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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Storms Sheikh Sultan Area In Northwestern Hama (Videos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) stormed the area of Sheikh Sultan in the northwestern Hama countryside in the noon of May 16, according to pro-government sources.

Despite entering Sheikh Sultan, the SAA has not secured it yet. Militants from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies are reportedly still occupying key positions in the area and in its vicinity.

Warplanes and attack helicopters of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces supported the SAA operations carrying out a series of airstrikes on militant positions in northern Hama and southern Idlib.

A day earlier, the SAA secured the town of al-Huwayz and its surroundings after more than 48 hours of heavy clashes with HTS and its allies.

The army will likely secure Sheikh Sultan in the upcoming few hours. The intense Syrian and Russian airstrikes have already weakened the remaining HTS defenses around the area.

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You can call me Al

Good job heroes.

Tudor Miron

Good gains SAA. To RuAF – “работайте братья”(c)!


Somehow the NATO terror gangs supply lines from Turkey must be cut.


It seems Russia is not using the SU-25’s anymore! They allowing SyAF to use helicopters and L-39’s instead! Interesting! Id say Russia and Syria have decided to keep the costs (the debt) down and win the war efficiently! L-39’s would be much cheaper to use and operate for the syrian AF! Plus russia doing the more technical strikes while the SyAF doing the more risky attacks (low ground attack) To me this is a sign that this war is a forgone conclusion! these rats will be exterminated one way or the other! It might be time for an accidental Russian strike upon a turkish Convoy! “OOPS” sorry guys! “Oh well, u have to take it up the ass because you want the turkstream pipeline? You fucked up one of our planes in 2015/16? Then suck on that bitches! Next time we tell u to get the fuck out of the area, then get the fuck out of the area!”


Syrian Arab Airforce opted for L-39 trainer/ground attack due to its cheap operational cost and easy operation of relatively inexperienced pilots. After Russian and Iranian engineers installed defensive counter-measure pods on the L-39, it’s more suitable for light attack and close air support in a urban scenario, where slower speeds are required.They have been very effective with a 1000lbs of mostly unguided rockets and only 2 have been lost in earlier stages to terrorist AAA and manpads. 8 more were destroyed when two major airbases in Raqaa and Homs were overrun by terrorists. The SyAA still operates over 60 L-39 of the 76 delivered. They are easy to maintain and very versatile. Iran hsa recently transferred 11 upgraded SU-22 as well which you will see more of. They along with the MIG-29, MIG25, MIG 23 and dwindling numbers of MIG-21 are kept in reserve. Russia has upgraded 20 SU-24 to higher M2 standards as well, similar to Russian ones. Syria on the eve of US sponsored terror campaign had about 500 frontline aircraft and after 7 years of terror war, still has a very potent airforce which is being rebuilt with Russian, Belarus and Iranian support. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb59e23b9dc52596a75a0100a196b1a97fcaca8912e2828d3af9aa3850e835c2.png

Brother Ma

Sounds heartening. Go Syria!


i agree with everything u say! i will add that SyAf wouldnt be well trained nor would want too purchase SU-25’s anyway due to its costs and training requirements! Yes i also have read the L-39 is a perfect training jet also! Easy to handle and learn! But i think the bigger benefit is that we wont here in the MSM that “Russian planes have bomb and killed civilians”! Now it will mostly be Syrian airforce that does it to OFFICIAL TERRORISTS”! So it doesnt have the same ring to it when Syria does it to terrorists, but when russia does it, its always civilians and then pressure for the USA to do something!

Also losing an L-39 isnt so costly! So i actually love the fact they are using them!

Im loving this new offensive! Syria has them right where they want them! Close to their airbases, no other fonts stealing too much man power! Tigers are on location and now we get to take daily chunks of land from HTS bubble!

its like im watching golf! :)

Brother Ma

I am still angry the Russians did not cut this line sooner. Trusting the Turks in Syria was a mistake. I hope this is part of Putin’s grand plan because so far all I see is Turkey entrenched in Syria and annexing it as it did with Cyprus.


i think it had to be seen that peace was tried! Also i think the SAA needed to lick their wounds, train some NDF troops up to par with regular army! i think top up tiger forces with best of the best soldiers from other units with training and selection! i think there needed to be a pause that would mainly benefit the SAA! Intelligence would have been gathered during this time plus some espionage! I think this war is playing out exactly the way it needs to be….. very carefully and methodically! Remember, this is a proxy war!

Gary Sellars

Precisely. There is a way that this game must be played.


I see many countries including Pakistan are moving very fast towards the net of America.

Due to borrowing money due to high corruption and American sanctions they have lost their sovereignty. Their economy has collapsed.


Pakistan is a Zionist style beggar state, created by the British at the same time as they did not want a strong united powerful India.


You are 100% right. As much money these countries borrows so much corruption increases. Its better not to borrow money to save their countries. So in these countries the leadership is a big problem.


Pakistan is not a country, but an army occupying a artificial country. Just like Saudi Arabia is not a country but a foreign installed family of headchopping illiterate Bedouins who named a desert dump after them.

Gary Sellars

Kill the goat fuckers. Kill them all.

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