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Syrian Army Shells Turkish Military Convoy In Southern Idlib: Opposition Sources

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Syrian Army Shells Turkish Military Convoy In Southern Idlib: Opposition Sources

Turkish forces are seen near Mount Barsaya, northeast of Afrin, Syria January 23, 2018. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shelled on December 21 a Turkish military convoy that was moving in the southern Idlib countryside.

Iba’a, the main news network of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), said that the Syrian artillery pounded the Turkish convoy while it was passing near the town of Kafar Aweed. Opposition sources confirmed the incident.

After the attack, the convoy headed to the Turkish observation post near the town of Shir Mughar in northwest Hama, according to local activists. This indicates that the alleged shelling didn’t result in any real losses.

A day earlier, the Turkish military’s main observation post in southeast Idlib, that’s located near the town of al-Surman, was shelled by the SAA. The shelling was likely a mistake.

SAA troops are now less than 5 km away from the al-Surman post. The Turkish post will likely be besieged soon, if Turkey chooses to not withdraw its fromces from it. Earlier this year, Ankara opted to keep its troops in a similar post in northern Hama, despite the army’s siege.

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That is the way to deal with Turkey, good for SAA and let us expect that Russia does the same against Turkey. Putin must stop pleasing Turkey (NATO).


You are Italian? Italians have no right whatsoever to tell Russian president what is he suppose to do or not to do. Russia is not “pleasing” anybody. Actually apart from US and China the Russians are one of those 3 countries that have completely independent foreign policy. All other countries does not have “completely independent foreign policy” and they are forced “pleasing” somebody Italy is for example down US ass for very long time and “pleasing” them

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

US of course does not enjoy any form of independent foreign policy, wrt Israeli influence in our gov, and of course the Federal Reserve, BIS, City of London. Global corporations involved in the MIC, “deep state”. Did you used to post under another name? I believe we had this same discussion once before? Yeah, zman! Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas and happy New Year’s! This positive news lately out of Syria, re greater Idlib is inspiring. Starting to get depressed, what with the world and was just let go of a temp/seasonal job. Was supposed to work until the 23rd. Bastards! Doesn’t matter how hard you work or how much you care I’ve learned.


Israeli influence in your gov. is limited. If not Jerusalem would be capital and whole Palestine, Golan integral part of Israel by now. After collapse of USSR , U.S. were in position to do literally everything they wanted. Since they did what they did deduction is ; Jews control US lot but they do not control U.S. completely. Actually no point that I explain to you when you as American know those things 100 times more and 100 times better. But it is more convenient to put all the blame on Jews I suppose than come to terms with the country with totally corrupt elites. No, what “other name”? The way I see it Russia is essential for survival and eventual liberation of Syria. So bashing of Putin or Russians in general is counterproductive for whole situation. Russia, China are playing bigger game with Turkey . Bigger than Syria is. They want to take Turkey out of NATO orbit and Turkey is not well served with the West also. It is extremely important to have at least neutral Turkey for complete change of the situation in Asia. That doesn’t mean that Assad must love Turks or that he must see Astana agreements as something positive. It is necessity not convenience. China and Russia want FREE Syria without terrorists only and nothing else. They are not interested in creating Iranian outposts against Israel in Syria. China has capacity to rebuild whole Syria and Russia will be happy to participate. This war serves now to Assad to restore Syria the way it was before. But is that realistic? Assad is winner thus it’s time to negotiate. And war dragging for decade will take much longer time to heal. Everything can’t be resolved with the weapons. Sorry for going into politics in exhaustive way.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you as well ! When it comes to job…the situation is starting to be tough here in Europe as well. And it could be worse soon. I am afraid “it will get much worse before gets any better “. From my experience the hardest thing is when general situation is not good to stay focused on ones objectives in life. But there is no alternative to that. We must stay focused on what we want in life all the time. if not we are taken by negative current.

Concrete Mike

Merry christmas to you brother.

Im in the same seasonal loop as you, im.still working now, through sheer luck , some years are better than others.

Enjoy this.time to rest and heal, freezing your nuts.off.everyday isnt fun either.

Have a good.one sir.and take it a day at a time.


Russia in particular has to tread lightly with Turkey.

It is my hope that Erdogan wants to de-escalate the conflict he helped start, BUT this has to be a gradual process for internal political reasons.

A fast ‘climb down’ br Erdogan could easily cost him his life and all the money he has looted from Syria.

Perhaps his closure of the Turkish borders to fleeing headchoppers and their families is the start of a climb down that he can spin in a positive light to his voters.

Western Nations are in a similar predicament. Pride is a dangerous companion when events do not go as planned.

Slow climb downs by charlatans in the West are preferable to a nuclear conflict and IF Russia had been as dumb as the West, we would have already had a nuclear conflict.


I don’t know him but still I don’t think that your talk sticks with him. To me his kind of comment is the one that calls for direct confrontation with Turkey to help SAA and Assad. He forgets of course that Turkey is NATO member and “article 5” makes attack on TUrks a declaration of war to NATO. And that would be exactly what State Department, DoD was dreaming about all the time To make new Afghanistan for Russia here in Syria. If ever would they start something like that immediately US would push Ukraine to start all out war on Russia and send NATO troops and more Jihad terrorists to Syria. For me Gustavo is “useful idiot” supporting NATO agenda (I might be wrong)

PS US & NATO doesn’t want “nuclear conflict” but much bigger local wars in Ukraine and Syria to bleed Russia dry

Wayne Nicholson

“It is my hope that Erdogan wants to de-escalate the conflict he helped start, BUT this has to be a gradual process for internal political reasons.”

I think Turkey has a big refugee / terrorist problem that an escalation in Syria will only make worse.

I think the plan is for the SAA / Russia to slowly peck away at Idlib while the Turks relieve the pressure on their migrant problem by dumping them in Eastern Syria. This will make room for whatever refugees they have to take when Assad finally liquidates Idlib. To create a flood of refugees without first resettling the ones he’s already holding would create problems for him at home.


China wants “political” solution for Syria. Russia also. They are for negotiation and seeking of compromise and total liberation of Syria (so that they can kick out US invader out through UN institutions and procedures ) They both want terrorist exterminated but not through all out war as it is now. Only Assad doesn’t agree with that kind of plan to negotiate with the Kurd’s and Sunnis (Sunni that do not have Jihad past)


As a Muslim, I can tell you that you throw away the Sunni words without clearly understanding the word or its background … I hope I can briefly clarify your confusion because getting into the details requires a lot of study and knowledge and many words xD, but long story short. These terrorists are Salafists, an ideology built on a narrowly defined religious text, which means that if you do something that was not done in the time of the prophet or their laws, you should be punished or killed (crazy no?), wahabism came from a guy in 1703 in Saudi Arabia who believes the same thing and he created a following (xD his clout), but after a while, they did not like the Wahabist name because they believe he did not create this ideology but it is something normal so they call them self salafists. Salafism is a new term which came after Wahabism in the 1970s, the time when Saudi Arabia and the United States began to use it as a tool to create chaos and destroy their enemies by literally creating their own laws which are so brutal and bloody as any Muslim who disconnects from them. in conclusion These Salfists can be labeled under any Sunni school of thought but not really because they can easily reject them with the reason that it is true Islam, accept it or die xD. I hope i’ve shed some light on this matter xD.

This photo shows the school of thoughts that exist in islam. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4a2f366ef1d680150f2d3a91106e5263cb44ad1d653bba71ef9b01c563029b44.png


OK thanks I can’t care less if word Sunni would offend Salafists! I personally think that they don’t deserve any mercy or understanding. But I would care not to offend normal Muslim.. I can’t care less what Salafists prefer…I don’t care to learn any of their teachings. I saw what they do to other Muslims and non Muslims and that is already plenty for me. My question is how the ordinary Muslims call them ? Do they also call them only “Salafists”? Does that “offend ” normal Sunni if I call Salafist a “Sunni” since they originally can’t be anything else.

Icarus Tanović

It is basically same thing, Salafism and Wahhabism. These are interchangeable words for one single thing.


Thanks. I didn’t know that. I just find confusing their approach to dismiss all other Muslims. It is so profoundly wrong, arrogant and narrow minded. And how on earth can Saudi Arabia work hand in hand with Israel in front of everybody with not word of protest? How is all that justified or forgiven by Wahhabi’s? How come that so many Muslims was killed by Wahhabi’s yet they don’t even lift their finger against Israel?! If not for helping Palestinians than for taking back what once belonged to “Caliphate”? There is something seriously rotten in their story.


Ohh, you would be even more shocked if you got deeper into their ideology… Here’s an example that i’ve read personaly in a book: a Muslim who does not pray 3 days consecutively, you can kill him and you will not be punished. And When a prominent scholar from Saudi Arabia has been repeatedly awarded and praised by many figures in the Muslim world, how can an illiterate or a normal muslim with limited understanding of islam argue with this famous scholar and say he’s wrong for quoting or interpreting it that way… basically this is how the Saudis spread their Wahabist ideology to have sheeps ready to die for them in case they were toppled or someone foiled a war against them especially after the Iranian revolution that threaned their existance since anyone can rise up to their corrupt leader and overthrow him. But don’t overestimate the Saudis because these teachings have already started to backfire, you don’t hear about them. but they have had many incidents in which there have been terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia as well as the case of the Taliban where they no longer controlled them and even ISIS leaders who turned their backs on them and started killing all militant factions in Syria which does not make plead allegiance to them xD… and finally the incident in the United States of America where the pilot of the Saudi Air Force shoots in Florida… It is a matter of time before the collapse of Saudi Arabia and Yemen is a clear sign.


Nice explanation Issam, I’ve learned something. Thanks!


Thanks for the info Issam. I didn’t know the word ‘salafism’ was only adopted in the 70’s. Talk about backfiring on KSA – my favourite is the salafist violent takeover of Mecca a few decades ago.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Takfiri, also, ‘a Muslim who declares another Muslim to be apostate (i.e. not believing in the essential tenets of Islam) and therefore no longer a Muslim.’

Icarus Tanović

They are CIAs creation.

Hasbara Hunter

Wahhabism is an Ideology…Mr. 007 Hempher also involved…in my personal opinion Wahhabism was used to create a Wedge between Sunni & Shia….Divide & Conquer

Iraqi intel report… https://fas.org/irp/eprint/iraqi/wahhabi.pdf



Thanks for the links.


This too! But I guess it was planned after the Iranian revolution.

Concrete Mike

Before you say too much, there is a salafist that hangs out here, his name is Rodney and turns out he is actually a really nice guy.

I had the same questions you had and had the chance to talk to him about it. I disnt agree exacly with him but he is honest enough to explain it to you.

Keep an eye open for him, next time he is here talk to him.


“Nice” huh? And what makes you think that Hitler wasn’t “nice”? You don’t even know his real name yet you call him nice. He can even be FBI, NSA, CIA, Mossad and what not or some lunatics. If he is for real Muslim Wahhabi, would you call him “nice” in Syria with AK-47 in his hand and you American non Muslim armed only with your small talk? I bet you would call him “nice” but out of self preservation instinct and fear. I think that you are mistaken in underestimating the shrewdness of those people. Westerners are often naive when they meet extremely cruel people. Not that I have anything to teach you already don’t know…or call you naive. But plenty “converts” from the West were deluded into the most violent Jihad from their ordinary Western every day life. Or in killing plenty of innocent civilians in their respective countries…”nice” huh… Yeah sure… All I am saying be careful to whom you give your trust Mike..

So who was chopping those heads Mike? “Nice” Rodney and “his” nice jihad friends.. If you might know something I don’t I am all eras. Teach me and I’ll listen. Facts please!


Now is when you start going into the details… The Salafists are all over the world and you can find some who would call themself Salafists but who do not agree with any of their teaching Since the word Salaf refer to the first three generations of Muslims, at that time the interpretation of the Quran was given only to SOME of the MOST educated scholars who had themselves learned from their masters and received PERMISSION to preach the Quran… so far so good and this concept is good and welcomed by most of the muslims in the world, so i wouldn’t really Judge someone who says he’s a salafi from the start without knowing he view on wahhabism. For the Wahhabis, anyone can read, literally, any verse from the Qur’an and execute it as law, if found to be in accordance with their teachings. No questions should be asked. so you are already starting to realise that Wahabism/Salafism has nothing to do with the Salaf. The Wahhabis also reject the facts reported by the companions of the Prophet. This too is vital when interpreting Quran and Hadith. If this is not kept to, then the interpretation would be a false one…once again they starting on the wrong foot. They also say all non-Wahhabis are disbelievers therefore Killing disbelievers is of course according to them, a praiseworthy act. Furthermore, according to the Quran, it is not only wrong to kill a person unjustly but to kill one person unjustly would be to kill the whole of humanity. Already the first principles of their teaching is wrong and illogical to anyone in the world and even to The teaching of the Quran which insists that there is no compulsion in religion and that none can be forced to accept another’s belief by force….This is where you start to realise that something is wrong and this ideology is being manipulated and has nothing to do with Islam but more with greed and power… and with little research you can find that this how the British with the help the Wahhabi saudi family created what is know nowadays as Saudi Arabia.


I hope this gives you also an idea on why Iran is Fighting the US and UK hegemony and everyone who is spreading this ideology


When it comes to geopolitics I am well informed person. And I more or less always know who are the bad guys and why. I was in darkness when it cams to differences within Islam ( things that you just have explained to me so well )


OK thanks. You told me plenty already. One last question (if you don’t mind) How come that the most important Islamic scholars did not discuss openly about that serious deviation and negative influence over the Islam . On some conference of the most respected imam’s and scholars of the Islamic world.. So that they give guidance and recommendations with the highest authority possible to all the Muslims not to fall in the trap of the Wahhabi’s . Is it because the influence of Saudis is too strong and far reaching?

If you have any simple answer on that…


No problem, I’m glad I helped you in one way or another. you’ve said it better: the influence of the Saudis is too strong… IMO that’s because most of the Islamic universities (the Sunni school of thought) in the world were created by the Saudi family, and obtain their main teaching from Saudi scholars. Things has started to change, a few days ago. on 12/18/2019, the Kuala Limpur summit was organized with the presence of 56 countries without Saudi Arabia … and things look very bad for them since they tried to bribe and to influence all the countries present but only a few did not show up, even Qatar has came.


Thanks! Now I finally am starting to have basic picture of the situation. For me as total outsider it was always clear that divisions in Islam were invigorated by old and new colonial powers +Israel in association with installed Saudi regime and their financial power. For simple reason to grab resources. And we all know the names of those countries UK, US, France etc.


When I say Sunni I talk about negotiation with Sunnis in Idlib and from other side of Euphrates. Not “Salafists” or anybody who did crimes against Syrian civilians.


xD You wouldn’t offend anyone except the ones who lived under their control or who suffered from their brutality. People in Idlib or N.E. Syria don’t care about fighting for religion or dying for the illusion of “freedom” whether they are muslim or not except for the brainwashed sheeps who aline themselves with the moderate beheaders. These are normal people like you and me who just want to live in peace and want this war to end, as you have seen recently in the case of the NE Syrian tribes who have reached agreements with the Syrian government… The separatist Kurds are a completely different case as you may know xD.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Thanks for the explanation, much appreciated.


So what happened to the first ‘besieged’ post ? Like are they still receiving supplies ?


Yes – these so-called Observation Posts are by agreement (Astana Protocol 2018) but are actually Turkish fortified garrisons. OP T-9 (Morek) was never “under siege” but just bypassed during SAA advance to Khan Sheikhoun, and remains fully manned, supplied and functional. Ditto for OP T-8 (Surman) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fee23506a9c5b0b17adeca645996258cb603d2eb636b6907099b07cf1764190.jpg


“these so-called Observation Posts are by agreement ” I am Christian and I have no reason to favor the Turks but we must be fair and not make travesty and hidden accusations. Why “so-called”? They are Observation Posts “by agreement”. That is their official name and every military garrison of any army is “fortified” in combat zone, specially if they stay for longer time on the same place.

If they are “fully manned” to agreed number where is the problem? That they still not go back? That is their right by the agreement.(I don’t say I am happy about that ) Situation is changing so hopefully they ill make new Asatana to update the situation. Erdogan tried to remove Assad and they do what they can to make some things at least unpleasant if not difficult for SAA. To insinuate that Observation Posts look like hidden danger for Syria is not realistic but they are definitely nuisance. And what those “fully manned garrison’s ” can do in your opinion? SAA has right to put the mines all around them and to control access road to the post. If you think that they are some kind of danger than explain how do you see open conflict between SAA,Russia against Turks ? And what could those Turks do there really? If that kind of war starts they will be the smallest problem comparing to other problems in much bigger war. For me those posts are isolated airplanes targets. As long as they stay put and don’t do anything against what was agreed they are in their right to do so for now. But if Russia has successes to take Turkey out of NATO than that will be radical change for whole region and Syria also. If you think I am wrong please do tell.

Peter Jennings

IMO, the SAA artillery crew responsible for this attack need to be taken out of service and given lots more training.

Mehmet Aslanak

Excuse me, but author contradicts with her/himself in those comments or doesn’t know how artillery works. “the Syrian artillery pounded the Turkish convoy” & “alleged shelling didn’t result in any real losses” —> if an artillery battery really targeted a convoy, there would be no way those sentences would make any sense.

Liberal guy

So much for there ottoman empire 2.0 hahahahaha

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