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Syrian Authorities Renovate M4 Highway Ahead Of Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols (Photos)

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The Syrian authorities have begun renovating the entrance of the M4 highway which links the port city of Lattakia with Aleppo city, the country’s industrial hub.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), workshops are removing barriers and blockades from the highway entrance. The road itself is going under maintenance.

“The renovation covered approximately 40 km from the entrance to Lattakia and about 7 km remained within the administrative boundaries of the governorate, we will move to there in the coming days, if conditions permit,” Lattakia’s governor, Ibrahim al-Salem, told the state-run agency on March 10.

Syrian Authorities Renovate M4 Highway Ahead Of Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols (Photos)

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Syrian Authorities Renovate M4 Highway Ahead Of Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols (Photos)

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Syrian Authorities Renovate M4 Highway Ahead Of Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols (Photos)

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Syrian Authorities Renovate M4 Highway Ahead Of Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols (Photos)

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Syrian Authorities Renovate M4 Highway Ahead Of Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols (Photos)

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Syrian Authorities Renovate M4 Highway Ahead Of Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols (Photos)

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The M4 is blocked by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its Turkish-backed allies. The militants control a 75 km strip of the highway, stretching between Saraqib city in the southeastern Idlib countryside and the town of Ay al-Bayda’ in the northern countryside of Lattakia.

Last week Russia and Turkey reached an agreement to reopen the highway. Turkey is expected to establish a 6 km safe zone to the north of the highway, while Russia should set a similar zone to the south.

In addition to these safe zones, Russian and Turkish forces are set to begin joint patrols on the M4 highway on March 15.

While Syria, Russia and Turkey appear to be confident that the the M4 will be reopened, this will not likely be easy. HTS, which had rejected the Russian-Turkish agreement, could sabotage these efforts. The group is reportedly preparing a large-scale attack to push government forces further away from the M4.

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Assad must stay

Good cool awesome top

Jens Holm

Many could make jokes about this.

I take another kind of joke: Why go to work at all, when You just go home in the evening…

Concrete Mike

Because if your lucky work is fun.

Odysseas Angelides

I cannot understand the purpose of the joint Russian-Turkish patrols within Syrian land. What are these patrols protect, the Syrian people or the al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its Turkish-backed allies? What right do the turkish forces have to be in a foreign land? Without complete withdrawal of turkish forces from Syria, there can be no solution to the war.


They in effect restrict the Turks. Greeks should know about this need.

Odysseas Angelides

I doubt this. The Turks, from information received from Syria, are continuously bringing new reinforcents, including heavy armaments and hundreds of soldiers in the Idlib area getting ready for the next push to retake all the lost areas there. Nobody should trust the turks.


This patrols purpose is to allow Erdogan save face with his idiots supporters at home . to make it look they still are in control of idlib.. i understand your views ,that the solution is only war.. but even war can be fought at a slower pace.. this is much better for the economy of both nations. a full scale war will not only be incredibly expensive ,but will be and endless war.. for Russia with NATO providing weapons and economic assistance to turkey. only way to stop erdogan is to plant the russian flag in ankara.. as soviets did it to hitler in berlin… but that will be astronomically expensive and remember that Russia also have its interest too.. is not only about liberating syria.. but russia economy also is important too.. for Russia is not idea to fight turkey with americans supplying erdogan for ever.. neither is good for US to fight iran ,with russia backing iran from the rear flank forever.. So a full scale war is not really needed , only a slow limited war will do the job of pressuring Erdogan to retreat from enough territory ,so that syria can restore its economy and most important cities.. after m5 captured and m4 , the only important thing left is one city in latakkia ,so called jisr al shughur, that is the gate to the syrian coastal province and the city is located at the end of m4 highway . it will allow a highway direct connection between syria coast latakkia where russian base is.. to aleppo city.. and significantly enhance syrian coast security..

Odysseas Angelides

I quite agree with your views.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“we will move to there in the coming days, if conditions permit,” Lattakia’s governor, Ibrahim al-Salem, told the state-run agency on March 10.”

If weather permits, LOL, what about the 15,000 HTS and Al Nusra terrorists fighters that are just on the other side of the front lines, they’re in the administered zone the rebels have control over, I would’ve thought the weather was the least of their worries, and most of the terrorists live around Jisr ash Shugur, the terrorists capital in Syria. The moderate opposition have Idlib city as their capital city but Jisr ash Shugur is the terrorists capital city, 6,000+ Uighurs [China’s favourites] and 2 or 3,000 Chechens [Russia’s favourites], as well as many other nut jubs live in and around, and near Jisr ash Shugur. Just imagine the Syrian road workers moving into terrorist occupied territory, even if they’re not really spies working for Assad and really are genuine road transport workers, will any of the terrorists trust them, or will they think the workers are really their to gather vital intel for Assad, and then just shoot them on sight, mmm, if I was a terrorist I would, because Assad would be mad not to send in spies to gather info on terrorist numbers and locations. But it’s not going to happen, the whole story is just BS, not as bad as the one SF published yesterday though, that was so full of conflicting and misleading rubbish it was offensive, but this is along the same vain too, just more lies and propaganda for the weak minded, don’t fall for it, the only people using the M4 highway will be the Russians, the anti Assad civilians, the rebel opposition, and the terrorists themselves, no SAA will be using the M4 going through Idlib, it will be out of bounds for them, the SAA will only be able to use the M4 on their side of the battlelines, just a 70 km stretch of highway in Latakia.



The ceasefire is Turkey’s way of buying time to realign and resupply it’s terrorist gangster factions in Syria for a brand new war and/or the continued current war. Turkey’s game is to control and own Syria real estate to expand Turkey’s territory.


I wish Russia would stop playing footsie with Turkey and make strong demands, that Turkey must leave Syrian real estate. Those terrorist gangster rebels will never live under the laws and regulations of Syria, because they are violent criminals. Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies must either arrest them all or eliminate them completely.

STOP PLAYING AROUND AND GET THE JOB DONE ONCE AND FOR ALL. …it takes “aggressive manpower” for this large-scale job; impediments, obstacles and barriers must be stattered to liberate “all” of Syria’s land mass of 185,180 km (71,500 sq mi).




Turkey is in an ongoing economic crisis and relies on tourism revenue. If tourists stop visiting Turkey this year, the economy might collapse. …Turkey might be covering up Coronavirus numbers.

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