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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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On February 9, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces showcased loads of weapons, ammunition and equipment captured from ISIS during the recent military operations in northeastern Hama, southeastern Idlib and southwestern Aleppo.

Ten Konkurs anti-tank Guided missile (ATGM) launchers, three TOW ATGM launchers and four Metis-M ATGM launchers were among the captured weapons. Government forces also showed dozens of missiles and thermal sights for the ATGM launchers.

Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Two up-armored T-55 tanks, a damaged BMP-1 armored vehicle, a damaged Grad rocket launcher and four vehicles were also captured by the Tiger Forces during their recent battle against ISIS.

The Photos released by sources linked to the Tiger Forces show that government troops had also captured large quantities of several other weapons like a RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade launcher, an AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher, a SPG-9 recoilless rifle and heavy sniper rifles.

The large number of captured weapons confirms the huge loses suffered by ISIS in its last battle with the SAA.

Photos of ISIS weapons that was captured by the Tiger Forces:

Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Syrian Army Showcases Large Number Of Weapons Captured From ISIS (Photos)

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Tudor Miron

Not to worry. US tax payers are ready to rapidly replace weaponry lost by their irregular armed forces. But did they really asked their leaders to do that? Is that what we call democracy?


They can replace weaponry but they can’t replace people easily. By the time they train them to be cannon fodder, the war would be over.


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Pave Way IV

Sorry, but the CIA has to be laughing at these pictures. That’s like a half-week of already-paid-for production at VMZ and less-than-a-truckload from the Saudi/UAE/Qatari head-chopper supply warehouses. The Saudis continue to spread their Wahhabi Death Cult ideology to poor Sunnis, and more fresh head-choppers keep emerging every day. Arming them isn’t an issue, and killing them after they are armed is inefficient and costly and will never stop the pipeline. It’s not like Syria can stop killing them, but that alone isn’t going to make it end.

John Whitehot

tens of thousands of ragheads died in Syria, in fact the number could be around 150.000.

That’s an entire army the Saudi/Zionist instigator lost in its regime changing spree.

They don’t have unlimited people to arm, indoctrinate and train, especially now that ISIS in control of very few populated areas.

Brad Isherwood

Syria’s military rebuild is a concern John. The Alawite Officers machina is failed system which was combat ineffective from get go of this conflict. Yes…very important Sunni Commanded bolted to FSA at the outset. Russia has had years since 2015 to rebuild Syria’s military. Yet…I’m not seeing that. Various Syrian units of Hero capability are basically enlarged Tribes following some leader or crony Oligarch who has funding and weapons. Some Syrian tribes are the hammer… Others are feeble and now being bought off just as Iraqi were with USD $ pallets of Cash for Iraqi trash.

China may have Syria in view for future OBOR/Old Silk Road. However. ..US and Old Empire Masonic have Afghanistan. ..Iraq,Jordan, Bought off Cuckold SISI of Egypt. And now the hammer on poor Syria.

Putin needs to make a stand. ….

No more The Saker apologist…. ..no more Cohen the Apologist.

Empire is Fascism. ….Russia knows they will continue…… if not stopped .

Anthony Paul Mapes

“Old empire Masonic” just by that statement you are not a mason and have no clue about Masonic ideals or structure! As a mason I can tell you the order is secular and all faiths are accepted, politics is a big No No and we swear to uphold the laws of any country we are residents of!

Fascism isn’t empire and I don’t think you know what it truly is!

Brad Isherwood

You gotta be kidding me ! https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1160-james-perloff-on-the-false-flag-heard-round-the-world/

Lord Palmerston was Masonic Lodge….gunboat China and Opium wars. Lord Palmerston Masonic Lodge was where Empire Zionism began! http://www.conspiracyschool.com/nineteenth-century

Masonic Lodge served the Rothschilds/Jews as they forced America to slaughter and exhaust itself in a Civil War. Judah P Benjamin was Sec of war. Confederate Generals threatened Jefferson Davis that this Jew was intentionally losing the war in the South for England ( Masonic) Davis made Benjamin Sec of State. The South lost…

Skull and Bones of Yale is offshoot of Opium money from British East India company Bush and John F’ng Kerry come from Skull and Bones.

BEI Company, …Lord Palmerston gunboat China in Opium wars. US in Dopeistan *Afghanistan for 16 years. .

Connect the dots

Anthony Paul Mapes

The fact you just referenced a conspiracy sight is reason enough to laff. Your referring events separated by over 100 years of complicated history, lots of prominent people have been masons. My first name is Anthony and So is anthony Hopkins……. connect the dots ?


“politics is a big No NO” Have you noticed the big eye on the U$ dollar? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar#/media/File:US_one_dollar_bill,_reverse,_series_2009.jpg Then American constitution was written by Masons. I say that “politics is a big Yes YES” Russia and China are the only countries without masonry


And how could China build the great wall without masonry :D Annuit coeptis / Novus ordo seclorum



Anthony Paul Mapes

Yeh it is a big No No within lodges, you need to understand there is fundamental difference between British and US freemasonry!

Anthony Paul Mapes

Also what you fail to mention is that the eye on the bill is from the American seal and that was some 14 years before the eye was implemented into American freemasonry by Webb, there was only one mason on the design committee and his design was rejected! Yes the original draft of the constitution was written by a mason and then heavily altered after so if anything is a amalgamation!

John Whitehot

out of context.

in addition, things such as “The Alawite Officers machina is failed system which was combat ineffective from get go of this conflict”

are entirely your opinion. Bring out any kind of proof that it wasn’t combat effective, you would not find any because with that officer corps the SAA had practically destroyed the rebellion in the first part of the war – before the 2013 “chemical attack”.

In the end, everybody is able to blabber its sentences like the ludicrous “Russia wasn’t able to secure Syria borders”, yet you’re just small-time propagandists as you wouldn’t be able to read a single word in documents describing combat effectiveness lest alone publish any of it.

Brad Isherwood

John….SAA was Epic fail from conflicts beginning. The Alawite Officers Corp was part of the problem. SAA bases, arsenals, airfields, we’re over run. Forces moved into the conflict were themselves over run many times. Takfiri must have got 20% of their weapons from this alone. Add to All the Mechanized SAA they stole or junk yard bodge and put back in vs SAA.

Russia owed Syria… ..Nothing** The fact they stepped in with regular forces now reveals their Resolve** Years later. ….there are posters this forum finally criticise Russia geostrategic in Syria.

I also criticise Iran. Iran makes boasting promise vs US and Empire, Yet is low scale commitment vs them. China….lol. ..WTF is China if Syria matters as OBOR outlet?

I like Assad and his Beautiful Wife. Great socio leaders. Assad however is wanting in the War leader Dept. He has 13 yr old children who stumbled thru the rubble of Aleppo, …now near military age. A nation at war heading the direction of ruined Iraq and Afghanistan.

This can’t be Their Future! Putin is way to soft on Erdogan who supported ISIS, .. Soft on the Platform Shoe midget King of Jordan. Soft on Israel!

I’d wager it’s Iran network with Syria to develop strategy of the Air defence. I bet Putin is Sissy before Netanyahu. Russia blather remedial nonsense like some Orinciple over school Audio.

Finally…..Israel hit its @ss kicked! Putin could have secured Syria’s borders, Told Erdogan and Jordan midget to go to Hell. Could have placed S 300 into Syria and given them an Air defence commitment like Vietnam vs US in late 60s. North Vietnam air defence was leathel.

US has nearly1/3rd Syrian Sovereignty on the easy. . With Gangster Kurds serving them. Syrian Tribes continue to fight against Damascus and take the USD $ just as Iraqi Trash got pallets of US $$ Cash.

Brad Isherwood

IMO….Russia failed in 2015 to secure Syria’s borders. Yes…it would require Russian Airborne divisions for a time, While Syrian and Shia divisions were trained up to replace them.

Platform Shoe midget King of Jordan is complete Evil like the Mad Sultan of Turkey. Both have murdered Syria and enjoy complete ease from Moscow. Even Syrian MI does not send* …to get their attention.

Syrian war is FUBAR. . With Putin ….way to soft on what’s occuring. China is supposedly keen on Syria being part of OBOR…..WTF is China military in Syria?

So far….it’s the US and Old Colonial cronies pushing the Kurds and other Iraqi/Syrian tribes to do Gangster on order…move Opium and other narcotics. Mule weapons…

Organized crime is having a Field day in Iraq and Syria. Fugging trash 1% are toasting drinks to paintings of Lord Palmerston gunboat China http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/media/anticommipostirusso01.jpg

Putin Needs to be reminded of what the Empire Masonic and the Tribe did to Mother Russia.

Today is celebrate IAF Vampires get roasted Where is Iran? Hezbollah should have Iranian Mobile SAMs!


Stalin was antisemite.

Harry Smith

Stalin was one of the founders of state of Israel. Both Stalin’s wives were Jew. His personal secretary Mekhlis was Jew.


He killed almast all jewish high ranking jews. Supported IL, bacause he wnt that the jews leave USSR.

Harry Smith

ROFL! Another brainwashed Stalinist without basic knowledge of history. If Stalin was antisimite why he didn’t killed his personal secretary Mekhlis? Ah? Stalin was killing his political opponents and as Bolshevik Revolution was made by Jews with the money of Jews, most of the high ranked Bolsheviks, SURPRISE, were Jews. And stupid commies still believe Stalin was antisimite. As for state of Israel, Stalin thought it will be another communist state, because majority of Jews of that times were Marxists, but Churchill outplayed stupid Georgian by supporting the Zionist Jewish minority and giving them power in the new artificially created state.


You are right, the only way to stop the killing, is to cut off the head of the devil, the USA.


What’s more important is that the pocket fell quickly and SAA lines have been straightened out. Idlib area seems to be growing quiet with the arrival of Turkish group at Sariqib. Perhaps SAA will focus on N Hama area next. On to Morek :)

Graeme Rymill

It is looking like the Turks are at Sariqib and Al-Eis specifically to block further SAA advances in Idlib. Russia is calling the shots and has both permitted Turkey to advance deep into Syrian territory and forbidden Syria to continue its Idlib offensive.

I am interested to hear alternative theories that explain these recent deployments/ developments.


I hope the SAA recovered a lot of MANPADS to be stationed on the borders with the Chosenites

Feudalism Victory

Congrats on a successful op. Next stop shelling al tanf?

northerntruthseeker .

Nice assortment of US taxpayer funded weapons indeed…

I wonder where the hell they got the tanks though? Those are not easy to ship to “terrorists” by any means…


T-55s and BMPs are captures from SAA years back. Tanks are not easy to ship to terrorist – we should add “any longer”. Up to about a year ago it was quite easy to bring even heavy equipment in through Turkey, and Jordan, occasionally from Iraq. Not any longer!


Wonderful Pictures

US tax dollars at waste:

“The Syrian Train and Equip Program is an ongoing $500 million United States-led military operation that identifies and trains selected Syrian opposition forces inside Syria as well as in Turkey and other US-allied states who will then return to Syria”

– Syrian Train and Equip Program –



A gift to Hezbollah.

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