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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Takes Key Rawad Mountain Near Deir Ezzor As Hezbollah-ISIS Deal Moves On

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Syrian Army Takes Key Rawad Mountain Near Deir Ezzor As Hezbollah-ISIS Deal Moves On

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On September 13, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies advanced in Bughayliyah area northeast of Deir Ezzor city and captured the Rouad (Rawad) mount and reached Jazeera university, according to pro-government sources.

Furthermore, the SAA advanced in Marba’iyah area southwest of Deir Ezzor city and captured the 1082 air defense base and “the first station” in al-Marba’iyah area.

Meanwhile, the SAA deployed more units and equipment from the 4th Armoured Division to Deir Ezzor city. The newly deployed units is likely a part of the SAA preparation for the upcoming operation to capture the ISIS-held areas inside Deir Ezzor city.

In a related development, the Hezbollah media wing in Syria announced that ISIS released one of its fighters “Ahmad Matuq” who was captured by ISIS in the eastern Homs countryside.

Syrian Army Takes Key Rawad Mountain Near Deir Ezzor As Hezbollah-ISIS Deal Moves On

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Pro-government sources claimed that in return the stranded ISIS convoy reached al-Mayadin city throw government-held areas in Deir Ezzor city.

The convoy carried out 300 ISIS fighters and 300 civilians (families of the ISIS members) that Hezbollah allowed to withdraw from the Western Qalamoun region towards al-Bukamal town near the Iraqi border, previously.

The US-led collation that had blocked the convoy road since August 29 didn’t yet comment on these claims.

If these claims are confirmed this will mean that the US-led coalition agreed with the Syrian government and Hezbollah (likely via a communication channel with Russia) to allow the stranded ISIS fighters to withdrew towards al-Mayadin city instead of al-Bukalam.

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The 300+ fighters to Mayadin will bite the SAA in the ass very soon.

Having said that, SAA is doing well in the south west of DeZ city. The advance towards the north west of DeZ at this time puzzles me. An indication there will not be a SAA crossing?

Those interested in the bigger picture will be pleased to read that first, as yet unconfirmed, tweets report SDF reached the river bank yesterday evening or early in the night.

Rüdiger Preiss

That the SDF races towards Deir Ez Zor clearly is an indication of their true intentions, to snap up as much land off Syria as possible. There is no need for them to “help” battle ISIS as the US & al want to portrait it. The SAA are perfectly gaining control over ISIS and don’t need any such “help”. There is a high risk that this will turn in another conflict but this time Turkey will support Syria for obvious reasons. Let’s hope that the Syrian Government has already made plans with the SDF to let them do their fighting in return for some land to the Kurds. Surely it would be better to arrive to a peaceful solution and leave the US & Zionists out of it as much as possible. Assad is a brilliant mind and he cares for his land. He’s done the right thing ever since this has started with isolating FSA terrorists in Idlib, continuous negotiations with Turkey despite the back stabbing etc. I trust he’ll find the best solution here as well.


Well, apart from your assessments of all involved, with which I do not agree at all, I think you are right that negotiations to resolve the just demands of Syrian north eastern peoples are the better way.

It is really a pity that the Assad regime is not interested, unless forced, in any negotiations aimed at restraining his “rights”and give some rights to political opponents.

But in principle, negotiations are better, quite right.


“Political opponents”, by that you mean western backed terrorists that push forward the agenda of their sponsors, have you ever thought that your shitty goverments have no right to interfere in other countries business like that. I hope that one day you all experience the same democracy your govs are exporting to other countries.


Political opponents as in those who object to Assads policies, which is a right in any democratic country, just not in Syria, at least not without often fatal consequences.


There wouldn’t be any fatal consequeces if your govs. wouldn’t support uprisings etc etc.


The Dutch would lie on their backs and submit to any real attacks Alex. :)

Tudor Miron

Sorry for saying but I’m affraid that some will lie back up…Tolerance you know. :)


Yes indeed. This was a mistaken homophobic omission on my part. The Dutch LGBT lads would have been very very cross to be left out.

Shame on me :) I have slapped my wrists.


Why then do the ever so ‘democratic ‘ ( do what we say or we bomb you) Zionist Western Nations never attempt to overthrow despotic regimes Saudi Arabian monarchs and those of the Gulf states ? They even dislike LGBT freaks as well :)

Syria was and God willing will remain a secular nation.


Dutch National is another Ziotroll that won’t respond to comments exposing Jew crime and evil when they can’t lie about or obfuscate the issue and any debate on it will just lead to further exposure.

Rather than call the truther an antisemite, Jew hater, nazi, etc.. Thereby making the practical definition of an antisemite etc. in their view someone who tells the truth about Jew crime and evil. There are several of them here.


That has always been their strategy . J’accuse.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes ,I accuse after they were caught aiding ISIS/Al Qaeda in the Golan by the UNDOF who took the photos and videos decided to release them. They themselves are getting sick and tired of being attacked by these groups, and would like to see more of a UN mandate and increase of manpower to wipe out these aggressors.


The key to Zionist failure is of course the decline of US military and economic power. Both are showing signs of ‘cancer’ . It will be terminal and the sooner the better.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many of them seem to be suffering more from dementia and mental breakdown than anything else, cancer seems to be the least of their worries.


The mass hysteria and hubris of most Americans has always puzzled me but I suppose it was the same in all past empires. All considered themselves to be Exceptional and ALL came to an end in similar circumstances to the USA today..


It’s why they didn’t allow the racist supremacist Talmud to be translated out of Hebrew for thousands of years. To cover up all of the anti humanism, anti golden rule, anti Christian filth that it contains. And once it was published they began sanitizing, misinterpreting and apologizing for it saying that it doesn’t say what it obviously does and what they teach their cult members that it does.


I am not going into racist rants.

You can have those with your Nazi friends as much as you like. But without me.


Oh, now I’m a racist and a Nazi? You’re a liar, a coward and a Jew pedophile rape cult supporter. You won’t debate these issues because you know that they’re all true. That doesn’t make me a racist, it makes me a moral person objecting to and exposing Jew crime and evil that you’re trying to divert attention from and cover up.




Evasion from a ziotroll coward afraid to address the issues.


Your hero shaking hands with the people that you’re criticizing every day. You’re just a two faced disinfo peddler: https://iaincarstairs.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/netanyahu-with-isis-fighter-injured-in-syria.png


Hypocrite much?: https://chemtrailsplanet.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/stop-isis-usa-israeli-terrorists.jpg?w=350&h=200&crop=1


The last person who should be calling someone racist is a Jew supporter. Those criminals are the epitome of racists.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do you always deflect? That generally means you are what you call others doesn’t reflect well on your character. The Anarcho-Fascists use these tactics, which means you are too easily spotted as one.

Rüdiger Preiss

*facepalm* you better believe that, dutchnational. The vast majority of Syrians don’t. It’s ironic how you call yourself ‘dutchnational’ yet seem to ‘know’ what’s best for Syria :D


How many has Israel killed with death squads and ethnic cleansing massacres? This war wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for the Jews.

Tudor Miron

Political opponents? Mercenaries that your snakehead funded traded and armed?

Rüdiger Preiss

Assad has a lot more support than you might think, dutchnational. Even in the North :). And it’s not a “regime”. If Syria is a regime, then what is America :D??

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Very simple the US is a Rogue Nation like UK, France ,Germany the key players at NATO who call the shots. Didn’t leave Israel out because they are a special kind of Rogue Nation full of greed and murder on a large scale and use their strategy groups to influence world policy.


How so? They have been sitting and shuttling across stifling desert conditions in buses for weeks and furthermore have their families on-board. They are going to be highly stressed and exhausted when they finally get off those buses for good. They are being slowly roasted.


Somehow I think that IS fighters with experience in lots of battles, gruesome treatment of other human beings, will not be so highly stressed and if they are, it might make them just crazier fighters. As reports indicate that IS fighters are often doped up, one can expect them to become active again very rapidly. Doped up.

Still, it might be nice, but I fear unrealistic, to imagine them unable to do anything, completely stessed out.

Graeme Rymill

Nothing that a good dose of captagon won’t fix!



John Whitehot

not that all your ill-wishing to Syria has ever actualized any time.

About one month ago you were preaching about the jihadists being on the point of launching a devastating offensive operation from idlib.


Partly correct. I said it was, strategically, the smart thing to do for HTS to attack SAA before IS was taken out of the picture and before SAA could redeploy towards Idlib.

Those preconditions still exist and were to SAA to start a largescale crossing of the Euphrates, those troops would be committed and cannot be redeployed anytime soon.

At the same time the number of raids and probing attacks by HTS on Aleppo have increased substantially, but, indeed, not (yet) a full scale attack.

So, we will have to wait and see what happens as we armchair warriors only can wave theories and the men and women on the ground are the ones who act and make facts.

John Brown

Turkey will attack the SDF in Syria and Iraq any day now with the bulk of its army, you lose Mossad disinfo agment. You lost Turkey when your Mossad deatlh squads failed to kill Erdogan and his family because the Russians tipped them off and protected them.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Al Qaeda factions in Idlib are slowly being destroyed and HTS is no longer the strongest faction in the region. What happened to your cheering for them, the SAA is even poised to take Idlib while maintaining these current fronts. The SAA used to lack armor but that isn’t the case anymore, soon they will not lack air support and defenses.

The Coalition seems to be dissolving in Syria as many are seeing the US as nothing more than one who breaks all their promises as always.


I am not cheering HTS. As far as I am concerned, anybody can shoot those islamo fascists.

That does not mean one has to close one’s eyes for what CAN happen on the battlefield.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You need to follow what is going on as many groups even in East Ghouta have been breaking of with HTS as Falayaq al Rahman has there. The Suadi/Wahhabi factions are mad at the other Saudi factions and this is why Salafi/Wahhabi ideology breaks down, the Kurds like Erdogan are Salafists, the same cloth.

John Whitehot

i am not an armchair warrior by any mean. speak for yourself.


I do.


Mmm they are waiting for something.

Marc Fischer

How magnanimous of Hezbollah, to allow their ideological enemy to take 300 fighters plus wives and children to safety. This is a very good example of the organization’s maturity and benevolence as a movement. Israel, in a similar situation, would have stabbed the refugees in the back …

Gary Sellars

…after making them watch their children being beaten up.


That’s every day.


Like this: http://www.jadaliyya.com/content_images/3/big_ScreenShot2014-07-04at10.22.02PM.png


And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhFa_kgB1cc

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