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MARCH 2025

Syrian Democratic Forces Close Key Crossing In Deir Ezzor To Prevent Civilians From Fleeing To Government-Held Areas

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Syrian Democratic Forces Close Key Crossing In Deir Ezzor To Prevent Civilians From Fleeing To Government-Held Areas

Source: sdf-press.com

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have closed the al-Salihiyah crossing in the governorate of Deir Ezzor in order to prevent civilians from fleeing to the government-held areas on the western bank of the Euphrates River, Sputnik reported on February 6.

According to the Russian news agency, the US-backed group took this decision in order to prevent civilians and former soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) from joining the reconciliation process. The decision also effected many people who visit to the government-held area to receive medical treatment.

Earlier this week, the Iranian news agency Fars News reported that a “senior commander” of the SDF, named Rikan, had defected to the SAA. Local sources confirmed Fars News’ report and said that the commander escaped through the al-Salihiyah crossing, which may explain the SDF’s decision.

The number of people crossing to the government-held area through the al-Salihiyah crossing increased following the U.S. decision to withdraw its troops from Syria. Many young Arab men are now preferring to join the SAA instead of the SDF because the future of the US-backed group appears to be uncertain.

The Kurdish-dominated group will likely reopen the crossing within a few days, as it can’t bear a new crisis with the Damascus government now.

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I’m perplexed. Why would civies flee the freedom fighters into the claws of Animal Assad???


you are just another lost soul fooled by MSM.

Promitheas Apollonious

obviously you missed the sarcasm in the comment you answered.


yeah, my bad! corrected with an upvote. lesson; do not quickly reach conclusions when you read in a foreign language.

Promitheas Apollonious

I often do the same mistake no worries.

Jens Holm

Its sarcasme but also low knowledge. People act like that and flee, when the war might come – again.

We again saw it for Afrin. In a period it had 180.000 inhabitants added with 120.000 refugees. It was when the Jihadists and ISIS were taking terrain. When SDFs took more terrain around Afrin but maily took the northern part of Manbij, many went home to there.

When Turks would take Afrin all which could tryed to go anywhere else. Manny went to Turkey even they were the attackers and many went to Manbij/Kobane.

That how refugee streams are. The non fighters try to find safe places like Afrin was. Iraqi Kurdistan was and probatly are the same today. About 80% of all refugees inside Iraq are in Kurdistan today – well maybee before Kirkuk. 1 mio. did not go to the Bagdads from ISIS.


good sarcasm-

Pave Way IV

They might just be fleeing the future fighting for now. The Tigers are bound to show up soon to reclaim their stolen land and oil fields. Best to wait until they clear out the savage, child-raping American private mercs.

Jens Holm

I agree. A good explanation. More reasons as well.

I am Jaziel


Tommy Jensen

Easy. The same happened when liberals tried to liberate the cotton slaves in the south. Many slaves tried to escape back to their white slave owners……………………………..LOL. It was necessary to kill many of these escaping back slaves, to show that liberals mean it when they say freedom.

northerntruthseeker .

I agree… The US media keeps telling us that Assad is a butcher who murders babies and children, and that he gasses his own people, and he pulls the tags off of mattresses, and he walks and talks funny… and .. .and…

But hey.. The US is wanting this move to prevent anyone from escaping their clutches and to be used as cannon fodder for their ISIS forces as well…..

Jens Holm

5-6 millions are out of the country.


Hey, why did you take the micro chip off your brain? The big brother USA could discover and eliminate you.

Zionism = EVIL

C’mon let’s get real, the SDF is a collection of CIA paid rapists, murderers, pimps and assorted terrorist cowards, they using the Zionist tactic of taking human hostages and creating a civilain shield, otherwise all the Syrians will vote with their feet and end up in government controlled areas. Why do think the Americunt masters deliberately bomb fleeing Syrian civilians? they did the same in Mosul.

Jens Holm

Did they hit You or has You always been like that. Next You probatly prefare ISIS in town there ?

Jens Holm

They can choose. They could not when Assads, Nusra and ISIS was there.

Funny to mention them. It seemes to be forgotten 2,5 already fleed to Turkey long time before SDFs came there.

Now they probatly fear for Assads comming and make war there again as well as the Erdonaniosts do.

I would not do that, but I dont blame them. No more war. This has nothing to do with SDFs. The main reasons are Damaskus and Ankara.


Civillians are a good human-shield for the imperialist vassals (SDF). But SDF will not be able to keep them forever. Civillians can find safety only in SAA controlled areas which, soon enough, will be whole Syria, provided RF keeps it stance.

Promitheas Apollonious

civilians must take up arms and defend their homes against the americans and their minions and not flee and become homeless dead weight to others.


This is the best option: ‘Many young Arab men are now preferring to join the SAA’.

Pave Way IV

…but it should read “Many young Syrian Arabs are now preferring to join their nation’s legal army, rather than the disintegrating U.S. SDF.”

Then again, why not stay in both? Americans are legendary for throwing money at ghost armies supposedly managed by locals.

SAA Corporal: “Hey, Captain… can I have a weekend pass? I have to return to SDFistan to pick up my SDF paycheck.”

SAA Captain: “Sure, Adnan. but you have to stop by my uncle Sydu’s house. He has a few of my SDF paychecks and I haven’t been able to get back yet. And take him these three cartons of cigarettes – he want’s to buy a SDF HiLux for his farm and this should more than cover it after he sells the ZPU. He has a perfectly good Humvee for sale, but nobody wants that gas hog.”



Jens Holm

Is that a fact. Most arabs certainly dont join SAA as well as Assads at all.

What will You use ? Candy or bajonets ….

As usual not even a single beep abiut why things are, as they are. And You of course has patent of whats right and wrong and never make not even single tiny mistakes.


agreed but civillians today in SDF-controlled zone can not organize and start a fight against the US backed traitors. civillians can only help the war by fleeing to Assad-side and join SAA.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont agree with you. In a long term straggle, as is the syrian one abandoning your land and home and dont fight for it and the syrians are armed and organized despite what you think, means you lose it. It is exactly what the americans and the russians have done each to his own territory it holds, by changing the demographics in said areas.

The russians by sending all the turkish backed terrorist in idlip, where many of them found their way to afrin and the rest settle as the controlling power in idlip where by the way already in schools are teach turkish and use turkish lira as the major coin of exchange.

I understand your way of thinking but it is wrong.

Jens Holm

Again its totally rubbish. 2,5 mio already had left before SDFs was anything for real at all.

Those 2,5 mio could have joined Assads many many times – nut dont – I wonder why.

Jens Holm

It make no sense. They already do in fx SDF and FSA.

Pave Way IV

Syria should look into an open source app called Interactive Defection Tracker. It’s what Hillary Clinton and the US Department of State used in 2015 against them. Al Jazeera was chosen as the mouthpiece to announce high-level defections from the Syrian government and military. Syria could use as an interactive tool for SDF and head-chopper ‘defections’ (including civilians) to the ‘Syrian’ side. On second thought, Syrians probably don’t need an app to manage a propaganda campaign because that would have zero effect on the population/military. People are just leaving because U.S.-installed puppet regimes (like the SDF and ISIS) just plain suck.

Tweet from Foxfire. It’s kind of hard to read (small). Original, 5 page document from WikiLeaks Clinton E-mails: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/19998


h/t Whitney Webb’s article on MintPress



thanks, great share.

Jens Holm

It since long has been decided, that those should vote themselves. Strange You have never heard abput or lie about it.

Promitheas Apollonious

democratic forces……….. Well southfront, this democratic forces as democratic as the the americans are or less? what is your opinion.


It is my opinion that any organization that has the words free, democratic, workers or social in them, to name a few, usually implement policies that run totally opposite to them. The socialist democratic people’s republics were always neither social, democratic, or representative of the people that lived in them. Similarly the Democrats are anything but democratic either, and in the Netherlands the liberal-conservative people’s party for freedom and democracy only works for the interests of the one 1% and spearheaded the legislation that abolished our rights to referendums.

So fancy words = fancy windowdressing to hide the exact opposite.

Promitheas Apollonious

we think the same


Those Kurds can’t be forgiving,they a tr e traitor at heart and they will always be traitors. The sad things those idiots will be there for years to come and they will not be a wall to hide he behind. On the USA military leaves they should just leaves aswel cause they will hunted the The Turks or the hands they had betrayed. As an observer’s,I will say this is they were folks in the USA who took arms against they nation,I will personally hunt them down after years to to comes,they don’t deserve mercy.

Jens Holm

You certainly dont stay for any kind of peace.


I surely stand for peace,as a person who live in the United states of America,I can tell you I’m not for all those illegal war the United states of America being involving in or pursuing. Those Kurds can stop the blood shed and prevent bloodshed if they would book just United with the Syrian government but they seeking otherwise,what they seeking is not possible. The way they treating the Arabs is unacceptable,they knows well what they doing and they only doing what they doing cause they being paid for it,so tell me why they shouldn’t pay for it? Trust I was bread and raise to be a war hawk that’s how we bread in the west,we embrace violence and we consume it every day,if tell you I disapprove of the path the USA being on its cause is wrong and evil.

Jens Holm

You are in Gitmo or what ???


I dont know what a Gitmo is ? I just stand for truths and honored!!!

Jens Holm

Thats the whole point.

J Roderet

“Rojava” is not a democracy. It is a prison.

Jens Holm

The bars are to keep someone like You out. You could start at least washing You every friday and go outside, when its raining.


sdf/syrian kurds have to always obey their usa masters no matter what, because without usa, they would’ve been exterminated from back in 2014 :)

Zionism = EVIL

Actually the SDF pimps humvees should have been taken out by Kornets, they are thin skinned and in open space. Sometimes, you have to wonder why the SAA is not taking out these cowards.

Jens Holm

Yerrrrh isnt it kornets, then it markadas or some S300 as wunderwaffe vergeltung.

Jens Holm

Normal reactions from both.

Funny to compare things. Adds as well as Maduro blocking for incomming help.

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