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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Wins Battle Against Erdogan Forces In Idlib, But War Is Far From Over

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Syrian Army Wins Battle Against Erdogan Forces In Idlib, But War Is Far From Over

The first days of March broke the dreams of the Turkish political and military leadership of a swift victory over the Syrian Armed Forces. Operation Spring Shield failed to achieve the goal officially declared by top Turkish officials – to push the Syrian Army back from territories liberated in Idlib since September 2018, when Moscow and Ankara reached so-called Sochi agreements. The deal was intended to separate terrorists from moderate rebels, create a 30km deep demilitarized zone and de-escalate the situation in Greater Idlib in general. These agreements have never been fully implemented because Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other al-Qaeda-linked groups did not withdraw from the demarked demilitarized zone and did not separate from these mysterious moderate rebels that reportedly existed somewhere in Idlib.

This led to the resumption of active anti-terrorist actions by the Syrian Army supported by Russia and Iran, the liberation of thousands of km2 from radicals, and the deployment of Syrian troops within striking distance of Idlib city. Ankara saw the existence of the militant-held enclave in Greater Idlib as an important tool of its policy towards Syria considered its possible destruction a vital threat to its own interests and responded with a large-scale military operation against the Damascus government.

Since its start, Turkish forces have victoriously captured Nayrab village and a few other nearby positions. At one point, they also entered the town of Saraqib on the M5 highway, but were then forced to retreat after they were counter-attacked by the Syrian Army. Later, units of the Russian Military Police deployed there.

The Nayrab success came amid major setbacks of the Turkish-led forces in southern Idlib. Syrian forces captured over a dozen settlements and repelled Turkish attempts to recapture the town of Kafr Nabul. The Turkish-led attack on positions of the Syrian Army in western Aleppo also ended with no results after the Syrian Army took back Sheikh Aqil and the nearby hilltop that it had lost to Turkish-led forces for a day.

Summing up, the Syrian Army defeated Turkish-led forces in an open battle, kept control over key positions along the M5 highway, and set conditions for further advances south of the M4 highway.

According to Syrian state media, in the period from December 15, 2019 to March 5, 2020 government forces liberated 215 settlements spread across 1,600km2. During the same period, 6,100 terrorists were eliminated, 2550 others were wounded, and 615 vehicles belonging to Turkish-backed militant groups were destroyed. The report also claimed that 100 ‘Turkish’ pieces of military equipment were eliminated. These numbers as well as those provided by the Turkish side about supposed Syrian Army casualties are highly overestimated. As of the evening of March 5, the Turkish Defense Ministry claimed that its forces had ‘neutralized’ 3,322 Syrian soldiers, shot down 3 warplanes, 8 helicopters, 3 UAVs, destroyed 155 battle tanks, 103 artillery pieces and rocket launchers, 8 air defense systems, 15 anti-tank weapons, 4 mortars, 157 various military vehicles and 10 weapon depots.

Turkey and Syria should make at least a bit softer claims if they want to make these claims look more reliable. Regardless of the provided numbers, the situation on the frontline speaks for itself. The March 5 visit of Turkish President Recep Erdogan to Moscow came amid another large-scale attack of Turkish-led forces on Saraqib. This attack, however, was repelled.

The Russian and Turkish presidents negotiated a new deal to de-escalate tensions in Idlib. It includes the following:

  • The cessation of all hostilities along the existing line of contact from midnight on March 6th;
  • Russia and Turkey will create a six-kilometer-deep security corridor both north and south of the M4 highway;
  • Russia and Turkey agreed to begin joint patrols on March 15th along the M-4 highway in Syria;
  • All previous agreements remain in effect. Terrorists are excluded from the ceasefire.

This agreement has several important implications:

  • Turkey in fact confirmed that it had lost its small war on Syria and officially accepted all the gains made by the Syrian Army since September 2018;
  • The Syrian Army kept control of the M5 highway and significantly improved its military position in the region;
  • The agreed buffer zone, along the M4 highway, is located inside the militant-held area. It can only be created and joint patrols launched if radical militants are removed from this sector. If militants are not removed, this will create conditions for another operation in the area, fully within the framework of the agreement signed by Turkey;
  • Both Turkey and Russia declared that they support a political solution to the conflict. However, a political solution is not possible as long as terrorist groups are present in the area. This creates conditions for further tensions and escalations.

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Al Balog

Glory to Syria and Assad, Turkey became everyone’s b*tch ??



Sir you have good tastes, LOVED the reference, very fitting. Never let go of that move, and Sub-Zero for the win, always :D

Tim Williams

ERDO finally admits casualties are much higher in his fiasco …


Legis Legis Juscius

good news, but now turks are playing very dangerous game with greece, it may be another conflict soon, Russia can surely hel their Orthodox brothers

Tim Williams

Syrian officials flew to Greece today for the first meeting in a decade … to discuss how to repatriate Syrians back to Syria from Europe …

Simplekindof Man

We really don’t mind the Syrians staying. You COULD take the pakis and afgans though…,?

Tim Williams

LOL .. no dice … Syrians are free to stay where they are at, or will be welcome to come home …. thousands of new housing units under construction right now … the choice is up to them …


So what is to be done with the Paki’s and Afghans


Go back home .

Saif Imam

Afghans might have to stay, fresh fighting’s started.

Tim Williams

Greece will kick their ass too … Turkey top military is leaderless … Turks phuck around much more and NATO will kick them out

Tim Williams


Tim Williams

M 5 highway schedules to open fully again tentatively on Sunday … more debris to clean up


anders hansen

Modern highway , even the romans 3000 years ago would laugh


Anyway better than here in europe . As I can see from the picture there are no holes….

anders hansen

Then i don’t know what country you live in, but my EU country don’t have holes in any road

Saif Imam

You do know there’s a war going on for the past 11 years, unless you were sleeping.

Tim Williams

Aleppo Airport resumes commercial service after TURKS admit they controlled all the manpad missiles and will remove them …


Tim Williams

Poland and Slovakia representatives to arrive in Damascus next week to discuss reestablishing diplomatic relations and opening back up their embassies …


Super and Czech situation I know is also friendly… little Syria is beating HATO.

Tim Williams

slowly but surely it is …

Raptar Driver

These two are in NATO, sounds more like joining them.

AM Hants

Would keep them well away from it all. Wonder what they will wish to store for the US, as Benghazi, so comes to mind?

Geppetto Mazzoni

I would be careful with those two US poodles. Especially Poland. May be a trojan horse.

Simplekindof Man

The war SHOULD be far from over. Turkey has a habit of encroaching and graying areas where they please. Brake their nose Syria!

Tim Williams

not after MOSCOW yesterday … TURKS got their heads handed to them ..

Simplekindof Man

Every inch must be taken back rather soon otherwise… Cyprus.

Tim Williams

must be done wisely my friend

Tim Williams

BUS service between SARAQIB and DAMASCUS up and running …




Tim Williams

RATS keep trying …



Claiming victory while being clearly baby-sitted by Russia it was nothing like victory but saved by Russia literally and plus they never engaged the Turkish army militarily just drones. It was only the rebels that pushed them back in these 2 days.

Cringeworthy title it reminds me about Hezbullah claiming victory today. CRINGE’

Tim Williams

Who was on on his his hands and knees in MOSCOW yesterday you silly stooge ?

Go jack off somewhere else


Nobody was on their knees as you are making it out to be. Two grown people decided what is best for the ppl. There is nothing to troll in that

Tim Williams

Shut the phuck up before Greece takes Hatay from you .. Turks have never offered anything to anyone on the planet except death and misery


It’s your right to think whatever you want I leave that to you.. Btw are you greek?

Tim Williams

USA citizen .. TURKS keep phucking around and you will be kicked out of NATO and International banking sanctions slapped on you crushing your pathetic economy …


Your status in the US is just a peasant thank god. Your Gov’t supports us thats all that matters. The American elite stand with Turkey

Tim Williams

not much longer

Shia man

Support you how? Turkey paid big money for F-35 the US didn’t deliver it ? you asked for patriot they shafted you You begged for help they said hell no but if you want munition they will sell you All you do is their dirty work and the US cheerleads for you ?


Why would Erdoggy want Patriots when the whole world knows they don’t always work (according to Mike Pompeo) as witness what happened to the Saudi Aramco facilities at Abqaiq. Are Turks no smarter than Polacks who ordered billions of $s worth of this crap.

Shia man

You can ask Erdogan that question he was the one begging for them.

Shia man

And btw you keep begging to be in the European Union but they keep saying no ?


Looks like you struck a nerve there ‘Shia man’


Except in Idlib. Not too many American elites to be found there.

Shia man

Like a dog he went crawling to Putin he was trying his hardest for a meeting between him Putin Merkel Macron that didn’t fall through because Putin rejected it so erdo-dog invited Putin to turkey. Putin told him if you want ceasefire you come crawling to Moscow like a good puppy.


Tell that yourself to sleep better at night. Russia step-up to Saved Assad thats what happened but not like your trying to put it.

Tho I can tell you this with certainity that Assad is in TRUTH Putin’s DOG. Now thats a fact nobody can deny. Basically Putin is the defacto leader of Damascus can you deny this fact? So sshh! stay humble

Shia man

How is assad Putin’s dog Assad and Putin are true allies Assad has real allies they actually come and helped him and his country when Erdogan was begging for help from his nato so called allies they rejected him and watched him get crushed by SAA Hezbollah Iran Russia


true allies no no no. you got it wrong never has there been a servant-master than putin-assad. You don”t give your countries energy rights to an ally.

Damascus gave all the energy rights to moscow.. isen’t this telling enough

Shia man

No one doesn’t anything for free unless your a dog called Erdogan Plus he promised him an oil field not all the oil fields in Syria smart ass


no. He sign off all energy rights to russia. you cant spin this

Shia man

Ya okay boy believe what you want.

Tim Williams

piss of you pimp … 12 different countries have the rights to drill in the Levant Basin .. none are from TURKLAND


That is not Turkey’s business though, isn’t it?


Assad has allies he can count on. Turkey, for its part thought it had the support of the USA, NATO and the EU but in the end all it got from them was lip service. It ended up being all alone. Turkey and Erdogan have no-one to blame but themselves, so please stop with the excuses.

Mustafa Mehmet

Shia shit Israel watching you you can’t even deal with little Israel

Shia man

YA and hezbollah is the only ARAB SHIA MUSLIMS that kicked Israel’s teeth in twice where you from wahabbi terrorist Zionist Muslim brotherhood pig?

Mustafa Mehmet

In your dreams

Shia man

The truth hurts huh!?! ???

rightiswrong rightiswrong

LOL, LOL, Butthurt much?


rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are just jealous that you don’t have any allies with the clout of Russia.

We all see how far away the US has become when the Russkies get serious. lol


You should just stop with the excuses. You lost…END OF

Arch Bungle

What victory in modern times is won without allies?

Shia man

This is for everyone that said turkey wasn’t hiding causalities SANA news Erdogan admits to heavy losses in the hundreds among his occupying forces in Syria Ankara, SANA- The President of the Turkish regime Recep Tayyip Erdogan admitted that his occupying forces suffered heavy losses during their support of the terrorist organizations in Syria.

Turkish media sources said that Erdogan confessed in press statements on Friday during his return from Moscow that his forces have suffered heavy losses estimated to be in the hundreds during their support of the terrorist organizations as a result of the Syrian Arab Army’s operations against the terrorists.

Tim Williams

300 – 500 dead …

Shia man

Who knows he said hundreds.

Mustafa Mehmet

Other way round


I don’t care what anyone says. This is a true victory for Assad and his people.

Tim Williams


Tim Williams

fitting from yesterday …



Constantinople is a Christianity’ s city .


You know a little history, anyway.


That’ s just History . Constantinople will be free from rats that occupy it now .


Personally I’d like to see Sofia as part of the Russian Church. The Greeks on the west side of the srtaights.

Mustafa Mehmet

What a sweet dreams Mr Ronald… wake up wake up dreaming again

Mustafa Mehmet

Fiddlers on the roof again playing same music

Assad must stay

the war should not be over until idlib, al tanf, and the golan heights are SAA-secured

Tim Williams

Golan Heights is a stretch at this point … Would Syria sign a peace pact with Israel in order to secure it back ?

Assad must stay

maybe, question is what would israel want in return?


Thank you will do

Tim Williams

Oil and natural gas is a huge factor in this … Off the coast of both Lebanon and Syria lies the LEVANT BASIN in the Mediterranean Sea … it’s worth trillions of dollars … by many experts more oil and gas than the Saudis have …



Israel in now self sufficient in natural gas and oil … they are actually an exporter now …

What would Israel likely want :

Recognition they have the right to exist as a country.

Golan Heights would have to be a heavy weapons free zone … nothing more than side arms by Syrian Police.

Diplomatic relations between countries

Lebanon would have to join Syria at the exact same time as this announcement.

Hezbollah still retains the right to exist.


A working outline, good start, as you said, the off shore is large.

Golan has big oil and gas, but it needs to be ‘fracked’ which would destroy Golan’s fresh water, more valuable than oil.

Israel is tapping into Gaza’s oil and gas, so that would need to be given back to Gaza, the separate nation.

Westbank, right of return, again separate nation with border on Jordan. etc.

The ‘peace dividend’ if accomplished would be huge.

Bill Wilson

The Golan Heights doesn’t have any oil or gas deposits worth pursuing. If there was, then there’d be oil and gas fields over in Southwest Syria.

Mustafa Mehmet


Mustafa Mehmet

Agree but how?

Shia man

Syrian army blocks US patrol in Hasaka provincehttps://t.co/Yxjzy9JhPO— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 6, 2020

Mustafa Mehmet

Stupid idiot if Yankee wants they can fuck Syria and russki and Iran left right and centre you can do Jack shit……

Shia man

Why you lie? You know that’s not true If America is able to do what your saying they would have been done it Boy.

Saif Imam

They Can’t man..they would’ve removed & murdered Assad like Saddam & Qaddafi. But they got stomped on the throat. Keep watching how it unfolds in Syria.

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/430281 it matters little what the money worshipping amerikan barbarians want; they like Erdogan have become less and less relevant

Art Best


You’re a crypto-Jewish scumbag. (Erdogan is a crypto-Jew as well. Books have been written about this.)

Stop being stupid.

The Muslim terrorists are morons who cannot even operate a T-90 tank. And you swallow the BS that the Jihadis are capable of generating sophisticated drone swarm attacks?

These animals don’t have such capabilities.

The drone attacks are TURKISH! The Israelis helped the Turks build them.


You traitorous crypto-Zionist piece of shit,

You are STILL enabling THE TURKS to maim and kill Russians and Syrians.

The ONLY way to stop the genocidal Turks and the head-chopping children-torturing Muslims is TO KILL them, not arrange ceasefires which only give them time to regroup.

Saif Imam

Man you jUst lost it.

Saif Imam

Few more ceasefire breakings then the game will start.

Jonathan Cohen

I support Turkey at this point, since it looks to me like they are more involved than Russia, relative to the abortion banning proxies of both sides. PEACE among abortion rights supporting Turkey, Russia, SDFkurds, Ukraine, Israel and Bahrain! HOORAY! Joint territorial takeover by abortion rights defending Turkey and Russia of the M4 at the expense of abortion banning Al-Qaeda, Syria and Iran! Hopefully abortions will be allowed in the Turkey/Russian corridor! and beyond! as well as Latakia base.

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