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Syrian Army Strikes Back Around Aleppo, Destroys Militants’ Ammo Depots (Video)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out on November 22 a wide-scale rocket strike on militants’ positions in the vicinity of Aleppo in response to the recent attacks on the city.

According to the North Press Agency (NPA), more than 15 heavy rockets were launched at militants’ positions in city’s western suburbs. The agency released a video showing a part of the wide-scale rocket strike.

A source in the SAA told NPA that the strike destroyed two ammo depots, where improvised rocket-assisted munitions (IRAMs), usually used in attacks on Aleppo, were stored.

“Instructions came from the capital Damascus to carry out a violent response on the armed factions’ positions,” the agency quoted the source as saying.

A day earlier, radical militants shelled heavily-populated districts in Aleppo’s city center killing seven civilians, including a child, and injuring 30 others. The militants also attempted to advance in the city’s western suburbs.

The Turkish military established three observation posts in Aleppo’s northern and western suburbs, last year. However, it is doing nothing to stop militants’ attacks on the city.

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Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

LOL! Israel recently just successfully destroyed IRGC headquarter buildings, dozens of Regime ammo storages, and dozens of air defense batteries! What does the regime do in return? They destroy defenseless moderate rebel’s ammo storages!


What moderates are you talking of you mean HTS, Al Queda jihadis lol There have been no moderates in this war for many years if ever.


They are not moderate rebels… They are the scum and worst of the world,which earth can create,.. the world dosent need Islamist… theirs views are equally to nazism,. Your government helps them at the moment.. bad choice.. very bad choices.. they seem to forget that Islamist they deny existence of Israel/Jews in the world..but your government still helps them.. in 1 of these days when the war is almost over they will turn the guns which your government supply them against your country,.. Then what are you going to do?? Nuclear weapons won’t save you from a war,it will actually kill yous as well if your government thinks to use them to defend themselves.. Syrian was an amazing place before war.. Peace.. next to your country borders..that’s most important.. But maybe your government want to rob more land??, You have Gaza ho want every 1in Israel dead,it is not enough 1 enemie now you want to provoke Syria state, so that could become second enemy of Israel,you have Lebanon,ho slowly but decisively become an enemy of Israel, soon you will be surrounded by enemies..my advice make peace with Syrian state… but in the end ho I am me to say something..

David Parker

Islam is Zion’s broom to sweep away Christianity.

Rhodium 10

18 Delilah + 4 Harop drones ( total 20 million dollars) to destroy an ammo depot with gas canaster captured to FSA…,1 floor, 1 civilian house destroyed when a Delilah damage hit it,1 empty warehouse, 1 roof of a parking…15 Delilah and 3 Harop have been shot down by Pantsir, Upgrade SA 8 and SA 13…not needed BUK M2…

Ricky Miller

I firmly accuse you of being a liar. The Israeli strike was successful but your hyperbole is telling. I have no doubt that loitering munitions are a threat to Syria’s aging air defenses and that Israel has the ability to overcome most jamming, especially distant jammers but this is more a product of Syria’s weakness to procure more modern equipment and Iran’s unwillingness to bring air defenses to Syria. Any Israeli strike on updated equipment would be much more difficult and of course against a real adversary not fighting a muti-front civil war Israel would face real war; meaning large scale return missile fire. It’s comparatively easy to strike at an adversary who doesn’t hit back. Soon though, Israel will have to begin to pay her own way. A new U.S. Congress is coming soon and the gravy train free money from Washington is going to dry up early next decade.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

haha like those 2 pantsirs being destroyed on camera by the IDF? cry more antisemite

Ricky Miller

The Pantsir weapon system isn’t magic. If it fires off it’s missiles it’s vulnerable. Syria is operating S1’s, with a half armament load and with half the range of current models. They shoot down attacking missiles and get targeted in return. That’s called warfare. What’s missing is that Syria lacks the ability to engage in full spectrum warfare with Israel, using missiles and aircraft to return the attack by firing on Israeli positions. Russia, if attacked, has no such limitations and her modernized pantsirs and especially TORm2’s would fare much better by percentage of intercepts. Your hubris about this military imbalance is fed by billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money being poured into your defense establishment.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Not true at all. Pantsirs are supposed to be able to track, detect, and engage all types of flying objects including cruise missiles/supersonic/subsonic, glide bombs, free fall bombs, drones, loitering drones, artillery shells, rockets, and mortars at a range of 40 kilometers! Each system comes with 12 missiles and 500-1000 rounds of 30mm ammunition! The Syrians are either completely inept and incompetent at operating them or the system is TRASH

Ricky Miller

It is possible to overwhelm the system. Especially using loitering munitions, in the dark and in the somewhat tight geography of the Damascus-Golan-Lebanon border area where their 50-60 km range still gives the most difficult to detect battery operated loiters the legs to reach a target. Pantsirs are defense weapons. They surely took a bite out of the attacking munitions in the examples you cite. But no one has ever claimed invincibility of the system. They shoot down ordinance. What is required is that for the force operating them to have broad spectrum capability and permission to strike back as well as defend, making any attack expensive. Syria, a vast underdog to Israel, is lacking all across the board in many capabilities to make it an even fight. Pantsir S1’s cannot alone, or even with Buk’s, make up for these weaknesses.

Ricky Miller

40km range is the S2. Which Russia doesn’t give away for free. Not the S1, which Syria operates.

David Parker

You stupid bastard, when the Pantsir is out of ammo, it is out of ammo. When we the people of the united States finally wake up and end “foreign aid” to “Israel” (which in 2018 amounted to $10,000,000 per day and is probably more now) you are going to face the same problem – out of ammo – at the rate you expend it on Syria, Gaza, and, too soon, in the West Bank of Syria.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

People use the excuse that the Syrian Pantsirs ran out of missiles. NO EXCUSE. There is still 1000 rounds of 30mm ammunition available, and the radars were still up and running. Poor performance/training of the crews or just a junk system

Ricky Miller

2km range on guns. While they engage one target, now sans missiles, using point defense gunnery the system is attacked by another and damaged. How is this hard to understand? Conclusions, objective? Pantsir unit is operating without necessary support of other batteries. Or, your conclusions, drawn with great sarcastic malice? Pantsirs are junk and this proves it. I’ll take Occam’s razor and say that Syria needs a more dense network with multiple points of overlapping fire and a Hezbollah like arsenal to hit back. Israel has satellite capabilities and can plan vectors of attack to their liking, attacking vulnerable elements of defense and get attacking missiles through taking advantage of their knowledge of deployment locations. This fight is a massive imbalance, a high school varsity team whooping up on fourth graders. I’m shocked that Syria gets the intercept percentages they do, period. Attacking such a weaker state, non stop, while calling them a threat is both cowardice and shameful to Israeli honor.

Ricky Miller

Oh, I’m sorry. I made a faulty assumption and it slipped through. After remembering that Israel is keeping millions of people in open air prisons, controlling their travel and movement, denying them a voice at the ballot box I realize that you have very little honor left to stain. My bad. I was thinking of the old underdog Israel I used to defend in college. Not the one now that attacks others non stop from a position of overwhelming strength, with smug arrogance and airs of overlordship.

David Parker

Me too except that only now I discover Israel has never been an underdog. From the very start the Jews with their Zionist Talmud religion have been the aggressors. They honestly regard everyone else as lower than animals to be manipulated and slaughtered without one qualm. The “dancing Israelis” of 9/11 fame are the perfect example of how a Jew, Zionist, regards everyone else in the world. http://www.garynorth.com/freebooks/docs/pdf/the_judeo_christian_tradition.pdf Judaism Discovered, A Desideratum by Michael Hoffman, http://www.RevisionistHistory.org

David Parker

Israeli honor? There is no honor among Zionist Jews, the “master race”. Honor, ethics, morality come from God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – not the Talmud or muttering rabbis which both deny God.

David Parker

I agree. Just as soon as the fight is taken inside Israel and IAF bases are destroyed as the IAF has been doing to Syria it is going to be a different story. Israel has been working to seize land since before WWI in the effort to create a buffer zone but they have built up so much animosity and undying hatred all over the Mideast they have essentially shot themselves in the foot. As they see it, their only chance of long term survival is to kill everyone else in the Mideast. The typical Jew tactic is to get the goyim – the US military, NATO countries, Muslims, Chinese, Russians, and everyone else – to kill each other in unending war, and then rule the world.

You can call me Al

I am not anti-semite because the Palestinians are Semites – YOU ARE NOT.


David Parker

$10,000,000 per day “aid” to “Israel” meaning the Zionist war machine and infiltration of the civilized world. Meanwhile I get letters endorsed by Pat Boone begging me for money to feed hungry old Jewish widows eating out of trash cans in Jerusalem. The money spent on one bomb dropped in the open air prison of Gaza could have fed an old widow peanut butter sandwiches for several years and paid her rent. The Zionists have built up so much hatred against Israel in general that I don’t see how they can get off their war footing. Their attitude that everyone else is lower than animals, the fact that they have never been able to live alongside any other people in the entire world speaks volumes. Ghettos were built to protect normal people from the amoral Jews. So many atrocities engineered by the Zionists, so many lies promoted in Zionist controlled mass media, etc., when exposed are such a tremendous burden they will either be forced to change their ways or be annihilated. Let’s start by defunding them – a Jew without access to other people’s money cannot start wars among the goyim.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

The Regime and Russkies since the past 2 months have been relentlessly jamming the airspace above Syria and the Golan Heights. However, it had absolutely NO EFFECT upon the IDF Airforce operations! IDF F-35s managed to hit over 40 targets recently and destroy them all! So much for “jamming” LOL! :D

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

During the most recent IDF airstrikes against the regime in Damascus, dozens of advanced air defense batteries including Pantsir, BUK-M2, and SA-3 were completely destroyed by loitering drones (HARPY) and Delilah Cruise missiles! :D

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

and of course, the intense electronic jamming by the russkies had no effect on the operation of the IDF


Rubbish several missiles were intercepted by air defences. None of the Israeli attacks are changing anything on the ground, Iran is still based in Syria & IDF can do nothing about it lol

Wayne Nicholson

Got a news source? ….. or is this classified IDF information you just happen to be treasonously sharing on the open internet? It’s either bullshit, widely report or it’s a military secret because such a victory is too valuable as propaganda to keep to oneself …. especially during an election.

Rhodium 10

Yeah I ´ve heard that IAF have destroyed over 500 times the Damascus airport of Mezzeh…i also heard that Israel have destroyed Syrian air defense over 100 times…Irani bases 300 times….Hezbollah assets about 1000 times…

David Parker

Yes, you would think the Zionists would stop wasting money on these hydras. However, they still control the overwhelming force of the US military and until they have depleted the resources of the US in world wars, I wonder if they can be stopped. As I say, the task of sane people is to (1) stop paying taxes to “government” and (2) stop using the fiat currency of the Zionists. When we can do that we will have destroyed the power of the Zionist. Like Satan, their power is in the manipulation of people. Jesus saves, Christianity is civilization, and that is why Judaism, Islam, and Roman Catholicism work constantly to obliterate Christianity which is the rule of God’s law, work ethic, and God’s money – silver and gold – which has stood as money since creation.

John Wallace

Pity they don’t bomb the bridge these Trolls hide under.

You can call me Al

OH you, you fucking inbred Yid.

1. You lie. 2. You’re inbred and your mother is waiting for you. 3. You are attacking people with nothing. Try and attack Hezbollah and watch them eliminate your forces again. 4. You are low life pond scum, you will be eliminated sooner, rather than later and the World shall rejoice. Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Wolfgang Wolf

can somebody block this zio-idiot? thank you

David Parker

We need to learn to expose these Zionists. Listen to the rhetoric then shove the facts up his nose – the First Jewish bank of Zion. To defeat them, all in the “West” need to (1) stop paying the taxes that get exported to Israel as “foreign aid” – $10,000,000 per day from the US alone – and (2) start using real money, which God defines as silver and gold to neuter the Zionist “international bankers”. The destructive power of the Zionist Jew lies in his ability to manipulate everyone else. The Zionist’s method is to arrange wars of attrition among the goyim and ideally get us to kill each other.

You can call me Al

Who ?. You can block it as well… move the cursor to the right and you should see a little down arrow – press on that and hey presto.

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