim Williams

pay attention to the 2nd map …



Thank you for the larger detailed zoom-in map. SAA made a nice fast move to secure route 60. Halaqim will fall shortly to complete the task. :)

Tim Williams

what’s really nice … it’s a joint op with KURDS … the trust is building


What are the odds that west of Aleppo will stay active after the “ceasefire”? Liveuamap only shows activity in this area of Idlib-Aleppo

Tim Williams

the JIHADI that runs it refuses to update it … ceasefire will probably only last a week .. if it really kicks in


Yes, Jihadmin is slow with the red paint. But look at the activity, this is telling something. :) https://syria.liveuamap.com/

Tim Williams

his activity posts are 12 – 24 hours old … he’s depressed that his rat buddies have wasted their lives


Thank you, I am very happy to see so many excellent sites dedicated to mapping and explaining the liberation of Syria from terrorists and imperialist forces (US-NATO forces which are actually also terrorists but operating under the disguise of “liberal” “democracy”).

Tim Williams

nothing about ISIS and al NUSRA represents a democracy .. people in the USA are shocked we are .. or now were supporting these animals to overthrow and enslave the citizens of Syria …. who came up this ?


Turkey to provide aircraft to militants

Tim Williams

lol … can’t wait to see that

Tim Williams

what a day …


Tim Williams

current map …


Tim Williams

the plan tonight ?



I think a barbecue is called for; well done them Allies.

Tim Williams



Tim Williams

6 hour cease fire to go into effect at noon SUNDAY for those that want to escape RAT territory back into SYRIA … 200 plus buses being assembled … woman and children first

Cheryl Brandon

What a wonderful development in Aleppo.Thank you very much for your service in liberating Syria of all NATO headchoppers. Every time you eliminate a terrrorist, you make USA.EU/ Turkey fume with rage. YOu shut the door to their imperial projecet/.the Great Yinnon Plan, VaVavOOM PATRIOTS.

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