Kurdish YPG fighters pictured near the Northern Syrian town of Kobane (Getty) Ahmet Silk/Getty
According to pro-Kurdish sources, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have liberated 30% of Raqqa city from ISIS terrorists.
Intense clashes continue between SDF fighters and ISIS members at the Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik Street and in the Old Raqqa area in the city center. During its advance, the SDF has discovered an ISIS ammunition depot, and in the western front of the city, SDF managed to down an armed drone.
Violent clashes continued in the eastern front of Raqqa, in the old city and Hisham Abdul Malik district last night
FuratFM#Raqqa #SDF pic.twitter.com/xkC3ErwGOo— CLAUDIA (@ClaudiaAlMina) 13 July 2017
استولى مقاتلو #قوات_سوريا_الديمقراطية على مصنع للمفخخات تضم العشرات من الألغام والعبوات خلال تمشيط احياء #الرقة pic.twitter.com/yDLQjF7GtV
— قوات سوريا من الجبهة (@QSD_Jabha) 13 July 2017
According to Turkish sources, the spokesman for the SDF, Talal Sallou, was injured during his visit to Raqqa and was taken to hospital. Sallou was allegedy injured by a mortar fired by ISIS fighters.
On Thursday, the United States announced that US Special Operations Forces are engaged in battles inside Raqqa, where they are directing and coordinating airstrikes and advising the SDF troops.
Moreover, SDF announced that it has so far managed to evacuate more than 1100 civilians from Al-Dariya district in the western part of Raqqa City.
#قسد تحرر أكثر من ألف مدني في أحياء #الرقة الغربية في حيي طيار والدرعية غربي المدينة أغلبهم من النساء والأطفال والشيوخ
#داعش pic.twitter.com/GCPl0imDbL— قوات سوريا من الجبهة (@QSD_Jabha) 12 July 2017
According to opposition sources, two civilians were killed in the last 24 hours as a result of the bombing by the US-led coalition and the SDF.
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By now most of the ISIS hierarchy have gone, mainly just the indoctrinated diehards are remaining, and most will fight to the last man, at least they’ll take a few SDF with them :)