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Syrian Army Shells Turkish Post In Southern Idlib. Casualties Reported

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Syrian Army Shells Turkish Post In Southern Idlib. Casualties Reported

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Early on March 2, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shelled a Turkish post near the town of Qmenas in the southern Idlib countryside, according to opposition sources.

Idlib’s General Media Center said the army’s heavy artillery pounded the post repeatedly. In the shelling, several Turkish service members were injured.

Pro-opposition activists claimed that several Turkish military helicopters flew into Idlib to evacuate the injured service members. However, this has not been confirmed, so far.

Qmenas’ post was one of several positions established by the Turkish military around Idlib city last month, apparently without coordination with Russia. Howitzers and rocket launchers are reportedly deployed inside the post.

The SAA has killed more than 50 Turkish soldiers and officers, thus far. Earlier this week, 36 Turkish service members were killed in a series of Syrian airstrikes on southern Idlib.

If the reports of Turkish casualties are true, Turkey will likely intensify its artillery and drone strikes on Syrian troops in Greater Idlib.

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Josiah Gaxx Isaboke

The greatest News ever…When you are NOT Syrian this is the kind of News you want to hear everyday!Good job SAA! The Turks are attacking you from all angles and think they are immune to attacks? Fu/ ck them!!!

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

You mean, when you are NOT Turkish????

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Should have shot down the helicopters as well

will know to do that next time

Josiah Gaxx Isaboke

I have an issue with letting in Helicopters to rescue…Turks can use these in formation along with drones and use the opportunity to attack SAA lines…I am really not buying the evacuation bit!!!


lmao its like SAA read my comment . Now they must ambush helicopters too with Manpads

Islamic Power

So many delusional people here it’s funny

Lone Ranger

Spin your dreidel ;)

Islamic Power

Lool, had to google that


Did SAA attack both Qmenas and Sarmin and are also trying to regain control of Sarāqib tonight? Sounds like SAA is busy tonight and keeps the Turks busy with evac. Need more sources to find out what’s really happening, i don’t know if the information is contradicting or different things got mixed together. I also read that SAA got a 2000 men reinforcement tonight but don’t know if it’s true.

Gabriel Hollows

I’ve read several sources that said Saraqib is 80% under SAA control. The ambush video on this website reinforces this.

bouncer dogsly

Has anybody seen this video of Turkish soldiers kicking captured Syrian soldiers. It’s like a frenzy of blood lust. Shows how stupid the Turks are posting this. https://southfront.org/unverified-video-shows-turkish-troops-torturing-syrian-captives-in-greater-idlib/


they even beheaded captive syrian soldier…

Gabriel Hollows

They’re fanatical salafists, this comes as no surprise. They do not see the ‘infidels’ as human. Government troops should pay them with the same coin, for turks are themselves not human, but subhuman.

Gabriel Hollows

Finally the turkish artillery is being targeted! This will greatly impact the battlefield in the SAA’s favor.


the turkish artillery in qaminas and saramin are the ones that helped the isis terrorists to capture sarakeb…now saa dealing with theses posts will improve securing sarakeb …sarakeb can’t be safe without capturing neiyrab, qaminas, and saramin …the problem here is that they are too close to idlib …the saa needs to help from the southern pocket and approach the m4 to ease the pressure on saraqib


I think you’re right about that. But they also need to close the southern pocket and gain control of parts of M4. I really hope SAA closes air space over Idlib for real tomorrow and shot down more Turkish drones. Without drones turkey will be diminished in Syria and it feels like they allowed Turkey’s drones on Russian request.

MeMad Max

Kill them all and they will stop coming.


Well done Syrian heroes ! Greece supports your just cause for freedom against the dirty turks !


I shall always recognize you by the dreadful sword you hold, as the Earth with searching vision you survey with spirit bold.

From the Greeks of old whose dying brought to life and spirit free, now with ancient valor rising Let us hail you, oh Liberty!


That’s no post, that’s a terrorist lair. The only ones not to understand this so far have been the Russians. Good for the SAA to be raining hell on the Ziowahhabi terrorists.

Bruno Gama

I heard it was an Russian aircraft… Like the other case, it was a Russian aircraft that killed 50+ Jihadist and Ottomans… In the other case, they prohibited Turkey to evacuate them by air… Russia must go to War with the Ottomans in Syria… NATO would not intervene, the Ottomans are an invading force…


Won’t happen,the nwo are doomed to fail not russia nor turkey nor syria if turkey got a brain!


Considering the case where Russia didn’t warn Erdogan of the imminent assassination attempt on his wretched life in 2016, we would now have seen a Mossad/US MIC elected insane Turkish president probably immediately starting WW3 right in 2016 and obliterating major regions in Syria. The current events are probably still the best outcome Russian tacticians could come up with.

Bruno Gama

Isnt Erdogan the crazy Turkish president?

Lone Ranger

I was thinking the same, that phone call shouldnt have happened…


Russia has some very advanced combat drones that should be used to attack the Turkish armored columns. SAA using a small number of D-30 Soviet era artillery is not very effective or accurate. The drones should be handed over to the SAA and have Syrian markings as then it becomes a case of legitimate self-defence as Syria is defending its own land from flagrant aggression and fighting terrorism.


Who said Turks don’t like the Syrian refugees…lies…lies I tell you ! hahaha https://twitter.com/i/status/1234212058440359936


That’s what a bad ass mothafker of a drone looks like mongols !



So, what ? Is Russia use this drone against Turkey ? Not ofcourse.


Maybe you could give Putin a ring and tell him how to conduct war, I m sure you know better.


shoot the drones !!

Lone Ranger

Condolences to fallen wahabimossad and isis operatives…

Nah Im only joking…;) Any hasbarat…guys I have Free Tampax to everyone, get a number and get in Line ;)


The SAA have established a no-fly zone over Idleb and have brought air defenses to the front lines they have already downed a large number of Turkish & AQ drones … Turkey will not be able to retaliate at the same level as before.


Want to bet?


I do.


Well, you are a congenital loser.


I don’t think so jewsnake jake.



LOL…you just proved my point, thank you. Every Israeli company that has been boycotted has had its revenues and value increase. BDS seems to be trying to get an award from the Israeli Chamber of Commerce.


Could you please post those figures for us to see…just need to double check, hope you don’t take it personally but I just don’t trust Jewsnakes and anything they say….kinda like the turks and muricunts.


As you should know, BDS put most all its efforts into boycotting SodaStream. So how did they do? “The Israeli maker of DIY sparkling-water machines has agreed to sell itself to PepsiCo (NASDAQ:PEP) for $144 a share or $3.2 billion… After debuting at $24.75 per share in 2010…”


And the other main boycott target was Estée Lauder which has about doubled in value.


So bring it on.


Oh so Israel is got only two companies… right… you are so dumb!

Jens Holm

You might have a look on the Israelien export and import.

Your own problem might be You lazy bum produce nothing and therefore has nothing any will buy.

Here we only buy some dades for christmas, but climate changes might close that trade down.


“SodaStream Sells Out, but the Price Is Too Low” https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/sodastream-sells-out-price-too-low-2018-08-20



Why do Jew concern yourself with these post? One terrorist backing another?


Yep, the drones were flying around without a care and the arty Turkey had set up in the posts were operating freely for a little while. That is all over now. The arty is being hit and drones are dropping out of the sky like crazy. At the rate using the minimum number of drones supposedly downed as reported, in something like 3 weeks they don’t have any more of them. Then what are they going to do, bring F-16s into Syria proper. On top of that, the Turkish bodies are piling up left and right. So Jake, think about it.

Bruno Gama

They already didn´t. Today it´s the supposed “deadline”. Where are the scores of Dead SAA? Not much for an Army that already lost +100.000 men and continues to fight

Abteilung Fremde Heere

This is not finland against sowjet union….100000 in a civil war is bad enough… take this into account… How long does it take before the moral in the SSA troups is going to zero when they realise that they are fighting weapon systems which are far superior to their own? They will get slaughtert without major support from russia.

And even with that…I doubt that the majority of the Army is trained well enough for a coordinated defense war…Follow orders as they stand, hold the ground.etc.. I´m german and i dont think they can do it…. most of them are underadjucated, never visited a military shool and dont know whats at stake.. sry

Bruno Gama

I didn´t say they are winning… The Breaking in their defenses shows it… Russia should be on the ground, if Turkey is… Only the prospect of fighting Russia will stop Erdogan

Abteilung Fremde Heere


But how? The 3 Frigates will be no big of a deal, even if they interfere.

How many russsian troops are there? Enough to defend the port…and do some specops misssions..but ebove that?

From my point of the situation (www) is B. al Assad alone. —> No Tor, no major ground support, no major air support, no special weapon sywstems.

Where is the russian lever to end this in favor of the Syrian army?


Emp is one of them,I have not seen hezbolla nor iran really into the mix as yet, Russia you know about their glorious history (apart from gorbachev + traitors)

Jens Holm

As the only ones, they lost WW1 three times.

No wonder USSR collapsed having almost mummified leaders. Necrophilisme??? Gorby and Jeltin was too late. 10 years before people like them might have USSR die much later.

And You have to buy cars from the Turk:)


make sure there is no sand in the gas tank though..


Oh they just entered after turkey killed like 50 of them behind the lines even after Iran told turkey they were bombing iranian and shia targets who were not in the fight. It was like the turks really wanted to create even more enemies than everyone.. One can never have enough enemies.. The fighters are reportedly from the Shiite towns of Nubl and al-Zahraa in northern Aleppo.

Alberto Garza

its not russian land the russians did saved syria from collapsing but the syrians have to fight their own wars and maybe you are right and the russians dont have enought troops to face turkey in syriabut the turlks alo know that in the other side of the black sea its russia and they got many assets to destroy the turks if they attack the russian troops in syria .

Bruno Gama

You as European should see that the Threat Here is Erdogan, not Russia…Let Turkey become secular and totally controlled by Brussels/Washington again… Russia certainly regrets saving Erdogan in 2016

Jens Holm

Its not like that at all as a relative sober European. This is not about Erdogan and mainly AKP being more bad then You.

If anything its about Assad and the Baathists has not left the building and deny that. If I am with any, its the 10 millions not in their homes because of someone like You.

How comes most refugees in the world are muslims. Why dont people emmigrate to You but anywhere else. Most Syrians in Turkey even prefare Turkey as new homeland, if they ccan stay.

Reducing that to Erdof´gan is no good is telling we Europeans are stupid. Thats what You write.

Unfortunatly You aree not alone. People exact like You are in all countries.

Assads got what was promised as solution 3, which is total destructions for several very good reasons well assisted by Russains, Hesbollah and Iranians.

Tim Williams

snap out of it idiot … 10,000 IRANIANS just arrived in IDLIB … the party just started

Ricky Miller

How do you know this? I’d be reassured if it’s true.

Jens Holm

Maybee they have sended some Ayatollah for cloning:)

Jens Holm

Very good. If they are gathered like that they are easier to hit. In Your context it also makes sense bombarding all friday prayers in Irans.

It might even be a solution for the big unimployment rates there. The Iraq war only was a temporary solution:(


The fins who fired first shot and killed several border guards triggered the event, back then they sided with incest hitler,just so we have clear understanding ok! The fact this is no way like the fins who gave the soviets a torrid time even more than nazis infact,though eventually size got the better had to resort to civilians most of whom did not believe the soviets wanted their lands but peace,so after the fins surrendered,they signed a peace treaty thus expell all nazis out since!

Weapons systems are arguable,both sides have serious ammo history foretold to never underestimate the enemy,in this russia has the clear advantage (period) Whether it will be utilised or not,timing is crucial along with logistics,anyones guess,but if communist greeks could oust nazis in 221 days from their mainland RE: BRITAINS DIRTY LITTLE SECRET.I am confident syria can hold on merit. my few euros worth.

Jens Holm

Your first 6 lines about Finland-Russi are highly biased propganda crap of the worst kind.

USSR demanded all liberated states after WW1 to giv up a lot of things and Findland should give 25 kilometer of the Karelen as well as the Hangoe fortres.

Next Russians artillery striked themselves and attacked. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ce1eafb5bfa383366398afaaae048906656c7f783f1ddc171c6fc2dcb948db8b.jpg


Your first line is also highly biased propaganda becouse you failed to mentioned that USSR offered to exchange territory to Finland – in order to safeguard the Leningrad (that Leningrad where due to the blocade of Finnish troops ,1 000 000 mil civilians died of hunger) after Finland declined antiHitler alliance..


Well the one good thing to come out of that fiasco was a realisation that just having a huge army of idiots was worse than having no army at all. It was after this that the red army started planning for an offensive operation during an invasion.. But failed to realise that the commander of the forces is the main factor and not the formation.. The nazi’s attacked while they were in the middle of forming this formation and unprepared for either scenario. That commander was placed as stalins personal secretary for those initial 6 months so he wont cause trouble and it almost made the nazi’s take moscow.. But stalin was smart enough to not sack the guy and he won WW2.. But it was close.. Remember the USSR had more and better equipment and more men than the Nazi’s even then even after all the purges and executions which decimated the officer corps of over 50% of all command staff..

So a war has to do with a lot more than training and equipment.. A much smaller organised force using tactics can make a huge difference.. Same as how TF would hit ISIS in the middle and then retreat while ISIS would fight each other thinking the other guy shot at them.

Wahid Algiers

Oh Jimi, we may are common on Syria but about Finland and communists made in Moscow not.


Civil war…???? Never heard about it concerning Siria !

Jens Holm

You are sitting on Your ears.


You are lost man. Chat with Jens a while and at least he can bring you back to a level of being merely uninformed.


If people living in caves in afghanistan can fly planes into the tallest buildings in the world imagine what someone with a gun can do..


+20 shekels


this is really a dumb post for someone that says they’re german. What weapons systems? Why would RU not be there? What do you know about their army? What does undereducated mean? (ISIS members all hold advanced degrees from DE schools, right) I’d say they are in better shape than the Bundeswehr.


Du bist “underadjucated” arschloch!!!!!

Bobby Twoshoes

I think you are being overly generous when you say “retaliate”, would the Turks act any differently whatever the Syrians did? I would have worded it as Turkey will not be able to violate Syria’s airspace with impunity as before.

Joe Dickson

SAA cannot enforce a no-fly zone. Only Russia or USA can do that.

Sylvain Jeuland

Iran maybe

Jens Holm

SAA dont decide that.

Fx Turks has 245 F16s. Where did You learn stupidities like that.



244 of them need repairs and is in the shop…

Leon De Elias

The US stopped to supply parts for the Planes too,just like Iran with their F4 and F 14 planes..

Leon De Elias

Oh yeah turkey have shit,they’ve manage to piss off the Yankees and Russkies in some two face backstabbing politics here and there,pursuing its own shit around..and oh yeah they managed to fu*k up Europe too,and pit against themselves..I’m telling you mate..Turkey is in deeeeep sh*t..No one would trust them after this,and yeah frankly since yesterdays drone attacks on latakia airbase they f**d up big time as the US appeared with their ancient Aircraft Carrier in the the Aegean sea and push the Russkies into corner of ”do something or lose face” and that is a highly dangerous ”corner..” So also the Russian staffed base came under attack by the Ottoman military was a bad bad idea..Now Russian planes targeting every foreign movement of convoys which are not Syrian in Idleb.. And not the last one the Israeli presence in Idleb..That was also a turning point on the worse..For the Ottomans..The Russkies never going to allow Erdo and Bibi to set up Israeli 3D radar systems and Israeli airdefenses in the Syrian territory..

Bruno Gama

The day Russia let SAA operates free, the drones disappear from the Skies, Why? Surprised! Even letting the SAA retaking half of Saraqib… that shows the error was from Russia that let the Ottomans operate free for Days…repeating my assertion that PUTIN IS TOO SOFT WITH TURKEY AND ISRAEL…And that´s not about Syria anymore! Is About Russia! If Russia shows any signs of weakness, the Warmongers of NATO will exploit it… Europe already shows that it won´t die because of Jihadists Ottomans! Greece voted against supporting Turkey in the NATO security meeting… Of course, Russia could choose the Money, the new TurkStream, etc. But this will be a show of Weakness…If so, capitulate anyway… spare the time!

https://twitter.com/Elly_Ammar Saraqib cut in Half by Tiger Forces


Sorry Jihadi JohnDoes…

If Only Russia does it´s job no Jihadi will be left…only on Twitter, controlling their imaginary drones like Hyper 19

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt, Im fainting, noooo, all the beautiful shekels and beautiful terrorists…:_( Im done. Somebody hand me a Tampax and a matzo ball soup ASAP…


LOL…let’s see, you claimed you were not anti-Jewish. You sure have a strange way to prove it, Igor…or Adolf, as the case may be. Not much difference any more, it seems.

Lone Ranger

Na nah, anti zionist and anti jewish are two different things…;)


They can be but not when you post your bigoted crap, Igor or Adolf as the case may be.

Lone Ranger

You are really not Israeli, at least they have a sense of Humor…

Lone Ranger

And its adolf, dont use capital letters for “Adolf “:)


You are wrong. A person’s name is capitalized in English.

Lone Ranger

Except if its adolf or other massmurderers. They dont deserve the honor. Hence adolf ;)


OK, from now on we need to only use assad and hezbollah. Got it.

Lone Ranger

Assad is not a massmurderer. He only killed terrorists. SAA has a better track record than the U.S. military in regard of collateral damage. ;)


Take up your delusions with the UN and other independent international groups. Next you’ll tell me assad didn’t use poison gas, the Zionists did 9-11 and chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

Lone Ranger

Assad didn’t use poison gas, at least 3 former opcw scientists came forward, they confirmed they were forced to temper evidence on U.S. pressure. Assad didnt even was in need to use such weapons as he was advancing fast with Russian help. 9/11 was done by three parties, saudi terrorists, corrupt U.S. politicans on MIC payroll and some help from the Mossad so everything goes smooth… Dancing Israelis were arrested that day but after a phone call from Mossad everything was ok ;) UN is a joke by the way, it didnt stop a single war ir Genocide in its entire history. Even the U.S. laughs at it, UN mandate? Fuck that lol…

Lone Ranger

I do like a good chocolate milk by the way ;)

Lone Ranger

Preferably with some oreos…?

good american

2 out of 3 correct is not bad for you.

Concrete Mike

Ok turkey used gas not assad, as Dr Theodore Postol of MIT proved years ago.

Israel did execute 911, anyone who understands the concept of radioactive.isotopes can trace it back to israel.

But physics.dont apply to fairytales like what you live in.

Concrete Mike

Right and your only.rebuttal.is a cheap stereotype.

Your intellect is staggering, lack thereof.


Hey I thought I was Igor…now he is Igor too ? Strange things are happening jewsnake… Are you losing it jewsnake …?

Gabriel Hollows

Putin has always been a gatekeeper. He represents the Jewish Oligarchy that owns most of Russia. These are the Jews that refused to leave for Israel, and would rather use Russia, instead of the US, as their base of operations. He does not care about Cristianity, he does not care about the slavic people, his only goal is to create a power split between the US and Russia.

To add to this, most of the Russian military is against negotiating with Turks, and are in fact the ones who convinced the governments to allow them to resume the bombing of Turks, after they declared an unilateral ceasefire which caused the recent loses of the SAA.



Gabriel Hollows

What is this supposed to mean?

Bruno Gama

This sounds a little bit anti-semitic to me. The Jews controlling everything by the shadows… Russia being soft with Israel is understandable… There are more than 1 million Russian-born living in Israel, there are the billionaires, etc. But even so. He is more soft with Erdogan than with Israel… Not only He, USA too… US let Erdogan take the all the Northern Syria… I Think that the people that really control the world are the Turks!

Gabriel Hollows

Not anti-semetic, anti-jewish. The kikes aren’t semites, they’re khazar filth.



Gabriel Hollows

So much wealth to be enjoyed by the hordes of muslims that are rapidly replacing their population. Russia has the largest population of muslims in all of Europe. As for the Russian economy, it could be miles bigger than that, could have competed with China and the US had industrialization been allowed… But the jewish oligarchs can’t have that, their monopolies would be threatened. Gas and oil, only those are allowed to be sold. So much potential wasted because of the parasitic race known as the khazars.


Yan,wan,wan,wank,rot,bot,groty liar!

Get Thee Behind Me Satan: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/76c7e116172a77cb93ea223712e8ae0cffedcd1b8a31468982fc4ba5c0e52957.jpg

Gabriel Hollows

>y-you’re a liar! Not an argument, kike. Can’t wait for the real holocaust to come.


He doesn’t seem Jewish to me, Adolf. Any attempt by you and yours for another Holocaust will see you and yours as such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor, if need be. Now go back to the Daily Stormer someplace down in the cesspool of the Dark Web.

Gabriel Hollows

>another As if. The holohoax didn’t happen, but it should have.

>you’ll be dust and vapor! I highly doubt that.

>Daily Stormer Lol they’re even bigger Putin lovers there than you are.


Oh, my. You’re a real live tinfoil hat looney toon who thinks the Daily Stormer is not bad enough. Meds are definitely in order for you. And yes, glow in the dark dust and vapor for you and yours if need be if you get to frisky agian. And Israeli’s some couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles are not in much doubt. But if you goons would like to test your luck, go for it, Adolf.

Gabriel Hollows

Aren’t you one of the very jews who spends all day here shilling for Al Qaeda? Lmao who the fuck are you to talk about meds? You’re part of the psych ward known as Hasbara! My fucking sides enjoy getting turned into a crater by Iran the moment you let those shitty missiles fly. Thank you for admitting the Samson option is real btw, seems you’re agreeing with those ‘Daily Stormer loonies’ after all!


People must understand who Putin really is, and what his agenda in Russia is. He is a neo-Bolshevik and former Tchekist (and in the heart, I am sure, he still is). He openly admires Lenin, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill, and hates, naturally, Hitler. He deeply regrets the disintegration of the Soviet Union and calls it “the greatest tragedy in human history”, while warmly praising Bolshevism and the Sovietism experience in Russian history.

Laws against anti-semitism in Putin’s Russia are among the harshest in all of Europe, just like under Lenin and Stalin. It’s illegal in Putinite Russia to denounce the actions of murderous Tcheka and Red Army, “the army of rapists.”

It is also against the law in Putin’s Russia to doubt and deny the Shoah; it is punishable by a lengthy prison term. However, it is okay in Putin’s Russia to deny the (German) Holocaust, and it is okay to deny the Holodomor and Gulags. The swastika is banned and outlawed, but magena (star of David) is completely legal. Nationalist-socialists are outlawed and harshly prosecuted in Putin’s Russia.

On the other hand, Judaist Israel is among the best friends for Putin’s neo-Bolshevik Russia.

And who rules Russia? Mainstream media, both private and public, are virtual Jew monopolies, just like in America. Economic control by ethnic and racial breakdown is not published in Russia. Late 1990s and early 2000s the ruling Jews, so called “Oligarchs”, openly boasted that they collectively controlled 70-80 percent of the Russian economy through banking and corporate holdings. The first thing the Jews did after 1991 (disintegration of the SU) was to set up a central bank and stock exchange in Russia, as their symbols of the conquered nation. The central bank of Russia was modeled to mimic the Federal Reserve in America, with the money supply based on debt and interest, and, as a consequence, debt slavery. All these arrangements of the Semitic capitalism Putin left intact.

Since then Russian Jewry uses more discretion and avoids making bold statements, but the state of affairs didn’t change much. It is true that when Putin came to power in Russia some 20 years ago he banished well-known odious Jews, but he brought with him his own Jews instead. He knows very well that to keep holding onto power he must be in good graces with Jews. Putin was brought in to stabilize the country, which was at the time in the state of economic freefall. Yeltsin was an alcoholic and started to develop Alzheimers before he died, and Jews were concerned that something negative for them might come out of this uncontrolled situation. It is true that Putin stabilized the situation, but this stabilization means a controlled genocide and planned extinction of White people in Russia. Putin repeatedly went on record to attack White Nationalism, and specifically White Russian Nationalism. In fact, presently all White Nationalist activities are outlawed in Russia; activists were given various prison terms.

It’s no surprise Putin aligned himself with the Christian Church in Russia, which is one of the most corrupt of all churches. This church has acquired an enormous wealth through export-import operations with alcohol and tobacco, which was made possible thanks to privileges and exemptions granted by the Putinite regime, not to mention that the top church leadership are Jews and other non-whites. Remember this when next time you see Putin strike a pose with the Russian Christian Church hierarchs as he often does.

Both Sweden’s rulers and Germany’s Merkel squirm and blush from envy as Putin’s regime floods Russia with non-white migration, both legal and illegal, mostly Muslim. Some 16 million non-white invaders moved in Russia since Putin came to power about 20 years ago, and millions were legalized and received Russian citizenship. It’s almost a million non-white invaders, both legal and illegal, coming to Russia each year. Moscow now is ironically called “Moskvabad”. With the birth rate of White Russians among the lowest in all of Europe, the population increase in Russia comes from brown and yellow races and non-white migration. It is projected that, with the trend continuing, White Russians will become a decisive minority in Russia by 2040-2050, just like White Americans are projected to become a minority in America.

Jim Bim

Read this link. https://ejmagnier.com/2020/

Bruno Gama

Not even the Jihadist Supporter Syrian Observatory of “Human Rights” buy the Turkish propaganda…Let´s remember to Westerners…Turkey isn´t a Democracy also! They count 90+ dead in the SAA in the last 72 hours….with drones operating like swarms? It appears the Drones have “Killed” many pieces of equipment, with nobody inside… 90+ 21 Hezbollah/IRGC… The Turkish/Jihadist casualties was close to this… https://twitter.com/syriahr

The problem is the supply of vehicles coming from Turkey +3000? And the Jihadis just Jump In… Incredible!


New coup in Turkey !




Concrete Mike

About time someone puts an end tonthis madness in Turkey!


“Turkey will likely intensify its artillery and drone strikes on Syria troops in Greater Idlib” Of course, and Russia will just watch the show on TV.

Tim Williams

Every TURK post in SAA land MUST Vacate or will be leveled … anyone alive will be held as enemy combatants …

Esoteric Emissary



That bad huh.

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