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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Starts Offensive Actions In Northwestern Hama. At Least 2 Villages Reportedly Liberated

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In the morning of May 6, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies started offensive actions against militants deployed in the northwestern part of Hama province.

According to appearing reports, government forces have already liberated the villages of al-Bana and al-Janabira. Pro-militant sources report that the SAA is attacking Tell Ottman amid heavy bombardment of “opposition” positions in the nearby areas.

On May 3, it was revealed that the SAA had deployed at least 2 TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launchers around the militant-held governorate of Idlib.

On May 4, the Russian military released a statement saying that militant groups led by Hayat Tahir al-Sham are working to create a strike force in southern Idlib. According to the statement, there was a real threat that militants may use this strike force to attack government positions in the nearby area.

The May 6 operation may be a response to this threat.


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Shadow Blade

And so it begins https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/efeaa3bf82e4c0b05577ef54ccd7e02015b1dd53eb32f6158ab1bc14ee5180ea.png

Promitheas Apollonious

does it really? Or the russians will make another deal with the turks, to save their bets, once more.


The Jews are looking for defeatists like you.

Promitheas Apollonious

you still in denial of truth I see.


How so?

Promitheas Apollonious

because you deny it as a blind follower who run behind what he blindly believe. My job is to analyze facts and not well wishing of single cells as you prove your self to be every chance you get. I am accustom to take truth as the authority and not your bias approach to matter of fact dinky bell.

try and activate a second cell between your ears and understand also the answer. You have the standard mentality of the jews who accuse every one for what they are.


What am I wrong about?

Promitheas Apollonious

follow my advice above.


That’s a dodge. The deconfliction agreement is being implemented and territory is being recovered one way or another. You, like your buddy Gustavo, being a Jew supporting defeatist obviously have a problem with that.

Astrid Watanabe

Promitheas Appollonious is one of those rare teachers who can teach how to think. If you could suspend your chattering monkey brain for a moment you could greatly benefit from paying attention.


What have I written that’s untrue?

Promitheas Apollonious

when you use selective memory and present your self as a one track mind that is unable to connect the dots, because of personal preferences and blind faith in what you believe to be true, is the time you completely miss the forest and focus on one branch of a tree. Kind of like all single cells looking via a straw the world and think it is all there is.

You also have the mentality of the slave that celebrates when his master sell him to another master in short you are in search of a leader and you have the mentality of a follower unable to see the truth base on common sense and connecting the dots. One wise man said once that is a very sad day for humanity, since humans chose to take authority as the truth rather than the truth as the authority and is exactly with that mentality you judge everything around you. That is what makes you wrong beside that your single cell when lost of words either you insult trying this way to get the upper hand or label people thinking this show you to be intelligent.

You are a comedian that the world laugh at him and not his jokes.


I debate facts and issues. You avoid them once you’re proven wrong and degenerate into the type of nonsense and stupidity that you just posted. Because you don’t want to admit that Russia is winning the war and the Syrian government is clearing out terrorists to reestablish government control over these areas.


PA is a lying truth dodging moron.


I tend to remain above name calling, but this fellow normally resorts to labeling people he can’t argue with.


What am I wrong about? –

Promitheas Apollonious

i noticed that I wish I was a good nature as you seem to be. I cant handle with kindness one track monolithic single cells they get on my nerves and they are an insult to common sense and human race.


You’re the truth hater who refuses to debate issues and goes off on mindless rants all of the time that have nothing to do with the topics being addressed.


He has a point though, Russia’s localized deals and busing the terrorists around in green buses only gave the US, Saudis and Turks time to rearm and rebrand them. These vile terrorists should have been disarmed, killed or sent back to their Turkish sponsors. Now Idlib is a festering sore and needs to be liberated or the Salafist cancer will spread.


At what cost in injuries, lives, property damage and money?


The terrorists will try to hide behind human shields, but most of the population of Idlib is terrorist supporters or sympathizers. Most were bused in from other liberated zones. It is sad but Idlib has to be liberated at any cost.


That’s a dodge. You didn’t answer the question. Just like PA did when I asked him the same question.


There is no definitive answer to a moral conundrum in a war against the most vile terrorists. Leaving them alone will only encourage more terrorism in Russia, Iran and even Europe. So I would say attack them and eliminate them at any cost.


You sound like a Jew spending other peoples money on wars that the US constantly loses.


I am not a Jew, but an ex-Orthodox and now an Atheist. But labeling someone won’t change facts on the ground.


The facts on the ground are that Russia and company are winning this war at a fraction of what the losers are spending.

Promitheas Apollonious

spoken like a true jew watch it kid your colors are showing as well your limited capacity of understanding what you see happening and translate them any way you want them to be in your mind. They are no white knights here as you watch in your soap operas that appears you are educated by. Here is a global domination game and all players in it all they care is their own national interest and what they can use to get there.

Your notion as well trying to get in your opinion the upper hand by insulting and calling names goes a long way to show the moron you are.


You’re going off the deep end. Your comment makes no sense. Are you drunk or just stupid?

Promitheas Apollonious

no broken condom just more intelligent than your single cell.


You’re wasting my time with your idiocy.

Jens Holm

Hard to see any winners. If so they certainly dont win the peace. But that of course is of non importance for You.

And what do they win. Not a country. They take back theor own Baathist property back. And do they. Russians, Iranians and the deported from Iran does.

Jens Holm

Everything is about jews in Your tiny world. You are sick

Jens Holm

Thise dont. But it doent mattter to You.

Jens Holm

Errrrrh, there we go again. Jews are there as Leader of everything, telling Yoy are nothing.

Well RichardD. The reason for You are nothing,is not the jews.


When you start disproving what I’ve written, which you’re not going to be able to do because the evidence that can and has stood up in a court of law is overwhelming. Maybe people will take you seriously. Until then you’re just a Jew fruitcake with lousy English.

Astrid Watanabe

“….defeatists like you” Looking deeper than the surface is not defeatist.


Like Gustavo, PA is an anti Russian broken record ignoring the fact that Russia and company are winning the war.

Mustafa Mehmet

Basad the super man


Bashar al Assad has proven too be a very decent and capable Arab leader. He is low key but unflappable, much like Hezballah’s Sayyed Nasrallah. These tough leaders are future of the Arab world.

Promitheas Apollonious

that is a low level comment kid.

You can call me Al

Oh come on Greek, he is just excited.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Love the video, makes Assad army look professional compared to what they are up against


The Armenian unit that has been fighting alongside the SAA and Hezbollah has been reporting a very good level of professionalism and morale in the SAA. They are also heavily influenced by Iranian officers and Shia irregulars from the diaspora. The SAA will emerge from this US sponsored terror war as one of the most capable fighting Arab armies.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

and the best equipped in the ME


This offensive should be non-stop rolling one all the way to the Turkish border. No more deals or localized ceasefires. The terrorists must be eliminated.


SAA forces must hide their tanks, ATGMs, Multiple rocket launcher systems and heavy machine guns with tree branches and camouflage materials made of tree leaves or plastic etc with the same colour at the background behind the tanks etc.


Infamous Blackwater group training ISIS near Syrian border: Al-Akhbar

Jens Holm

Which Allah is it. I thought there oply was one.

Jens Holm

If You need a job, I will recommend You as a Baathist general.


The front lines are moving forward again as the Syrian government coalition recovers more territory and resumes clearing operations. It’s unfortunate that people are being injured and killed and property is being damaged and destroyed. But sometimes it’s the only way that wars can be won. And given the Turk non performance on the DMZ agreement. It’s the only option available to get the war wrapped up and Syrian government control reestablished over Syrian territory.


Before 1920 there was no Jewish villages and towns in entire Palestine. Pompeo was right that America lies, cheat and steal and idiots of this world still believe in America and Israel.


Both are also genocidal murdering thug states, the English settlers wiped out the native Americans and the Zionists are trying their best to commit a holocaust of the Palestinians.

neil barron

First of all there has never been a state of Palestine, the Romans referred to the ‘area’ Palestine not a self governing state. Read your history and you will find the Jewish people have been there for eons longer than the Scarabs. For the genocidal maniacs your refer to have been the whole world at one time or another has committed those atrocities. You can’t pick and choose to your this time hatred. All is see and read here is hatred which generally the basis of genocide.

Jens Holm

Filistines is an ancient very old name and those were none jews. Its no choise by Romans as well as for the non jews of today.

The great importance for the muslims there is, that the jews of Israel of today are from normal emmigrants. Those jews sold their property and left.

And next – kind of funny – those emmigrants came and took back, what they have sold.

So Your Jewsish people are not the same Jewish people as well as what You declare is 2.000 years ago.

In the Ottomans Jews could settle everywhere and were welcome as well as mainly well affiliated being educated for the Ottomans.

But they didnt settle in Israel of today. So I see a choise of non choise by the emmigrated jews for Israel of today. Maps shows well jews in the Ottoamns where living in Asia Minor as well as the Balkans.

By that any can see the settlers of today had no rights apart from the ones helped by the britts and the ones buying property from the Syrian Feudals.

Jens Holm

There was no Syria, no Lebanon, no Jordan, no Saudiarabia, no Turkey.

You all was simple Ottomans as well as none of You even liberated Yourself


FCK a nl. Who told you that I am from ME. LOL. Ottomans are hundreds times better than American and Israeli child butchers. I wish that Ottomans empire again come on the whole ME.

Jens Holm

You are ME or affiliated. No one aprt from very drunk, in sane or drunk outside ME can write the craps of Yours.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

jens holm – the retarded dutchman wears a helmet for special ed class each and every day :D


America and Israel both are terrorist states and any invision on America and Israel is legal. America and Israel both deserve to be invaded..

Jens Holm

Ribber dog again. More relevance for potatoe growing. Do You need a link ?


Shut up Jewish terrorist, child butcher thief.

Jens Holm


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Godspeed SAA we are behind u 100%!!!


I’m impressed, I didn’t see this coming. Well done achieving tactical surprise, SAA. Now it remains to be seen if this is a local operation to drive the Jihadis out of missile range from Khmeimin or not.


It’s the full scale ofensive. Bye bye al Julani, bye bye Nusra Front.


That would give me a happy. Very much so. Must…. Resist…. Urge…. To…. Cackle….. Maniacally…. https://media2.giphy.com/media/3i7zenReaUuI0/giphy.gif


The Tigers are leading, https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-scores-first-major-advance-along-hama-idlib-axis-as-militants-fall-back/, and the russian planes are making also an hell, https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-air-force-swarms-northwestern-syria-amid-ongoing-syrian-army-offensive/ .

The pause it’s over, it’s a big assault.

Rodney Loder

HTS is not affiliated with Turkish Brothers forming up to take control of North East demilitarized zone away from US backed Kurds, I think Muslim Brotherhood is no longer opposed to SAA but willing to recruit HTS defectors and give safe place to live with families in Syria and Turkey.


Yeah, I suspect the biggest obstacle to Turkey with Idlib was with what to do if all these Al Nusra boys were to come crying and screaming for safety once the SAA were to retake Idlib. If they can secure the border and funnel all these ‘refugees’ into Afrin it could be case closed for Turkey. Also even more cannonfodder to be used against the Kurds.

Rodney Loder

I can’t believe Trump is going head to head with China, Allah is twisting Trump’s neck just like He did Pharoah, the sea is going to swallow the Yankees up.


I guess at some point the people creating the propaganda start to believe it themselves. This is why pickup artists say fake it until you make it. If you pretend you’re a bad boy for long enough you finally become one.

Jens Holm

I dont like Trump at all, but its a facts we let in China, but they dont let us in. They also manipulate with their currency as well as their growth numbers are faked and much lower then they are.

Actually its the same for India.

Allah twisting and shouting makes no difference in that. If anything Sir Allah and employed such as Gabriel are punishing Muslims hard for no change by self extermination.

It started in 1920, when Britts and partly French imported emmigr ants to Your areas, but it wasnt enough, so in 1945 Allah took in many Jews but – as today – made civile wars well assisted by Russia and Westerns in an oil for war.

Allah even make more oil and also gas, so You can effort to kill each other :)

Thats how it is.

But its backstabing as well. They have to build concrite walls in heaven to protect muslims against muslims there too.

The last devellopment is second class for some dead muslims. They rent space by the Pope in Rome and only get olive oil as the last gift. By that they fight less in the Christian heaven.

UN has plans for more muslims in the Christian heaven even might make peace in ME…

Rodney Loder

I’m the one who comes from Heaven, you know nothing about it, Christian Heaven / Muslim Heaven /Archangel Gabriel punishing Muslims hard for no change by self extermination where do get alll this China hate from.

The US is al-Qaed’s air force likewise China is a Godsend for Muslims.

And Trump is a company of Angel’s disguised with a pitch fork and arrow like tail so when he’s not active as satan he doubles as Cupid prodding his fork with his arrow to stimulate the US economy by screwing the World.

Jens Holm


Rodney Loder

Check out The Party of Light Egypt aka al-Nour Party (Salafist Call) ask if they know me ask if the know where I live, Kangaroo Valley Isa Son of Maryium, better still cone on Quora I’m Terry Loder on Quora Terence is the second name of the Messiah, how about an up vote while your there.

Ask Salafist Call if I have permission to use their name ask if I’m not I’m righ accros the whole Middle East and Indonesia.


But Afrin will follow, perhaps after Idlib (but I really don’t know for sure).

Jens Holm

20075 or what.


Good news. An unexpected positive is that a certain fake Nusra fighter won’t have the “time” to post now as he is expected to do some fighting. (I know he is not a Nusra fighter but if he just keeps posting here it will become obvious to everyone that he is just a keyboard warrior.)


Offensive must continue to liberate Idlib and Afrin totally. Russia must stop pleasing Turkey.

Jens Holm

russians are not pleasing turks. The let Afrin go and by that stopped everlasting disputes Assad/YPG+J.

Rusians dont need that. They like a smaller Syria easier and more homogen to control. They have lost no oil for payment for ancient weapons as well as food, and they have the best base facilities ever.


Please please please use that TOS and post the video!


What’s the best site for maps about this?

Von Piglet

Rhetorical question?

Stephan Weber

https://syria.liveuamap.com/ if you want “live” changes , southfront mostly if you want “neutral” reports

You can call me Al

But be careful of “https://syria.liveuamap.com/”, although very informative, it does lean to support the terrorists and throw in spanners (fake notices).

Astrid Watanabe

Thanks for the warning!

Jens Holm

Farmers having a hard time.


Farmers always have a hard time. Too dry? Hard times. Too much rain? Hard times. Too much taxes? Hard times. High interest rates? Hard times. Low interest rates? Hard times (its possible). Bad crops? Hard times. Bumper harvests? Hard times (prices collapse). Jihadi offensive? Hard times. And government offensive, hard times too.

Farmers are always screwed. As sure as death and taxes.

Jens Holm

and the rain was black


See? Hard times for farmers all the time. :D

Astrid Watanabe

“and the rain was black” That too happened.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

muh 12351234534895th last hospital :(

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