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Syrian Army Establishing Six Observation Posts In Northeastern Al-Hasakah (Photos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is working to establish six military posts in the northeastern al-Hasakah countryside, the Syrian state TV revealed on November 14.

The military posts will be established near the villages of Mrayjat, al-Bustan, Suwaydiyah Gharbiyah, Shamsiyah, Hub al-Hawa and Ain Diwar.

The army has already completed its deployment in the northeast al-Hasakah countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The state-run agency also reported that the army established its first post near Mrayjat.

Syrian Army Establishing Six Observation Posts In Northeastern Al-Hasakah (Photos)

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Syrian Army Establishing Six Observation Posts In Northeastern Al-Hasakah (Photos)

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Syrian Army Establishing Six Observation Posts In Northeastern Al-Hasakah (Photos)

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Syrian Army Establishing Six Observation Posts In Northeastern Al-Hasakah (Photos)

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Syrian Army Establishing Six Observation Posts In Northeastern Al-Hasakah (Photos)

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Syrian Army Establishing Six Observation Posts In Northeastern Al-Hasakah (Photos)

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The six villages, where military posts will be established, are located near large oil fields in northeast al-Hasakah. They are also close to the border with both Turkey and Iraq.

By deploying troops in northeast al-Hasakah, the SAA is working to secure the country’s border as well as to implement the Sochi agreement between Russia and Turkey.

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Great news!


Looks good.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“By deploying troops in northeast al-Hasakah, the SAA is working to secure the country’s border as well as to implement the Sochi agreement between Russia and Turkey”

Are they? the SAA are definitely securing the country’s border but are they also implementing the Sochi agreement between Russia and Turkey. The US and the SDF are now conducting joint patrols in the area along the border, which actually contrevens the Sochi agreement, and since the SAA are in fact atm cooperating with the SDF, surely that would imply they’re also in contravention of the Sochi agreement, especially when they’re cooperating with the SDF within the 32 km exclusion zone Turkey wants the SDF removed from. So along this border we’ll have joint Russian/SAA patrols, and joint US/SDF patrols, and by defintion cooperation between the SDF and the SAA, with only the Turks being excluded, sounds like a good formula for the rest of the US occupied Syrian territory.


there you are again, going on about sochi that and astana this, which is just more bs than the reality require – get your focus straight and realize that the parties on the ground allow that facts on the ground dictate what is next, with whom to talk. what was said in astana is of no consequence when matters evolve and new situations has to be taken into consideration – what matters is where the syrian war in idlib and the northeast will be in say six months time and if you extrapolate developments from the day russia stepped in and say 6 months, 1 year into the future, you can disregard the minor deviations or bumps in the field you are so fucked up about.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The facts on the ground suggest the Turkish proposed [and both Russian and US approved] safe zone is looking less and less like becoming a reality, LOL. Go kiss Erdogan’s butt you paid for troll, you’ve been peddling this Turkish safe zone for too long, it won’t bring the SDF into line and return the northern areas to Assad as you keep trying to suggest it will, it’ll just be a repeat of Idlib, Latakia, Hama, and Aleppo, so f–k off you dumb f-k-n paid for Turkish troll.

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