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MARCH 2025

Syrian Democratic Forces From New Force To “Liberate” Idlib

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Syrian Democratic Forces From New Force To “Liberate” Idlib

The logo of Liwa Thuwar Idlib

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) formed a new Arab force under the name “Liwa Thuwar Idlib”, the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Shaam reported on June 1.

According to the report, the new force will be led by former Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander “Iskandar Alaa” and will consist of more than 500 fighters, who had  previously served in the US-backed Army of Revolutionaries and Ahrar al-Zawiya.

Syrian Democratic Forces From New Force To “Liberate” Idlib

Iskandar Alaa

Shaam claimed that the SDF will soon announce the formation of the new force in order to “liberate the governorate of Idlib”, which is currently under control of the former branch of al-Qaeda, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

This is not the first time when the SDF shows its interest in Idlib. On January 13, Saleh Muslim, a former leader of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), revealed during an interview that the SDF is planning to enter Idlib in order to fight “terrorism”.

However, the new force will not be able to approach Idlib as there is not direct connect between the governorate and the SDF-held areas in eastern Syria. Local observers believe that this force is nothing more than a propaganda stunt that’s meant to show the “diversity” within US-backed forces.

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Jim Prendergast

Sad, 500 more corpses.

Gary Sellars

Nothing is prettier sight than 500 dead jihadi-rat Murican-funded takfiris bloating under a midday summer sun…


A force of window dressing that is for display purposes only… a force that may not (e.g. will not) work as advertised

You can call me Al

Let us not “jump the gun” at the moment – sit back and watch.

I personally have a good feeling about this – why not ?.



look at these clowns history… $500M cost to US tax payer to equip and train a “fighting” force of a few score in number that the much beloved by the Ministry of Truth gushingly referred to as so called “moderate rebels”… who when they finally deploy, in their very first act of “warrior” elite amazingness… they turn over all of their US taxpayer paid for ATMs and such to Al Qaeda units who had kidnapped them.

Ferocious fighters, as I said in name only. On the other hand it is a creative way to covertly funnel high-tech anti-tank weapons to Al Qaeda, while maintaining plausible deniability (i.e. “unfortunately… they were stolen”), if that was the goal.

You can call me Al


Now if you do not mind, on this site, use the up AND down arr


So, my theory is confirmed. Turkey is not wanted anymore by USA.

That’s why Russia was pulling al qaeda inside Idlib. Russia and USA were collaborating.


This didn’t “confirm” anything. You just do what you usually do,

concoct some retarded but elaborate narrative —–> use some small irrelevant fact on the ground ——> pretend that some irrelevant fact has some bearing on the validity of your “theory”.

This is typical in pretty much in all of your posts. Unfortunately, there’s things like the use of reason, conclusive and relevant evidence, and critical thinking are missing in your haphazard train of thought.


Why are you describing ypourself ?? XD.

I have never read an idea from you. Zero. Only sucking the globalists dicks. XD.


thats also an idea


That’s because you don’t know how to read. Whenever I give an analysis, its a lot more nuanced and actually has substantive evidence and critical thought put into it.

You on the other hand concoct some theory (“The earth is flat”), find some so called “facts” (“I look around, and the ground looks like a level surface as far I can see”) and then proclaim that your narrative/theory is correct (“see I told you! The ground around me is level as far as the eye can see. Obviously the earth is flat. 100% proof, undisputed!!!”).

This is the structure that every one of your posts takes. Except of course, in step #2, you’re always lacking sufficient nuance, evidence, breadth of knowledge, critical thinking, logic, etc.

That’s why you ultimately fail in everything you do in life.


OMG. Is that your answer. I can see that the Earth is not flat. A lot of facts prove it. So it’s a very very very very BAD analogy. XD.

You can’t think. Go suck dicks. You can’t do more than that !!!


No, it is a perfect analogy that proves the point. That is why it is an analogy. I am not saying you believe the earth is flat. This is what you misunderstand. I am demonstrating that your thought process is similar to that of a flat earther.


I don’t believe you because no evidences of what you say, no proof, no reasoning, non nothing. As a good zionist you wxant people to believe you even if you say “pigs fly”. XD. Go suck dicks. I don’t trust you the zionist. Do you understand ????


There is plenty of evidence for what I say. Look at every single one of your posts where you propose a narrative as step 1, proclaim that loose “facts” that dubious or irrelevant in step 2, and then launch right into proclaiming in step 3 that step 2 demonstrates step 1 as correct.

In fact, let me give you an example.


You think the Iraq War = bad. I think the Iraq War = bad. You proclaimed that Netanyahu said that without Saddam, the Middle East would be more peaceful or some stupid shit like that. I said I agree that it is an extremely stupid shit thing to say. You say that because Netanayahu said that stupid shit that “therefore” ISIS is a direct creation of Israel and that ISIS commanders are taking direct orders from Mossad. I said that none of the aggression or historical animosity against Saddam or Iraq in any way implies that ISIS = Mossad. You start blurting out that “OF COURSE” it means that. “OF COURSE”.

Yep, this right here is the problem. In the same way some idiot sees the earth as being flat. They see flat ground around them and assume the world is flat.

If I tell them that the ground being flat around them is pretty much irrelevant and not really “evidence” and doesn’t mean that the earth is flat, they respond with “OF COURSE it means that”. OF COURSE. Just like “OF COURSE” Netanyahu’s opinion “means” in your retarded little brain that ISIS = Mossad. Congratulations on being a fucking retard.

Yeah, no, sorry buddy. That’s the exact same retarded and premature jumping to conclusions, and lack of critical thinking skills of a flat-earther. The analogy is absolutely perfect.


“You say that because Netanayahu said that stupid shit that “therefore” ISIS is a direct creation of Israel and that ISIS commanders are taking direct orders from Mossad.”.

I have never say that. Show me a comment where I said that. I said that netanyhu said that the Middle East would be more peaceful without Saddam Hussein. Period. I didn’t say THEREFORE ISIS blah blah blah. The fact that he said that is only one MORE evidences. But, we have so much of evidences that more is useless.


No, read the linked post I replied to you and said that Netanyahu’s opinion on the matter is not proof of the claim you made, and your response was “Of course it means that”. All your other “evidences” follow the same exact format. Step 2 is entirely devoid of critical thought and doesnt actually provide any evidence of your claim. For example finding a guy with a slightly similar facial structure in a picture with John Mccain and proclaiming “THEREFORE” that’s Abu Bakr and that Abu Bakr takes orders from Mossad or Langley. You could grab even just a handful of around 1000 people and easily find 2 or more with a similar facial structure. Moreover Baghdadi’s mugshot, which is available in a lot greater detail than somewhat fuzzy video footage shows clear differences between the FSA commander and Baghdadi.

None of this changes the fact of course that the Syrian opposition is full of headchoppers or that Mccain is a moron, but it is not quality evidence at all for the claim youre making.

Same thing with US documents suggesting that the US wanted to use the threat of ISIS as “leverage” to get Assad to negotiate. An incredibly stupid policy, as stupid as the premises that it is built upon (that “Assad must go”), and may explain much of the reluctance by the US to do anything about ISIS in Syria in the early stages of OIR, but again… this is completely irrelevant junk that doesn’t bolster the claim that Abu Bakr is an Israeli/American operative, and there is plenty of evidence to the contrary, such as Baghdadi’s course of life prior to the formation of the so called “caliphate”.

You can call me Al

BLOCK HIM – He is a troll.


Yeah, I noticed that ‘serious’ keeps flogging the ‘Russia collaboration’ angle; maybe he’s a Democrat.


Maybe I’m just right and you are a zionist. XD. By the way, hamster is a zionist. So, you must be as well.


Everyone that disagrees with your random retarded ramblings is a “zionist”.


Why not. If they call me a zionist without proof, I can do the same. XD.

You can call me Al

…..or a total tosser.


Serious has always Batted for Both Sides :)

Gary Sellars

Serious is a serial congenital fuckstik…. don’t waste time on his ravings, just sledge the dumb cunt and move on.


you do realize that the Turkish armed forces have at least twelve well armed forward observation posts in Idlib right now in fact, and that many of the terrorrist mercenary armed factions in that viper pit of salafist dystopic rule are instruments of Turkish neo-Ottoman ambitions in northern Syria.


Again the so-called turkish neo-ottoman ambition !! XD. Turkey entered Syria to stop Rojava.

Nothing can stop Turkey and Syrians to create an alliance if they want. If France and Germany want to create an alliance, they can do it.


Have you seen photos of Erdogan’s palace? Read much about his political career, his families business dealings and how he has ridden the neo-Ottomon fringe of Turkish nationalism to hold onto power transforming Turkey into a Muslim Brotherhood fascist state. His speeches make appeals to Ottoman greatness and the “rights” of Turkey in places like Syria.

His family had close business dealings with ISIS during which they participated in the theft of hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars of Syrian oil, transhipping it through Turkey. The Turks also stole the entire installed industrial plant of the parts of Aleppo their henchmen occupied, basically anything that could be unbolted and trucked into Turkey. Aleppo was Syria’s industrial heart.

Syrians, and with good reason too, literally hate the Turks… and will kick them out of every last inch of Syrian territorry they currently occupy.

May I recommend you do a bit of background research.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well said, but you forgot to mention the 10,000+ of his own people he locked up in less than 6 months, that should be added to his achievements too.


there is a long list of crimes I did not mention. To list all of Erdogan and his clan’s crimes would take many pages in fact.


The Syrians have been offering the green bus option to the foreign terrorrists and those who did not wish to reconcile themselves with the Syrian state in the various internal pockets that they have now liberated. This has proven an excellent strategy that has saved many Syrian lives, both civilian and soldiers.

When the SAA comes for the wahabeasts in Idlib after it cleans up the southern pockets and re-takes full control over Daraa and the southern border region, there will be no more green buses offerred for these inhuman methamphetamine addicted SOBs & sex-jihad freaks… only running for their pathetic worthless lives into the arms of their sponsor and patron… Turkey.


The US would willingly give up the UK before Incirlik. The prime objective of the US military has been to invade Russia for over 70 years, and Turkey is seen as a major front against Russia.


Turkey has stopped the creation of so-called Rojava. Turkey is now a problem for USA because the goal was to use Turkey to make the war and then get rid of Erdogan with a coup. The coup has failed and Erdogan has understood what was really going on and started to counter the creation of Rojava that Putin let being created.

Gary Sellars

“that Putin let being created”????? GTF outta here…


Very sad about 500 lives are ready for revolutionary grave yards.


At least this guy has a trimmed beard instead of a filthy bushy disgusting one. Other than that, this is nothing more than delusion.

You can call me Al

But this is god, let’s SAA concentrate on their tasks.


Holding poor unarmed Palestinians, Yemenis and Syrians hostage are legal near US, UK, France and Israeli migrants but in fact this is a heinous crime against humanity in the whole world.


Pakistani forces have shot down 10 Israeli fighter jets in 1967 war without loosing any fighter jet or pilot. Pakistani pilots fought from Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt side against Israeli migrants.

If again Pakistan fought against Israeli migratns so this time they will completely dismental Israeli terrorist headquarter from the Palestine.


al Qaeda version 8 Pro, with multitasking.

John Mason

Something doesn’t sit right here, US and SDF taking over northern Syria and Turkey watching and also claiming Syrian real estate. Down south the Iranians and Hezbollah are moving out. This has serious implications that Russia is making deals not in Syria’s best interest, and since when do you make deals with thieves and land grabbers.


I partially disagree with SF, this isn’t a PR stunt this is an SDF-wants-any-soldiers-it-can-get stunt.


I love how this FSA logo (with the M16’s equipped with grenade launchers) just screams their status as Washington’s Arabs.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is verging on crazy talk now, or is it. This article WRONGLY states that HTS are mostly in control of Idlib now, which isn’t right, it’s the SLF and the FSA that mostly control Idlib and it’s Erdogan that controls them. HTS were also in cahoots with Erdogan for a while, [he brokered a truce between them and the FSA], but hot heads in the FSA killed a few HTS fighters and that went to pot. If the US cavalry [Erdogan] hadn’t circled it’s wagons [Erdogan’s OB posts] around the civilian settlers [Erdogan’s rebels], the Indians [the SAA and Russia] would have already scalped all the settlers in Idlib and Aleppo already. This only makes sense if the US and Erdogan are bluffing us all about their growing rift after the coup and their current state of affairs, which to outwards appearances seems terrible. For the US to even announce this, there must be some form of agreement between them and the Turks or they wouldn’t make it. How stupid would they be forming an army to fight HTS in Erdogan and Turkey’s new province of Idlib when he doesn’t even get along with them, OR DOES HE. I think we should pay close attention to this new “Liwa Thuwar Idlib” and where it ends up going. If it does end up in Idlib Putin will start pooing his pants and realize just how close that dagger really is that Erdogan’s holding near his heart.

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