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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Starts Ground Operation In Eastern Ghouta, Captures Four Locations (Map)

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On February 25, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies started a ground phase of their operation against militants in the Eastern Ghouta region, near Damascus. Since the start of the operation in the morning, the SAA had already liberated the locations of Nashabiyah Hazrama, Tal Farzat and Salehiya.

The advance is activelly supported by Syrian warplanes and helicopters. Local National Defense Forces units provide an assistance to the advancing units of the SAA and the Tiger Forces.


Syrian Army Starts Ground Operation In Eastern Ghouta, Captures Four Locations (Map)

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leon mc pilibin

The ceasefire does not include terrorists,Thats understood by everyone,including the zionist puppets in the UN.The zionist head choppers will be dealt with either way..Victory to Syria,as they are fighting for all decent people in the world ,weather they realise it or not.

Rüdiger Preiss

Every armed person in Eastern Ghouta who fires at the Syrian Army is a terrorist. The ceasefire isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Steven Fay

Russia is playing chess at the UN , while US are playing snakes and ladders.

Faraaz Khan

And what about all the SAA military personnel who shoot at innocent children? How many will they kill? How many women they raped? Watch the clips in the YouTube how brutally they dishonored the muslim women. How can you think that this Assad will do any good to you when hazrat Ali (ra.) Sent laanat on the qoum he belongs to?

Mo Richard

How stupid we’re you in the first place to allow foreigners to fool you in raising arms against your own brothers? Didn’t you think that you were bringing destruction into your own home?

Rüdiger Preiss

If SAA “shoot at innocent children” or rape women (which I highly doubt), it would be a crime. There is a justice system in Syria. Contrary to that, HTS, ISIS and other terrorists don’t face any punishment if they do the same, they are actually encouraged to inflict as much suffering as possible on anyone who doesn’t bow to their radical Islamic views. YouTube videos don’t prove anything and I have other things to do than watch graphic videos. The Syrian Government under Assad reconciles even terrorists if they demonstrate that they are willing to put their arms down and return to civilian life. So, yes, even YOU would have a much better life under Assad than any of the “rebel” (terrorist) groups.

p.s. I didn’t understand your last sentence, seems like a Google translator issue? This is total glibberish: “when hazrat Ali (ra.) Sent laanat on the qoum he belongs to?”


Your comment is worthless even to comment. Read some comments posted here, maybe you can learn something.


I’m not sure of what rubbish you are talking about..! Any way, it’s not ‘Ali ra…! It’s Amirulmukminin’ Ali (as).. THAT’S ‘ALAIHISSALAM..! and don’t start stupid arguments with me.. unless if you think you’re superior than Sheikh Bukhari himself


I have thanked the Syrians & their Allies before, for the same reason….The Blood & Suffering of The Syrian People has Showed the True Face of Evil and Saved the World from a lot of Psychopathic Headchoppers and created a lot more awareness ….They defeated “the Beast” for now. All the rest of the World should do is support them in every way they can…

Joe Doe

I would not hold on that, that “The ceasefire does not include terrorists”. Americans an their’s puppets will translated differently, so long the UN resolution is pass, they can twisted as they want. Happen before. Russia should never allowed pass such resolution. Russia should demand that the resolution should include; civilians should be able to leave east gouhta, terrorist should disarm or disarm and transfer to Idlib. Russia voting for the resolution betrayed Syria.


“Russia voting for the resolution betrayed Syria”…only on your head…and other heads like yours. No one listen syrian complains about.

Tudor Miron

Joe, the more you repeat that Russia betrayed Syria the clearer it is that Syria is doing good with help of Russia.

Joe Doe

Sure, Syria doing very well, by being bomb by anyone who has the desire.


@disqus_HL0bYAbjrY:disqus If it wasn´t for the Russians there would be no Syrian state to bomb at but a patchwork of local warlords perfectly serving divide et impera.


Why should Russia do that….? There is a very refined Game goin’ on at the moment…. ssssttt just watch the game…

Don Pagani

Haha! Actually, Russia reserves the right to decide when to start the ceasefire.


Hear, hear!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are waiting like last time when these terrorists attacked along the corridor when they attacked the Vehicle management the last time. What Syria can do is use the Article 51 clause to override the ceasefire agreement something they all forget can be used to even bypass the UN resolutions, this is what Israel and the Tripartie use in their claims.

Daniel Miller

good they must take as much possitons of the terrorists as fast as possible.




I must say.. there will be rapid gains in the eastern front as it consists mostly of farm lands… things will get difficult once the urban centers are reached…by this point the UN would have come up with an immediate ceasefire to support the terrorists

Joe Doe

This is for sure Americans will try distract much as possible to protect it’s proxies. This days UN is nothing more than american puppet


UN was ALWAYS a Bankster project: Rockefeller donated the land for UN HQ in New York, & one has to wonder how much money Rothschild spread around the UN to get Israehell established. Israehell was ALWAYS a Bankster project: the Balfour declaration, 1916, was sent to a Rothschild. Israehell is a Bankster Nirvana: the source of immediate war on its inception, & how many wars since? Wars are fought by loans, interest bearing debt, music to a Banksters’ ears. & when you add in they own the munitions manufacturers, more debt, & the huge construction firms for rebuilding, yet more debt, that’s doubleplusgood, innit, my boy. Wars are Banksters wet dreams. Of course, the Khazar Banksters needed the holocaust to get Israehell started, in the middle of a sea of hatred, carefully cultivated for centuries, since the Catholic Crusades. Just as 9/11 was needed for the “war on terror”. Just as Pearl Harbour was needed for WWII. Just as The Gulf of Tonkin lie was needed for the war on Vietnam. Etc…etc…etc.

John Doran.


Funny isn’t it….. Us and our Ancestors have been Fooled Big Time..!! Them is Smart Peoples…. I have to admit…. but times have changed recently…. Now them have Plenty of Reasons to Worry…..Run Run… but them cannot hide….


Not smart..! but illicit..!


Lyin’ snakes is what them is….. you invite them inside your home give’m something to eat, a place to sleep and when you are asleep, they stab you in the back with a knife and bury you in your own garden….. and steal your home……but I thought smart sounded nicer….


Antisemitic nutter (or pretend nutter).

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He would have to be disparaging real children of Israel not converts none are real children of Israel or Abram the Palestinians have the most Jewish DNA and that i genetic fact not fiction.


You just dished out a nonsense insult. Semitic is a group of languages. Khazar Banksters is a group originating from between the Black Sea & the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus area. You need to research this. Books I suggest to educate yourself: Pawns in the Game, William Guy Carr. The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin. Website: http://www.needtoknow.news The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler. Have a nice life.

John Doran.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The region they took is a urban district and not rural, around the Vehicle management they have open spaces as currently the Urban areeas are under assault already. These are well equipped elite forces that are in the region and not NDF or tribals with not enough equipment.


So, the 2 attack directions come from northwest and from southeast, No?


Yeah it’s going to look like Aleppo i think..many ceasefires, breaking sieges and gas attack claims..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes one claim was already made and it looked fake the dead child looked like it was recently pulled from a freezer and thawed, rigor set in so many times in the face and them manipulating the body.


My thoughts & prayers are with the SAA & its allies.

John Doran.

Joe Doe

After the UN resolution pass with Russia voting for it, which I would call betray, Assad should directly ask Russia/Putin for modern Air Defense System, such S-400, more Pantsir-S1 or S2, man VERBA MANPAD, Attack and transport helicopters and Su-29 and S-30 and deliver YAK-130 Syria ordered. Knowing that Syria provided Russia 2 military bases for free, this at least Russia could do for Syria to be able defend itself. Otherwise, Assad should look for another partners and protector and reviewed the lease those bases for free.

It’s obvious that Russia leadership is afraid of Americans. Therefore, at least Russia should provide such weapons. Syria could defend itself and when SAA shoots aggressor airplane(s), Russia would be of the hook.


Greedy troll bastard that don’t donates. Particularities: hasn’t none (information given by the pellory of the trolls).




you forgot a flag in the rabbi


You didn’t say anything useful, only you sarcasm, rage against Russia and Syria, and hope that terrorists will survive. But, again, hardly that you are from western – probably you are from one of countries from former eastern block and that’s why you’re sоооо frustrated!

Tudor Miron

Another partners and protector? I wonder who are those misterious powers?


israel. against them yanks will not fight. and russians will run like rabbits.


God and Russia.


And while the turks are busy, the Hellenic Reich forces are right in their back yard. EL-EL forces, ELstapo personnel……


While the new Greek shadowy leader is patiently waiting for the rise.

Michał Hunicz

According to Al-Masdar News, the SAA also captured few districts in Harasta.


So, is attacking by the two sides, west and east.


the resolution UN is good for SAA mdr goe the SAA!


All these are artificial gains so far.. Jaish al islam has denied.


Well, this is an opinion and an information, I suspect upside down face to reality, both, as usual, but an opinion and a information anyway.

jason sixx

Zio dog is upset aaaaw you poor poor puppyyy… cry more!!!! Hahahaha


Wow relax dude.. This is not from me but from the opposition themselves they denied the gains claimed here…

Tudor Miron

opposition? That very same Al Queda that commited 9/11? Tell me just one thing – Al Queda killed thousands of your compatriots according to official US version. How does it feel supporting very same terrorists that killed so many americans?


What there is no Al-qaeda in Ghouta.

Tudor Miron

Mountains, do not pretend that you don’t know that HTS is Syrian branch of al qaeda in Syria (rebranded Jabhat al nusra). Difficult to answer my simple question how does it feel to support those that killed thousands of your compatriots (Official US version of that event)?


I agree Nusra had ties but it has ceased to existed and by default HTS is not recongized as terrorist group by definition but people like you like to parrot it day in and day out.

HTS is a new merger with newer groups hence Nusra never was that large. We can assume Nusra is a failed project and there is nothing more to it in each way you look at it.

But what do I care you will still parrot they are and dosen’t even matter any more because you are at war with Islam according to your view point and it really dosen’t better who and what he has done because for you as long as his muslim and has beard his your enemy and target.. It is what it is and you gotta do you. I have no objection to it

Tudor Miron

I see :) So you think that all that rebranding exercises are enough to make Nusra into good guys now. Lol Saying that I hate Mulsims or Islam? Mind providing some evidence, some of my posts that prove that? Do you even realize that vast majority of SAA are Muslim? Funny thing is that pure Koranic Islam is extremely dangerous to your anglo zio agenda. https://youtu.be/Fn4tBelsh6c

Promitheas Apollonious

Al Qaeda did 9/1? And here I was with the idea up to now, that it was an inside job, in cooperation with the anglozionists of the place.

Tudor Miron

Reread my post please – I said official US version.

Rüdiger Preiss

“from the opposition themselves” hahahahahah! What comes from you is just as bad as what comes from them!

Rüdiger Preiss

ROFL! Jaish al Islam will deny that they are dead when they are dead :D!


Underground tunnel system must be massive there. Best of luck & strength fighting these terrorists.

Joe Doe

With underground tunnel system you have to use the same tactics as you will deal with rats

Rüdiger Preiss

Yep. Smoke them out :D, or even better, seal all the exits with a load of concrete!

Potato Potato

Gas them.


Shock waves travel further in tunnels. Just bomb the entrances, most will die quickly, those that don’t will die slowly in the coffin they dug.

Dick Cheney 4 potus israel 1st

turkey in for the win


Good day rabbi Sholomo. This avatar is a greedy troll bastard that don’t donates (information given by the pellory of the trolls). His particularities are explicit on the beggining of this post.





It begins, look out for the nest fake chemical attack.

Steven Fay

Russia has called the US bluff at the UN, US expected russia to Veto it, but russia got the resolution changed in their favour, Russia and SAA hold all the Aces. Read what Adam Garrie said on EURASIA FUTURE.

Gregory Casey

The problem with the terrorists embedded in eastern Ghouta is that, in addition to comprising assorted Jihadis from Turkey, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia and Syria/Iraq, included are UK , US & possibly French/Dutch military “advisers”. It is of paramount importance to the US & UK that these “advisers” are neither killed nor captured by the Syrians but from the point of view of showing the world just how reprehensible have been the actions of Western powers, it is imperative that the Syrians either kill or capture these embedded Terrorist enablers wh operate in our names.

Promitheas Apollonious

even if they capture them must eliminate them from the face of the earth, the moment they capture them and never speak about it. And the reason is simple you fight terror with terror and you dont give them the chance to live and fight you another day.

Gregory Casey

I believe that those Western “enablers” must be kept alive and then Indicted and Tried in Public before the Courts of Syria. If found Guilty, they then should be executed in accordance with the Rules of War and Geneva Convention where these apply. It is of the utmost importance from the point of view of the “public” here in the West that those involved in the Syrian conflict who have acted against the Syrian State, enabling and supplying Jihadis of all stripes with Arms and Military equipment and making use of Western Military Technology (including remote support), be seen and identifiable to the Public of Western countries.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes in a world of law and righteous that would been the right thing to do. Already UN and the western countries are trying to present this scum of the earth victims and martyrs fighting for freedom.

Taking them to courts as normal human beings meaning giving them right is the same as they take to court all the pedophiles and murderers and after few years if that they let them lose to repeat their acts.

we dont live in a world of law and what is right and wrong we live in a world where clearly the west tells you is a NWO where you are the slave and they have the power of death and life over you. Is one of the classic cases where the only way to fight them is apply to them what they apply to the rest of us.

No prisoners no mercy. This animals have no rights and they have left the human race a very long time ago and is time the world to understand it and especially them. The only justice they get is recycling and send them to meet their maker and they can clear the fine points with him. Just like with all defective DNA.


Apollonious, kill houndeds and guys who surrender is international war crime.

Promitheas Apollonious

only if you forget all the crimes they committed and the atrocities. To scum as this, you dont give a second chance. Now if you consider instant justice as war crime, then we should also consider all the war crimes that nato have committed against humanity in the name of their NWO.

The moment all of you understand is either them or us then the world may see some peace and learn that is not possible to make an omelet unless you break the eggs first.

Rüdiger Preiss

Syrian officials think with their heads not with their emotions. That’s why they are still there ;)

Promitheas Apollonious

where have you seen the emotion in what I wrote dinky bell?


Wat, you going to tell Mommy?


Mere information to Apollonious. He has his opinion, okay, Mine is different.


Well, actually it is about killing hundreds (or any number) of guys in a recognisable uniform of a recognised legal entity, such as a national army or a militia after their surrender. Mercenaries, insurgents or terrorists are not covered by the normal conventions.


Yes, goingbrokes, you are quite right, if not recognised as members of a international legal entity, they are on their own. I’m curious, and maybe you know, and what about, for example, the north americans in Vietnam, since they never have declared war to North Vietnam?


Formal declaration of war is not necessary, although it helps when you try to sort things out afterwards. Hostile actions is all. However, US always tries to get away with nasty stuff by not declaring a war. Against Syria too. They ram through economic sanctions through UN (sanctions are acts of war) but always try to spread the blame to all nations. Their tactic always seems to be to “go for the grey area as much as possible”. US has virtually declared Syrian Government a terrorist entity, which blurs several other lines in the process, leaving people confused. Just like Israel has virtually declared all Palestinians terrorists, including babies. And hey presto, they are not covered by normal conventions any longer. It is very cynical.


“the law of the strongest is always the best”

said Jean de la Fontaine in his sixteen hundred century famous Fables !


No bullet to the head on the spot. You can’t use international law, it is completely controlled by the US/UK. You use local law, and you give the US an excuse to nuke Syria. Killing them is the only way, experienced CIA/Mossad/MI6 controllers are worth more than 20 planes.

Rüdiger Preiss

Who knows, Syria might well already have a bunch of western advisors in prisons, from Aleppo and Deir Ezzor etc. I can well imagine that the Syrian Government keeps those as their “Ace” card, ready to be played out when time comes. Don’t underestimate Syrian thinkers – if you watch Assad, his wife Asma, Syria’s UN representative al-Jafaari etc. speak, these are intelligent people. Much more intelligent than their US/UK counterparts.


You forgot to write Russia. There are hundreds of jihadists from Chechnya. That’s why Russia wants some of the “opposition” to be wiped out completely. He knows once they return back to Chechnya, there will be terror attacks.

Gregory Casey

Agreed. I should have included the Chechens in my Post but also, those from Kyrgyzstan and elsewhere in the southern Republics of the Russian Federation.


Right…. Take No Prisoners…just get the info you need and Headchoppers become disposable….


True..! And Putin did the right thing..! Eliminate those scumbs at the right place..

Don Pagani

nearly 2000 US and NATO mercenaries in there, that’s why the West is non-stop barking like a rabid dog asking Putin to stop bomb East Ghouta. However, this time, Tsar shows his determination to clean up the Damascus enclave without considering the US and NATO faggots. This explains the swift action bringing Su-57s to Syria recent days. Mr Putin really wants to get back the cost of Russian mercenary deaths.


If is like that, it’s the classic an eye for an eye, or, better, in this case 200 eyes for an eye,


There are no military advisors of any of those countries present in East Ghouta, nor Idlib, nor any of the other Jihadi enclaves. Except for the Americans at Al Tanf. And I think I can say this for a very simple reason, NO WESTERNER IN HIS RIGHT MIND WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH TO GO THERE. You’d be dealing with people that are friggin’ insane, as in literally brain damaged. And even if one Jihadi club would not kill you for shits and giggles you’d run the risk that all of the other groups would try to kidnap you in exchange for more money, weapons, leverage, Being a westerner in East Ghouta, I’m trying to think of a place that would be more dangerous and I can’t even think of one. Suppose your a soldier and your government would tell you you had to go to East Ghouta to train the locals, would you do it? I’d resign, hell, I’d rather swim naked to the North Pole. At least dying of hypothermia is pleasant compared to getting parts of you chopped off, skinned and be made to walk without it.

I don’t get the myth that Western military advisors are present in Syria. Nobody would be that insane, its extremely dangerous, you’d stand out like a black sheep amongst white sheep and chances are you’d get killed. And that’s excluding that every government informer and agent in those areas, which I assume there are, would rat you out to the security services and the Russians, who would love nothing more then capture and parade you at the primetime news. If you’re lucky that is and you’re not enjoying 5 tons of solid Russian love in the shape of a smart bomb. No, all the Western military advisors are in Turkey and Jordan. Where they can safely train Jihadists under controlled circumstances, and THEN send them back into Syria.

I reckon the biggest reason why this myth persists is of Western Jihadists who have come to Syria who are former military personnel. And who passed on their training and experience. And whose existence has started to live a life on its own on the Internet. Where any myth basically gets kept alive, no matter how often it gets debunked.

Rüdiger Preiss

Really? Where do you think the SOHR gets all their propaganda info from? https://southfront.org/syria-officially-reveals-data-about-foreign-intelligence-officers-in-aleppo/


Those were allegations. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love nothing more then to see a few paraded on television, but allegations =/= reality. But lets keep things real. This war is now in its 7th year. Most Jihadi enclaves are encircled by regime forces. Which means they have to smuggle advisers through regime lines. Shit will hit the fan at some point, Murphy will fuck things up. In all those 7 years not a single Western guy was captured? The Jihadis still managed to grab a few Russian PMC’s and kill some Russians soldiers, including a general. But the Syrians and Russians, with infinitely more resources can not?

Like I said, it’s simply too dangerous to send in Westerners. They stand out, they run the risk of both the regime AND other Jihadis, and they don’t need too. They can easily train and coordinate Jihadis from Turkey and Jordan. No need whatsoever to place themselves in danger.

As for where the SOHR gets their prop from, ordinary Syrians can use the telephone and the internet as well. You don’t need foreign spec ops dudes for that.


Exactly, the axis powers will pay for killing those Russian troops. It seems they have closed the air space, so there will be no US/Israeli air support this time.



Faraaz Khan

How can you think that this person will ever do anything in the favour of muslims. He’s just trying to protect his realm. He’s ruling like he’ll never die. He’s the pharoah of this era.

Rüdiger Preiss

That would be great if Assad never died :D! All Syria loves him. Except for the Wahhabistan idiots and some brain washed Kurds of course :)


How can we think..?

Because most of us here are not idiots.. How’s that for an answer..?

Promitheas Apollonious

Give them heel, take no prisoners.

Richard M

Give them heel and give them boot!

Promitheas Apollonious

giving them boot, means to let them live to fight another day and they will, if they let them leave alive from there.


Excellent start here for SAA! And Utaya is next to fall. GO TIGERS :)


Richard M

Tiger Bait!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Je suis Syria!

javid soltani

go saa go , may allah be with you with Syrian people . love from afghanistan

andy l

Its clobbering time!


As I have seen previously there was no gains. As the news is coming in now in the later hours. SAA truly believed they could storm or as if their bombardment made any difference. They reported all these reports as soon as they reached the front believing victory has given already before hand. When things didn’t go as planned they couldn’t retreat their lies of capturing things today.

But to late.. JAI actully proved to be credible and trustworthy in their statements


Nice one SAA eat them as Tigers

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