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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Takes Control Of al-Hadalat Refugee Camp At Border With Jordan. FSA Rejects US-led Coalition Demand To Withdraw From Southeastern Syria

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Syrian Army Takes Control Of al-Hadalat Refugee Camp At Border With Jordan. FSA Rejects US-led Coalition Demand To Withdraw From Southeastern Syria


On Monday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the National Defense Forces (NDF) and other pro-government factions took control of the al-Hadalat refugee camp located near the Syrian border with Jordan.

The Hadalat refugee camp had been an important facility controlled by US-backed militant groups (widely known as the Free Syrian Army) in the border area. According to local sources, its population was about 5,000 people. A notable part of them were families of Free Syrian Army (FSA) members. These people withdrew from the cam before the SAA and its allies entered it.

This was the latest in a series of the government forces advances against the FSA in the border area. Last week, government troops took control of the border points of 173, 174, 175, 176 as well as the villages of Rajm al-Matitah and Qabr al-Khatib.

According to pro-government sources, the SAA, the NDF and pro-government militais are going to continue their efforts in order to isolate the US-held garrison in the village of At Tanf located at the strategic Damascus-Baghdad highway.

The government operation is ongoing amid constant reports about the alleged deal that the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance made with Jordan and the US-led coalition behind the scene. According to these reports, the US-led block will push the FSA to withdraw from its positions in southeastern Syria to Jordah. However, this task looks much more complicated than the coalition could expect.

The FSA groups of Usoud al-Sharqiya and Martyr Ahmad Abdo Forces have rejected the US-led coalition request to withdraw from southearn Syria, Reuters reported on Monday.

Usoud al-Sharqiya and Martyr Ahmad Abdo Forces allegedly received an order to stop fighting government forces from the US-led coalition and other their backers.

There is a official request for us to leave the area,” Badr al Din al Salamah, a senior official in Usoud al Sharqiya told Reuters. “We have rejected the request, since if we entered Jordan we would consider it the end … the blood of our martyrs has not dried yet.”

According to the report, the coalition didn’t provide militants an option to deploy at the US-held garrison in At Tanf.

At the same time, Reuters quoted a spokesman for Martyr Ahmad Abdo Forces that said the group had no significant problems with withdrawing from southeastern Syria.

We have accepted in principle and there are matters that have to be resolved. But until this moment there is no final agreement on withdrawing and we are still in the Badia and still fighting and in our posts,” Said Seif said.

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Zainab Ali

the unstoppable superheroes on the right track to victory


About time these FSA fuckers really get hurt


i would love to continually kick and punch them in the balls, head, stomach, as well as daesh lmao


FSA the sunnis loosers of the war. USA used them to kill Syrians. Now, USA abandonned them and they died for nothing just like isis stupid garbage.

FSA doesn’t understand that they are stupid. That’s the main problem of sunnis. They think they are smart but they are just garbage that anyone want.


Serious, you are obsessed with ‘Sunnis’ which in a bit rich coming from American with little or no understanding about the myriad of ethnic, religious, ideological and tribal groups in the Middle East. Its high time that you should seriously consider commenting on Judge Judy’s decisions that waste your time here.


The ones that stand with sunnis will take the L of loosers.

Rakean Jaya

I’m sunni, and will always sunni moslem, a have alot of shia friends but doesn’t like you(if you’re shia), I’m starting to curious with your obsession to sunni. Two possibilities, you’re a taqiya-zionist or a stupid shia


I’m not shia, even not muslim and even not religious. I don’t understand your two choices (taqiya-zionist or shia). Maybe I’m just done with sunni stupidity and hypocrisy.

Rakean Jaya

Taqiya-zionist=pretend to be whatever in fact a zionist. You have been warned/suggested to not make generalisation, and trying to potray Syrian War as war between shia and sunni, if so, that is what zionist wants.


I have never say that it was a war shia vs sunnis. I just said that the rebels are sunnis and that they fight for nothing.

Rakean Jaya

I have watch all your comments, sometimes agree with you, but when you talk about blaming sunnis and make generalisation about it, sometimes equates sunni in all with terrorism or other insulting words, damn, YES you are NOT SAYING IT(shia vs sunni in Syrian war) directly, explicitly. But everyone’s knows what is your points.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He is not Shia he even disparages Muslims, he is an American.


Whatever you bumble on about is always an entertainment on a dark and windy night Serious. Have you ever considered improving your education by the way. Reading those bundles of paper called Books is always a good start. The ones with hard backs , not the Captain America drivel comics.

MD Ranix

fsa is supported, used and brainwashed by the evil satanic empire of saudis, yankees and brits and many more lapdog entities … in short fsa has sold their souls to the devil … and now left on its own to rot with their war crimes

DJ Double D

Information is coming in that the SAA concentrated a large force and ready to force-cross over the Euphrates river to stop further SDF advance. This is from a reliable source on the ground in the city. All fights aimed at securing the remainder of Deir Ezzor city has been postponed.


I am really hope that this news be true. It is unthinkable that Russia-Syria forces has done nothing so far to stop SDF (kurds, USA-puppets). Main responsibility from Russia intelligent since it can see every motion that SDF can make. I really do not know what Russia-Syria-Iran-hezbolah are waiting to stop SDF, and this is not a matter that they are busy killing ISIS-Daesh. I just consider it a tactical mistake !! (like that one where ISIS re-took Palmyra).


very nice!! :)))) it is imperative, the pincer strategy always works :))


Both actions need to be done , fly over , boat over , tunnel under , just land a force or two , across the river , And continue securing the remainder of Dier Ezzor . Hope the airport is secure .

Tom Tom

When they do, and they should, but that might be when the missiles start flying. Time to use the 400’s.


“According to the report, the coalition didn’t provide militants an option to deploy at the US-held garrison in At Tanf.”

I would rather enjoy seeing the US fighting with her trained monkeys. :)


Especially if the monkeys won :)


That would indeed be rather funny :)

Radek Michenka

Go SAA, go go…victori is near…

Carol Binkley

Usud al-Sharqiya…do they also believe Assad is too soft on Christians? And do they fight against IS, as well? Or not?



They are with the FSA , meaning they are Wahhabi jihadists . They are “taqfiri ” , meaning – all other Muslims must convert to Salafism ( Wahhabism ) , or be killed as apostates. All other non – believers , Christians , Druze , etc are apostates to be killed .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You forgot Judaics are excluded.

Carol Binkley

For your information, Ronald, Baghdadi thinks he IS Islam. In his mind, there can be no other form of Islam, except as he sees it.


Baghdadi , has the Wahhabi mind set , only one path to God ( and I know it ). Assad , is “soft on Christiians” , Druze , and all of the twenty three different ethnic groups that make up Syria . That’s why he got over 80 % of the popular vote last election .

The Farney Fontenoy

The US never learns its lesson; you can’t control ideologically-driven jihadis, you can control the economically-driven ones to an extent, but when it comes down to it, they have no loyalties to their backers, this is also why nearly 6 years after Gadaffi’s death, part of Benghazi is still controlled by militants despite Hafter’s claim of victory.



The problem is that the US political foreign affairs strategists, a-la Brzezinski, are quite prepared to either; plunge a non compliant foreign state into a repressive coup to gain immediate traction over that state, or likewise, plunge a non compliant foreign state into internecine domestic friction and dysfunction – at whatever level that takes from funding political opposition to arming opposition factions – to gain traction. The outcomes of both are terrible for the target state’s domestic population. With the first, the repression may last decades and involve political violence, with the latter the internecine friction may last a decade or more – the average for modern civil wars. The problem being US strategists consider both these outcomes as acceptable outcomes to securing their own interests – and actually have the self rationalizing delusion that what is in US interests is ultimately of benefit to others.


why these stupid moronic FSA shitheads wanna keep fighting? eventually they gonna run out of supplies and food and ammo since US coalition not supporting them anymore


They have painted themselves into a corner – and despite years of the US’ claims of ‘moderates’ the bulk of FSA have some form of radical Islamic background or link – with Muslim Brotherhood origins.

Tom Tom

U.S. wants east of Euphrates and all the way up to Baghdad for new Sunnistan.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is going to happen more than likely the US will be called before the UN and they have much explaining to do. They have many war crimes they are responsible for as this progresses people will want their heads to roll. US public sentiment will change if it goes nuclear as this is the only war they are capable of fighting , not going to win that one.

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