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MARCH 2025

Syrian Democratic Forces Enter Al-Nahda District In Raqqa City. ISIS Counter-Attacks (Video, Photos)

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The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that its fighters entered Al-Nahda district in the north-western part of Raqqa city on Sunday. According to a Kurdish source, SDF fighters captured several positions in Al-Nahda district and managed to kill 3 ISIS fighters and captured 3 others during their advance.

In Nazlat Shehada district in the southern part of the city, SDF fighters managed to reach the district’s school, killing 3 ISIS fighters and destroying a VBIED. The SDF also captured several buildings in Al-Rawda district in the northeastern part of Raqqa and killed 2 ISIS fighters and captured 2 others during its advance.

From its side, ISIS targeted a SDF position in Nazlat Shehada with a VBIED. ISIS claimed that 8 SDF fighters were killed in the attack.

Syrian Democratic Forces Enter Al-Nahda District In Raqqa City. ISIS Counter-Attacks (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Democratic Forces Enter Al-Nahda District In Raqqa City. ISIS Counter-Attacks (Video, Photos)

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ISIS also claimed that 6 SDF fighters were killed after its fighters targeted them with IEDs in Al-Romania district in the western part of the city.

Syrian Democratic Forces Enter Al-Nahda District In Raqqa City. ISIS Counter-Attacks (Video, Photos)

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According to opposition sources, US-led coalition warplanes carried out 76 airstrikes on Raqqa city over the past three days. The US-led coalition is pushed to provide a massive direct support to the SDF advance because the US-backed force doesn’t have sufficient numbers of tanks or armored vehicles.

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US sponsored terrorists vs US sponsored terrorists win win situation for civilized humanity


Ever considered to change your name into BS?


hi kike

Justin Ryan

Shut the fuck up Dutchnational! YOU know THE USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia sponsor ISIS! You know the SDF / YPG are USA, Israel and Saudi puppets! You know the Kurds sold their souls to the Devil! You know that Saddam Hussein Was put into power by the USA! You know the USA sold Chemical Weapons to Saddam Hussein! You know that Saddam Hussein used USA supplied Chemical weapons against the Kurds! You know the USA didnt do shit against Saddam when he did that! You know the USA didnt do anything against Saddam when he killed Kurds because they dont care about Kurds! Tell me…… if your father was killed by the people who put his killer into power, would u accept their “help”? They sold the chems to kill your father! And they didnt do shit about it until Kuwait was invaded!

YOU SUPPORT KURDS (Those idiots who suck the dick of their killers from the past)

You are too blind to see your own pathetic stupidity!



Wahid Algiers

…and their master, the fucken US, kill civilians some meters away by airstrikes.

Chomma Chopz

How do you think the #USISIS felt after their betrayal partners swapped sides to #USYPG. The confusion, the disbelief (again). Its like your daddy divorcing your mama and shacking up with your uncle and then trying to shag you. How the whole #UScaptured by dark, blue and white flag, forces.

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