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Syrian Army Storms Saraqib

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Late on February 5, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a large ground assault on Saraqib city in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

According to pro-government sources, units of the army’s elite 25th Special Forces Division had stormed the city under the cover of intense Syrian and Russian airstrikes.

Meanwhile, opposition activists said that al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies had withdrawn all of their militants from the city. The activists went on to claim that the city is now under the SAA’s control. However, many sources are denying this.

Syrian Army Storms Saraqib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Saraqib, the second largest city in southeast Idlib, is the main target of the ongoing SAA military operation. The city is located on the strategic M5 highway, which links the capital, Damascus, with Aleppo city, Syria’s industrial hub.

Last week, the Turkish military established four posts around Saraqib in what was seen as an attempt to stop the SAA’s advance towards the city. The attempt was a failure, as army troops managed to reach the city’s western and southern entrances.

If confirmed, the liberation of Saraqib will be yet another major blow to HTS and its allies as well as to Ankara, that lost seven service members near the city a few days ago.

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Assad must stay

very many congratulations to you SAA!!!! keep being the unstoppable heroes you have been for so long now!


The news of the Liberation is also reported by Sputnik News.


Jens Holm

Sputnik is a propaganda site and not reliabele at all. The defence for sites like that is n´known here as: I none dare to tell, whats its all bout, You can hear if from drink and children.

John Wallace

Jens Holm is a propaganda site and not reliabele at all. The defence for sites like that is n´known here as: I none dare to tell, whats its all bout, You can hear if from drink and children.

Jens Holm

Yes sputtnik is a propagand site.

John Wallace

Never heard of sputtnik so they might very well be but sputnik is OK . I remember them being quoted on our news when I was a little boy , them and Pravda so they must have been held in high regard.

Jens Holm

I think You should read in Sputnik and then make Your own oppinion and not the ones Florian and I have.

John Wallace

I do read Sputnik from time to time and I found my opinion is generally aligned with Florian and the oposite end of the spectrum to yours but thanks for telling me I shouldn’t have the same opinion as yours as I can assure you , I don’t ,

Jens Holm

Yes, Florian likes Moscow.

John Wallace

Perhaps we both like truth no matter whence it come from.


Go away retard.

Jens Holm

You only can hope a car take me in the street tomorrow:)

John Wallace

Why not a meterite right now , why waste time.

Jens Holm

Yes why not. Fast meteorites can penetrate roofs.

I would prefare later. Last year I bought 2 small appletrees and if they give apples 2020, I would like to enjoy apples from them first.

Ricky Miller

Sputnik News is way, way more reliable than Corporate Western MSM news. In fact, it’s not even close.

Peter Ferguson

Wake up and smell the roses, not sure what planet you are from but it sure not earth, get your head out from your as***le.


What about Puttin?

John Wallace

Does that mean I need to go to a baker if I have toothache. Or is that dentists don’t bake bread because they are putting stones in the dough. Got me fucked on that one Jens.


One may not be an oleh, but call himself a Jew by emulation. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1aa9d62a9f3e4fa51096128188f8ec5acb6c886ea373a1ea80849581d7399bd0.jpg


Shabbos goy :)

John Wallace

Pity it wasn’t by immolation .


Witty, do you think a laugh will bury them? I mean the Zionists.

John Wallace

No point crying so I guess one must laugh. I have said in the past if you can’t have a laugh while killing them then there is no point . Actually as I see more and more control by them I see less and less chance of having enough people stand up against them to make any difference. The sheep will just go on eating grass while those that object will be moved to another grassless pasture.


In what sense to kill them sorry? Not even the furher wanted to do this, just move them to Madagascar.

John Wallace

Wasn’t referring to Jews but if at war with someone.

Jens Holm

I dont decide. I write. In Sputnik Laika årobatly is still alive having many children as some kind of hot spot for real heroes.

Arch Bungle

Be kind to jens holm, he’s drunk most of the time and not likely with his senses.

John Wallace

That is not alcohol , that is an intellectual impediment that exhibs similar too being drunk. He can’t write a will as he can’t pass the ” being of sound mind” starter. Being kind one would have to put him out of his misery. Oh well least he thinks , oh my god how did I write that ?? , he is doing great so best to leave him all the drugs he obviously needs.


You are right, there is not enough criticism of the Zionist entity there..

Leroy Cox

Where did you memorize this trash? I’ve read and checked Sputnik, it’s more reliable than Western ir Israeli bullcrap, and 100 times cleaner than Turkish news.

Jens Holm

Thanks for Your oppinion. Sputnik raise sheep well.

I agree in You also has to compare with other medias.

Luke Hemmming

Geez Jens your phucking drunk again. Lay off the juice bro it’s messing with your brain. Oh wait too late.

Toni Liu

You are the propaganda too why should we trust you

Jens Holm

I never asked for trust. Here above I have told, I dont trust “splutnik” as well as perter lucem, and as I can see it, You should not as well.

I also have written, that things commig here should be compared with other sources and You should not let You be trapped by the first source, You meet.

I dont think, I am propaganda, but I again and again tell You often using links, that Your part of the world in many things are totally twisted upside down much much more then mine Wesytern one.

I also in those matters tell You that Your history books mainly are false constructions of the worst kind. Those books and Your Leaders by dirty nationalisme make You internal and internal enemies.

How wrong and bad is it, I fx write that most people having a good job dont become a paid soldier as Jihadist? How bad is it I recommend primitives like Syrians to eduate and upgrade Your sountry and fx take the money from the corruption and jail the thieves?

How bad is it, I ask for infrastructure of our kind, where we share power nut also responsability by trust.

And Yes I am a western, but I dont represent all westerns or for that matter jews. And I do compare, why Syrians and fx Iraqis are very ineffective in mopst kinds of production even You have 50% unimployed men and many more women doing nothinh and kept stupid. on åurpose.

But I hardly get any answers. You dont know or are nopt allowed. You not even has a language for, what we do and therefore blames us for being much more productive.

I could write kilometers of Your kind of trust and trust not. I am no amerian, but all here descriebe USA as they even are much more poor then any Syrian or Rich and so many are Jews. Here You forget 200 million middle class ones of 327 million and You are not even able to see why even You are told in writings and fx have internet.

And kind ogf funny I even see Russians explain the bad US economy, which soon will collapse. How blind can people be. Their GDP is doing better then most.

People also dont get, that China will not share with fx USA. China makes the world cake to share bigger. But thats not even an option in the good old days of Mr Engels and Muhammed Economics. No way.

Gold under the pillow and sleeping on it gettiong headegg does it.

Pave Way IV

The jihadis have resorted to self-decapitation to save Saraqib. Those bastards! It’s unclear if the strategy is working.

Peto Lucem put out this map an hour ago and said it’s already outdated. There’s the usual Twitter flurry of denials that Saraqib has been fully taken, but as Peto points out, it’s only a matter of hours. After all, how long can a headless jihadi hold out? They can’t be very good at aiming a rifle. https://twitter.com/PetoLucem/status/1225124824567164929

Assad must stay

Hahahaha truly excellent

Pave Way IV

h/t to — GEROMAN — @GeromanAT on Twitter for the self-beheading humor. I stole it from one of his old tweets.

John Wallace

self-decapitation ?? Is that like self flagellation or self immolation only they rip their own heads off .. Do they line up and take turns or do it in groups or like Jonestown. This I got to see as that would be worth watching. Isn’t there another 4 Turkish OP’s where they are going to be sitting on their arse .

Jens Holm

You should not rely too much in Peter Lucem too much even its very well done.

Its well known mainly ISIS has made decapitation to make the ones still alive fight better. I always has seen that as stupidity.

If people cant fight or deny to, they can make supply, take care of the wounded or fx digg trenches in the next defence line behind the front and often be very usefull there instead.

Peter Locum – as I reacall him – often is right, but also sometimes terrible wrong. I dont believe in too fast news.


Well, that’s what you get for sticking your head above the parapet…..

Smith Ricky

Victory from Allah good Job SAA

Jens Holm

Muhammed might be the last Prophet, but Your good seemes to be anywhere in many kinds of Goods.

More like a busy undertaker

John Wallace

WTF is that supposed to say / mean

Jens Holm

I am sure all Turks, Johadists, Kaidas, Assads a.s.o. tell different things, but God is on the sites of all of them maybee even wawing with the many different flags.

Smith Ricky

God made this happen, so accept it.

Jens Holm

If so, people there has be be punished hard for something they did.

This is very human made. Maybee Your God made a mistake.

I heard the other day some retro Noah is building an ark:)

Smith Ricky

God doesn’t make mistakes, cmon now.

Jens Holm

UN certainly should send pillows to all Your God is whipping now.

I am happy having none.


If God does not make mistakes… ¿ Why did he created human beings ? Just to show that he also makes mistakes.


That means that the Danish education system that Jens has enjoyed is fucked beyond repair. ;)

John Wallace

Might be he was a slow learner and no eucational system in the world would have made any difference. Going by his comments I would go with the slow learner version.

Toni Liu

Nah he got paid by how many post he made, so no wonder he will post anything to get a money from his zio boss

Concrete Mike

Jens you stupid fuck, quit denigrating the SAA, its not the best but sure as hell alot better than al nusrah.

Get your head out of your ass will you, i figured out in 2012 that assad was the lesser of 2 evils.

Its not that hard dipshit.


You mean Assad is too evil. Try to get the simplest things correct.

Cheryl Brandon

thank you SAA patriots; Make Erdagoon and the West cry over their defeated headchoppers.VaVaVoom defenders/heroes/liberators and syrian lions.


“The army of democracy and al-qaeda peace activists” get fucked from three directions by SAA and its allies. Right in front of the eyes of the Turkish soldiers known as the “guardian of democracy” in their observation post. No more mercy, it’s time to cleanse all of Syria’s land from terrorist DNA.


The “moderate rebels” just got moderated

Jens Holm

I some times use “they got decorated”.. It seemes so.

John Wallace

Decorated all over the place in little bits. Like Christmas time decorations everywhere.

Jens Holm

Yes, that right. Its used like that, when You are not nice.

John Wallace

Dead right Jens I was like that but I was nicer than I am now.


Yes, its now time and to have a ceasefire would only prolong the agony of Syria.Erdo must be pre-warned that any fire coming from Turkey will be met with counter battery fire in defence and if Erdo places anti-aircraft radar on the borders , so will the SAA.

I trust that Russia will find a diplomatic way for Erdo to withdraw from Syria.


They have been warned, they broke the agreement and if they dare to do that, then there is something big that is being prepared for them. And they will not like it.

Jens Holm

Maybee Erdogan will finance some skyskraper for Allah even having an escalator to heaven.

John Wallace

No need Jens , Led Zep already built a stairway for them. Isn’t it way past your bedtime and you should be tucked up with your teddy bear ,

Jens Holm

Isnt that stairway for westerns only:) But I do recall some local Jacob made a latter.

Hard times for muslims and Chrisitians going to the wrong heaven:)

NO PORK, We will never eat here again…

And Muslims and Jews: This is not heaven…

John Wallace

Maybe if they all went to the same heaven they would find out we are all the same and it is religion that is the problem.

Jens Holm

We all has our hopes for unifying like that.

I was learned up as “mild Christian”, but when muslims arrived from the 1970`s I saw Christians were not as well and good people as I had learned.

Muslims was in the same way.

My reaction a little by little became that I am now 110% sekular. I try to respect moderates in religion including Hindus, Shiks, Buddists and whatever as long as they keep it for themselves and force no others.

You can try to write a better book for Jews, Christians and muslims.


The questions are now, Where will the terrorists be regrouping? Will the terrorists counter attack ? Will the terrorists make a final stand and die? Will erdo redeploy his terrorists to Libya?

Jens Holm

Well, news also say, they have not left, but that of course is ignored by You.

From a miliatry point they have to regroup just north of and keep defence groups there and add in defence groups as reinforcements. They cannot effort to loose more terrain there.

Its very bad to be a Jihadist right there.

John Wallace

You should go and be their ‘milia try’ leader and lead them and show them the ‘effort to loose’ they need to use to afford . At least that way they will be obliterated quicker and you with them.

Jens Holm

They are very professional in their defences and do as You can by the book.

Things are opposite. I have been writing about many different kinds of warfarfe, so someone like them has learned vital things of great importance.

I have learned warfare from them and semilars. That hasnt changed much for decades. Apart form big stupidities here and there, they are very good soldiers. I cannot learn them too loose.

If I was a little Younger, I am sure, I could be a good teacher beginners.

Ar that frontzone I am for the moment feeling fine those kill each other. I never liked Assad. I never Liked AKP and for that matter Kemals and Gülens. Fine with me some Russians are killed too.

I am only worried for the several 100.000 refugees/civilians. Those are the ones, which should take over being the only normalhuman beings there.

Assads can spread out and therefore has to go on as they do making the wide “finger” thick and then trying to make the finger long again. Thats the pnly choise, so the only defence for the Jihadists are biting in the next comming made fingernail as hard as they can.

I would even expect there is time for that. Assads too often has no supply after taking an area as well as have no troops for adavnce throgh the made gab.

Its normal warfare. The defenders are outgunned but even so they do defend well.

John Wallace

In any war it is always the civilians caught in the middle suffer the most.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Thats why there has been made rules about it. But they are not respected as they should be.

John Wallace

Someone standing behind civilians shooting at you trying to kill you. What do you do , Not shoot back and die as that is the honorable thing to do or shoot back and tough shit for the civilians caught in the middle . It is tough shit for the civilians . You have never been there Jens ,


They have their real home in Turkey.

Cronos Sin Apellidos

1-In Idlib, and trying to protect their highway north. 2-Don`t think the SAA will let them. I think SAA will keep pushing trought the M5 highway to Aleppo.

3-They will fight pretty hard in Idlib. But if defeated they will go Turkey, and redeployed… somewhere else. 4-Some of them, surely. There are other places…


That’s all very possible.

“There are other places.” London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid :)

Jens Holm

You dont see the Jihadists and territories are at least 2 main groups.



Jens Holm

And my letters are as big as my feet.

Concrete Mike

So tiny, just like your intellect.


Not many towns left on the M5 to Aleppo

Jens Holm

I learn every day:) No wonder there are problems therem if they build houses on the roads:)

John Wallace

The houses were built on stilts Jens so vehicles drove underneath them It was handy if you wanted a lift to the next town , you would just dropp onto / into the next vehicle passing through.


Stay away from the bottle Jens

John Wallace

Bottle ?? that and the powders

Jens Holm

He might not like my lupus pictures fx


Jens Holm

Lupus is a nasty disease and I gave him pictures. Thats one of many reasons, he does not like me.

John Wallace

What ?? You have a nasty disease and want to give it too Lupus. Is that the disease you got off those dipshit Trolls . No wonder he told you to F Off.

Xoli Xoli

Good news Erdogan and his terrorists were fuck up.Now the terrorists sultan is totally confuse.Both Trump and his friend ignored Erdogan phone calls.


They have been defeated in Syria, yet these trolls like Rusty Zion, Jenny Holms, Bobby, and Jacoby Whul and whatever new alias he post under, these retards must need more shekels for another hit of crack and meth.

Jens Holm

I am honered.

I dont think I am a troll. I do argue and give many links.

Blas de Lezo

You’re worse than a troll, you’re a l◌ิser.

John Wallace

I think the word is Tosser .. slang for wanker as in complete idiot

John Wallace

Honered. Is that a person who hones on a wetstone . Nothing sharp about you which is why you should have stopped at ” I don’t think “. We can all agree with that.

John Wallace

Have they all crawled back under their rocks , been very quiet lately.. I suppose losing and repeating the same bullshit day after day does make one weary.

Rhodium 10

Next step Idlib capital…


Good job SAA, keep securing the highway up north now.

Duc Palatine

I think they take a selfy on their phone and then edit out their head, send the edited headless photo to their headchopping friends then get in their Toyota pick up trucks and burn rubber back to Idlib city. Then chill out in some headchopper slave brothal until compelled by lack of hashish and money to go out and do a bit of fighting (hiding) to earn a few Turkish bucks.


allegedly The Turkish checkpoint North of Sarakib opened fire on units of the Syrian army


GREAT CONGRATULATION A HEROES SAA AND RUSSIA AND IRAN!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/33a66229e342c20105de03cdd64c4b356b003727bac2ad7d2775af20935dd4f6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d60174087a182f72677a6d08686a3d4d7fbfd2e61a98124270932a93a37ab1c6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif


Very critical city,last one before Idlib…


Have the Turks never heard of being outflanked?


Those ops never had any military value apart from observation. No military man would think otherwise. They are there to rescue intelligence assets from the field.


I’m sure it’s not a popular assignment for the Turkish soldiers either. Must be as scary as hell


I agree. Although at least nominally the Astana agreement (i.e. Russians) guarantees their safety, I’d think, they really can’t engage in any kind of hostile activity against the SAA and expect to be saved by the letter of the agreement. So I’m sure it’s been brown pants time for some of them! ;) And even without doing anything active they are still annoying by just being there.

Jens Holm

Hard for me to explain. They are blockers just like persons, which wont let You pass by. So Assads has to go around them, if they can.

Turks dont fight.


Years ago you were a big brother of kurds. Now you are on site of turks, their killers. How is it possible?

Jens Holm

True I like SDF kurds much better then Assads and Jihadists of any kind.

They still are the only ones having a program for the future, which could improve the whole Syria very much, because it builds modern and needed infrastructures.

I doesnt matter what political or etnic origin they come from. The whole ME is infected in simple one string systems like Emirates and Dicators. Thats fine, if You have that kind of small units. The Leadership then can see all corners.

Thats not possible in Syria as well as Iraq unless vital changes are made. And true, I do support sekularisme very much. Having more sekulars for everybody unites people. Religion, etnicity and languages does not.

That includes women and men are semilar in rights as well as responsabilities and are not bound or chanid to homes, they have not chosen. It says women can live alone or with children and work and go to and from work in peace and with respect adn no hersmenets.

Kurds are for that in the sekular YPG+J part.

And I dont think I support Turks as well as Jihadists and Assads. I explain them all, when they do clever military military and political things and try to be as neutral as possible.

What I do support, which most people here dont, are the socalled normal ones. Thats all the non participators of war being refugees. For the mpoment 10 million or more Syrians are not even i their own homes. Many many of them live under very bad conditions according to everything.

I am so angry about that being of non importance. 550.000 dead is same thing.

And I am very angry, when it here so many times are told everything is anybodie elses fault as Jews, americans, jews, zionist, EU etch.

The others in ME being anti Assads are never named apart from Saudist are eveil, because they are Wahabists.

So I am not beside Turks at all. Its barking madness to make that much war in that small part of the world. Now Turks for very bad reasons has taken a zone of SDFs´making even more refugees.

I dont see the point. The last month I have written several times, that bad leaders shopuld be shot until the people living there finally find some good ones. I recommend it here again.

When is enough ever enough. When we wont take the jailed ISIS ones, whre can we have the many more from those 2 main groups of Hihadists in ISIS.


Capture of Saraqib will be immensely significant. Jihadi morale will hit the floor. It’s a highway hub and will speed up operations considerably. Idlib without Saraqib becomes an insignificant city state with sprawling countryside not easily defended. Idlib city becomes vulnerable to encirclement. Much of Idlib comes under fire control. So, jihadists, lay down the arms and surrender already!

Jens Holm

Opriisme, they will lay own arms.

They are like fxthe Hajin-Abu Kamal enclave . They were figting until there were no more able to fight. They even used their own wives as last shield.

Gary Sellars

Fuck but in times like these its damn good to be alive!!!!

Go SAA!!! Go Syria!!! Go Russia!!! Roast these Wahhabi Salafi Jihadst goat-raping faggots. Roast ’em good!!!

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