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MARCH 2025

Syrian Democratic Forces Captures Raqqa Historic Citadel

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The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have taken control of the historic Haron al-Rashid Citadel in the middle of the Old Raqqa area in the ISIS-held city of Raqqah. The SDF troops have managed to advance more than 700 meters inside the Old City.

SDF also continued its operations in Al-Dariya district in the western part of Raqqa City, where seven ISIS fighters have been killed. However, SDF hasn’t been able to capture Al-Dariya district until now.

From its side, ISIS claimed that its sniper killed five SDF fighters in the Qasr al-Banat area, Al-Furosiah Roundabout and Al-Jazra district in Raqqa city.

Syrian Democratic Forces Captures Raqqa Historic Citadel Syrian Democratic Forces Captures Raqqa Historic Citadel Syrian Democratic Forces Captures Raqqa Historic Citadel

ISIS also claimed that a number of SDF fighters were killed and wounded after a VBIED attack on their positions in the Al-Sour al-Abbasi area in the eastern part of Raqqa city.

In the meantime, the Arab “Elite Forces” announced that the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) is currently working to resolve the dispute between them and SDF within two days.

Elite Forces also confirmed that it would withdraw from the battle of Raqqa permanently if requested by the CENTCOM, but added that they will considered it a betrayal from the SDF. The tensions between Arabs and Kurds have recently escalated because Kurdish militias seek do dominate in the SDF-held area.

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G Dean VanGaya

God given Syrian Kurds!.. The saviours of the Arab Syrians, who could not defend their state for themselves from Israeli and Turkish partition.


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They defended it for Syria or they defended it for the USA? Which do you think?


Maybe they just defended themselves against years of attacks by first FSA, Ahrar al sham, then Al Qaeda, then IS after having been abondoned by the SAA.

Everybody knows that for security, you cannot rely on the SAA, even more so when you are kurdish.


USAF providing their typical air support’ and urban renewal?

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