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Syrian Buk Air Defense Systems Shot Down 20 UAVs During Conflict With Turkey: Reports

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Syrian Buk Air Defense Systems Shot Down 20 UAVs During Conflict With Turkey: Reports

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Syrian pro-government sources claim that Buk-M2E air defense systems of the Syrian Air Defense Forces enaged Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles over the region of Greater Idlib 25 times during the recent military confrontation with Turkey. According to these reports, 20 Turkish UAVs were shot down.

Earlier, Syrian media claimed that the Syrian Air Defense Forces shot down 13 Turkish combat UAVs: 7 – Bayraktar TB2 and 6 – TAI Anka. If all the numbers provided are true (this is not 100%), the Syrian military was also using its Buk-M2E air defense systems to engage smaller, not armed UAVs employed by the Turkish military for reconnaissance purposes.


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cechas vodobenikov

antiquated soviet era technology is apparently superior to amerikan/turk drones


Amateurs think it terms of individual weapons systems, professionals think in terms of having integrated networks of multiple radar networks, command,/controll/communications systems and various layered weapons systems, all working together. When you have that, as the Russians have installed in Syria, you can use antiquated technology to still great effect.

Gary Sellars

BUKs are certainly not “antiquated” but your points remains.

Human kind is doomed

BUK M2 is everything but antiquated, not the newest but certainly not antiquated. Quite capable system…


This system is very accurate and deadly. the hit ratio is very low and puzzles me. i think its because of the crews luck of experience or trying to hit whatever they see even if it streches the missiles range above maximum.

Zionism = EVIL

I would love see the S-400 decoration pieces used to blast the Turkeys out of the skies.


Is it possible?

Wayne Nicholson

What exactly would the S-400 shoot down? There are no suitable targets flying in Syrian air space for them to shoot at.

Just because the S-400 hasn’t fired a missile doesn’t mean it isn’t effective. It’s passive radar is integrated into the entire air defence network so provided the Russians don’t stand down again like they did against the Turks last week all the other nodes on the networks sees what the S-400 sees.


that will never happen. its not even used against IAF, although i think they are right to do so because IAF has made it a pattern to hide aircrafts behind commercial flights so …..

Saif Imam

I think you are correct.


25 launches 20 hits on UAVs 2 hits were scratched 3 misses If true that doesn’t sound low to me rather quite the opposite.


UAVs are easy targets. thats my problem.i would expect a ratio of 120% by such a system!!!!


Many UAV are made mostly by composite material and flies slow and have stealthy elements in their design. They often doesn’t emit much radio which also makes them harder to spot.

That makes them harder to spot. I do expect air-defenses to shoot them down and it seems that they did shot them down.


80%? Hardly find better stats than that!

Saif Imam

Those are excellent results. But I suspect Syrians are running short of trained personnel. Considering the fact these guys are fighting for 11 years continuously , they need re-enforcement.


80% kill rate is fine, considering drones fly slow and give you a second attempt to shoot.

But the priblem is drones are cheap (Turkish ones especially). You may be using missiles that cost more than the drone.


You’re miscalculating. It’s not the cost of the missile that’s to be assessed, it’s the cost of what killing the drone will save…that could very well be immeasurable!


against UAVs???they are sitting ducks, you can shoot them with a slingshot

Zionism = EVIL

Should be used to blast the 30 year old Turkey F-16 junk.


RECOMMENDED Don’t screw around with RUSSIAN air defense weapons. Period.

Lone Ranger

Russian air defense systems are the best. The problem with them like with every sir defense system is numbers. You have to have a high number of launchers and missiles to defeat a peer adversary. It’s not a problem for Russia since they have a complex multi layered system of shirt, medium, long, and extreme long ranged launchers with thousends of launchers and ten thousends of missiles. But for Syria it’s key to buy more, especially short and medium range ones, so they can avoid saturation and running out of missiles problem. Aside from that they worked extremely well. U.S. Patriot would have been toast against drones.


LOL. Here you can watch Russian air defences in Syria.’working extremely well. ” via the HD cameras of Turkish drones.

Ps : Prices included for potential buyers.


Lone Ranger

These were proven to be Mossad CGI and tailored footage from Lybia. Better luck next time Schlomo…



Let me give you a coordinate for one of the Pantsirs in the video that ”was tailored from Libya’ It breaks your heart to see that mother Russia produces nothing but lemons , right ?


Lone Ranger

Shlomo you wont impress me with fake news, Mossad CGI and fake coordinates… Meanwhile SAA won Turkroaches lost… It seems no more Greater Israel Project for you anytime soon ;) And as usual +25 matzo balls have been deposited on your account Bibi sends greetings ;)


Have you seen the solution of SAA for Turkish drones ?

Man thats what I call 21st century Russian tech. Worths much more that the real one and most probably works much better as well.


Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of salty tears Shlomo ;) You were shooting toys while real SAMs took out 20+ of your drones… Oy vey, thats lot of shekels wasted :_) Time to ask your superiors for further instructions… Also time to insert your Tampax…you are bleeding all over the place…


Awww. The Russian bot is triggered.. Care to share the pix of those 20+ uavs that have been downed ?

Saif Imam

Wait for it… https://twitter.com/maytham956/status/1236897503141867523


Omg Omg. He waited 2 minutes for Putin. What we are gonna do , what we are gonna do ? Lets return to Central Asia and leave Anatolia to Greeks and some self whipping Iranians peasants. LOL.

Saif Imam

? ? Man you lost it on the top side? ? Be cool man..? ?

Lone Ranger

Im only triggered by your autism Shlomo. Wasting taxpayer money on low quality hasbarats…


By ”taxpayer money” , you mean Russian tax money ? Thanks for the laughts Mr Russianbot. I t has been a pleasant and amusing evening for me.

Lone Ranger

I mean Israeli tax money…:)

Saif Imam

Look at this one https://twitter.com/DPRKJones/status/1237069516712091649


Aww dear , is that what could you find while you were searching for the other 19 drones downed by SAA ?

After looking at you and the other posters here , it is not hard to understand why ME and Levant is in complete chit.

Lone Ranger

Yep. It was a very costly endevour for Turkey. Both in manpower and assets.

Lone Ranger



Only 14? I thought it was 20+ A Ruskie loving Burglar writing from Damascus. What else you have got , Igor ?

Saif Imam

Autism or Corona, He got something definitely ? ?? ?? ?

Lone Ranger

If thats the best Israelis can offer Im not afraid of them…


Can you express yourself without some childish emogies , Mr. Dweller ? Although its is very amusing to mock both of you here , those childish faces make me think that I am dealing with some 15yolds in YT.

Saif Imam

Dude you definitely have cactus up in your ass.


Are you interested in mans asses ? Dude you are definitely in wrong thread, with a wrong sexual orientation.

Saif Imam

Nope not really, How could you assume that? Your Call me Bedouin living in a desert, and my name is Ali. It gives a general idea that some thing is wrong with you..I’ll pick the worst one. Which is cactus up in your ass since you have spidey sense of looking at a screen and knowing a man lives in a desert, his race, his name & sexual orientation.I don’t call names but you are a wanker my friend.


I dont remembertelling that yr name was Ali , btw. Calling you Ali and a whipper was asking you if you are a shia referring to self flagellation- Learn to read between the lines.

And my dear friend , yes you do call names.

Saif Imam

You could’ve directly ask it and Nope I’m not. Whats that got to do with anything? What it truth is always Truth. When a shia speaks the truth does it become False? Well at least you didn’t call sand monkey, I’ll give you that. O yea, you’ll be called names.


Lol looks like a nice road in Aleppo, wiped clean of jihadis zio scum for a good while now, facts on the ground are pretty clear, you can grasp at as many straws as you like but it doesnt change the fact Assad has been winning this war and is still winning it and theres nothing Israel/Turkey/NATO/US can do about it :D


LOl Assad is winning . Yes sure. A Quick question, can you tell us how many percent of pr ewar syria Mr Assad controls today ?

Saif Imam

If found this one in That Twitter Thread , who knows what they destroyed on the ground ? ? ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e52cfe19ea6e63c6f564e5664da3defb1b02211d989f88330c7220b179cd64a7.jpg

Lone Ranger

Im telling you these hasbarats are a sad joke…


Well , people controlling these drones can differ what is a mock up and what is not through HD cameras. Thats the reason they are stitting infront of the screen and pressing some buttons while your are dwelling in some desert.

Saif Imam

? ?? ?? ? Man, I don’t live in the desert? ?? ? Did Corona get you?


Being Beduin is not something to be ashamed Mr Imam , or are you another self whipper shouting Ali , Ali all the day ?

Saif Imam

I don’t know what is that “whipper shouting Ali” Any moronic dictionary available to look up???


If you dont understand what ‘whipping’ and ‘ Ali’ refers to , you have no place in a ME thread. Back to basics , study yr lesson and come back –

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Talking of desert people, how’s the family!

Still worshipping statues of calves!


What calves, pumpkin ? Dont they mentally test you before immigrating ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Someone should test you, to see if you have some grey matter. I’d say none, you are full of s hit.

Inbreeding, among your people, wandering the desert and foreign lands for thousands of years can do that to a race. You are living proof.


Lets leave that sad stories aside , simpleton.

What ”calves” you were talking about ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You ask me, as you don’t know!

Who’s the fucking simpleton?

Yes, it’s you.


Cut the the crap , illiterate simpleton. What are the statues of the calves ‘ we ‘ are worshipping ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Fuck off you muppet Jewhadi.

Do some research you fucking parasite.


”Statues of the calves…” Illiterate , uninformed clown.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go waste space on your own you Jewhadi p rick.

Now block off. Camel fucker.


This is an open thread , you low IQ illiterate immigrant. If you need a private space dwell in yr moms basement.

Tudor Miron

Via Turksih cartoon making forces? Those did extremely weill during this victorious retreat achieved by glorious turko warriors :)


At least halved sale of your lemon air defence stystems., and gave other nations and idea bout how to saturate junk Russian tech. Worths every second and every penny spent on it.

Tudor Miron

Halved? It could only halved the amount of brain cells in your head but than is there something to half? We know that making absurd statements in public is your hobby but this time you try to set a new record.


Calm down, halfwit. Even half of the current sales is a good number considering that we are talking about ‘air defence systems ‘ developed by some drunkards on cheap Russian Vodka.


Maybe Russia and Iran can incorperate some of that nice new FLIR camera tech direct from NATO/ISrael into their new drones – how nice of the Turks to offer such a gift, I bet Israel wont be very happy lol


Piss off with your shitty Turkish “clash report” propaganda channel. Everyone see that fake ass channel for what it is – bullcrap! Nice CGI btw.


Of course you know better, being a military expert . LOL

Not easy to swallow that your beloved Russians produce nothing but lemons that cost 50 mio , right ?


Yeah sure dude, you’re the one coping after seeing 10-20 of your shitty Turk drones downed and losing Eastern Idlib. How much military equipment and personnel did Turkey lose? Plenty, how much did Russia lose – none!

Real footage or not, one AA system lost ain’t gonna cause anyone to lose sleep. Keep trolling though, its funny watching you under constant attack.


10 or 20 ? May be you would revert with some pics and evidences proving your point. I am sure you will do better than the ones claimed the same thing so far, because all of them disapperead ..

And someone should tell you , neither Russians Nor Turks destroyed each others equipment. The destroyed euipment belongs to SAA and it is many on the contrary to what you have claimed.

Finally I am the one who decided to come a website full of Russianbots and Russophiles like you just because I dont like you or your ”mother Russia”, so keep that ‘ constant attack ” BS to yourself.


There’s plenty of footage of downed Turk dones, go look for them yourself troll. Most of them fell in Idlibistan and we all know Turkey got pissed after some of its terrorists even posed with one. If you’re dumb enough to believe Erdogan’s hyper-inflated SAA casualty figures, then their really is little hope for you.

Although there’s no way to prove or disprove it, I actually hope it was the Russians who bombed those 36 Turk soldiers, payback for the Su-24 ambush in 2015. And it’s constant support for HTS/AQ and other assorted terrorist filth a.k.a. the internationally-recognized terrorists you support.

The mere fact that you would even bother spamming posts on a site supposedly overrun with ‘Russian bots’ proves you’re either a troll with no life, or a paid troll.


Cut the crap . Just guide me to 20 Turkish drones downed. Considering that it is such a small area , filming those would not be so hard , would it ?

On the contrary I can guide you to Russian reporters who tell that everything moving was being hit by Turkish drones on m4 and m5.

Presently there are about 6 million of Syrians living as refugees abroad , and aboput 2 million in Idlib. his is almost half of Syrian population . They are all terrorists , all AQ and HTS member , is that yr claim ?

And finally dont tell me what to do or not to , you twat. If you think I am a paid troll or something you can either block me or f/off, which ever suits you..


Lol straw man after straw man your not a very good troll are you, if your denying drones were shot down prove it, ive seen plenty of footage of Turk drones with the latest NATO tech laying almost intact on the ground.


It is called ‘onus probandi’ in law , my little ignorant friend. It means the burden of proof. If this article claims 20+ drone down , it is the writers responsibility to prove his/her claim, not the other way around. So quit being a demagogue and prove what you have already claimed, revert with evidences of 20+ drones downed.


Nice of the Turks to provide all that NATO/Israeli tech to the Iranians/Syrians/Russians isnt it, should prove useful in future “interactions”.

Wayne Nicholson

You do realize that Turkish surveillance drones were allowed to overfly SAA positions as part of the 2018 Sochi agreement. That’s why the SAA ignored Turkish drones …. they are in the air above them all the time.

Then the day that 30+ Turkish troops were killed in an air strike the Turks armed their drones and hit the SAA with a sucker punch to the back of the head …. this is what you are crowing and beating your chest about.

It’s obvious that the Pantsir can shoot down drones ….. they’ve been swatting them like flies at Latakia. It’s also obvious that the Pantsir crew knew the drone was there but ignored it because the Turks had a right to surveil.

The Turks had one good day bombing the SAA with drones then the SAA cleared the skies of drones shooting down 20 of them. Don’t worry, ‘potential buyers’ aren’t as easily fooled as you are.


Yours is an assumption rather than a fact , ‘wayne’.

Let me have evidence of 20+ drones as well , because a regyme source does not seem so reliable to me , dont you think ?

Wayne Nicholson

So ‘Sencer’ you would rather believe that an air defence system that’s designed to act as point defence against mach + missiles and has a track record of intercepting such animals couldn’t ‘see’ a large prop driven drone loitering directly overhead. Was there a flying pig accompanying the drone or just a unicorn on a hoverboard?

I personally have not seen drone wreckage on the ground in Syria just as you haven’t personally seen Turkish drones bomb Syrian AFV’s.

If the Turkish drones were so successful against the SAA why do the Syrians now control both the M4 and M5 highways instead of being driven back to their 2018 start line as the Turks demanded? If they were so successful why isn’t Damascus on their knees begging the Turks to stop? Why aren’t the israelis, who have much better drones than the Turks, sending drones in to attack the Damascus airport instead of flying under the shield of the Bekka valley and taking pot shots from their instead of directly challenging the SAA air defences. Hell they won’t even risk F-35’s over Syrian air space let alone drones.


The evidence is on the ground in Saraqib, the fact the Syrians took back the ground once the Turkies were BBQ’d, check out a battle map.


Syria ( after 9 years of civil war and totally ravaged economy) does not have any money to buy military equipment.I do not think can can afford to manufacture even the missiles proper or other other higher end ammunition, let alone afford expensive system like Buk M2. They have been relying for long time now and what the Russians and Iranian can spare for them at no cost .

Saif Imam

Please post an investigating report on the incidents with Pantsir Systems.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

they wouldnt have had that many opportunities. if Turkey started losing drones at some point they stop sending em


Aren’t Buks a bit expensive to waste on drones?

Lone Ranger

They are. That’s why Syria needs to buy more Pantsirs and Khastans.

Saif Imam

Pansirs weren’t effective. May be 2/3 were lost. Poorly trained personnel might be the cause.


Is that true? I haven’t seen any video showing a Syrian Pantsir getting hit by Turkish drones, all i seen is manipulated footage showing something that was supposed to be Syrian Pantsir but it wasn’t. It’s to my understanding Syria didn’t have any Pantsir-S in Idlib province, Pantsir-S is permanently stationed at air-bases and not relocated. Syria does have some BUK systems that can be relocated.

Saif Imam

You might be correct. First things first..lets get it out of the way first I’m no Terrorist Turk Rats Supporter Just want to find the truth. Just 2 videos emerged in the net One By the Israeli one by the lying cunts. I just want to find the truth. Don’t misunderstand me.

Gary Sellars

BS. Turks were faking the footage.

Ricky Miller

Limited range of the missiles too. The version that the SAA is employing operates air defense missiles limited to a 20km range, or 12 miles. Which means low flying drones can use terrain to approach and launch their own missiles at the unit. Sometimes the Pantsir will win and other times not. Longer range missiles are more costly but can destroy armed drones at ranges more helpful to keeping the drones at bay.


Not a waste if lives are saved


Sure. Although we are talking about such a small region , no photos of downed drones exluding one or two snapshots. But videos of annihilated Pantsirs with activated radars are all around net while Syrian_MC tries to save the day.

How usefull is an Air defence system if it can be blown to smitherens by a sub sonic, propeller powered drone ? What Russian economy consists of is oil , 3rd class weapons and grains. And first two is going down very fast.

Without Nuclear weapons , Russia is nothing but a sad joke.


Such a joke that that piece of camel dung Erdogan (no insults to camel dung implied) went to Moscow, not the other way around, to kiss Putin’s pinky ring and beg for a cease fire? Yeah, keep dreaming those Ottoman dreams. You tried your best to alter the course of this war and instead conducted a brave victorious retreat.


And relevance of yr comment with what I have written above ? Does Turkish stupidity change the fact that Russia is indeed a chithole ?

Legis Legis Juscius

russia can destroy turkey in 2 weeks without nuclear weapons, why your drones stopped operating when russian interfered??3 days syrian army was advancing against your jihadi friends and turkish forces, and no more strikes, where have they gone?:)))


No it can not destroy in 2 weeks or so , it will take at least years without nuclear werapons.

BTW, If Syrian army was able to continue its operations , why it stopped and accepted the ceasefire ? Isnt Idlib Syrian soil ?

Friend of Russia

Which way are the Patriots looking now? Looking underneath?


You incorrectly imply that Russia didn’t pull the trigger on the oil price drop. Who was Russia aiming the oil weapon at this weekend?




Get your hand off it,complacency is what gets your assed kicked and even faster death, Smarten the fk up,russians have far more effective weapons for example resources?

Saif Imam

Do you have any definitive proof (Truk Propaganda not acceptable)? or Just BS?


The destroyed Pantsirs are all around the the net , go fetch. In return I asked evidence about destroyed drones which strangely triggered you. Seems that you are full of BS, my friend..

Saif Imam

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/391fcd46dcea2717d214e1f95d03d4c20120f2292f90219b2022e637c7decd97.jpg Have a look


Next 19 please..

Saif Imam

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9ef3a9ba2bf215299f72014c9d38cef1e7e1dfb007136656e3a03788ce0bdd62.jpg …


Nice hard disc.

Saif Imam

Yea,,What ever baloney!!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

noHoper19 is it!

Saif Imam

I’ve got few more.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia runs the USA you twat, wake up.

Watch CNN, they will confirm that.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

You know it’s AIPAC when they don’t call the Duck a Russian agent. lol

Ricky Miller

Umn, not true. Russia leads the world in atomic power plants and has the only fleet of nuclear icebreakers. Countries all around the world come to Russia for seats on rocket launches to get their astronauts to orbit, including the United States. Russia has reformed it’s agricultural industry and is now the world’s leading exporter of grain and Russian tower blocks are being built anew in a modernized style. Google or YouTube Russian cities like Tyumen, Vladivostok, St.Petersburg, Vologda, Cheropovets. Or check out the Real Russian video blog on YouTube. Russia’s metallurgy industry is healthy and vibrant and was utilized to build the Crimea bridge in four years. Russia has economic problems and is searching for a way to balance the legacy of the Soviet years with modern economics but Russia is far from the technological or economic basketcase that people like you suggest.


Everyone is familiar with Russian nuclear technology , the one that led to 2 fatal accidents only in 2019., Russian nuclear icebreakers that are not allowed to any other country due to safety concerns.

Russian metalurgy industry is old and inefficient , a fact that we both know.

In spite of all these those braggings , chest poundings only Californian economy is almost twice larger than Russians .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

100 thousand living on Skid Row in LA ffs.

Fukishima nuclear power plant is poisoning the Pacific, the exact same nuclear tech that the USA designed, and built in the USA also. 23 Trillion foreign debt, with the dollar being worthless, and no gold. A Russian agent running the US, with new Russian agents challenging him for the next term.

Why do you talk about economies, when the Russians are running your country, according to all the MSM and intel agencies?


Sorry. I quit reading after that ” A russian agent running US..”

rightiswrong rightiswrong

According to the BBC, ITV, C4, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, Guardian, take your pick.

If the Western MSM says it’s true! Israel is the only nation who dispute that of course.


Dont waste my time with yr stupidities. You proved that Trump is a Russian spy. Kudos. Daydreaming, hallucinating, revisionist clowns So much of you everywhere..

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are a waste of time you stupid p rick.

Learn to write English properly, you muppet inbred from the desert.


Here , another triggered low IQ clown becomes an English teacher.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That might mean something to you, a cretin, but it is gibberish to an English speaker.

You stupid, filthy cretin.


You dont mean anything to me , pumpkin. You are just another loser running amok after losing a political debate on net.

Looking at you , all I see is an undereducated, angry immigrant trying to fit in. Nothing new.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You think you can see me? Crazy Jewhadi that you are!

Take a break from duties, go home and bring some gifts to the family.

Your sisters could do with a fresh batch of contraceptives.


I have no religious beliefs , clown.

What other sister / mother jokes you have in your little undereducated mind ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

As many as your mother has had sailors.

You stupid Jewhadi p rick.


LOL. you poor sexually deprived immigrant.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You forgot us native English speakers use capitol letters, and then mention immigrants, comical.

Jewhadis complaining about immigrants, lol.

I had plenty of sex, with your sisters and Mother, dirty slags all of them. lol

Ricky Miller

Safety concerns? What a joke. Icebreakers “Fifty Years of Victory” and four others operated for decades without incident, and newer and larger ones are being built. They don’t go to other countries because they don’t need to. They clear ice along Russia’s Northern Sea Route for shipping. Russia’s metallurgy industry, especially in Cheropovets and Magnitogorsk has built new plants and are economic and effective. When the U.S. sanctioned Russia’s aluminum giant several years ago they had to back off because of the dramatic effect it had on global supply. People like you put Russia down because MSM tells you to or because of the U.S. hostility to a large country they can’t control, not because of the realities inside Russia. On the one hand Russia is such a dire threat that billions must be sunk into munitions and personnel to confront her. If a Russian satellite manuevers in orbit and releases a small companion satellite to inspect other satellites it’s a big headline, full of ominous implications. But on the other hand you try and reassure yourself and con worried citizen across the West that Russia is nothing, an economy smaller than Baja’s, or some bullshit. You want it both ways but in truth the reality is that Russia’s economy produces more than the United States (now primarily a corrupt service economy), it’s just that most of the things they produce are for domestic consumption and are not marked up in GDP value based on international currency valuation of said production. And Russia’s military technology is impressive but nearly wholly designed for defense to keep Russia independent from American overlordship, and to keep Russia’s natural resource reserves, the largest in the world, for the benefit of Russians instead of American corporations.

Ricky Miller

And btw, meanwhile Dupont and Monsanto are purposefully putting into the marketplace and environment deadly chemicals that have killed far more people than all of Russia’s nuclear accidents. Ongoing. Without effective state intervention despite the growing evidence that all of it represents clear and ongoing dangers to public and environmental health. Dupont had to pay a record EPA fine and has been sued successfully for over a half a billion dollars because they killed over three thousand Americans, that we know of, in the production and disposal of just one of the dozens of unregulated forever chemicals they produce. Monsanto’s Glyphosphate (Round Up) weed killer is literally poisoning Americans by the millions, accumulating in their livers past toxic levels. What’s worse, it’s killing off insects by the billions and recent soil science studies have revealed that it’s sustained use actually kills the soil. As in renders it all but biologically inert. It’s an allegory for the American economy, writ large; all these perfect green lawns, living off chemical plant food, all the while the soil underneath is dying and the people all around it are toxifying both themselves and the environment, all because they’re too busy to pull weeds the old way, with sweat and hard work. Like the U.S. economy, it’s all just show. Meanwhile, organic agriculture thrives in Russia and Monsanto is banned. Some people are going to have access to food in the 22nd century and some people aren’t. You guess which.


Seems that you forgot to list nuclear acidents starting from k19 of 1961 to Nyonoksa explosion of 2019 , all tried to be hidden by relevant Russian goverments.

I am not speaking about ‘ Russian Baltic Routes’ which is almost dead since the Murmansk Ship Co is sold to Norwegian interests.. Isnt this the reason why these nuclear icebreaekrs are being used for carrying old and wealthy western tourists to North Pole.

Here book yr place on that 50 Let Pobedy ( Fifty years of Victory) for Summer 2020 , at a bargain price of $30,995 per person .

Btw the cruise is being run by Americans from NY. LOL.


Man , Russia is a chithole. The only production lines available there are ones stemming from Stalin era , same mentality , same cumbersome, rough and inefficient manufactoring.

Ricky Miller

Cliches and falsehoods. The rocket engines that Russia is producing to power American rockets didn’t even exist in the USSR. Russia is manufacturing new locomotives and buses, there’s a new automotive industry and Russian cities are in the middle of slow but steady rebirth. The recent atomic accidents in Russia are military, not civilian. With the way Russia is pushing the envelop of performance in small reactors, mating such power plants to unlimited range cruise missiles and torpedos, accidents are bound to happen. The RosAtom Icebreaker fleet does accept tourist reservations, sure but they also escort and clear the way for the hydrocarbon and mining shipping, military traffic, scientific expeditions and in the last several years container shipping as well. You are what, trying to take the accomplishments and capabilities of the atomic icebreaker fleet away from them because they use an American tour company to book cabins? The Russian Ostrovets site sells the same reservations to Russians, it’s about marketing. And none of it takes away from Russia’s capabilities.


Sorry but I have not read such a propaganda comment since years.

Your beloved 50 let pobedy serves for rich tourists, I sent you the link but you are still trying to keep your head above the water. Only Ice a1 class vessels can accompany Artic icebreakers through Russia / Japan passage and Russia has none left under control after MSCO was sold to Norwegians. During 2018 , Rosatom assisted MV Venta Maersk through Arctic but thats all. In fact this route is only open during arctic summer , and way to expensive for regular shipping lines.

The tour also starts from Murmansk ( one of the worst / uglies cities available on face of this earth ) but not from beautifull Norwegian Fjords because these nuclear vesselsa are not allowed in Norway.

Ricky Miller

You persist in thinking that RosAtom’s icebreakers have only one line of business: the tourist trade. They are multifunctional and are half owned by the Russian State. Their primary purpose is clearing the way in the Arctic for Russian commercial and military traffic. All of them are under Russia’s control, based in Murmansk and two new ones were just launched in St. Petersburg. Take your fake news propaganda some where else. RosAtom is a state directed enterprise who escorts the Russian Navy on Arctic sorties, regularly.

Ricky Miller

I happen to love Murmansk, btw. It’s not luxurious like Burbank or Long Island, what with the rows of cheap wood frame homes spreading out as sprawl all across the landscape in a suburban hell. In fact, Murmansk is the way that human beings have to live in order to make room for all eight billion of us, and wildlife. And green space. It’s the American housing and urban model that is unsustainable and even culturally destructive. Tower blocks make room and American sprawl destroys everything including our shared future. I guess it’s all about priorities; either luxury for your and maybe the next generation at the cost of a decent life for anyone and anything that comes later or it’s about sustainable and communal living. I think that places like Murmansk have it right and that the American model is the housing version of junk food.

Ricky Miller

I checked your bullshit on Marine Tracker website. btw. There is ongoing limited commercial traffic in the Kara and White Sea over the past week. Three Russian Icebreakers, two of them in the Kara Sea are escorting Tankers. There is no traffic in the Eastern Northern Sea Route except an anchored Icebreaker on the mainland South of Wrangell Island. Wintertime is becoming different along Russia’s north shores and soon these icebreakers will be clearing the way around the calendar which is why Russia is building more of them.


Russia is trying that since decades, trying to take cargo from continant and bay of finland with special vessels ( ice a 1 tonnages ) and deliver the same to far east via the north route instead of using long and expensive south route , ie med/suez route aor cape of good hope route. By this way they are trying to create a monopoly on handysize trade at continant. Needless to say that they failed so far.

The reason they are building more and more icebreakers is to serve their onw baltic projects , as most of the cities there are unde rdeveloped citholes.

Ricky Miller

You make no sense. Although Russia’s atomic icebreakers are built in St. Petersburg they do not operate in the Baltic. They operate only on the Northern Sea Route, which is why they don’t go to Norway either. See, there’s this thing called the Gulf Stream, and the North Cape is free of sea ice. The USSR did not build icebreakers to engage in capital commerce, they built them to enable military and hydrocarbon traffic on the Northern Sea Route, in the USSR’s own interest. No one on the Politburo cared about Maersk Container ships slipping through the Bering to head toward Europe. You are a lying dufus. Or just ignorant, but perhaps a serious combination of both.


This discussion is getting futile and boring as your propaganda washed mind is simply refusing to accept different views other than forcibly feeded the ones by Russian propaganda machine.

Noone told you that they were operating in Baltic. Noone asked you about Gulf Stream Noone told you that they were calling Norway , on the contrary I emphasized that they were not allowed in Norway due to safety concerns.

Let me simply explain you what I mean for the final time , this time please try to understand .

Question : Why Russia needed nuclear ice breakers ? Answer : : Nuclear-powered icebreakers have been constructed by the Soviet Union and later Russia primarily to aid shipping along the Northern Sea Route ( not for military and non existent hydrocarboon traffic as you have claimed )

Question : What is Northern Sea Route ? Answer : The Northern Sea Route is a shipping route officially defined by Russian legislation as lying east of Novaya Zemlya and specifically running along the Russian Arctic coast from the Kara Sea, along Siberia, to the Bering Strait.

Question : Why nuclear icebreakers but not diesel/ifo powered ones ? Answer : Because operation costs are cheaper , and it eleminates regular need of bunkering in such a deserted/harsh zone where fuel can freze both at the supply barge and ships tanks. A nuclear icebreaker consumes the same amount of fuel when berthed / operating.

The fuels is renewed in every 15 to 20 years. It is the best option for lonely / under developed Russian Arctic. In short Russia did not built these to prove its high tech , but just because it had no other option. So lets do not try to push/show desperation as a technolocigal show off. Any nation with nuclear tech can do these , nothing fancy. Others dont prefer doing these because they dont need these. Simple as that.

Question : If these icebreakers are built to serve in Northern Sea Route and Northern Sea Route includes all the way upto Bering Strait , why they seldom appear on North of Salekhard ? Reply : ???


You have no idea mate . Russian nuclear icebreaker project was initially designed for an alternative route via northern seas to far east instead of usual Med/Suez or cape of Good hope route. But it failed miserably.

It started as a project to control continant handysize cargoes to far east , but finally turned out to be an desperate aid route to underd eveloped and improvished russian artic citires/towns.

A very sad story indeed. A sad solution to bring supply and aid to some isolated artic cities in 21st century , where no railways and roads available.

Ricky Miller

Whatever. IMO reports that Russian icebreakers in 2016 escorted 410 ships carrying more than 7 million metric tons of cargo along the Northern Sea Route. Then, on top of that was the escorts of Russian military traffic, including the rebuilding of Soviet era arctic bases. You can be sure that traffic this year will be way heavier than 2016 what with the most mild arctic winter season on record. All kinds of ships including container ships would love to cut the Suez trip time between Asia and Europe by a third. RosAtom will be plenty busy. You are a Russia hating fanatic who makes up your own lies just to try and take away the things that the Russians do well.


Let me see those IMO reports, mate.

You are speaking about things you have no idea about. Not everykind of ships can pass there , it needs speacial ships and insurance wise they will be out of IWL, ie institute warranty limits. Moreover due to the weight of these ships ( Ice A1 classed tonnages ) class the consume a lot of bunkers thus they are not competitive in regular shipping market. They must be built for this region and must be used there exclusively.

I know shipping industry and ships very well , so be carefull when pushing those uninformed assumptions to me please.

Lone Ranger

Disney called they want you back…


The one in Moscow ? I thought it was exclusively allocated for Russian bootlickers like you..

Lone Ranger

Nah Shlomo, only because you sold your soul for a few pieces of silver doesnt mean everybody else is a paid troll.. I know its a shocking concept most sociopaths cant follow through…


Classical BS. ‘If you dont love mother Russia , you must be a schlomo , so let me give you a few schekels’


Lone Ranger

+25 Matzo balls have been deposited on your account…

Ricky Miller

Btw, in the reviews of Russia from the 2018 World Cup, I can encounter no one claiming that Russia was any kind of shithole. Some Mexicans stayed for several weeks after the World Cup concluded so they could see more. You are a MSM hostage. Look Tyumen or Novosibirsk up on YouTube and enjoy what Russian cities actually look like as opposed to the stereotype you have imprinted in your mind. If you’re looking for shitholes just check out any suburban streambed in America now. See the growing mounds of litter, the trash everywhere? The largest structures in the West now are giant municipal pyramids of trash, so large that trucks look the size of insects when viewed from below. Meanwhile bed bug ridden furniture, mountains of discarded clothes and plastic junk by the dozens of truckloads flow into thrift stores across America every single day. It’s just waste, on steroids. But very few people are happier, as the ongoing overdose epidemic and obesity levels in America attest to. You need a reality check. Check out Sergey Baklykov’s Real Russia video blog on YouTube, for starters. Look at his videos of Ufa, and St. Petersburg and Murmansk. The lifestyle there is different, surely, less waste, using things longer and living within their means but it’s far from any shithole that Katie Couric told you it was, nine years ago when you were stoned one morning. Being an American that’s all your curiosity drove you to discover on the subject and your opinion has been cemented and demented in American MSM propaganda, ever since.


That must be the reason why many Americans are flocking to Russia as immigrants , no ?

Ricky Miller

No, people flock to America as immigrants because they’re sold on a lie. Beverly Hills 90210 and Keeping Up with the Kardashians have millions convinced that jobs in America give everyone the good life, like friends. Get a job in a coffee shop and you too can live in a Central Park walk up, and take ski weekends in Vermont. And so on. It’s all bullshit. People who have a regular job in America need a second one to get by and they are not taking ski trips to Aspen or Vermont. In the future millions of people will be begging to get into Russia, with a more sustainable lifestyle and with natural resource reserves far into the future Russia stands to outlast every other meteor in the sky artificial major power. Food, open spaces, timber, water, ores, energy-Russia has it all. In thirty years people will be begging for a bottle of Russian water and wish to God they’d been born there.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

146 million in Russia, how many in the US?

You thick, semi literate Jewhadi muppet.


So your argument is ;” 146 million in Russia , so there is no migration from Russia to USA”..

You have never been the sharpest knife in the drawer , have you ?

On the second thought , I started liking you. I have a strange compassion against dull simpletons like you .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

146M live in Russia, you slow muppet. The majority, by far, stay at home.

Same as any nation.

The hundreds of thousands of US citizens who have taken up Canadian citizenship, since Vietnam to Trump, hardly means that all US citizens would prefer to live there.

60 million Jews in the world, with 5 or so million living in the occupied territories.

That shows that even Jews find Israel to be a s hit hole.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Russians didn’t use nuclear weapons to destroy Hitler. Nor Napoleon.

The Yanks didn’t use them to destroy the Sioux, or Cheyenne, Apaches or Mohicans, but then those guys were using Stone Age bows and arrows.

The Jewhadis will use them, against Gaza or wherever people refuse to live in Israeli ghettos.


The Russians didn’t use nuclear weapons to destroy the Hitler. Nor Napoleon.

only General Winter. who is now dead.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Another loser Nazi p rick who thinks that winter lasted from June 1941 to May 1945.

Russia won, your lot lost, bigly.


winter stopped nazis near moscow, leningrad and volgograd. beacuse of hardest winters of the 20th century they lost 35% of manpower.

napoleon 2/3

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You do realise that the Nazis lost battles during summer, spring and autumn, as well as winter!

It was just a matter of time, before the Nazis were decimated.

Are you still butthurt by that, of course you are.


Russians used winter on their own lands to defeat both of these corporals , dear. They were in defensive position as well. We have seen them in Afghanistan in an offensive position. We both know the result.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Both wars lasted years, and the years have 4 seasons you p rick.

They kicked your fascist arses no bother.


I see. So Napeolon was a fascist and Emperor Alexander I was a socialist. Lovely knowledge of history.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You see Napoleon as a fascist?

Fuck your Nazi ideology, you p rick.


Now I am quite sure that your IQ does not exceed my shoe size.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your shoe size would be the same as the size of your as shole then.


If you are dreaming abouts mans asses , you are in a wrong thread pervert .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Just pointing out the size of an as shole you are.

You Jewhadi p rick.

Horace Lacondeta

With all those Turkish, American and Israelis F 35 flying over Syria, we can barely see the sky.


Lol well Syria is winning this war with their help – all that matters really, you can speculate all you like but your the one losing lol


Can you masturbate elsewhere please ? Too much wankers around .


Great BUK image and thank you SouthFront!


Not exactly rocket science,you know which system erdogan will insist on,you think it!


Erdo should by the Israeli Iron Dome. It would be anti-semitic not to :)


Just fyi…buy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And still has Russian DNA through its immigrant workforce. lol


The Buk systems with their extended range, high mobility and fast set up are great pieces of equipment.

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