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Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered several weapons caches during recent search operations in the country’s southern region, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on May 19.

The seized weapons included loads of ammunition and light arms, as well as:

  • 29 Bulgarian-made 9K111 Fagot/AT-4 Spigot anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs);
  • 6 U.S.-made TOW ATGMs;
  • A Bulgarian-made Konkurs ATGM;
  • Several Soviet-made RPG-22 and RPG-27 anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades;
  • Several rounds for the Czechoslovakian-made RPG-75 anti-tank weapon;
Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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The SAA also uncovered dozens of landmines near the town of Saida al-Hanout in the al-Quneitra countryside. Most of the seized landmines were U.S.-made M15s.

Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Dozens Of Guided Missiles, Landmines In Southern Syria (Video, Photos)

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Most of these weapons were supplied by the U.S. and its allies as a part of a secret operation to equip rebel groups in Syria. The operation, codenamed “Timber Sycamore” was authorized by former U.S. President Barack Obama in 2013. President Donald Trump halted the operation when he came to power.


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Zionism = EVIL

What a bunch of moron Americunts, wasting money on coward headchoppers while the average dumbass Americunt is dying in the streets from the Pimpeovirus and the fat lardass moron Trump and his boyfriend Kushner are popping malaria pills to ward off the virus. Absolute dumb cunts! BTW, most the Bulgarian supplied ATGM are appropriately named Fagots!


amerikan politicans will kill their voters while supporting the likes of zionist crime family.. Shows the level of intelligence of the amerikan voters who elect these criminals to power. They deserve what ever is coming to them and more.


That may be what voters earned, but not deserved. No one deserves this. In fact, don’t we all deserve better…?


the goys retarded.. they deserve to get licked errr kicked goud cause they will still ask for more.. let em die.. its better for all of us..

Presidential candidate Joe Biden would oppose cutting off US aid to Israel under any circumstances, a foreign policy advisor has said. Anthony Blinken, an advisor to the former vice president, reiterated on Mon


All right, but “forgive them, Lord, they know not what they do.” The ignorance, insanity, and apathy are not natural or organic; they are from externally imposed systems. You’re blaming abuse victims bullied and brainwashed into defending their abusers.

johnny rotten

Courtesy of the Zionist rogue (fake) state.


I don’t see anything fake here, we are very much real. Soon we will annex another historic part of Israel, and you can’t do shit about it. Glory to Israel!

Jimmy Jim



Try it.i bet you are from Europe or the US,they seem to be the most fanatical fascists.


I am an Israeli and I live in Central Israel. We will take back what is ours, wait to July.


I know you are an israeli,but where did you come from?many of those insane settlers are from Europe and the US,they think they are entitled to two Countries.


I am an Iraqi descent, all my history is in the ME. The Palis can live next to us, but they are too stubborn to compromise.


Its hard to compromise when you have your boot on their heads and talking about taking more Arab land,what i could never understand is how many jewish people could inflict so much pain an another people having gone through the suffering of the Nazis.


That’s the spirit boy, always confident words from a proud son of a women and child killer rogue state. Just watch carefully the the world stage where the main show is now the slow dying of your slave empire and you will see that their years – and thus yours – are counted. After their total collapse, you will lose everything that you robbed from the other nations of the world – and then again you will be who you have always been: the always-whining, infinitely perverted, traditionally pedophile, camel-smelling kibbutz inhabitants who have done honest work only once in history, in the construction of the pyramids. And no, it doesn’t even change that you come here every week to masturbate on the news that you fired 2 more missiles from Lebanese airspace at Iranian targets in Syria.


When I see comments like yours, I know we are doing great. Wait to July, soon the Israeli flag will wave up high in the Israeli Valley (once upon a time it was called the Jordan Valley, not anymore). We will build new settlements there too, we should have annexed it long time ago.


Of course you are doing great, maybe the smell of the flesh of burnt children indicates this to you. You are so simple, just like other bloodshed worshiper jew from this planet acting like a propaganda/achievement spammer bot. As I said before: from the beginning of the 21st century, your time is slowly running out for your great things so keep it up, just continue posting your great daily list of fired missiles, bombed targets, builded settlements and stick your Israeli flags wherever you want – take your time as long as you can.


Its called the Jordan Valley and the Jordan River – that ‘aint gonna change anytime soon – unless you paln on rewriting the Old Testament.


The fact is these weapons are coming over the border and not in the back of a car,they are coming in by truck convoys and have been since the war startedfor crying out loud bomb the bastards.


In Southern Syria’s case, the border is with “Israel” and its “ally” Jordan. The “chosen people” are not a fight that should be rushed into – just ask Germany…


The chosen people didn’t beat Hitler,men like my Dad did,he served with the British Guards Armoured div from Normandy to Germany,so they should be bombing the Jordanian border when those terror convoys cross.


Never heard of the Balfour Declaration? The “chosen people” make up a significant portion of British plutocrats, so technically, they used “men like [your] Dad.” And they will keep using men like us if we do not pay more attention.


millions of men like my dad had no choice,Hitler had to be stopped.


Oh, really? When British plutocrats told you “Saddam had weapons of mass destruction,” “Assad gassed people for no reason,” or “Putin illegally annexed Crimea,” did you believe that, too?

Crom, check out USMC Major General Smedley Butler and his book, “War is a Racket.” General Butler warned us the military was used as “a high-class muscle man for Big Business” back in 1935, kept warning us when World War 2 started, and did not stop warning us until his death in 1940.

The good general was dead just 4 months before the McCollum Memo was released; it had detailed explanations on how to provoke Japan into attacking the US through aggressive military maneuvers and crippling sanctions, the exact same strategy that British elites, Wall Street oligarchs, etc. are using against Russia, China, Iran, etc. today.

Do you honestly think your dad was not lied into war for the “international clique” the same way soldiers are now? What was special or different back then…?


Of course, nobody is surprised about this, and the must be much more.

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