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Syrian Army To Open Three Humanitarian Corridors For Civilians In Greater Idlib

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will open three humanitarian corridors with the terrorist-occupied Greater Idlib region in order to facilitate the evacuation of the civilians stuck there.

Sputnik, a Russian news agency, reported on January 11 that the corridors will be established in coordination with the Russian Reconciliation Center. The three corridoes are set to be opened in two days.

According to the agency, the corridors will be established in the following areas:

  • Al-Hobait in the southern Idlib countryside;
  • Abu Duhur in the southeastern Idlib countryside;
  • Al-Hadher in the southwestern Aleppo countryside.
Syrian Army To Open Three Humanitarian Corridors For Civilians In Greater Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Sources familiar with the plan told Sputnik that logistic support teams are making preparations to transport civilians who are willing to leave Greater Idlib to government-held areas.

A new ceasefire on Greater Idlib is set to become active at today’s midnight. The ceasefire was brokered by Russia and Turkey.

Last year, the SAA opened similar humanitarian corridors around Greater Idlib during a ceasefire. However, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls most of the region, prevented anyone from leaving. This situation may reapeat once again.

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Country without population is not a country. It is good that Syria takes care about their population and tries to protect them and preserve them from unnecessary peril.


I hope all civilians inside Idlib could escape to the government held area and the Jihadists supporters and Jihadis themselves can stay there and serve as targets for the Ruaf and Syaaf.


Excellent idea. Although, it is likely that civil people of this area will prefer to go to Turkey because of the very strong influence of this country on this area.

Assad must stay

yes this is a pickle, how do they get the rats to let the civilians leave?


The rats can’t let the civilians leave because all their soldiers will leave too

Assad must stay



They don’t want to die. Same thing happened in Iraq when ISIS was cornered – all the ISIS soldiers became “refugees”. Same will happen with the jihadists

Assad must stay

Then they should just surrender to SAA


Why would they surrender?! People surrender only in impasse. They will not surrender as long as they have food, money & stuff they need and place to retreat to.


This indicates that the SAA intends to take the entire A5 Highway soon. That would be perfect/

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is excellent news, Assad gets to separate the wolves from the sheep at last, the lost sheep can all come home to stable safely, and the ferocious wolves can all go find a new home in Turkey, great news. Up until now humanitarian corridors and refugee camps have been handled by the Turkish Red Crescent and UN affiliates, which means they’re effectively run by Turkey and cater to Turkey’s concerns, but all these new corridors are in the south of Idlib, and designed to funnel pro Assad refugees to government held territory. So the people who want to flee south to safety will be able to now, that’s if the terrorist let them go that is, sometimes the terrorist actually turn those humanitarian corridors into shooting galleries to stop them leaving. But don’t get too excited, there won’t be hundreds of thousands heading south, most of the people here will still want to go to Turkey, and very few of the ones already heading there will turn back and use these new corridors, Turkey will still have a million people banging at their door once the SAA start up a new ground assault, and I’ll bet they will start one, even with the ceasefire in place. Open for 2 days, I hope that’s enough time for the real refugees to make it to safety.

Jens Holm


Look 4 is still alive, and we saved them…

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