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Syrian Army Is Storming ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Maps)

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Syrian Army Is Storming ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Maps)

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On October 6, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and  its allies reportedly strarted storming the ISIS-held city of Mayadin located in the Euphrates Valley in the province of Deir Ezzor.

According to pro-government sources, government forces entered into the western part of Mayadin and seized the grain silos, the hyper market building, the automated bakery and Rahbah Castle.

The advance is allegedly supported by Russian warplanes.

Some  pro-government media outlets event speculated that the SAA is stroming Mayadin from multiple  directinos (up to 3). However, this  is hardly possible because government forces have not yet isolated the ISIS-held city.

Syrian Army Is Storming ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Maps)

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Syrian Army Is Storming ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Maps)

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Richard Noel Hedditch

Go SAA !


Kalibr missiles and aerospace Russia force will help a lot, I hope. This movement must be very fast and forceful without any stop.

Wahid Algiers

Yes, the oil fields at the other side of the Euphrates are waiting.


God be with you and give you victory upon that Dark enemy! Syria will WIN!

DJ Double D

Even the enemy win say same thing, only minus ‘Syria will win’. So how does God make a choice?. That’s the question.


ISIS can only put up a fight in one spot. They chose to make that spot Al Sukhna, but even there they can’t make a decisive win. And now they will lose Mayadin. It is a similar situation to their offensive at Ghanim Ali (east of Raqqa), where they managed to capture 6 villages from SAA but ended up losing 50 villages and the entire desert in return. :P GO SAA! TIGERS, RUSSIA, HEZBOLLAH AND ALLIES!


Isis has a decentraised model similar to a franchise structure; but has taken many losses and hasn’t been able to consolidate victories recently. Still dangerous though.

Muhammad Jawad Abbasi

Yes ISIS is very much capable of inflicting heavy losses on SAA and Hezbollah. They must not let their guard down and make sure to crush them with no mercy whatsoever.


Isis only has to survive until US & Russia lose interest. Turks & Persians & Arabs will keep stoking the fires long after RF & US pull back.


Lol US and Russia lose interest? Keep stoking the fires? ISIS only shows itself where US is involved. Furthermore, they only attack US enemies. I sure wonder who ISIS works for? And let’s not forget that ISIS even apologized attacking a certain country. I wonder which country it was? https://www.rt.com/news/386027-isis-apologized-israel-golan/


Isis is operational in 38 countries and draws recruits from over 90 countries. It attacks everyone not just EU & USA. On 2015 terrorist attacks killed over 350,000 people. No one is safe.


Yeah one of the main goal of ISIS is always to overthrow the secular leader of a country in middle east who US hates. They (ISIS) always get weapons and toyotas, tanks, etc from someone. They always go after the oilfields and sell that oil to a certain someone. They also get airlifted from one point to another by US helicopters. They also do not mostly counter attack US allied forces (like SDF), they only seem to counter attack Syrian forces or Russian forces. The jihadist group that US always supports (like FSA, HTS, etc) and calls freedom fighters always seem to join ISIS, behead children, sell weapon to ISIS, etc. They (ISIS) share the same goal as US even in Syria (i.e, destabilizing the country and overthrowing Assad). As for the points you mentioned, well Assad has a good reply to it.



You are drawing too much from the facts. ISIS has simply & repeatedly killed anyone who isn’t ISIS including fellow Sunnis. But, it has shown special contempt for Shias and murdered them by the thousands. So while ISIS may hate assad as a dictator, it really hates Assad for being a puppet of Shia Iran.


Oh please! Did ISIS also hate Gadaffi and Lebanon? ISIS only attacks US enemies. It’s crystal clear who ISIS works for. Why doesn’t ISIS attack Saudi Arabia or Israel? (Both of which are US allies and are a big regional player in Syrian war) And it’s also crystal clear who created, funded, armed and supported it

Serious Dude

Lebanon is US-friendly. And ISIS has attacked both Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Robert Duran

when did ISIS attack Israel?

Serious Dude


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They didn’t mean it it was an accident and they called on the direct deconfliction line to Israel and apologized about it. They have a direct line to call the defense minister Avigdor Leiberman.

Solomon Krupacek

when did isis attack israel?

Serious Dude

http://www.jerusalemonline.com/news/middle-east/israel-and-the-middle-east/israels-latest-threat-from-syria-khalid-ibn-al-walid-army-25031, http://www.jerusalemonline.com/news/in-israel/local/isis-supporters-planned-second-temple-mount-attack-31400.

Solomon Krupacek

so, never :))

unserious dude :P

Serious Dude

2 times at least.

Solomon Krupacek


Serious Dude

See the articles.


Isis is a Hegelian problem, action, reaction theater intel front. It’s just an extension of Jew world order government regime change machinations as part of their global hegemony drive.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The groups ISIS targets the most and CFR won’t tell anyone about are Assyrians,Druzes ,Yezidis etc., haven’t heard them targeting the Kurds really just those that are against the Terrorist entity PKK/YPG, they at one point fought alongside them against the SAA.


Isis is here:


Solomon Krupacek

this is bashar al assad? no way, this is trustin judeau!


.Let’s see…It’s a well known “SECRET” that the US/NATO/ISRAEL/QATAR/SAUDI ARABIA/TURKEY/JORDAN, CREATED, FUNDED AND TRAINED, ISIS MERCENARIES TERRORIST, to overthrow the Syrian government, John McCain, a COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MARIONETTE has worked feverishly with the Obama administration for the last several years to arm radical jihadists across the region in an admitted decades-long plan(REMEMBER GENERAL Wesley Clark) to overthrow the governments of several countries including Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc,etc, Hillary Clinton admitted in 2012, while she was Secretary of the US State Department of Love, Peace, Charming, Apple Pie and Lollipops, that Al-Qaeda influenced extremists and other groups on the State Department’s terror list were fighting on the same side as the United States in Syria and that they were aiding opposition rebels. If the ISIS, US created TERRORIST, need any information to evade “US INTELLIGENCE”, all they have to DO is call their BOOSES in the US State Department of Love, Peace, Charming, Apple Pie and Lollipops and ask for ADVISE.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

We know the reason they are in the EU and have heard about isolated attacks in countries where they can’t gain support. There are more attacks in one EU country than there is in countries far from the zone of influence. We mostly see that are weak and at most a unrelated attack but it gets claimed as one to keep the public wary.

The numbers you seem to forget about 95% are always near the epicenter and never anywhere near the outer rings.


…from the USA


You know this? Or are you just a zionist shill?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Russia will never fall away , but the US and Israel might be forced under world pressure to melt away or slink which ever you prefer.


I think it likely that ISIS is reinforced with US and Israeli assets and benefits from US satellite surveillance and targeting. I think that’s more to the point. They seem to melt away (franchised or not) as soon as the US army arrives. Without fighting.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Quite to the contrary to your assumption their ideology is decentralized but their command isn’t. You mistake that fact and they can be crippled easily as we have seen as their command structure falls apart so do they. They take quite some time to compose themselves as all have seen when they do get hit. The US had decided to move ISIS to Rukban Camp of which they never bothered to ask the Syrian Govt to move them there. The US is hoping this will save ISIS so they can regroup their leadership but this will fail as the locals learn the truth about who is preventing the Humanitarian aid getting to them.

Langley runs ISIS as much as it’s run in Herzilya so if they get taken out by political will then so to ends these ISIS factions and their leaders will fall away like Osama did.


Lets hope ur right! Wish SAA and allies all succes and goodluck!! Death to the dark age cockroaches!!!

Kira Binkley

I thought I read there were skirmishes in Palmyra as well. They seem to be keeping the SAA busy in more than one spot. They engaged the SAA in Eastern Homs as well, didn’t they?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There isn’t any skirmishes there as that area is been secured and why there are a few thousand troops in the area , can’t wait until they Commission Issam Zahreddine SRG forces this would change the whole entire outlook for the SAA. The man is being feted everywhere like a true hero , once that ends then we will see the Highest ranking General in the Syrian Army, his plan to lift the DE siege was brilliant. There are not too many smart generals in the Russian alliance or the US/Coalition they all seem to be sub par players the Guderian tactics are always overrated and easily defeated.

Well in East Homs HTS lost another commander in that failed assault along with 8 men , seen his picture and yup! he’s dead. They were going to make him the new commander and went with Al Shami another unknown could be a Syrian-Kurd from the north.

Kira Binkley

HTS always confuses me. How much pull do they have with ISIS anyway?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

HTS is an Al Qaeda affiliate they were named al Nusra ,Jaish al Fateh and Kassem Eid the Sarin gas survivor is part of their communications wing. He was a leader of the group who took control of the water in Daara as he was featured in the papers as the spokesperson.

The amount of pull they have within ISIS should be as the same in Al Qaeda as they all use the same slogans and sharia court system, the US picks the direst of all madmen to be bedfellows. They are called differently to denote who controls each. US=Al Qaeda, Israel=ISIS ,Turky/Saudi/Jordan=FSA that is how they are all controlled.

Kira Binkley

Kassem Eid is lying.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The UN team who had him as a translator called him shifty and he was also recommended by the CIA, the reason they used him was he could speak German that’s where he grew up, like all good little boys who joined Al Qaeda too many Wahhabi Mosques there.

Kira Binkley

He is lying.


SAA used a successful island hopping technique bypassing defenses to get to Mayadeen, now the real battle begins.

Hilario Muylaert

Delenda aos terroristas financiados por US, Saudi, Israel, Otan, UE…


good news at last

Lone Wolf

Does any body know where the SDF are ? I thought both SDF and SAA were racing to the al-Omar oil fields on the eastern side of the Euphrates … ? I don’t see SDF making too much gains towards al-Omar oil fields atm .. Have the SDF crossed the river yet.. ? are they getting bogged down somewhere (Raqqah) ? Or is it just that there is not much info available on them..? I really hope that SAA gets there and secures it soon … !!!

Wahid Algiers

The so-called SDF has not crossed the river Khadir yet.

Muhammad Jawad Abbasi

At last some good news! God be with you SAA.

Joe Doe

After securing the town SAA should cross the river and stop SDF advances. To help such advances and other advances in Deir Ezzor province SAA could be able deploy additional units from central Hama, Homes, as the ISIS packets are almost eliminated

Wahid Algiers

Reportedly Marines are on the way to help. Other units will follow.

Michael Qiao

where did you get that from?

Wahid Algiers

Have a look here: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/large-convoy-syrian-marines-head-east-homs-drive-back-isis/


Interesting. I have noticed that more than a few SAA supporters are not happy about Syrian Marines. Some speculation that it is Putins private army and not loyal to Syria.

Wahid Algiers

If so and I really don’ t know, it is not a pity. Putins soldiers are helping on the ground and by massive air strikes. So what? Own marine units will help too. They are surely afilliated to Russia because they were drilled there and have daily contact to the russian marines in Latakia CS. But they will help to free free Syria, their own homeland.




Speculation from you? All armies in all wars have interests. Including the US

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These are Syrian Naval marines and they had been being prepped for these types of amphibious assaults, there was no real reason to use them until now.They were already used in securing the other side along the bank of the Euphrates.

These are hardcore Assad loyalists who have been trying to get into the fight and they had more special training in amphibious assaults from Russia.


Heards it’s already taken from ISIS (most of the town), due to a lack of major resistance


On a scale of 1-10. are the surviving ISIS leaders still in the euphrates river valley? or did they leave syria and iraq all together?

Wahid Algiers

I suppose the hard core minded will stay until the end. Others were surley collected by the spec ops of the US.


On holiday in Haifa perhaps.

martin aguilar


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