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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army To Use Russian-made BMPT Terminator Combat Vehicles During Advance On Deir Ezzor – Reports

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Syrian Army To Use Russian-made BMPT Terminator Combat Vehicles During Advance On Deir Ezzor - Reports

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According to unconfirmed reports, the Syrian military has received a unknown number of Russian-made BMPT Terminator combat vehicles. The vehicles will be allegedly used during the upcoming advance on Deir Ezzor.

If confirmed, this will be the first usage of the Russian-made armoured vehicle in a combat environment.

A BMPT Terminator combat vehicle allegedly received by the Syrian military:

Syrian Army To Use Russian-made BMPT Terminator Combat Vehicles During Advance On Deir Ezzor - Reports

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Syrian Army To Use Russian-made BMPT Terminator Combat Vehicles During Advance On Deir Ezzor - Reports

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Nikita Nazarkov

Good, this conflict is a great opportunity to test hardware. Heck they might even send an armata at some point to test it against ATGMs


I think the Russians would have already sent a few Armatas to the combat zone but operated by Russians under ‘ideal’ battle conditions. It is, after all, Russia’s newest armoured platform that isn’t really out in significant numbers, and may still have teething problems. Image if HTS or ISIS captured one? You can bet the West will pay top Dollar / Euro for every part of it.


You want a tank/weapon to perform under most adverse conditions….not ideal. If an Armata was being tested, I am sure it would have proper escorts and defenses. Most/all antitank weapons would be inferior against its countermeasures and the Afaganit APS. Armata would be untouchable in Syria, the TOW would be like a mosquito nuisance.

Alex Black

Russia is only testing weapons system it will be selling in the near future.

George Fotiadis

Indeed, to risky for a new tank, you are right.

Leon De Elias

Well now probably the Russians have some 2-300 already..But certainly they have to try it in combat before they put it on the full serial production,to see what they need to modify ..


Russians should indeed test ‘Armata’ and other Russian new weapon systems there.


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Won’t be much of a “test” if the other side has no tanks.

Aen RaBeon

They used to say that the other side don’t have an air force but lo and behold! Who bombed the syrian army with airstrikes?


The fortified terrorist area near Golan seems esp. well-defended (I imagine this has something to do with IDF support). Here T14s may be esp. helpful with a view to their anti-tank defense measures, like KV1s were in WW2.


The Golan are needs a nuclear strike


What’s more appropriate then a fleet of Terminators to terminate this whole mess…


These Terminators can be more effective than current Syrian tanks except the T-90, its ATGMS can engage ISIS armour at distances greater than the tank gun. The dual 30MM guns can be deadly against ISIS light vehicles. It has similar protection to T-72B3.


If the servicemen are properly trained


I a man sure they will be Russian crews.

Solomon Krupacek

sure not

Manuel Flores Escobar

sure Russian private contratist…Terminators are good to stop incoming suicide car bombing day or night!

Solomon Krupacek

they are extremly vulnerable. in american hand could be a good equipment. they cover the units perfectly. but ty syrians … last weeks lost so much tanks and bmps. these russian upgades are totally useless against tows.

Charlie rad

Jihadi dreamer . Blah blah blah

Solomon Krupacek

yesterday were some good professianal comments, how big szit is this machine. few ammo, 5 people iside, no significant armor. 10 min fight and lame duck.


Why are you always trolling here.FFS get a real job

Charlie rad

he’s a Ukrainian NAZI . he & his master Poroshenko support & supply weapons to ISIS. John McCain & Biden Stooges.

Manuel Flores Escobar

He thought USA are coming again as a superpower just for attack with cruise missile a Syrian air base…but Solomon dont look at NK where USA fear to attack that country in spite of red lines, death of US captive student, ballistic missile test…etc….

Mattias Dahlström

Can it engage militants behind crests and wide berms? Does the 30mm have air burst capability?


I do not think so, I do not think the ammo is fused, however, it can get close to the berms and launch anti personal ordinance, the one pictured shows two grenade launchers.

John Marks

Syria will need to be quick. With the Americans moving their jihadis from al-Tanf and al-Zuqf up to al-Shaddadi,it’s obvious they’re going to try and make a quick dash for DeZ.


SAA in Deir Ezzor can chew FSA and SDF they way they chewing ISIS. They have a real meat grinder there.

Solomon Krupacek

yes, like chewed in an tanf.

russian troll!


Silly little troll go back to your lonely depressed basement and chew your own feces there, until you die (soon hopefully)

Manuel Flores Escobar

no more than 100 US backed terrorist are there and PMU and SAA can encircle then again like they did y Al Tanf and Al Zuqf!

Solomon Krupacek

no chance to encircle. the usaf will bomb.

Charlie rad

LOL . Dreamer. Ha Ha Ha. Trump is bluffing. Russians have reinstated a no Fly zone again. Go back to Goat wife. Baaahh

Leon De Elias

USAF .. the one,which the whole World consider as the ISIS Airforce..?Even here in Europe..?Well Deir Ez Zor is a No Go fucking Zone for them mate..

Tom Tom

not so much.

Manuel Flores Escobar

what are they doing in al tanf? everytime Terrorist want to move forward have been attacked by RUAF!…last time US backed terrorist launched grad missile towards al zaza crossroad and Russia destroyed that trucks as terrorist sources told!


Don’t worry, all of Syria will be liberated.

Solomon Krupacek

never :(


They are liberating more every day, now a little bit of Daesh and then the rest.

Charlie rad

isis Ukrainian Nazi troll. Go hide in Kiev or Libya , you goat rapist.

Solomon Krupacek


Leon De Elias

Seir Ez Zor is a NO GO zone for the terrorist Yanks and their re-re-re-labeled terrorists..If they got there they will considered as target..Al tanf was a different shit..

Tom Tom

Solomon, Israel will be over run. Only Christians will be saved in Moab (in Jordan). The rest of your secularists and kabalist satanists are going to die.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is so pathetic from one who just acted like a troll , no one was trying to do nothing wrong but the US . They will eventually face the music on that as they were preventing the SAA from getting at ISIS ,whom they have proven countless times they are in fact supporting .


Yes but Isis doesnt have US air support (most of the time) like the SDF does.


The real danger is the US Marine artillery units who back up the SDF, and who really drive the SDF advances forward. Their presence is grossly under reported in MSM and presence of these Marine howitzer units indicates a direct US military logistics chain already operating well inside northern Syria. In a worse case scenario, these Marine units could shell SAA forces entrenched in Dier Ezzore from the northern side of the Euphrates – that would be direct US military action – but again would be cloaked under the cover of the US driven SDF narrative.


Yes look where the Marine unit White Phossing Raqqa is located,. nice position way back covering Tabaqa and no doubt its 2nd set of coords involve Tiger forces.



Leon De Elias

Motherfucking Terrorist Yanks and their ”Moderate” re-re-re-labeled Cannibal terrorists is just pissing me up extremely..I never though one day I would consider the US as fucking terrorist organization,as I do in 2017..

Joe Doe

BMPT Terminator obtain by SAA is step in right direction, but SAA will need better Airplanes, attack and transport helicopters, Air Defence System, high tech military electronics. Each Unit of SAA and special forces should have VERBA MANPAD air defence


“Rome was not built in a day”. To operate weapons systems generations in advance of ones existing systems takes many months training and also education for many. Great advances in Syrian military prowess has been achieved but in a war such as this where manpower is limited it’s not so easy.

888mladen .

Doesn’t apply to MANPAD. PKK is using them in Trukey. That would definitely stop Zio relentless CAS to Saudi terrorists in Golan. There is absolute silence in RU main media on Zio crimes.

Manuel Flores Escobar

The problem is these system can fall under terrorist hand like one T-90 in Aleppo!…

888mladen .

That’s the main concern. Somebody from NDF could easily sell them to jihadists for a tangible bribe. That’s how things work in the Arab world.

Johnson Malarkey

There is no better export heavily armed and armored combat vehicle, for urban warfare, than the BMPT-72. It can engage targets at steep angles, as well as act in support of clunky tanks, that can easily be engaged from blind spots from any street or building… The vehicle we see on the picture above is a BMPT Terminator (initial production series), the BMPT-72 IMO would be more useful, as it would allow Syrian Army to convert some of their T-72’s to this particular and if I may say so very much needed role.


Super news and God speed!

Kim Jong

hopefully a TOW-killer!

Miguel Redondo

I have read the wiki about the BMPT-72


I like it a lot ! Its a real killer for urban warfare and the 9M120 Ataka-T ATGMs give him the necessary punch to deal with enemy MBT in case of an encounter. The low silhuette but with the 30mm guns on top gives him better hilldown position than the Toyotas with AA-guns. The grenade launchers come very handy to engage covered enemies . At the same time all the crew has state of the art armor protection . And don´t forget the night battle capability.


Yep could be a top bit of gear, a small sensor mast like the new Turkroach would allow it to scan for targets then pop up and hit them while being hull down out of reach of TOWs, dozer blade is also a good idea adds additional frontal protenction, allows you to dig in hull down and doze mine free paths.




Go, go, go, one direction only !!!!


The Syrian war is more psychological than military. US propaganda, blames, accusations and then justification for their attacks. The US war and the Israeli war looks similar, I think from both sides Zionist criminals destabilizing the world’s regions.


Well, looks cool, probably works, but the future lies in ManPads, light weight, small rockets, based upon an range of possibility, from shear impact speed (solid objects) to time controlled detonations or spreading Multi P, loads against fast flying objects, from air plains to drones.

You dont need to make it big, the smaller te better, just make sure it works.

And, give the ordinary troops, better googles, to follow air flow tradjectorical changes done by thermal visions, and so on to infrared, there are animals whom have better vision than what we can make, and make it simple, and I mean simple, when glasses can help color blind, then glasses should be able to enhance the vision without complicated electronics, all wars are eventually won on the ground, never forget that.

Otherwise, the SAA and the rest is getting better and better, the latest Russian equipment(weapons) and recon systems, regarding rapid pace thru the land, by taking out higher altitude posts, witch I saw on one video, was something that must be done on an larger scale by that given the possibility for the SAA to conduct this them selfs, and thereby not having to waist time on difficult out posts, by simply run past them to more high priority targets.

To me, any tank is an big target, you cant shrink em more, without loosing the firepower capacity, but have to due to close quarters, must have better environmental control, either by foot, or by drone, where all systems can be sherd with an command center, regarding strategy and overall battlefield info. in real time Any Tank sent our without ops added is an stupid move, tanks are to valuable to waist in dangerous moves. The future is, small is better, big is just big.



Good points! I have a theory: You know how ISUS redeploys fast after driving away in their pick-ups at top speed. It’s very hard to hit them in full flight with a MBT cannon. Imagine how good it would be to knock out those fleeing Toyotas before they disappear. I think this Terminator beast could do that, and even fire on them as it is chasing. A real terminator. Would reduce the numbers real quick!


I’m not sure if it makes a lot of sense to supply such sophisticated weapon systems to the SAA. It needs a long training to be used effectively. If those tanks are in Syria, then they will have Russian crews. Syria is also a training ground for crews and new weapon systems.


Perhaps, but Russia might have trained Syrian operators in Russia. But war is the only way to test a weapon.

Miguel Redondo


You are right , the BMPT-72 will be used in the field first by russian crews , meanwhile syrian crews are trained for it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This BMPT-72 is ideal for urban combat and desert combat , the SAA is becoming a more modern army in the middle east , they need to get some better air support and air defenses . The nice thing about this tank is it can also target aircraft at 6 km away . They are making some wise decisions in appointing more top ranked Generals , they need restructuring in the army to make it a capable military force .


The Syrian army and Hezbollah are now battle hardened. The Syrian and the Lebanese are probably the best armies in the region, that must worry Israel and Saudi Arabia.


It will be TOW’ed anyways why waste money…


We will see how it holds up then.


Mmm the one picture is the expensive first version based on the T-90 hull and has the 2x 30mm grenade launchers and 5 crew deemed to expensive by the Kremlin. Wonder if they have the newer version T-72 based and grenade launchers deleted bringing crew down to 3 there as well for comparison. if its going to be dualing with TOWs I wonder if it could have Arena applied like the T-72B3s that are hopefully with it?


It would be good with a sensor mast like the new Turkroach has and a dozer blade to dig itself in and pre-detonate shaped charges adding additional protection to the front hull.


Will they finally be able to clear that bastard Hama pocket and even up the front?


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