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MARCH 2025

Syrian Authorities Expand Camp Near Damascus As More And More Residents Flee Militant-Held Part Of Idlib De-Escalation Zone

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Syrian Authorities Expand Camp Near Damascus As More And More Residents Flee Militant-Held Part Of Idlib De-Escalation Zone

AP Photo/Thanasis Stavrakis

The Syrian government is expanding a camp in the community of Hirjilla in the countryside of Damascus for residents fleeing the militant-held part of the Idlib de-escalation zone, the camp’s head Abdurrahman Habib told media on August 8.

Accordiing to Habib, the camp can host 5,000 people, but it has alredy received up to 20,000 people. So, the camp has to be expanded.

“It [the camp] was established in 2014 to support refugees from neighboring regions. We received here people from Deir Ezzor, Daraa and other governorates. In 2015, refugees from Eastern Ghouta lived there, but now they returned home, because the province had been liberated from terrorists,” Habib said adding that the camp is currently empty.

Habib added that Russia has provided a regular assistance to civilians in the camp “through regular deliveries of humanitarian supplies, mattresses, warm blankets and other necessities.”

The aforementioned camp is located on the territory of a former sports complex and includes 724 dwellings to house the displaced people. Every dwellling has a room, a kitchen and sanitary facilities. The camp also has a warehouse with products and hygiene items, as well as a school with equipped school rooms and a medical station with drugs and equipment. People that have a serious illness could be sent to a hospital in Damascus.

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How long will it take for the US/UK/France to say that the camp has crematoria , shower rooms with fake shower heads and even a large and smoky submarine diesel engine :)


F.uk.us and friends incarcerate enough inmates that any sort of human rights criticism of non allies is a pathetic joke.

I often wondered how the locals in Idlib faired with all those terrorists shipped there. Do not get a lot of time to study these issues but wonder what Syria’s criteria for shipment to Idlib evolved.

Tommy Jensen

6000 of these refugees are Jews coming home to their ancient historical land. We all know what will happen in this camp when HitlerPutin and ButcherAssad meets next time to decide on their endlósung.

Ariel Cohen

I wish someone would incarcerate you bud . . your posts have a putrid smell to them . .


The magical number ‘6’ again Tommy :) Funnily enough the Brits translate the word ‘endlósung’ to mean Final Solution when a more accurate translation in context with the Jewish removal to the East is ‘Endlósung der Judenfrage ‘ / ‘the end to the jewish question’. The English translation to ‘ Final solution’ suggests ‘ termination’ and not The end of a journey to exile as the context of the German phrase implies.

Tommy Jensen

I didnt knew that thanks ;-). Its quite an enormous difference. The devil is in the detail and semantic manipulation. Im just a little tired of seeing how stupid I have been in so many years and still is in many of these false narratives :-).


I started the journey of doubt and realisation that much record many years ago and that much of the record in English does not accord with other historical opinions and basic scientific knowledge .

After a while I felt foolish to have been duped by so many self serving experts and after that I felt anger toward the institutions that knowingly promote the lies.

Concrete Mike

Awwhhh pitié…not

Ariel Cohen

Ancient historical land? Are you an absolute idiot, or are you just demented? Using your argument the Canaanites, who actually owned the physical land called Israel today long before the Jews did, also have a right to “come home” to their ancestral lands also, not to mention the Amorites, Ancient Egyptians, Moabites, Ammonites, Tjeker, Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines who all claimed the land at some point. Where do you draw the line? There were civilizations living in Palestine thousands of years before the patriarchs of Judaism ever even knew there was a promised land . .

Ariel Cohen

They did it once before and we all fell for it, so why not do it again? The chambers where thousands of innocent Syrians were gassed, the ovens where 25,000 bodies were incinerated daily, the striped pyjamas and nearby factories that turned their skins into lampshades and their body fat into bars of soap. We were stupid enough to believe the first holohaux, so why shouldn’t the stupid sheeple believe the next one that’s staged in Syria?


There is an excellent book called ‘Breaking the Spell’ by Nick Kollerstrom . You may have read it Ariel.


It reinforced my long standing opinion that the ‘Hollocaust’ is just a Quasi religious fantasy cult bible that has enriched its High Priests :)

Ariel Cohen

Thanks buddy. I’ll take a look at it. I am always amazed how deeply rooted this LIE of the Holocaust is in people’s minds. Even people who consider the facts to be greatly exaggerated or embellished still vehemently defend the actual charade. I believe it is the cornerstone of the ZioNazi deception and once it has been exposed for the blatant lie it is, their whole claim to Palestine and world sympathy will crumble . .


Most people have always ‘believed’ in cults and systems that are in their personal self interest to believe , without considering the actual harm those beliefs actually cause to others and indirectly to themselves as pawns of the ‘High Priests’..


The US and NATO interference in Iraq. After election the loser is still prime minister of Iraq. Haider Al Abadi is puppet of US and NATO. Their removal from power is not possible by election. The Iraq government is made in US.


Israeli spies have assassinated all Russian patriotic politicians in Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia etc. A person trip once or twice but if a person trip every time so then this is an alarm of danger.

For any country coordination with US and Israel and listening to them is suicidal. Lack of self confidence, carelessness, weak defence, corruption and injustice is the cause of defeat. Coordination with enemy and taking LOANS, advice, foods and weapons from enemy is extreme stupidity.

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