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Syrian Army To Open New Humanitarian Corridors In Idlib, Aleppo

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will open two humanitarian corridors with the terrorist-occupied Greater Idlib region in order to facilitate the evacuation of the civilians stuck there, the al-Mayadeen TV revealed on February 15.

According to the Lebanese news channel, the new humanitarian corridors will be established in the town of Miznaz in western Aleppo and the town of Bjariz in southeast Idlib.

The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria confirmed that new humanitarian corridors will be opened soon, calling on the remaining militants in Greater Idlib to abandon hostile acts and engage in the reconciliation process.

Syrian Army To Open New Humanitarian Corridors In Idlib, Aleppo

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on

Last months, the SAA opened three humanitarian corridors around Greater Idlib. However, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls the region, prevented the people from leaving.

HTS’ rejection of any peaceful solution forced the SAA to resume military operations in Greater Idlib. In a few weeks, the army captured the strategic Damascus-Aleppo highway, formally known as the M5, and secured Aleppo city.

The plans to establish new humanitarian corridors indicate that the SAA may announce a ceasefire in Greater Idlib soon. Such a measure could allow tens of thousands of civilians to return to their liberated towns and villages.

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Incredible progress by SAA & allies, and liberating all of west & northwest Aleppo is the perfect response to Erdoghan’s threats and demands for the SAA to immediately withdraw from all areas in which the SAA has advanced. Karma indeed.


The plans to establish new humanitarian corridors indicate that the SAA may announce a ceasefire in Greater Idlib soon. Such a measure could allow tens of thousands of civilians to return to their liberated towns and villages.

Yeah, that was what I was expecting would happen once the headchoppers were pushed away from Aleppo. And probably why the rats fled rather then make their stand. A little disappointed but not surprised. Ah well, this will give that rat Erdogan (no insults meant to rats) a chance to cool off and find something else to get excited about. I’m sure Al Qaida and friends will not surrender, nor adhere to any ceasefire. So expect the offensive to restart a couple of months from now. Or even less. Only if there is a ceasefire of course.

Aaron Driver

I agree take the initiative, you have 3 million Turkish Islamic party , AL qeida , AL nusra, hayat al sham and NLA, FSA militants and their families on the run, send them over the border before they dig themselves in

Tim Williams

Filthy rats forcing those that want to leave to cough up 100 dollars

Tim Williams

SAA continues to push west … at any point they face heavy resistance … TOS 1A’S immediately neutralize them

Oscar Silva Martinez

I would love to see soon in Anna news or R&U videos how those terrorists burn alive.

Tim Williams

from last night



That was fucken awesome

Tim Williams

I would too … but you have to be on the receiving end to video it … no thanks

Oscar Silva Martinez

LOL so true!!!


Spoilsport :)

Tim Williams

Want to keep firing on the SAA … OK


Tim Williams

SAA is saying 60% of all the heavy armor the Turks have sent into Syria in the last 10 days has either been destroyed, abandoned or captured … and the imbeciles continue to try and pour more in … The defeat for the TURKS is epic …


Source: brain


No,dead brain.

Tim Williams

it’s not over


The SAA will be be cognisant of their extended supply lines now. The opening of the M4 is vital.

Tim Williams

TRUMP phone call with madman of ANKARA did not go well … USA President was livid he supplied man pads to the rats … how many … where are they … the entire planet is at risk now … you stupid idiot …


Wonderful, when the sleepwalking brain impaired ‘woke’ see passenger planes in Europe and the US falling from the sky, my retort will be , you get what you pay for and you governments paid for these weapons that are now being used against you by the headchoppers you paid to do your dirty work in the Middle East.


It would be interesting if SAA starts immediately with the recovery of M4 highway.

Tim Williams

they have not even cleared the M 5 completely yet, now the highway north of the city to boot … almost going too fast


not the same units.. over 50,000 SAA there..

Joe Doe

While militans on the run. SAA should still push West till reach Dar Taizzah, than go south towards Turmanin, Atarib, Kafr Nuran.

Tim Williams

they are … pounding everything

Tim Williams

IDlLIB CITY city now 2/3 surrounded by SAA forces… noose is tightening


Idlib city ?? Cmon Tim, Don’t BS us. :)

Tim Williams

20 kilometer ring


Tomorrow we will see.


I am as hopeful as the next guy, well maybe. :D SAA has done news blackout and news delay in the past, but the other side also?

Tim Williams

I said last night watch the north .. I never expected it go this go this fast


Agreed, I expected NW Aleppo to take at least 3 days. Advance was very impressive. :)

Tim Williams

me as well 72 – 96 hours


They taken the Golan and are already besieging Tel Aviv also at the moment.Jerusalem is next tommorow.


don’t laught too much when hezbollah and SAA will finish north where do you think they are going next.

Tim Williams

Still pushing west … plenty of troops, food, fuel and ammo … what more do you need ?



But what happens to the fleeing jihadist will turkey let them in or will there be a bloodbath


The triumph of the Allied forces has left a couple of inviting salients to cut off; the one in the south looks particularly inviting.

Tim Williams

utter chaos behind rat lines now …


MeMad Max

Only scum use innocent people as human shields….

Tim Williams

no doubt


That’s why opening these humanitarian corridors is spot on timing.

Rats will be too busy running to stop citizens fleeing east to Syrian held ground.

Tim Williams

If the TURKS stay in IDLIB CITY … it will be a modern day version of the FRENCH FIASCO at DIEN BIEN PHU


That would be fun to see.

Tim Williams

PUTIN stating SAA will not give up 1 meter from where they stand if a new cease fire kicks in


That statement in itself points toward the continued liberation.

The jihadis would break any ceasefire anyway.

Tim Williams

Russian Air Force cratering roads everywhere … ground is too soft for the Turkey equipment to move on soil … just being abandoned as the rats flee


the russian winter hits syria…

Tim Williams

I’m 77 years old … have vast experience in the Middle East ( govt )

The best people and normal citizens I ever dealt with were from Iran, Syria … if you were honest in your intentions … they were as well.

I never cared for Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians … they will stab in the back without hesitation.


Agree,syrian pussy is the best.


The syrian ladies are pretty, not like the zionist whores.


Yea,ladies my ass.You have no idea…


Ι like Egypt…I v been there a couple of times and never had an issue, every Egyptian I met went ‘crazy’ when they heard I was Greek, they seem to really like the Greeks…thats Alexander the great’s legacy for ya I guess …

Roughly One or two in every 10 Egyptians is a Christian Copt…and Sisi always visits the Christian church at Chrismas unlike his predecessors.




What does Alexander Makedonski has to do with Greece? Lmao,you do realize Greece is the only country in the world that teaches and claims that Alexander Makedonski was greek? Hahahaha


Ok I m not going to discuss historical facts with Jew-Turkish-Gypsy troll so why dont you go f*ck a donkey or a goat or whatever you cockroaches do …


f..u greek gipsy :) and the fact is his name is Aleksandar Makedonski!





Right,hence why you hang on some arab forum 24/7 living of EUs social welfare…hahahaha,pathetic country and people.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

There is no nation as big and useless as the Greeks. CAUSES -They say that they produced all civilizations themselves. ?????? – According to them, Greek society found all the good things, but they were stolen by others. :))))) -God is with them. :))))))) There is no Greek society in history. There are Sparta, Athens etc etc. Hellenic culture is the macedonian-greek culture that comes from Alexander the Great. Germans gave the name Greece to the Greeks. (Modern Greece is the period that started with the establishment of a state under the name of the Greek Kingdom in the Peloponnese and Athens as a result of the defeats of the Ottoman State against England, France and Russia in 1821. Following the establishment of the Greek Kingdom, a German named Otto, who came from a Bavarian aristocratic family, was appointed as the first Greek King.)

Maximus Decimus Meridius

The Greeks forged the Roman (Byzantine fake name) history as false because there is a 2000-year gap in textbooks.




Go to school its never too late boy.



Idlib city is there for the taking though , hope it isnt part of a Turko-Russian ceasefire again…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Course it will be… For a time… Just long enough for Erdogan to pivot away from Syria.

Russo-Turk gentleman’s agreement.


Convoys of :

[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/vQyMyFf.png) Heading back to Turkey …


A p3n1s shaped weather phenomenon over Wales UK …


Something very similar is happening over Idlib…only it’s not a weather phenomenon this time…⚽️?⚽️ ?


What is she doing with her hand? LOL


I think she is tickling….the weather phenomenon….hahaha

Alex Cabrera

close the way to afrin or ambush them in their convoys


Advance to jisr alshagoor and idlib , and keep going until you liberate antakya and iskanderun.

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