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Syrian Army, US-backed Forces Massing Troops In Euphrates Valley – Reports

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Syrian Army, US-backed Forces Massing Troops In Euphrates Valley – Reports

FILE IMAGE: Members of the Syrian Arab Army 5th Assault Corps’ ISIS Hunters

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) are its allies had deployed new units to the Euphrates Valley in Deir Ezzor governorate, the Syrian pro-government blog al-Masdar News reported on February 14. The blog added that the SAA had stepped up its patrols on the western bank of the Euphrates River and begun building new fortifications there.

Some pro-government sources speculate the SAA and its allies may be planning to launch an attack against positions the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Moreover, several Syrian opposition sources said that the SAA and its allies are indeed willing to launch an attack to recapture the CONICO gas facility and even the al-Omar oil fields.

From its side, the SDF and the US-led coalition had also deployed large reinforcements to their positions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, according to Kurdish sources.

In cause of the escalation, the US-led coalition will carry out another series of heavy airstrikes similar to the ones conducted on February 7. However, some Syrian pro-government sources believe that the SAA may use air defense systems against US-led coalition warplanes in any future military confrontation.

Syria’s Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad warned on February 14 that Syria will down any warplane that launches an airstrike on the SAA, in a clear hint to the US-led coalition.

Although of all of this tension, observers believe that the SAA and its allies will not risk to launch an attack against the US-led coalition now, as they are preparing for a more important battle around the Syrian capital, Damascus.

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The illusion of the eradication of Daesh

by Thierry Meyssan

The fall of the Caliphate and the scattering of the jihadists of Daesh open a new phase for recycling these troops. Perceived, according to each case, either as fanatical combatants or common psychopaths hiding behind an ideology, they are being courted by the States and multinationals who once employed them indirectly. Thierry Meyssan illustrates the setting for their second chance and issues a warning in face of the complacency shown by the Western powers concerning Daesh’s ideology – which in fact is the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.

While all the world’s leaders are wondering about rebuilding Iraq and Syria after the fall of Daesh, there remain many other questions which are far more complex, even though they are not usually raised in public.

At the end of all ideological wars, like the religious wars of the 16th century in Europe or the Second World War in the 20th century, the question is raised about the future of the defeated soldiers. Many of them have committed atrocious crimes, and it does not seem possible to re-integrate them into the society of the victors.

Since the successive falls of Mosul, Rakka, Deir ez-Zor and Boukamal, the Caliphate no longer has its own territory. The end of the Islamic State followed the abandon by the United States of the « Sunnistan » project intended to cut the Silk Road in Iraq and Syria (according to the Robin Wright plan [1]. This was censored by the intervention of President Trump in May 2017). Finally, the jihadists were defeated by the Iraqi and Syrian armies.

For three years, the global anti-Daesh Coalition alternated ineffective bombing raids with the delivery of weapons to the jihadists, as the Iraqi Parliament revealed at length. It only played a decisive role during the battle for Mosul, when it attempted to exterminate the surviving jihadists by completely destroying the city.

In 2015, the Caliphate numbered 240,000 combatants:

– 40,000 jihadists, members of Daesh as such.

– 80,000 members of the Order of Naqshbandis, ex-soldiers of the Iraqi army fired by Paul Bremer.

– 120,000 men from the Sunni tribes of Western Iraq, descendants of the Yemenite combatants.

There is no way of evaluating how many of these were killed in combat, or how many new jihadists were brought in during the war. Whatever the various declarations, we do not know how many they are today, and we can only refer to older numbers for an approximate estimation.

If the 200,000 Iraqis who joined Daesh are now integrated in the Iraqi Sunni population, what can be done about the 40,000 hardened criminals who are the foreign jihadists?

Fighting the Caliphate

For comparison, at the end of the Second World War, while the Wermacht (that is to say the German army) was demobilised without any trouble, what could be done with the SS (the troops of the Nazi movement which was recognised as a criminal organisation by the Nuremberg trials)? They numbered close to 900 000, and there was obviously no question of killing them, or even holding them for trial. Many of them went home to be forgotten. The officers were recuperated en masse by the United States to fight the USSR, either by sabotaging the Soviet economy, or by setting up anti-communist régimes all over the « free world » (sic). Some of them refused the peace and continued the war for two more years – these were the « lone wolves », an expression that is being currently re-used.

The recycling of the SS was organised by the CIA’s first director, Allen Dulles, and his brother, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. No-one was aware of this until the US Congress discovered the size and the consequences of this operation. The Church and Nedzi-Pike Commissions, as well as the United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States, unequivocably established the facts as from 1975. President Jimmy Carter decided to end the programme, while Admiral Stansfield Turner purged the CIA.

International public opinion has retained that for almost thirty years, the United States was a crypto-dictatorship under which hundreds of thousands of citizens were forbidden professional activity, and millions of others were spied on. However, it has completely forgotten that countries as different as Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, South Korea, Guatemala, Iran, the Philippines and Taïwan were governed by cruel dictatorships which relied upon the SS recycled by the CIA [2]. Programmes of mental manipulation, experiments with drugs and torture schools are sometimes mentioned separately, although they make up a coherent ensemble prolonging « Nazi science » (sic).

We therefore need to think about a solution for the jihadist problem in order to avoid reproducing this type of error, and imposing upon our children the consequences of the crimes of Daesh.

Certainly, the current situation is different from that of the Second World War. On one hand, it is easier since the jihadists are far less numerous than were the SS. On the other, it is more complex, because Adolf Hitler was beaten, while the commanders of the jihadists were not.

– 1. We can forget about those who fled alone. They are a problem for the police, little more.

– 2. Others, in groups, are attempting to appropriate new territories of which they will be the bosses, either close to the ex-Caliphate or in their own countries. But they no longer seem to be participating in a global strategy.

About 200 of them have withdrawn to the province of Idleb, controlled by Al-Qaïda. There they are fighting various insurgent groups.

Some of them moved to Africa. They are present in the Sinaï, where they are fighting against the Egypto-Israëli military alliance [3]; in Libya, where they are holding Tripolitania; and in Nigeria, where they confront the Chado-Nigerian alliance.

– 3. Most of Daesh’s jihadists have split into two groups. The United States (via the Kurdish anarchists) and Turkey treat them as professional combatants and offer them a future as mercenaries.

a) The first group was recuperated by Brett McGurk and General Joseph Votel to form half of a Frontier Protection Force stationed in Syria. But since this project was censored by General Jim Mattis, the Force has not been constituted. These men are camped in Kasham, at the exit from the US military base [4].

Last week, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), in other words the Syrian Kurdish anarchist party, offered them an amnesty and began to incorporate them into its militia, the People’s Protection Units (YPG). They were denounced before the Security Council by Russian ambassador Vassily Nebenzia. Since the YPG is officially armed and supervised by the US military, these jihadists are now de facto under the command of the Pentagon, even though they are registered as a Frontier Protection Force.

b) The second group was recycled by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan under the flag of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Presented in 2011 by the Atlantist Press as having been created by deserters from the Syrian Arab Army, the FSA was in fact constituted by Libyan combatants from Al-Qaïda under the supervision of the French military [5]. Dispersed twice, it was again reconstituted, and is fighting alongside the Turkish army in Afrin.

The split within the ranks of the jihadists between pro-US and pro-Turks reflects the disintegration of the Turko-US alliance.

• Brett McGurk was part of the team of John Negroponte and Donald Rumsfeld, who imagined and organised the Islamic Emirate in Iraq (future Daesh) in order to transform the unanimity of the anti-US Resistance into a Sunni-Chiite civil war.

• At the beginning of his political career, when he was one of the leaders of the Millî Görüş, an Iraqi-German-Turkish Islamist organisation created by Ezzat Ibrahim al-Duri (Grand Master of the Iraqi Order of the Naqshbandis) and Necmettin Erbakan (Turkey), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan supervised the supply of arms to the Chechen jihadists fighting Russia. Very much later, when he was Prime Minister, he helped the jihadists in their struggle against the Syrian Arab Republic, and gave his unreserved support to Daesh [6].

In any case, the distribution of the jihadists seems to be a function of opportunity and ethnic origins. For example, Abdullah Sufuni, the ex-Emir of Aleppo, took the side of the US in revenge for the losses incurred during the Turkish invasion of Iraq. The Caucasian jihadists, on the other hand, took sides with Turkey because they have entertained close relations with Ankara for thirty years.

– 4. Although the Pentagon has abandoned the idea of creating a State to cut the communications route linking the Mediterranean to Iran and China, it has not abandoned Admiral Arthur Cebrowski’s strategy aimed at the destruction of the societies and States of the « non-globalised world » [7]. Some of Daesh’s combatants have thus been recuperated in order to pursue this plan, acting as auxiliary Special Forces.

In this context, the jihadists have been moved by the US armies to the Indian sub-continent, to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, to Bangladesh and Myanmar (but not Sri Lanka), as was revealed by Zamir Kabulov, Vladimir Putin’s special envoy to Afghanistan.

The Iranian chief of staff, General Mohammad Baqeri, confirmed that the US Air Force had transferred some of the members of Daesh from Iraq and Syria to Afghanistan. Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rohani, made telephone contact with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to confirm this information. Then, speaking to the Press, he revealed that he had proposed the aid of Iran to Afghanistan in their fight against the pro-US jihadists of Daesh.

According to Pakistani Senator Rehman Malik, India may be organising a collaboration between the jihadists and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the militia of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu party. The goal is to penetrate the Muslim insurgents from Cashmere in order to exterminate them. The RSS, responsible for the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, has a long tradition of extreme violence. Rehman Malik is not a simple Senator, he was nominated as head of counter-espionage by Benazir Bhutto, and then became Pakistan’s Minister for the Interior. He has recently launched a procedure for the UNO to bring this affair before the International Criminal Court, and for Narendra Modi to be brought to trial.

The UNO High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, declared last week that the crisis concerning the Rohingyas in Myanmar [8] could lead to a regional conflict. If this were to be the case, the conflict would begin first of all in Bangladesh and Malaysia, where many refugees live.

A few hundred other jihadists returned to Latin America. Mainly from Trinidad and Tobago, they attempted to organise a huge terrorist attack during the carnival of 13 and 14 February, but were arrested five days earlier. The mission of this commando was to revive the Islamist tradition of the Caribean island, on the model of the failed coup d’Etat of July 1990. Then they planned to profit from the disorder created by the Venezuelian extreme-right wing in order to plunge the country into a war comparable to the conflict in Syria.

Fighting the ideology of the Caliphate

If, at the end of the Second World War, the Western powers failed with the reinsertion of the ex-SS, they succeeded in eradicating their ideology almost everywhere – Nazism. This ideology was only kept alive by the SS recycled into the stay-behind networks tasked with sabotaging the Soviet economy, in the Baltic countries and in Ukraine, where it is resurfacing today.

At their creation, the United Nations were above all an international coordination for denazification and the fight against war propaganda. All the member States forbade Nazi symbols and publications. The Nazi party, the NSDAP, was dissolved and war propaganda was censored. Yet no-one, with the exception of the Russian Federation and its allies, seem to be ready to combat the ideology of political Islam nor its party – the Muslim Brotherhood.

As an example, France has at its disposal an institution tasked with representing the Muslims in the country. It has managed to elect two representatives of the Brotherhood and has taken the institution’s presidency from an Algerian administrator and handed it to a member of the Turkish Millî Görüş. Simultaneously, it organised a world Press campaign against Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, currently under investigation in a criminal affair. The idea is to personalise the debate, in order to eliminate this troublesome symbol, but without confronting the Brotherhood’s ideology.

The Society of the Muslim Brothers had already been dissolved at the end of the Second World War, as a result of the political assassinations it had perpetrated in Egypt, and the intelligence it had supplied to Nazi Germany. But nothing was done about their ideology. Worse, the British MI6 took advantage of the incarceration of its principal leaders to reorganise the Brotherhood in its own image. The situation has not changed. After the disastrous episode of Mohammed Morsi, Egypt once again banned the Brotherhood, but President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, intent on pacifying his country, allowed his wife to wear the hijab (the veil has no connection with Islam, and only appeared with the Caliphs of Baghdad).

The Iraqis and the Syrians have just overthrown the Daesh Caliphate, but the battle is long way from being over. Some of the jihadists continue their mission, while their ideology remains unchanged. Once again, it is very difficult for the Western powers to let go of an instrument which is so useful for their strategy.

Thierry Meyssan


Said Hilal Alcharifi

[1] “Imagining a Remapped Middle East”, Robin Wright, The New York Times Sunday Review, September 8, 2013.

[2] Inside the League, Scott & Jon Lee Anderson, Dodd Mead & Company, 1986. « La Ligue anti-communiste mondiale, une internationale du crime », par Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 12 mai 2004.

[3] “Secret Alliance : Israel Carries Out Airstrikes in Egypt, With Cairo’s O.K.”, David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times, February 3, 2018.

[4] “US secrets, lies and confusion in the North of Syria”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Al-Watan (Syria) , Voltaire Network, 23 January 2018.

[5] “Libyan Islamists go to Syria to “help” the revolution”, by Daniel Iriarte, ABC (Spain) , Voltaire Network, 22 December 2011. “Free Syrian Army commanded by Military Governor of Tripoli”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 19 December 2011.

[6] Concerning the history of Daesh and President Erdoğan, refer to Sous nos Yeux, by Thierry Meyssan, editions Demi-lune, 2017.

[7] The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. “The US military project for the world”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 August 2017.

[8] “Political Islam against China”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 3 October 2017.


This is one of the most informative accounts of ‘terrorism’ that I have read. Thank you.


sorry Florian, but there is a lot of FANTASY involved there


Such as Matt ?


there are many connections fantasized, that are in fact not connected. Atrocitties can be copied without the use of the real SS people, you don’t need them to do that, for instance. Some of the SS crimes were in fact copied from the british, just to give you an example :))))


That is certainly true of the British Camps during the Boer War and arguably the German camps were better ,apart from the last months of the war when food,coke, medicines etc were in short supply all over Germany.



During the French campaign in Indo China after WW2 the French Foreign Legion formed a battalion comprised of SS soldiers from all parts of Europe and German paratroopers.

This unit was so effective that the North Vietnamese complained at the peace talks in Paris that ‘Nazi war criminals’ were being used by the French military. It was due to international pressure that they were returned to barracks.


Everybody knows that the french foreign legion was full of criminals and psychos. As a matter of fact, the best soldiers are psychotic criminals


I agree. The British SAS in WW2 had some very unsavoury characters in their ranks.:)


Well documented , the author Thierry Meyssan , has stated the real problem , what can be done with the ISIS irregulars that haven’t been wiped out in battle . The US formula of assimilating them into the SDF , is certain to destroy what ever Kurdish cohesion there may be . And internationally the deception of using troops that only wish to force their Muslim Brotherhood or Wahhabi ideology on occupied territory , clearly shows the falsehood of being pro-democracy .


Florian for another great write up , see Brad Isherwood’s comment below


The Arab /Kurd friction is sure to be a problem. I cannot believe the US Military do not realise that. Especially after Deir Ezzor Arabs complaining about the Kurds looting Arab homes and forcing Arabs out. In reality the 90% destruction of Raqqa that was predominantly Arab is another form of Ethnic Cleansing.

However the ISIS converts to ‘American Democratic Values’ will I am sure kill and plunder all that their US paymasters order them to.

You can call me Al

So good, I read it thrice…..also copied it to read again in the morning. I think you have answered an age old question for me as well. Thank you.


Nonsense, unless the author knows about continued funding. And I mean external. No money, no Daesh. The Naqshbandis and tribal fighters entered some sort of an accord with Daesh for a brief transitionary period in order to avoid greater harm. They are not Daesh per se. Most of the actual Daeshis are mercenaries. “Fighting the idealogy”… they have done enough to thoroughly discredit themselves. Unless the West, employing much the same fear-mongering and indiscriminate violence doesn’t drive people back, the ‘idealogy’ won’t have many followers.


All Middle East Jihadists are US/Zionist/NATO Proxy

The Al Qaida ancestor was the NATO “Gladio” responsible of at least 50 heavy terrorist actions (Loge P2 Bologna Train Station) and Politic Assassination(Olof Palm, Aldo Moro, Francois Grossouvre) across the US/GB occupied Europe


the saa attaked sdf now ??? impossible!!


SDF are multinational fighters,Checnya,Saudi,Khazakstan and more,they are as democratic opposition to Asad.Total stupide manage from USA.


? ?


Wrong..SDF is ISIS with unforms paid for by American tax payer..


The Damascus gig might be the reason for the Durks and the Washington barbarians are demonstrating on the Euphrates. Clearly Caesar’s choices have narrowed since his head-chopping, heart-eating rapers and slavers were eclipsed.


Notice that this report did not mention of any Russian protection and had to rely on their own SAM systems while US will use their air force.

Use of heavy armour is not wise though in my personal opinion in US areas. Hezbollah style is best.

So Assad is on his own? Let’s see .

MariaCeleste Conkright

Wise commanders never show hand to eyes not meant to see,. What could be a better surprise for the coalition. Maybe 90% of their forces wiped out in one day . Thats how you shut their filthy trap


Hezbollah style works in a defensive and mountainous position, offering much cover, like in Afrin.

In a flat area without much cover and on the attack, Hezbollah style will not work either.


See Yemen …. SA could only bomb civilians areas. Those were bare barren land …

Air force could do nothing.

Another thing…. as long as the forces are well spread out … how the heck can the US planes bomb anything? One fighter for one bomb costing tens of thousands of dollars and fuel etc assuming 100% hit rate which never happen?

Get lots of ATGM .. Hezbollah style and no armour as these are death traps.

So explain how to fight such forces?

This is assuming Russian’s planes and S400 cowardly stays out and let Assad to do the cleaning up.

With Iran’s help … and they had said they would … the end result is already certain unless US wants to declare war … for staying in Syria illegally.


Yemen is also mountainous.

Furthermore, you completely miss the real point around Kusham. It is a small enclave east of the river and to have a large force there, forces will be rather concentrted anyhow. As soon as SDF forces run into concentrated opposition, they pinpoint the location on an ipad or with a lagergun and strikes will follow. Works great.


I am talking about the worse case scenario . Syria is not completely flat either. There are buildings etc .

The point is Syria has good Sam Systems besides manpads to ensure the plane fly high. No tanks to destroy it is impossible for drones and high flying planes to Target foot Soldiers.

As long as they are split into small atgm teams, nothing can stop them.

They have drones and planes too and with Sam can make sure no US planes is immune.

This means they are far more effective than the Houthis as long as they do not have armour which are easily targeted by planes even very high up.

Now with numerical Superiority, I don’t think the Kurds want to commit suicide to fight Assad in a war they can never win

Even the US Garrison’s there cannot last long

Remember even if the Russians are out, there are more than enough Assad forces that can be resupplied easily by the tens of thousands plus massive Sam plus others.

SDF are surrounded and no way can even be supplied.

Look at the map


The SAA and its allied militia MUST have air-defence units ready to fire at enemy air planes or they should forget carrying out this offensive.

Samantha Green

ABORTION RIGHTS IN KHASHAM! Plenty of ISIS to hunt farther Southwest in Eastern Homs.

Francisco Lozano

Filthy murderer, you will not escape God’s wrath for killing the innocent.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They should have aborted Samantha Green as they should have done with the other alias J Cohen.


No to two state solution. Kill all Israeli terrorists and clean Palestine. This operation will soon launched in Palestine. Then there will be no problem in Middle East. —————————————————————————————————————


soon, as in ….50 years maybe


No just wait few weeks.


It won’t happen soon, i want to make a bet! If there are no more then 50 dead israeli soldiers within 4 weeks you lost!! And you will say I WAS WRONG for one week every day on southfront!


Doofus. War is not a game for children.


A Three State Solution: Gaza , Israel, West Bank ,there is no need for everyone to die.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nah , deport them all and let Rothschilds sort them out!


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Cedric Hunter

True. The SAA will need to treat the next phase of this war like a set piece war from WW2. Air assets both defensive and offensive, must keep the enemic coalition air force busy while under that missile umbrella, The SAA takes back the Eastern Euphrates Valley and moves onto all the border areas. That will make Turkey’s nerves less strained. Their involvement was always going to lead to this end. The al Tanf base will be the only outpost the Americans have left and that will presently wither on the vine,


Should’ve bombed them oil fields earlier…


I am curious about the ‘oil field’ operations, When one army takes over from another what are the ‘logistics’ of transportation of the oil and payments for it. Anybody know?


There are pipelines direction the coast but I do not know in what condition.


Syria has an agreement with the Kurds , it is piped north into Turkey , then piped to the coast , each getting a share.


Goes thru turkey using slave labor, no oil company can or will invest equipment/manpower in syria(unless its a syrian company of course).


Syria has fire control over those fields. They’d prefer that they remain undamaged. But will use it if necessary.

You can call me Al

The fields are shot. You must remember that the US put sanctions on Syria long before the war thus no spares, no maintenance + when ISIS had them, typically a great deal of damage was done to them; they are probably getting 10% maximum production which further damages the wells.

As for the logistics of the oil supply, it went by road tanker and paid for in cash, arms or supplies.


The point for Assad is not destroying them. The point is taking them in working order.




The battles for eastern Syria are nearing, foes are many… But I have faith in SAA and it’s allies that they will defeat all aggressors in the end.

You can call me Al

I will bet a fiver that the PMU (Iraq) assists.


Syrian S-200 http://english.almanar.com.lb/framework/includes/uploads/2016/09/manar-05987760014739185312.jpg

Christian Gains

WHEW!! You just CONFIRMED & established my point!


Israeli F-16 Shot Down http://eaworldview.com/2018/02/iran-daily-israel-attacks-iranian-control-systems-in-syria-after-downing-tehrans-drone/ http://i2.wp.com/eaworldview.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ISRAEL-JET-CRASH-SITE-10-02-18-e1518247700946.jpg?resize=669%2C621

Christian Gains

Thanks Richard…appreciate your efforts…It’s always amazing to me that the pilots EVER walk away from something like THAT!!???


I know, in jungle where you live, there is no parachute …

Christian Gains

“…in a clear hint to the US-led coalition.” HINT???

Combat troops don’t “HINT”…They EITHER misinform, misdirect, OR! DIRECTLY ACT…WITHOUT so much as an “Howdy doo folks”…IF PLAUSIBLE!!

Either, this comment is a SERIOUS underestimation of the EXTREME VOLATILITY of the circumstances…OR!…POSSIBLY, a sincere “olive branch” attempt…BUT! A “HINT”?

Not sure that’s going to bring a positive response….BUT! I SURLY HOPE it does…!!


The US had the rule of the skys when they controlled 90% of Syria. Now they control 30% of Syria and west of the river is a no fly zone with the exception of the Jordanian border crossing. The government is on the east side of the river in multiple places and after last weeks attack by the US. Advances on the east side will be with air support.


Any hope left that if wise Putin policies continue to be pursued, eventually American perfidy will be exposed? Seems more like Uncle Sam is now openly boasting of its perfidy, roaring “Let’s go kill some Russians!” as in Charlie Wilson’s War. Moscow might claim they’re only in Syria to fight jihadists, but this was never their choice to make: if the US starts killing your people, you’ll have to find a way to deal with that.


It’s about time the SAA cleard the pockets around the Capitol City Damascus


only solution for Russia now is to use nuclear or chemical weapons. expect 3rd WW soon .


stop watching too much holyshit.

Tudor Miron

You should know that Russia (according to treaty) destroyed all of its chemical weapons stock while USA (ignoring their obligations) still keep very large stock.


Nobody will start a nuclear war over a shithole like Syria., excuse me for insulting Syria.


and what about the big oil fields in Syria ? plus strategic position for pipeline to Europe.

Jim Martin

Perhaps a better choice of words. The SH are the Assad Regime, The Erdogan regime and their SH supporters and proxies. The country and its people deserve much better that these dysfunctional homicidals that pass for “leaders” and their opportunist supporters/ “hired help”


In 2014 in the neighborhood of 78 % of Syrians voted for Assad , the US “moderate rebels” , Al Qaeda are not an attractive alternative . The country deserves to be free of American aggression , Syria has never attacked the US .

Jim Martin

… and anyone not voting for Assad would be brutally crushed or starved. Starvation is the worst WMD above gas

How did the voting go in the 2014 ISIS areas that the Assad Regime abandoned its own people to this “dark army from hell”? Where is the Assad Regime now as Erdogan sends in his Turkish Interahamwe?… and then he calls it Sovereign Syrian territory? The SDF/YPG/YPJ are Syrians first and have made it clear they do not want to separate. A federal Syria undivided would be good for all of your 23 million people; but to do that you would not only have to have faith in others, your would have to have faith in yourselves. Look at the strength of Federal America, Canada, and Switzerland, all undivided and stronger as a result

Does the regime have to beg the Russians or Iranians like a sick dog to stop Erdogan? So much for being a country ; who long ago abandoned its own boarders and people; first to violence, then to ISIS and now to Erdogan


“anyone not voting for Assad would be brutally crushed or starved”

Links and quotes from credible sources please.

Jim Martin

7 years of blood sweat and tears, to many to list at this point. That is best saved for the ICC in the Hague, sooner or later like Untouchable Milosevic and Miladic, and others

If your are such a brave Syrian why don’t you help the SDF/YPG/YPJ defence Afrin Canton? If you will not, just run home to Mama


In other words you don’t have any proof of anyone not voting for Assad being mistreated.

Jim Martin

Your efforts actually make you look foolish. The ICC in the Hague will do the rest. Milosevic , Miladic and others used to be “untouchable” also.


Coming from someone who can’t provide a single instance of someone who voted against Assad being mistreated. Your nonsense is meaningless.


“The voting by Syrians living or taking refuge in Lebanon was massive.”

– Massive Turnout for Syrian Election –


Jim Martin

Family and friends? Syria is/was a counties of 23 million members of our own species

There are more dead under Assads hand in Syria since 2011 than this picture, many, many times over while large parts of Syria have been reduced tragically to a moonscape wasteland


The Jews, who fabricated this war, are mass murderers. Their evil cult should be outlawed, and Israel, the US, and the rest of the planet dejudifed to create a Jew free future for humanity.

Jim Martin

ICC in the Hague sooner or later cataloging a long and Murderous run.

“Nurnberg 2.0” Its not a matter of if but when. You and I will have no say in that process. Its like gravity


The regime change criminals who fabricated and supported this war are guilty of many of these crimes:



There wouldn’t be a war if they didn’t start it. And it would have been over long ago if they stopped fueling it with money, weapons, mercenaries and political support.

Jim Martin

The ICC is just the beginning, Please just brace for impact


Please describe the step by step process of how the Assad government ends up in front of the ICC while the guilty regime change criminals responsible for this war walk free to show the readers what a complete idiot and moron you are. Not that it would make much difference because you’ve already done a pretty good job of embarrassing yourself.


The PM of Qatar , in a recent interview revealed that the US has spent over $137 billion dollars , funding and arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria ………….. “This dark army from hell ” that they funded , is just now being crushed by Syria Turkey has been involved fighting a Kurdish insurgency for years , but the US strokes the flames by funding the Kurds and the FSA . You want to blame Assad for the crimes of America and Turkey . Logic like that and its no wonder America makes such a mess .


Hi, hi. And that from one of the main funders for years on end of islamists in Syria?


They do. But still no nuclear war will be started over that mess.


Your baby raper budies came pretty close as they were being overrun by Syrian and Egyptian armor in 73.

John Whitehot

at least they don’t put hookers in showcases. Oh sorry, that’s a civil conquest and a sign of social advancement.


No will not happen. Russia will not risk it. It most likely will stay out if against the US .

It shall be Assad the great vs the great super power …… in his own country and he will win .


Assad will win against US ?!? he will end up like Saddam or Khaddafi .


Assad is supported by Iran, Hez, Russia and even Iraq.. can US win against Assad?

Am talking about the fight to get US out and US is not going to go to war Saddam level silly.

Tell me how is US able to defeat Assad other than big mobilisation of whole US military to attack Assad . Even that with Iran and allies US won’t win.


US control the part of Syria where oil fields are. That is enough for them right now. BTW in Lybia they also did not go full army attack and look how Khadafi endeded.


Let me explain the difference between Libya and Syria.

1. Libya was alone .. no big power support . Syria has Russia , Iran and Hez

2. Libya local ground forces very strong .. Syria the Kurds only a few thousand if they choose to fight if not , US has only to content with whole of Syrian population not to say , Iran (who would fight to the last Iranian)….

3. Libya.. entire Nato were happily bombing with impunity and Russia and China stood by doing nothing . In Syria Russia alone can finish off the US planes not to say Iranian Sams and manpads etc .

4. LIbya.. US has UN go ahead.. Syria US is entire illegal and would not be able to face the world if real fight takes on .

….. any chance Syria will be like Libya if Assad says “attack”?


Don’t compare to Libya. Compare to WW2. Russia will now throw everything at Yankees in Syria, like in WW2 at Germans. Russian have full authority from Syrian legitimate president, they can use whatever weapons they want. Chemical and nuclear coming soon.

John Whitehot

in any case, better than end up like Obama, the Clintons or the Bushes.


yeah ? billionaires having millions salary to end of life, welcomed everywhere in civilized world … lol

John Whitehot

nah i don’t mean that, besides Sadam or Qaddafi didn’t lack material riches.

The difference is, since everybody sooner or later dies, doing that as miserable whores and slaves is much worse than being killed for defending own countries against debauchery and slavery.

In the end, Sadam and Qadafi may not have been saints, but comparing them to the zionists and their minions would be like comparing schoolkids to the nazi leadership.


I’m not sure about that, the winner takes it ALL . Winners write the history, they decide who was bad or who is good.

John Whitehot

Typical, nowadays the established trend is to use weapons of mass destruction when you’re winning.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Putin’s embarrassing Russian army like his escape with.

Tudor Miron

Putin is constantly embarrassing such trolls like you, shlobo :)

John Whitehot

I hope that the whole of Africa comes after you.


Escalation is threatening and it is clear that Assad is the instigator, having lost much face in his aborted attack last week.

SAA cannot win here as the only temporary ponton bridges has been swepped away around the 20th of januari 2018 and the concrete bridge north of DeZ has not been repaired. He can bring some tanks and men over to the small area SAA holds east of the river, but for a real campaign, he lacks the logistical possibilities.

That does not mean that SDF does not have to reinforce and US planes must be vigilant.

Air defense missiles will not work against drones and against cruise missiles as the US can just fire more of them if necessary. They will not work against long distance artillery either.

So, no panic. Either nothing will happen or, if there is a serious attack by SAA forces, those attacks will weld the SDF and the US together for a very long term.


You are lame in your post. Assad as you can see and hate to admit is going for the East of the River now.

Just one US air attack you conclude SAA cannot win . Surely you are more matured than that or rather you are in the denial mode.

When Assad’s forces said they will take back , means they will take back. There is no such thing as letting go and allow it to happen without a fight . If so really Assad is the worse leader and a most coward . Not even you will do that. You will attack with whatever force at your disposal and surely the stupid Americans know that !

Even if Russia stays out , as sure as the sun sets tomorrow , Assad’s allies will prevail as US has no ground force big enough to resist his forces. Air power as you can see even Houthis fighting Hezbollah style could not be defeated not to say SAA has all the anti air defences.

There are many ways to skin a cat …. and the cat has ONLY ONE way to attack.

To say SDF with not even a few thousand fighters and a few misery US forces can hold on the entire Syrian army is silly to the core.

First Assad has to clear the other terrorist first. but already assured will attack and drive out the illegal US entity … using whatever means.

Might is right does not apply to those who fight back e.g. Houthis .. bare footed.

John Whitehot

“Assad is the instigator”

Yeah, Mexican troops invade Holland, Dutch troops near them are bombed by the Mexican air force and the Dutch queen is the instigator.


You forgot the little green men.


As for the Mexican threat, our solution can be found on USA first, The Netherlands second by Arjan Lubach.

Promitheas Apollonious

slow down on the drugs you may be able make more sense for the moment you sound like a retard on acid.


Yes, took my shot of being reasonable just this morning.

Promitheas Apollonious

good I kind of like you and I hate when you mix them.




You’ve been spamming these threads for months with your anti Syria nonsense as your Jew world order miscreants have lost 2/3rds of what they used to control in Syria and have had a no fly zone imposed on them on most of the west side of the river. So your arm chair general analysis has proven to be worthless. https://desertpeace.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/armchairgeneral.jpg


“According to the Pentagon, the incident began after approximately 500 troops allied with Syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad crossed to the eastern side of the Euphrates River near the city of Deir ez-Zor with tanks, artillery, and other heavy weapons on Feb. 7, 2018.”



Kike I said. Assad being the instigator.


Somebody’s lying, I’d say that it’s the Jew crime syndicate that you shill for every day:

“the Russian Ministry of Defence reported that pro-government soldiers were attacked by US-led coalition forces, while conducting a reconnaissance search mission against so-called Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants near the former oil plant of al-Isba in the Deir ez-Zor area, with a total of 25 men wounded in the attack.

The Russian MOD statement went on to say that “the incident once again proved that the true goal of the continuous illegal presence of US forces in Syria is already not the fight against ISIS international terrorist group, but the capture and control of the economic assets belonging solely to the Syrian Arab Republic.””


As far as the bridges go. That’s a non issue because they can be quickly built, replaced and supplemented on an as needed basis. To move as much material across the river to sustain operations.


– Turkey’s Erdogan vows to fight Kurdish forces as far as Iraq –


– Turkey may close U.S. airbase in Turkey – Turkish deputy PM –


Brad Isherwood


Appears this is more important than force Uncle Shlomo out of Euphrates east Syria.

No surprise here if Kurds get their crime state somewhere down the road Maybe Assad/Alawite see the Western Offshore Nat gas as the future.

Planet Rothschild still want Iran subdued and gun to the head Central Bank.

Assad gets Nat gas… Iran gets future war.

John Whitehot

Kurdistan get trampled by Turks, as the US cannot bomb a NATO member over the Kurds.

Game Over Kurds.

Brad Isherwood


France turns against Assad in 2011. Assad did say no to the UAE/Saudi Pipeline proposal, Yet I’m thinking Assad agreed to Russia having broader control over Syria/Levant (Lebanon) Offshore Nat gas.

Israel has plans to trans Nat gas to Europe via pipeline route, Yet wants Foreign Capital fund that … Russia now in the driver seat on Offshore nat/gas.

Could Frances broken Mistral carriers deal with Russia , Be more a tantrum over France getting outted on the Syria/Levant Offshore gas, And not really, really ….about Putin/Russia in Crimea.

France position on Sytia/Assad keeps changing. ..possibly French Energy/Gov now Accepting reality of who gets what on the Offshore Nat Gas.

US occupy Syria Euphrates East gives them some energy sector,…yet it’s marginal and it’s isolated, …requires Turk pipeline routes,…which Russia is already trunked into.


What is not being told is that Russia had an agreement with the SDF to take control of the Conoco gas plant, located about 2 miles East of where the Deir Ezor air strikes occurred. This deal was reported by South Front last year. The deal is in exchange for Russia providing protection for the SDF Kurds in Afrin.

This is why there were so many Russian PMC’s in that area. They were waiting to peacefully take control of the gas plant, as agreed upon.The SDF was willing to let them take control, but the Deir Ezor Military Council, which is under direct control of the US stood in the way, and intentionally started this flare up. The SDF cannot control them.

Thus, the fighting is not between the SDF and the SAA. It is between the SAA and the Deir Ezor Military Council.

Notice how the Turkish air strikes in Afrin were halted in the days before the Deir Ezor air strikes, but immediately started up again after February 7th, the day of the US air strikes. Russia is telling the Kurds … “keep your agreement and give us the gas plant , or else you lose Afrin”.


SDF better help their buddy’s in Efrin

Smith Ricky

SAA without mercy

You can call me Al

Again CONOCO not CONICO; sorry to be pedantic. Anyway aren’t the SAA grouping in DZ to take the pocket Westwards, not over the river ?.

John Brown

Its all for show to draw off SDF ISIS fighters away from Afrin to help Turkey.


Good point, the US coalition would be more than happy to see Afrin under Turkish/TFSA control (to keep Syria divided). But I think the Kurds also see this. Seems that many ATGM’s have gone missing also, no wait, more video from Afrin. :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why does not anyone realize they are redistributing troops whom were tied up defending pocket, seems like they are closing up the gaps and making sure DMC doesn’t smuggle anymore ISIS across the Euphrates.

Next Target Offensive no one knows where it’s going to be, so assume they might start the Badiya or in East Ghouta or where ISIS or terrorists need eliminating. The US is becoming predictable with there propaganda and it is getting repetitive now we hear the same tired lies and claims.

Really this is getting bad troops are being moved around all of Syria and there are no large numbers going here , just more media hype and disinformation.


Again were blown upr russians …


Could you please give the SDF their name right away? US-backed forces could be almost anything. It’s just as unreasonable as saying “the SDF and Russian-backed forces…”. Try to be a little less blatantly propagandistic; it woud help your credibility

คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

Turkey will do their job Syria needs is just wait and see.

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