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Syrian Army Starts Operation To Defeat ISIS Terrorists East Of Golan Heights (Maps)

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Syrian Army Starts Operation To Defeat ISIS Terrorists East Of Golan Heights (Maps)

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On July 23, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the National Defense Forces (NDF) and their allies started a military operation to defeat ISIS terrorists in southern Syria, east of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

According to pro-government sources, units of the SAA, the NDF and the Tiger Forces retook the villages of Ma’alaqah and Um Lawqas in the northern part of the ISIS-held pocket. They also captured some hills surrounding these settlements.

The ongoing advance is likely aiming to capture the town of Tasil and the nearby villages of Saudah, Ain Thakar and Adawan. This will allow government troops to shorten the frontline against ISIS and to focus their main efforts on more fortified areas located in the central and southern parts of the pocket.

The situation is developing.

Syrian Army Starts Operation To Defeat ISIS Terrorists East Of Golan Heights (Maps)

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Its likely the Isis airforce will come to the rescue!

Promitheas Apollonious

in that case it be good the Syrians dont hold back and use their air defense.

Feudalism Victory

My guess is not. Putin and Netanyahou seem to have agreed that going back to the 1974 line is the way to go.


Interestingly, a day ago Israel fired for very first time two of their brand new and much vaulted ‘David’s Sling’ medium interceptor missiles – aparently in attempt to down two Syrian launched Tochka rockets fired at the ISIS enclave on Israeli-Jordan borders – but both Israeli interceptors completely failed to hit their targets.


leon mc pilibin

I would presume that air defences are in place,against sneaky attacks by the ISIS air force?This should be very interesting.

June Helm

Do they have an air force?

David Parker

Yes, their planes have “USAF” on the side in subdued relief paint.

leon mc pilibin

Israhell is the name of the ISIS air force,,what planet do you come from?


Maybe uncle Sam will drop some white helmets from the air so Jewistan will open the gates


SAA are also attacking by East, at Jillen and Adawan.


Good news thanks


Since 3 days. It reminds a little what happened in East Ghouta, they begun there by southeast and then started the main attack by central east. The north, till Jubayliah, was SFA zone, and there are a lot of exSFA now in the Syrian Army, who know all the fortifications on the ground.


Another good news:


Promitheas Apollonious

so the only way out for the scum is to either run towards Jordan or their masters in Golan. I am very curious to see what the russians will do when the shit hit the fan, that I think is a matter of hours now to happen.

Feudalism Victory

Id guess their favorites are already gone exhorting the remaining gullible true believers to fight to the end. Ends with the last few surivivors getting blocked and killed by the saa as Israel watches(and probably laughing to see muslims killing each other)

Promitheas Apollonious

true believers that getting paid to kill people and most of them foreigners mercenaries? Somewhere i think you lost the point of what is going on. Animals have no religion. They are just animals.

You can call me Al

You are both right, let it be. “True believers” doesn’t just mean religion in this regard. Just my view.

Promitheas Apollonious

you are right too. :-)

Feudalism Victory



Mercenaries tend to want to live though , in order to spend their blood money :)

Feudalism Victory


Feudalism Victory

Some are human. Mercs wouldnt blow themselves up. Besides aint nothing says you cant make money doing the Lords will.

Feudalism Victory

Praise the Lord and pass the ammo

Promitheas Apollonious

lord what lord? As for blowing themselves up, is not believers they do this but fanatics with very low IQ. subhumans come to mind.

Feudalism Victory

Well its not something I understand having too much to lose and no desperate situation to do it in.

But I dont disregard the will to do so. Its the ultimate sacrafice and should be acknowledged as such despite the revolting cause its for.

David Parker

Lord of all, creator of all, to whom all will answer for how they have used this mortal life. There is a distinction. “Allah” is a complete fabrication. The hordes of Indian “deities” are complete fabrications. Any claim that there is another being besides God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as he has revealed himself to his creation, mankind – is a fabrication. Any claim that you can work your way into his favor is a lie. Any claim that all do not face judgment when his purpose for their lives is fulfilled is a lie. That’s the LORD whom you will meet face to face when the purpose for which he created you is fulfilled. Since you claim ignorance of the most important fact of all, here is what you should hold in mind – that God is the eternal sovereign – no beginning and no end – to whom creation and maintenance of the entire physical universe and all living things was and is effortless.

Promitheas Apollonious

if i judge from the ones who claim to be his representatives on earth then he is as much a fabrication as the ones who claim to represent him as well. In any case not interested in religious discussions so ok what ever you say.

David Parker

You are the one who brought up the topic “lord what lord?” pretending to be so very aloof and disinterested but taking care not to capitalize the name even when it was the first word in your first phrase. God is perfect, not you which you will discover whenever he is through with you.

Only an idiot judges God by fallible mankind whatever you say.


If the Iraqi’s can’t defeat them, I very much doubt the Syrians will! But hey, good luck anyway!

Concrete Mike

Have you looked at a map in 2018?? With advice like that you wonder why syria ignores your pompous ass???

Promitheas Apollonious

well Iraqis have the americans and their stooges in their ground operating, instead of kicking them out and clean their country. On the other hand Syrians, with their allies almost cleaned their country of vermin as yourself.


Hey, I’m on your side! I was merely pointing out that despite the Iraqi’s ‘claiming victory’ over Daesh last year, Daesh have consistently attacked Iraq on a daily basis!!! I’m sure it will be the same with Syria! They’ll never be rid of them. There are just too many and they keep re-emerging in other areas!

You can call me Al

The Iraqis never claimed victory (I could be wrong here), they stated something like that they were all pushed back into a small area. The US claimed victory however.


I believe Iraq’s Prime Minister ‘declared final victory’ over Daesh in December last year?

You can call me Al

I must admit I originally thought that; did the new batch of vermin, come out of thin air ?.

David Parker

That’s like the FBI claiming they foiled all the terrorist plots after setting up all the terrorist plots. One exception, 9/11 was a CIA operation supervised and manned by MOSSAD stooges.

Promitheas Apollonious

CIA executed orders of the ruling glass, so dont leave out the politicians and partners, that make a killing in the stock market making negative bits.

David Parker

I did not mean to exclude Cheney, Rumsfeld, Silverstein, et al.

Promitheas Apollonious

I did not imply you do.

David Parker

I believe the CIA serves the Council on Foreign Relations or the Tri-Lateral Commission. That is, if the CIA hierarchy takes orders from anyone at all. There is nothing to say the CIA staff below the rank of director are not autonomous. Who would know except the staff below the rank of Director? They can feed Gina bullshit all day long and the director has no means of verification. Not that Gina doesn’t already approve of every “wet” “operation” and torture session as a matter of principle, but as director she would have plausible deniability. The only people I would trust to know what exactly is going on are Putin’s people, the MOSSAD, and the Chinese.

Promitheas Apollonious

Interesting line of thinking. Is much you need to learn about agencies and how they work, before you conclude, again. By the way I have no idea who Gina you referring to is. Your girlfriend?

David Parker

Yours. Gina Haspel the new CIA director who was in charge of torturing people in previous administration.

Promitheas Apollonious

I see. And there was any CIA director who was not responsible for the murders and atrocities the agency has committed since its existence? Why she be any different. One always must follow tradition, especially sub species as them.

I dont like sluts and american women in their majority, are either half breeds or sluts, or both.

Empire's Frontiers


David Parker

They maintained plausible deniability.

Gina directly supervised victims being tortured – “processed” – by CIA “contractors”.

Promitheas Apollonious

plausible deniability……….. for the ones who know what is going on does not matter how the enemies of humanity, try to cover one self. Shit is shit no matter how you dress it, or cover it up still the stink remains.

David Parker

I know exactly what “plausible deniability” means. I am the one who brought it up, to which your reply added nothing but profanity. What does that make you, masturbating to American women – the ones you call half breeds or sluts – on your porn videos? I can hardly imagine the sort of family you would create.

Promitheas Apollonious

a mentally challenged amerikan clone.


My understanding is that Gina was put in place because she knows where the bodies are buried. Her main task is to identify the MK Ultra trained (and other programs) who are still available to be put into operation against the government.

David Parker

But … “they” are the government! “They” – the administrative “deep” state, which includes every unelected, unaccountable tentacle of the federal monster including the CIA, FBI, and military – work to more thoroughly indoctrinate, dumb-down, and tax we the people. We the people are the actual producers, the only ones who can and do create anything worth stealing or controlling.


The only thing that I have to offer is my simplistic understanding of things, so let me give it a try.

Since before JFK there were good people within the government. (White hats). They were surrounded by “them” (black hats). Dwight Eisenhower tried to warn about “them” (the black hats).

Never has there been a time where there were not white hats. JFK was one of them, and he was killed by “them” (the black hats). At that time the white hats continued, and many were killed off. Even so, they continued for another 50 years behind the scenes with the intent to overthrow “them” and to take their country back.

Currently the White hats are attempting to overthrow “them” (the black hats).

The corruption in Washington (and everywhere else) has become extreme. Extra ordinary situations call for extra ordinary tactics and measures to be used to bring about change and solutions to the monsters who have been running the USA.

There are many people in positions of power who are held under control using the technique of blackmail. Lower level blackmailed government minions have been offered deals up to and including immunity if they testify and assist in bringing down those higher up in the hierarchy. If they agree to this they remain in play and are moved around on the chess board to fulfill different tasks that their skills make them useful to do.

Yes, I know that this may sound far fetched.

This is the prayer of the White Hats.

“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

David Parker

Is there such a thing as a good federal bureaucrat? The best thing any of them can do is go postal in their agency and then commit suicide. We need to restore the Articles of Confederation and scrap the federal government.

The Constitutional Convention was a Hamilton _coup de etat_ that created the federal monster (and gave Hamilton the cushy aristocratic lifestyle he felt he deserved).


As a Canadian, I assure you that you know your history better than I do. :-)

From my vantage point I do see things that look hopeful. If they do not pan out?…then I agree that the bureaucrats should go postal and finish off each other and end it by by finishing themselves off.


David Parker

Thank you. I have come to believe in the free market. The people who call themselves government are opposed to freedom. Quite bluntly government exists by the power of the gun against their “own” people. They get what they have by theft at gunpoint or by printing themselves fiat money and being first to spent it. So I am very pessimistic that any collection of people who live by legalized theft and terror can be good.

From a Christian point of view, the only legitimate function of “civil” government is to be God’s hangman – execute murderers and force retribution from thieves. To me the only legitimate court would be part time hired judge, prosecutor, and bailiff executing God’s law. I have not finished “Law and Society” by R.J. Rushdooney. Otto Scott, Gary North, et al. have written a lot on what constitutes legitimate civil government. They are far more conversant on what is a proper form of government than I ever will be.


…and as a Canadian I wish that our bureauocrats would smarten the hell up and boot out the queen!

…and if not?… our bureaucrats should go postal and finish off each other and end it by finishing themselves off….and the queen too.

Feudalism Victory

Well if it keeps working keep doing it.

You can call me Al

Absolutely correct. Laughable, if one has stooped crying at the absurdity.

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes because usa = daesh. I am in no ones side beside humanity’s and human beings and dead against the scum of the earth that does all within their power to destroy it and is accountable for all the genocides since 16th century with their colonies, who created along the way.

As for your conclusion time will tell and yes as long the uk/usrael exist, they will keep coming back, but not in syria. They been coming back since 1945 first with the name GLADIO and in the process along the years, with all the different names that the stooges in COL and corresponding agencies in the colonies, could come up with. Nothing new.


Where the Tiger pass the isis don’t grow.

Feudalism Victory

Russian spy satellites should be able to spot them maybe missle strike them

You can call me Al

The Iraqis are hammering the last pockets together with the PMU; or did you miss that ?.


Say what? Now this pocket is 325 km^2 but before the weekend it was only 60? I don’t think it increased five-fold while I wasn’t looking.


It was an error. Now there are only three salients next to the occupied Golan, from north to south, the Jubata/Al Qunaitra salient, with 78 km2, the Bariqa salient, 43 km2, both FSA/Al Nusra, and at last the Isis salient, with 325 km2.


WATCH THIS (Skip to 1:09) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7tbetJwHco

Concrete Mike

Awh man that was great.

Sets a bad precedent though….if i survive that you think i wont your ass next time you surrender???


at 1:11 Alah went to a snackbar

Smith Ricky

Isreal = isis

David Parker


Promitheas Apollonious

and the difference is? CIA is just a department of a bigger group get your facts straight.

David Parker

Please do list the entire group.

Promitheas Apollonious

what for… Are you planning to do anything about it?

David Parker

You claimed the catbird seat: “and the difference is? CIA is just a department of a bigger group get your facts straight.”

Please demonstrate by getting your own “facts straight” and list this “bigger group” you imply.

Then please tell me if you “Are planning to do anything about it?”

Meanwhile I would like to know what I can “do about it” other than name the demons I know in these comments and establish this much of a public record which will be maintained in perpetuity (or as long as they can get their generous piece of the federal budget) by the NSA.

Promitheas Apollonious

instead of answering with out thinking if you actually use your brain, rather than your fingers, I am sure you figure it out and put the dots together. Use common sense and I am sure you figure out what I said and it was not a subject for debate, by the way.

As for what you can do, is not for me to tell you. I dont know you and I dont know where you live and under what conditions. So do what ever your mind and your ability to take the initiative helps you.

David Parker

You said nothing substantial yet you imply you have knowledge. You posit the dots, the connections, and a vision of the big picture. Put up or shut up you arrogant asshole.

Richard M

Now all the ISIS Orcs can do is pray to Uncle Benjamin to save them like he saved the White Helmet Orcs!

R PLobo

Because of you I have been using Orcs – best term! Thank You.

Richard M

Liveuamap always deletes my posts if I use anything more literal. “Orcs” seems to describe the terrorists well!

R PLobo

It would be interesting if this got out of control and the SAA pushed all the way to the Sea of Galilee encircling the mercs and forcing the iof back to the western coast. Contact line or not the SAA could cut off the southern occupied Golan from the entity. Considering that the iof infantry is total garbage what is left? The iof airforce would have a hard time trying to bomb the SAA while avoiding an onslaught of SAMs and ground to ground rockets coming in from Lebanon. What is bibi going to do? Call in the US?…Not only does the US not have enough ground forces deployed but the image of the US coming to the aid of the entity trying to preserve occupied Golan would be a PR disaster. It would be a bloody battle that both the US and the iof would taken major casualties. Morale would crash even further when the iof jets start falling from the sky. No wonder bibi went begging to Putin to keep the Syrians and Hezbollah back. Somehow I do not think the resistance will stop at the contact line. Regardless of any deal the Syrians and Hezbollah will not be satisfied with a simple return to the status quo after suffering the merc invasion of 2011. If anything it will be the zionists that will provoke a showdown in the coming weeks. Desperately hoping that the US will step in.


“the image of the US coming to the aid of the entity trying to preserve occupied Golan would be a PR disaster” Yet another variation on “eventually, American perfidy will be exposed”. Exposed where? Will jews spread the truth that the US is an abject Zionist colony in the media that they own themselves? The US routinely brags about its own bestiality and it doesn’t hurt them one bit; if anything, it keeps useful levels of fear up. When Trump calls a pussy a pussy or suggests to stop squandering money on NATO–that’s when SHTF.

Yes the balloon of the invincible Tsahal was deflated when Hezbollah kicked their ass in 2006. On the other hand, against a much weakened enemy, the SAA still can do only one offensive operation at a time, and has no real answer to IAF bombings other than stoically burying their dead. You don’t have to coddle our kosher partners, but the SAA should focus on what’s best for Syria, not on sticking it to Team J. How has grandstanding helped Venezuela get ahead in the world?

Luke Hemmming

One thing I have noticed in the last few updates on the southern isis pocket on southfront is the absence of pro Israel trolls posting their dribble on the comments. Lol seems like a lost cause for them to make any comment. The southern region is nearly clear. I do suspect that they will turn up in droves again when the SAA start their northern campaign In the Idlib region. Until then I’m enjoying reading the article’s that talk about how ISIS is getting their anus’s fucked by Russia and the SAA.


The rats are trapped in a corner and may fight. What are their busing options?


There’s really no question to the outcome of this…

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