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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered on August 23 a large underground headquarters and a network of tunnels in the vicinity of the newly-captured town of Khan Shaykhun.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) released a video of the headquarters and the tunnels, which were reportedly used by militants of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and Jaysh al-Izza.

The SANA’s reporter in Hama said that the militants used the underground fortifications to take shelter from warplanes and to run their operations in the region.

“The tunnels include a series of operations room, which were used by the terrorist groups’ commanders to plan their criminal acts,” the reporter said.

Most of these fortified positions were built by the militants during the last Sochi ceasefire agreement, which took place between September of 2018 and April of this year.


Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Uncovers Large Underground Headquarters Near Khan Shaykhun (Video, Photos)

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Tomorrow’s tourism site.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m afraid the whole of Idlib is probably exactly the same, a huge lump of swiss cheese filled with maggots.


That’s the proof that the Jihadis live like thousand years ago.

Human kind is doomed

Plenty of opportunity for RuAF to test bunker busters!


Nice home the Jihadi cavemen had.


Their washing and kitchen arrangements were rather squalid though :)

Dirty bastards.


They can’t even be called rats.


How about calling the Kurds , Khazars?


Sounds good


And turks mongols and arabs childmolestirs?


What about the Jew Epstein and his international child molesting cult?


Get rid of all of them, with extreme prejudice whomsoever they are, especially those at the top of society.


So, this is where the jewhadist-rats were hiding…


Why not put all the captured jihadis in there, blow it up & make it their tombs.


Or chop off the jihadis hands and one foot and incarcerate them in there as a tourist attraction. :)

AM Hants

Syrian Madame Tussauds, without the wax – can see that working, haha.


Did you see the chatter ‘ London Bridge is Down’. A pal of mine informed me on Saturday night.

Its the pre-set code phrase for the death of the current UK monarch.

Fake news or not, we will know next week as such events are not publicised to the masses until world leaders and elites are informed.

AM Hants

Knew Balmoral was not a barrel of laughs, or has Trump purchased the wrong bridge, whilst chatting to Boris, over in France?

You can see why they would need a State Funeral, owing to needing to get Epstein and his tales, out of the media. Together, with so many ‘Operation Gladio’ failures.

Must admit, I did not hear, but, seriously curious, now.


Just remembered the ‘nursery rhyme’ and went to check out the true meaning, behind it. No doubt, I will spend the day singing it to myself, and not by choice haha.

This one is interesting, when you put it in context with Epstein:


For those that do not what immurement is, it is a centuries-old practice of entombing somebody within a structure. This concept stems from the ancient belief that a human blood sacrifice would somehow assure the stability of a given structure. Many buildings across Europe have revealed skeletons within their foundations. A number of these structures were castles and churches, but one bridge in Bremen, Germany, contained an immurement sacrifice. Unfortunate minors were often the victims of these ritual sacrifices.

London Bridge – Children’s game

Two of the children forming an arch with both arms. The remainder of the participants take turns to pass beneath this passage for the duration of the rhyme itself. When the final verse is completed, all four arms then drop and any child caught inside is deemed to have been eliminated from the game. Perhaps the innocent activity of trapping the child in the bridge could be comparable to the practice of immurement.

london bridge is falling down The Old London Bridge in 1710.

For the record, there are no reports of child sacrifices contained within the foundations of London Bridge. Not officially anyway…


Who was the fair lady (bearing in mind the Treaty of 1213, when we handed over Great Britain and her colonies to The Vatican)

…Another regal consort, this time Eleanor of Provence, had sole custody of bridge revenues circa 1269-1281. Another candidate could come from the Leigh Family of Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire. According to their family history, there is a report of a human sacrifice that lies beneath their estate. One interesting choice is not a woman at all, but the tributary of the Thames – the River Lea in particular…


The Great Fires of London Within the span of just 33 years, London Bridge suffered from a pair of fires. The first, in 1633, severely damaged the structure and weakened it to some degree. The Great Fire of London was different. London Bridge acted more like a fire break and stopped the fire from rampaging into the south of London. Originally designed with 19 arches, the Thames was not able to flow properly and the decision was made to widen the central arches and create a more navigational span. As late as 1763, repairs were still ongoing and Parliament thought it better to simply order a brand new bridge to replace the existing one. The new bridge officially opened in 1831 and remained intact for 140 years. It was subsequently transported brick by brick to its new and current home in Lake Havasu City in Arizona…


Sorry, for going random, but, seriously intrigued as to what the media will be reporting on, in the coming weeks.


Thank you for fleshing out some fascinating history.

Funnily enough a teacher at my Prep School in the mid 60’s was one of the ‘sitting’ Leigh family at the time. He was in his 30’s I think then, and I was in my mid teens. He came to watch me once at a gymkhana with my parents. I forget what subject he taught now.

As for Andy saying he had no idea what Epstein was up to when he visited his homes. I find that disingenuous at best. The decoration of a home is indicative of the owners tastes, and Epstein’s tastes were ‘off the wall’ wierd.

AM Hants

Must admit, I did enjoying reading the stories behind the nursery rhyme. Sadly, owing to looking after my 2 year old grandson, I appear to have various nursery rhymes lodging in my head, 24/7. Would not be too bad if I could actually sing, but, he is good and does not complain at his gran’s attempts.

With regards Andy, he is not the brightest bulb in the box. I remember, being told a story about him, when he was in the Navy, by somebody who served both with him and his brother. Charles got a lot of respect from the Matlows, for just getting on with the job. Andy, they had no respect for him, whatsoever. Ships that he served, would arrive in some foreign port, with a mass of media, trying to cover ‘Randy Andy’ as he was fondly known at the time. He would insist on wearing something that would stand out, and make himself noticable to the waiting media. Say something like a ‘Hawaiian Shirt’, when turning up in the North Pole (slight exageration perhaps). His peers, would try and get him to look part of the scenery, so they could easily get him off the ship, without anybody noticing. There was a story of his arrogance and ignorance in one of the wardrooms, but, I have forgotten the tale.

Dread to think if Epstein had any artwork, featuring ‘Andy’ in some ‘Clinton’ pose? You could just see him going through his grandmother’s wardrobe and finding something suitable to wear.


How about the Crown?

AM Hants

Saw a picture of Lizzie and Kate today, on their way to church. Together with William and the rest of the Royals. Well, those not causing problems, like Andrew, together with Whinge and Cringe. She looked quite healthy for a cadaver. There again, how is Prince Philip?

As you tickled my interest in the meaning behind nursery rhymes, going to provide a few more. Funny, how they do relate to the Crown.

Just for fun, well I am finding it amusing. I know ‘the original fairy tales, are seriously black stories, and were told as words of caution, centuries ago.

The Twisted Truth Behind 10 Creepy Nursery Rhymes Their sweet melodies mask grisly tales of murder, sex, and death… (love the headline)

3 Blind Mice

In 17th-century Britain, Protestants and Catholics didn’t exactly get along. The three blind mice were three Protestant loyalists who were accused of plotting against the Catholic Queen Mary, called “Bloody Mary” because of the massacres of Protestants carried out in her name. Queen Mary is the farmer’s wife. But she didn’t cut off the tails of the three Protestant plotters. She burned them at the stake. Did you ever see such a thing in your life?


Rock A- Bye Baby

Many mothers probably wonder why they are singing their child to sleep with a song about a baby who dies in a tragic accident. There are competing theories about the origins of this ditty. One holds it’s a sly reference to the child of King James II and his Queen, who was rumored to have been born to someone else and smuggled into the birthing room to ensure a Catholic heir. The “wind” would be Protestantism, which eventually blew them all away.


Ring a Ring of Roses

When children on the playground fall down laughing at the end of this rhyme, they are reenacting the Great Plague of 1665, in which a quarter of London’s population—100,000 people—fell down dead. The rosie may refer to the rash caused by bubonic plague. The pocket full of posies, the sachets people carried with them to mask the ever-present smell of death.


Mary Mary, Quite Contrary

Bloody Mary was murderous enough that she may have been immortalized in several nursery rhymes. Although there are competing theories about this rhyme, one holds that it is about Queen Mary’s favorite pastime: killing Protestants. The “silver bells and cockleshells” refer to instruments of torture. The “pretty maids” would be that efficient new instrument for cutting off heads—the guillotine.


Jack and Jill

Some scholars think this is just an innocent bit of nonsense, but at least one historian believes Jack and Jill were a couple of 17th-century teens who went up the hill to have sex. If so, it didn’t end well. In this interpretation, Jack runs away and abandons Jill, who is left pregnant.


Georgie Porgie

According to one interpretation, Georgie didn’t kiss only the girls. This theory holds the rhyme refers to the notorious 17th-century Duke of Buckingham, George Villiers, a bisexual pretty-boy and a social climber. He used his good looks to sleep his way to the top, seducing both male and female courtiers and even the King.


Humpty Dumpty

This little children’s rhyme is either about death or drunkenness. Both theories have their supporters. “Humpty dumpty” was a popular 17th-century drink made of brandy and ale, which might make you fall off a wall. It may also refer a massive armored weapon hauled to the top of a wall and used to rain down death on attacking troops during the English Civil War.


Pop Goes The Weasel

“Pop” once meant to pawn, and a weasel was a coat. So this rhyme is probably about a poor man forced to trade the coat off his back for cash, so he can keep a roof over his head. The monkey is the rent collector. But by pawning the coat rather than selling it, the poor man hopes to get it back by Sunday, so he’ll have something to wear to church.


Baa Baa Black Sheep

This rhyme was revised in modern times to make it a little less gloomy. It is about the government taking from the poor and giving to the rich. The original version ends, “And none for the little boy who cries down the lane.” Wool was a major source of wealth in medieval England. In the 13th century, the Crown decided to tax it to pay for the Crusades. So one bag goes to the master (the King), another bag goes to the church (the dame), and nothing is left for the young shepherd, who took care of the flock.


(no wonder they wanted to ban Baa Baa Black Sheep and nought to do with race haha).


We certainly have a rich history of fleecing the majority. Today, times have changed and the state is more adept at plucking the Golden Goose ( the ethnic European British People ) without it hissing too much.

It addition to the old nursery rhymes with dark undertones , we have the children’s TV shows. I was stunned when I was of an age to understand the adult meaning of Captain Pugwash, et al. :)

AM Hants

Never watched Captain Pugwatch, too into ‘Spotty Dog’ and ‘Loopy Loo’. Remember you saying about Captain Pugwash before. Although, I think it was to masculine for me, and something my brothers would like,. Which meant I would have been put off it for life, before you could even say Captain. Guess I missed out on Master Bates, Seaman Staines, and Roger the Cabin Boy. Sure they popped up at a later date, haha and out of order.

Think I actually prefer the harsh innocence behind the nursery rhymes. Used to get called ‘Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary’ often as a child. Horrified, at the Max Mosely version haha. Jack and Jill, thought quite tame and surely there must have been more to it? Humpty Dumpty, well never liked brandy, and definately not a ‘pint of stout’ person, so managed to stay on the walls.


I always thinkof you as a ‘contrarian’ :), its rather refreshing in these days of ‘ conformity of opinions or else’.

Ralph London

AM, well then, maybe you liked Pinky & Perky, or the Flower Pot men with Miss Weed?

AM Hants

At the time, not really into Pinky and Perky, or the ‘Bill and Ben’. Then my eldest son, when he was a toddler got a set of ‘Pinky and Perky’ videos, which cracked me up. So now have a soft spot for them. I liked ‘Busy Lizzie and Little Mo’. Not forgetting ‘Bewitched’ and wishing I could use my nose in the same way as Samantha.

Pink & Perky sing The Beatles!… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VFiX-w1LBc&list=PLSQDoEQ_YuRBNxPWO7SBY93wFN2-rB5YF&index=2

AM Hants

Hi, with regards ‘London Bridge is Down’, and nought to do with Lizzie, but, have you heard Baron Timothy Bell, went to meet Lucifer on the 25 August 2019? Bell died from complications of vascular parkinsonism at his home in London on 25 August 2019. (Wiki)

David Rockerfeller, who leaves behind his mirror image, George Soros. Jacob Rothschild (if true, and he was on board his helicopter, back on the 17 November 2017 (17-11-17) John McCain Bush Senior No doubt, many others, but, too lazy to remember.

Ralph London

One of the yank koch billionaire bros died on 23/8…

AM Hants

Together with Timothy Bell dying on the 25th Wonder who will be next?


Britain has always been the home of low social order spivs and high social order charlatans who flock around those in power to increase their ability to procure ‘Fees and Kickbacks’. I would think that all nations suffer from this.

However when a nuclear nation is caught up in a venal web of lies and intrigue the risks to the population as a whole who are but pawns in a propaganda war are exponential, in my opinion.

The fact that many of these warmongers are now dying is good news or course. In whatever the circumstances of their demise.


With a fair wind the shit storm in the US will now cover Obama in shit as well.

AM Hants

Sebastian Gorka, reminds me of the old Hammer Horror Films, owing to how he uses his voice. Seriously creepy, but, addictive to listen to.

‘John Brennan and James Clapper – intelligence pornography’ – too much information haha, but,nice line.

Enjoying the video, but, have to go out. So need to listen to it again, in slow time. It is seriously horrific, together with the help of the UK, what they got upto, with nobody complaining, least of all the media.


I guess it is similar to the times when heretics were immolated and witches were tested on the ducking stool ( for those from different nations here, an alleged English witch was strapped to a chair and plunged into a pond. If the witch drowned she was INNOCENT.)

The fact that today the Libtarded Elite are so fearful, indicates that they realise the games they play with our minds are not so potent anymore.

The next step will be the state sanctioned ‘ jewdicial ‘ clampdown on all independent opinions. Actually this process of state ‘lawfare by defence costs’ was already started against the flag waving indigenous loyalists of Britain about 20 years ago.

AM Hants

Nice that the ‘Libtarded Elite’ are starting to wake up, horrified that there century old tricks are no longer working. It sort of goes round in circles, when they go too far, and then get pulled right down low. Sadly, not for eternity, though.


At least we of a certain age will have the possibility of seeing and even assisting the fall of the current Libtarded Elite :)

AM Hants

I seriously feel sorry for the younger generations, owing to how much they have lost, without even realising it.


That’s what happens when reality in todays world is a sunder existence for the Smart Phone generation :)


For sure, large among of weapons must be hidden somewhere around or in the city, SAA will find them.


What is so fucking sad is, that all those caves and fortifactions are dug by Jihadi prisinors and slaves. We wont ever know how many died digging those useless caves. Reminds one of the Nazi project Dora-Mittelbau, only that know no one gives a shit. Fucking sad.

AM Hants

Same crowd, running the programme. Guess we have learnt nought, in the last 70 odd years.

You can call me Al

“Most of these fortified positions were built by the militants”….. oh I doubt that, you give them far too much credit.


It’s like the movie Hills Have Eyes where subhuman mutant cannibals infest caves.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

now its all SAA property :)))))))))))))))))

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