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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Sends More Battle Tanks And Troops To Border Ahead Of Resumption Of Turkish Offensive (Video)

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Syrian Army Sends More Battle Tanks And Troops To Border Ahead Of Resumption Of Turkish Offensive (Video)

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On October 21, the Syrian Army continued deploying battle tanks and troops to the northeastern part of Syria, where the Turkish military operation launched earlier this month. The 120-hour long ceasefire announced by the US and Turkey last week is set to end on October 22 evening. After this, Turkey will likely resume its military action against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces in the border area.

People of Qamishli city say ‘goodbye’ to their defenders:

Meanwhile, some are unhappy that foreign forces are leaving:


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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Absolutely, SAA is totally justified defending them and kurds against torki invasion, and SDF kurds had better never forget it!!! SAA could have ignored SDF and let them fight turkey alone, but they chose to help

Mustafa Mehmet

Gd friends with pyg bastards now mmm no problem …

Concrete Mike

How about restoring syrian sovereignty?

Stop acting like syrias southern neighbor, the “thief”.

How about turkey sticks to its part of the bargain and deal.with al.nusrah.

Derek Johnson

https://tass.com/politics/1075936 “This is another part of Syria, the northeast,” Lavrov said, answering a question about Russia’s stance on Turkey’s plans to create a security zone in Syria. “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey seeks to ensure its security interests there. President Putin confirmed that we recognize these interests as absolutely legal and support achieving an agreement, which would primarily take into account the respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic,” Lavrov said.

Seems Putin has other plans for “Syrian sovereignty”

Derek Johnson

Dont worry Russia and Syrian army will take back Hatay, Golan and push the ottomans back all the way to constantinopole, then they can hand back Sancta Sapientia back to Greece.

Jens Holm

West of Ankara makes it.


SDF are heavily armed – with small arms – and this is still a huge future problem for Syrian state – as any radicalized minority, separatist, armed militia inside a nation state is always a problem. But yes, it was actually the US Marine Corps artillery units that effectively captured Raqqa – by systematically leveling the districts with high explosive ordnance from howitzers. The SDF were just US’ proxy militia-police that entered city after the Marine’s enacted the artillery devastation.



Jens Holm

SDFs hardlky has any heavy weapons. Thats why Turks can handle them as easy as they can.

jim crowland

We ae all hoping that Assad does a bit of his gas magic to the ottomans

Concrete Mike

Thats twice you say assad and gas. Why would he gas his own land? He doest have any gas since 2013.

He.never used gas, he never had to, these weapons were reserved for someone special, i will.let you guess who ;).

What gives?


Do you actually believe he gassed his own people. Remember Saddam and his WMD? The daily narrative of lies never ends.


“The 120-hour long ceasefire announced by the US and Turkey last week is set to end on October 22 evening.” But consider this: “On October 22, Vladimir Putin will host a trilateral summit on Syria with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian president Hassan Rouhani.” So the ceasefire will be extended no doubt.

Derek Johnson

“So the ceasefire will be extended no doubt” Yes sure lets wait but i assume you have a hotline direct to Putin and the Assad government ” no doubt”


It was easy to see that Erdogan would come to an agreement at Sochi. It’s a great deal for Syria! No doubt :)

Xoli Xoli

Ceasefire was for USA withdrawal and repositioning.Then Turkey false removal of SDF Kurds will follow. Assad must deploy air defences as well and put airforce in combat ready. USA doesn’t care any more with SDF which their created.because their plans were disrupted and destroyed by Russia.

Jens Holm

Assads has no equipment and troops for that.


The government footprint is expanding steadily. That’s a good thing.


Just after US convoy left Al Qamishly (city on the border to the east) after being pelted with rotten fruit. It was reported that dozens of Russian troops landed at the airbase. I am guessing MP’s and communication/radar technicians. :)

Jens Holm

n´No wonder. The wonder is Trump still is POTUS.


Yes, this can be a precursor for removing the IDF terrorists from the occupied territories with a regional coalition armed with nuclear weapons. Where the US tosses Israel aside like an old shoe. Like it did the Kurds. Which would have a lot of support amongst the American people.


a unique opportunity there. SAA must recover all the land previously stolen by the Kurds.if Turkey steps foot there it will never go away.

Jens Holm

Strange letters Hristos , but fit well to Your dirt naking me even more sekular. Assads left telling the population there was of no importance and ISIS and FSA made more then 2 million refugees.

I cant see any Kurds stole anything. It was taken back by Syrians from ISIS.

The alternative would have been almost all from te SDF of today would stay forever in Turkley and Europe, because Assads for good military and political reasons was removed.


SDF ‘freed’ as you said from ISIS many areas like the OMAR oil fields after a race against SAA which was on the other side of the river fighting ISIS ,while SDF was having a stroll on the opposite sode of the river. SDF was following US orders there trying to steal valuable resources needed for the after-war SYria. Assad did not abandon the Kurds he tried many times to become an ally but again they called him evil etc by orders of US. Look at the ground now, look at the political situation. Putin is the gamemaster there. ha calls the shots. He had a meeting with the Sultan and reached a desicion that is for the best of SYria. SAA will have controll of the border alongside with Russia. Turkey has only 20% of its safe zone but is satisfied with that desicion as well since the KUrds are out of the equation once and for all. they have no chance of establishing a Kurdish state any more.


And his stupid buddy Toronto.


Looking on TAF incursion into Syria, Erdogan made US troops withdraw from Syria. It is positive. But the spike of the TAF troops are Syrians from FSA. They could to refuse to leave Syria at the end of TAF military campaign, it is negative. But “the rocks” start to roll. The changes in Syria are quick. We will see the next development…

Jens Holm

Trump did it not Erdogan.

Trump was elected by telling USA should not be in Syria.

No wonder if the sun suddenly goes sown in east, where You are and next day north.


Some US troops are about to stay in oil-rich area, Dair az Zaur region, protect it from ISIL fighters, that were defeated by Kurds/US alliance….good fairy storry…

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